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Michał W. Urbańczyk c7bb04235c * merged changes in pregame
* portrait initialziaton
* minor
2008-08-05 22:11:32 +00:00

288 lines
7.6 KiB

#ifndef CPREGAME_H
#define CPREGAME_H
#include "global.h"
#include <set>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "StartInfo.h"
#include "hch/CPreGameTextHandler.h"
#include "CMessage.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "hch/CMusicHandler.h"
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
class CPreGame;
class CDefHandler;
extern CPreGame * CPG;
typedef void(CPreGame::*ttt)();
class CGroup;
class CPoinGroup ;
class IntSelBut;
struct HighButton
int ID;
int type;
SDL_Rect pos;
CDefHandler* imgs;
int state;
HighButton( SDL_Rect Pos, CDefHandler* Imgs, bool Sel=false, int id=-1);
bool selectable, selected;
bool highlightable, highlighted;
virtual void show();
virtual void press(bool down=true);
virtual void hover(bool on=true)=0;
virtual void select(bool on=true)=0;
struct Button: public HighButton
CGroup *ourGroup;
Button( SDL_Rect Pos, boost::function<void()> Fun,CDefHandler* Imgs, bool Sel=false, CGroup* gr=NULL, int id=-1);
boost::function<void()> fun;
virtual void hover(bool on=true);
virtual void select(bool on=true);
struct SetrButton: public Button
int key, * poin;
virtual void press(bool down=true);
class Slider
bool vertical; // false means horizontal
SDL_Rect pos; // position
Button up, down, //or left/right
int positionsAmnt, capacity;// capacity - amount of positions dispplayed at once
int whereAreWe; // first displayed thing
bool moving;
boost::function<void(int)> fun;
void clickDown(int x, int y, bool bzgl=true);
void clickUp(int x, int y, bool bzgl=true);
void mMove(int x, int y, bool bzgl=true);
void moveUp();
void moveDown();
void deactivate();
void activate();
Slider(int x, int y, int h, int amnt, int cap, bool ver);
void updateSlid();
void handleIt(SDL_Event sev);
struct IntBut: public Button
int key;
int * what;
void set();
class CGroup
Button * selected;
int type; // 1=sinsel
class CPoinGroup :public CGroup
int * gdzie; //where (po polsku, bo by by�o s�owo kluczowe :/)
void setYour(IntSelBut * your);
struct IntSelBut: public Button
CPoinGroup * ourPoinGroup;
int key;
IntSelBut( SDL_Rect Pos, boost::function<void()> Fun,CDefHandler* Imgs, bool Sel=false, CPoinGroup* gr=NULL, int My=-1);
void select(bool on=true);
class PreGameTab
bool showed;
virtual void init()=0;
virtual void show()=0;
virtual void hide()=0;
class RanSel : public PreGameTab
Button horcpl[9], horcte[9], conpl[9], conte[8], water[4], monster[4], //last is random
size[4], twoLevel, showRand;
CGroup *Ghorcpl, *Ghorcte, *Gconpl, *Gconte, *Gwater, *Gmonster, *Gsize;
class Options : public PreGameTab
bool inited;
struct OptionSwitch:public HighButton
void hover(bool on=true){};
void select(bool on=true){};
OptionSwitch( SDL_Rect Pos, CDefHandler* Imgs, bool Left, int Which)
void press(bool down=true);
bool left;
int playerID;
int serialID;
int which; //-1=castle;0=hero;1=bonus
struct PlayerFlag:public HighButton
int color;
PlayerFlag(SDL_Rect Pos, CDefHandler* Imgs, int Color)
void hover(bool on=true);
void press(bool down=true);
void select(bool on=true){};
struct PlayerOptions
PlayerOptions(int serial, int player);
Ecolor color;
PlayerFlag flag;
//SDL_Surface * bg;
OptionSwitch Cleft, Cright, Hleft, Hright, Bleft, Bright;
int nr;
std::set<int> usedHeroes;
Slider * turnLength;
SDL_Surface * bg,
