mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00
MichalZr6 ecdd394bb1 Use BattleHex as const ref wherever possible
Minor Fixes
Drop unused function from BattleHexArray
2025-01-21 13:23:17 +01:00

142 lines
5.5 KiB

* BattleFieldController.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../../lib/battle/BattleHexArray.h"
#include "../../lib/Point.h"
#include "../gui/CIntObject.h"
class CStack;
class Rect;
class BattleHero;
class CAnimation;
class Canvas;
class IImage;
class BattleInterface;
/// Handles battlefield grid as well as rendering of background layer of battle interface
class BattleFieldController : public CIntObject
BattleInterface & owner;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> background;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> cellBorder;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> cellUnitMovementHighlight;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> cellUnitMaxMovementHighlight;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> cellShade;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> rangedFullDamageLimitImages;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> shootingRangeLimitImages;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> attackCursors;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> spellCursors;
/// Canvas that contains background, hex grid (if enabled), absolute obstacles and movement range of active stack
std::unique_ptr<Canvas> backgroundWithHexes;
/// direction which will be used to perform attack with current cursor position
Point currentAttackOriginPoint;
/// hex currently under mouse hover
BattleHex hoveredHex;
/// hexes to which currently active stack can move
BattleHexArray occupiableHexes;
/// hexes that when in front of a unit cause it's amount box to move back
std::array<bool, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> stackCountOutsideHexes;
void showHighlightedHex(Canvas & to, std::shared_ptr<IImage> highlight, const BattleHex & hex, bool darkBorder);
BattleHexArray getHighlightedHexesForActiveStack();
BattleHexArray getMovementRangeForHoveredStack();
BattleHexArray getHighlightedHexesForSpellRange();
BattleHexArray getHighlightedHexesForMovementTarget();
// Range limit highlight helpers
/// get all hexes within a certain distance of given hex
BattleHexArray getRangeHexes(const BattleHex & sourceHex, uint8_t distance);
/// get only hexes at the limit of a range
BattleHexArray getRangeLimitHexes(const BattleHex & hoveredHex, const BattleHexArray & hexRange, uint8_t distanceToLimit);
/// calculate if a hex is in range limit and return its index in range
bool IsHexInRangeLimit(const BattleHex & hex, const BattleHexArray & rangeLimitHexes, int * hexIndexInRangeLimit);
/// get an array that has for each hex in range, an array with all directions where an outside neighbour hex exists
std::vector<std::vector<BattleHex::EDir>> getOutsideNeighbourDirectionsForLimitHexes(const BattleHexArray & rangeHexes, const BattleHexArray & rangeLimitHexes);
/// calculates what image to use as range limit, depending on the direction of neighbours
/// a mask is used internally to mark the directions of all neighbours
/// based on this mask the corresponding image is selected
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IImage>> calculateRangeLimitHighlightImages(std::vector<std::vector<BattleHex::EDir>> hexesNeighbourDirections, std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> limitImages);
/// calculates all hexes for a range limit and what images to be shown as highlight for each of the hexes
void calculateRangeLimitAndHighlightImages(uint8_t distance, std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> rangeLimitImages, BattleHexArray & rangeLimitHexes, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IImage>> & rangeLimitHexesHighlights);
void showBackground(Canvas & canvas);
void showBackgroundImage(Canvas & canvas);
void showBackgroundImageWithHexes(Canvas & canvas);
void showHighlightedHexes(Canvas & canvas);
void updateAccessibleHexes();
BattleHex getHexAtPosition(Point hoverPosition);
/// Checks whether selected pixel is transparent, uses local coordinates of a hex
bool isPixelInHex(Point const & position);
size_t selectBattleCursor(const BattleHex & myNumber);
void gesture(bool on, const Point & initialPosition, const Point & finalPosition) override;
void gesturePanning(const Point & initialPosition, const Point & currentPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) override;
void mouseMoved(const Point & cursorPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void activate() override;
void showAll(Canvas & to) override;
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void tick(uint32_t msPassed) override;
bool receiveEvent(const Point & position, int eventType) const override;
BattleFieldController(BattleInterface & owner);
void createHeroes();
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes();
void renderBattlefield(Canvas & canvas);
/// Returns position of hex relative to owner (BattleInterface)
Rect hexPositionLocal(const BattleHex & hex) const;
/// Returns position of hex relative to game window
Rect hexPositionAbsolute(const BattleHex & hex) const;
/// Returns ID of currently hovered hex or BattleHex::INVALID if none
BattleHex getHoveredHex();
/// Returns the currently hovered stack
const CStack* getHoveredStack();
/// returns true if selected tile can be attacked in melee by current stack
bool isTileAttackable(const BattleHex & number) const;
/// returns true if stack should render its stack count image in default position - outside own hex
bool stackCountOutsideHex(const BattleHex & number) const;
BattleHex::EDir selectAttackDirection(const BattleHex & myNumber);
BattleHex fromWhichHexAttack(const BattleHex & myNumber);