mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-27 21:49:10 +02:00
Arseniy Shestakov 9fd1cff090 Refactoring: always use std prefix for shared_ptr, unique_ptr and make_shared
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier.
I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now.

This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
2015-12-29 05:43:33 +03:00

283 lines
9.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "IGameCallback.h"
#include "HeroBonus.h"
#include "int3.h"
#include <boost/heap/priority_queue.hpp>
* CPathfinder.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGObjectInstance;
struct TerrainTile;
class CPathfinderHelper;
class CMap;
class CGWhirlpool;
struct DLL_LINKAGE CGPathNode
typedef EPathfindingLayer ELayer;
enum ENodeAction : ui8
enum EAccessibility : ui8
NOT_SET = 0,
ACCESSIBLE = 1, //tile can be entered and passed
VISITABLE, //tile can be entered as the last tile in path
BLOCKVIS, //visitable from neighbouring tile but not passable
FLYABLE, //can only be accessed in air layer
BLOCKED //tile can't be entered nor visited
CGPathNode * theNodeBefore;
int3 coord; //coordinates
ui32 moveRemains; //remaining tiles after hero reaches the tile
ui8 turns; //how many turns we have to wait before reachng the tile - 0 means current turn
ELayer layer;
EAccessibility accessible;
ENodeAction action;
bool locked;
void reset();
void update(const int3 & Coord, const ELayer Layer, const EAccessibility Accessible);
bool reachable() const;
std::vector<CGPathNode> nodes; //just get node by node
int3 startPos() const; // start point
int3 endPos() const; //destination point
void convert(ui8 mode); //mode=0 -> from 'manifest' to 'object'
struct DLL_LINKAGE CPathsInfo
typedef EPathfindingLayer ELayer;
mutable boost::mutex pathMx;
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
int3 hpos;
int3 sizes;
boost::multi_array<CGPathNode, 4> nodes; //[w][h][level][layer]
CPathsInfo(const int3 & Sizes);
const CGPathNode * getPathInfo(const int3 & tile) const;
bool getPath(CGPath & out, const int3 & dst) const;
int getDistance(const int3 & tile) const;
const CGPathNode * getNode(const int3 & coord) const;
CGPathNode * getNode(const int3 & coord, const ELayer layer);
class CPathfinder : private CGameInfoCallback
friend class CPathfinderHelper;
CPathfinder(CPathsInfo & _out, CGameState * _gs, const CGHeroInstance * _hero);
void calculatePaths(); //calculates possible paths for hero, uses current hero position and movement left; returns pointer to newly allocated CPath or nullptr if path does not exists
typedef EPathfindingLayer ELayer;
struct PathfinderOptions
bool useFlying;
bool useWaterWalking;
bool useEmbarkAndDisembark;
bool useTeleportTwoWay; // Two-way monoliths and Subterranean Gate
bool useTeleportOneWay; // One-way monoliths with one known exit only
bool useTeleportOneWayRandom; // One-way monoliths with more than one known exit
bool useTeleportWhirlpool; // Force enabled if hero protected or unaffected (have one stack of one creature)
/// TODO: Find out with client and server code, merge with normal teleporters.
/// Likely proper implementation would require some refactoring of CGTeleport.
/// So for now this is unfinished and disabled by default.
bool useCastleGate;
/// If true transition into air layer only possible from initial node.
/// This is drastically decrease path calculation complexity (and time).
/// Downside is less MP effective paths calculation.
/// TODO: If this option end up useful for slow devices it's can be improved:
/// - Allow transition into air layer not only from initial position, but also from teleporters.
/// Movement into air can be also allowed when hero disembarked.
/// - Other idea is to allow transition into air within certain radius of N tiles around hero.
/// Patrol support need similar functionality so it's won't be ton of useless code.
/// Such limitation could be useful as it's can be scaled depend on device performance.
bool lightweightFlyingMode;
/// This option enable one turn limitation for flying and water walking.
/// So if we're out of MP while cp is blocked or water tile we won't add dest tile to queue.
/// Following imitation is default H3 mechanics, but someone may want to disable it in mods.
/// After all this limit should benefit performance on maps with tons of water or blocked tiles.
/// TODO:
/// - Behavior when option is disabled not implemented and will lead to crashes.
bool oneTurnSpecialLayersLimit;
/// VCMI have different movement rules to solve flaws original engine has.
/// If this option enabled you'll able to do following things in fly:
/// - Move from blocked tiles to visitable one
/// - Move from guarded tiles to blockvis tiles without being attacked
/// - Move from guarded tiles to guarded visitable tiles with being attacked after
/// TODO:
/// - Option should also allow same tile land <-> air layer transitions.