* rHero, * rCastle, * nHero, * nCastle;
std::vector<SDL_Surface*> bgs;
std::vector<CDefHandler*> flags;
CDefHandler //* castles, * heroes, * bonus,
* left, * right,
* bonuses;
std::vector<PlayerOptions*> poptions;
void show();
void hide();
void init();
void showIcon (int what, int nr, bool abs); //what: -1=castle, 0=hero, 1=bonus, 2=all; abs=true -> nr is absolute
bool canUseThisHero(int ID);
int nextAllowedHero(int min, int max, int incl, int dir); //incl 0 - wlacznie; incl 1 - wylacznie; min-max - zakres szukania
class MapSel : public PreGameTab
ESortBy sortBy;
SDL_Surface * bg;
int selected; //selected map
CDefHandler * Dtypes, * Dvic;
CDefHandler *Dsizes, * Dloss,
* sFlags;
std::vector<Mapa*> scenList;
std::vector<SDL_Surface*> scenImgs;
//int current;
std::vector<CMapInfo> ourMaps;
IntBut small, medium, large, xlarge, all;
SetrButton nrplayer, mapsize, type, name, viccon, loscon;
Slider *slid, *descslid;
int sizeFilter;
int whichWL(int nr);
int countWL();
void show();
void hide();
void init();
std::string gdiff(std::string ss);
void printMaps(int from,int to=18, int at=0, bool abs=false);
void select(int which, bool updateMapsList=true, bool forceSettingsUpdate=false);
void moveByOne(bool up);
void printSelectedInfo();
void printFlags();
void processMaps(std::vector<std::string> &pliczkiTemp, int &index);
class ScenSel
bool listShowed;
//RanSel ransel;
MapSel mapsel;
SDL_Surface * background, *scenInf, *scenList, *randMap, *options ;
Button bScens, bOptions, bRandom, bBegin, bBack;
IntSelBut bEasy, bNormal, bHard, bExpert, bImpossible;
Button * pressed;
CPoinGroup * difficulty;
std::vector<Mapa> maps;
int selectedDiff;
void initRanSel();
void showRanSel();
void hideRanSel();
void genScenList();
~ScenSel(){delete difficulty;};
} ;
class CPreGame
std::string playerName;
int playerColor;
HighButton * highlighted;
PreGameTab* currentTab;
StartInfo ret;
bool run;
bool first; //hasn't we showed the scensel
std::vector<Slider *> interested;
CMusicHandler * mush;
std::vector<HighButton *> btns;
CPreGameTextHandler * preth ;
SDL_Rect * currentMessage;
SDL_Surface * behindCurMes;
CDefHandler *ok, *cancel;
enum EState { //where are we?
mainMenu, newGame, loadGame, ScenarioList
} state;
struct menuItems {
SDL_Surface * background, *bgAd;
CDefHandler *newGame, *loadGame, *highScores,*credits, *quit;
SDL_Rect lNewGame, lLoadGame, lHighScores, lCredits, lQuit;
ttt fNewGame, fLoadGame, fHighScores, fCredits, fQuit;
int highlighted;//0=none; 1=new game; 2=load game; 3=high score; 4=credits; 5=quit
} * ourMainMenu, * ourNewMenu;
ScenSel * ourScenSel;
Options * ourOptions;
std::string map; //selected map
CPreGame(); //c-tor
std::string buttonText(int which);
menuItems * currentItems();
void scenHandleEv(SDL_Event& sEvent);
void begin(){run=false;ret.difficulty=ourScenSel->selectedDiff;};
void quitAskBox();
void quit(){exit(0);};
void initScenSel();
void showScenSel();
void showScenList();
void initOptions();
void showOptions();
void initNewMenu();
void showNewMenu();
void showMainMenu();
StartInfo runLoop(); // runs mainloop of PreGame
void initMainMenu(); //loads components for main menu
void highlightButton(int which, int on); //highlights one from 5 main menu buttons
void showCenBox (std::string data); //
void showAskBox (std::string data, void(*f1)(),void(*f2)());
void hideBox ();
void printRating();
void printMapsFrom(int from);
void setTurnLength(int on);
void sortMaps();
#endif //CPREGAME_H