/// Current implementation only allow go into (from) air layer only to neighbour tiles.
/// I find it's reasonable limitation, but it's will make some movements more expensive than in H3.
bool originalMovementRules;
} options;
CPathsInfo & out;
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ui8> > > &FoW;
std::unique_ptr<CPathfinderHelper> hlp;
enum EPatrolState {
} patrolState;
std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> patrolTiles;
struct NodeComparer
bool operator()(const CGPathNode * lhs, const CGPathNode * rhs) const
if(rhs->turns > lhs->turns)
return false;
else if(rhs->turns == lhs->turns && rhs->moveRemains < lhs->moveRemains)
return false;
return true;
boost::heap::priority_queue<CGPathNode *, boost::heap::compare<NodeComparer> > pq;
std::vector<int3> neighbourTiles;
std::vector<int3> neighbours;
CGPathNode * cp; //current (source) path node -> we took it from the queue
CGPathNode * dp; //destination node -> it's a neighbour of cp that we consider
const TerrainTile * ct, * dt; //tile info for both nodes
const CGObjectInstance * ctObj, * dtObj;
CGPathNode::ENodeAction destAction;
void addNeighbours();
void addTeleportExits();
bool isHeroPatrolLocked() const;
bool isPatrolMovementAllowed(const int3 & dst) const;
bool isLayerTransitionPossible(const ELayer dstLayer) const;
bool isLayerTransitionPossible() const;
bool isMovementToDestPossible() const;
bool isMovementAfterDestPossible() const;
CGPathNode::ENodeAction getDestAction() const;
CGPathNode::ENodeAction getTeleportDestAction() const;
bool isSourceInitialPosition() const;
bool isSourceVisitableObj() const;
bool isSourceGuarded() const;
bool isDestVisitableObj() const;
bool isDestinationGuarded(const bool ignoreAccessibility = true) const;
bool isDestinationGuardian() const;
void initializePatrol();
void initializeGraph();
CGPathNode::EAccessibility evaluateAccessibility(const int3 & pos, const TerrainTile * tinfo, const ELayer layer) const;
bool isVisitableObj(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const ELayer layer) const;
bool canSeeObj(const CGObjectInstance * obj) const;
bool canMoveBetween(const int3 & a, const int3 & b) const; //checks only for visitable objects that may make moving between tiles impossible, not other conditions (like tiles itself accessibility)
bool isAllowedTeleportEntrance(const CGTeleport * obj) const;
bool addTeleportTwoWay(const CGTeleport * obj) const;
bool addTeleportOneWay(const CGTeleport * obj) const;
bool addTeleportOneWayRandom(const CGTeleport * obj) const;
bool addTeleportWhirlpool(const CGWhirlpool * obj) const;
struct DLL_LINKAGE TurnInfo
/// This is certainly not the best design ever and certainly can be improved
/// Unfortunately for pathfinder that do hundreds of thousands calls onus system add too big overhead
struct BonusCache {
std::vector<bool> noTerrainPenalty;
bool freeShipBoarding;
bool flyingMovement;
int flyingMovementVal;
bool waterWalking;
int waterWalkingVal;
BonusCache(TBonusListPtr bonusList);
std::unique_ptr<BonusCache> bonusCache;
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
TBonusListPtr bonuses;
mutable int maxMovePointsLand;
mutable int maxMovePointsWater;
int nativeTerrain;
TurnInfo(const CGHeroInstance * Hero, const int Turn = 0);
bool isLayerAvailable(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const;
bool hasBonusOfType(const Bonus::BonusType type, const int subtype = -1) const;
int valOfBonuses(const Bonus::BonusType type, const int subtype = -1) const;
int getMaxMovePoints(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const;
class DLL_LINKAGE CPathfinderHelper
CPathfinderHelper(const CGHeroInstance * Hero, const CPathfinder::PathfinderOptions & Options);
void updateTurnInfo(const int turn = 0);
bool isLayerAvailable(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const;
const TurnInfo * getTurnInfo() const;
bool hasBonusOfType(const Bonus::BonusType type, const int subtype = -1) const;
int getMaxMovePoints(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const;
static void getNeighbours(const CMap * map, const TerrainTile & srct, const int3 & tile, std::vector<int3> & vec, const boost::logic::tribool & onLand, const bool limitCoastSailing);
static int getMovementCost(const CGHeroInstance * h, const int3 & src, const int3 & dst, const TerrainTile * ct, const TerrainTile * dt, const int remainingMovePoints =- 1, const TurnInfo * ti = nullptr, const bool checkLast = true);
static int getMovementCost(const CGHeroInstance * h, const int3 & dst);
int turn;
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
std::vector<TurnInfo *> turnsInfo;
const CPathfinder::PathfinderOptions & options;