mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-27 21:49:10 +02:00
Arseniy Shestakov 9fd1cff090 Refactoring: always use std prefix for shared_ptr, unique_ptr and make_shared
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier.
I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now.

This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
2015-12-29 05:43:33 +03:00

790 lines
19 KiB

* JsonNode.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "JsonNode.h"
#include "ScopeGuard.h"
#include "HeroBonus.h"
#include "filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "VCMI_Lib.h" //for identifier resolution
#include "CModHandler.h"
#include "CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "JsonDetail.h"
using namespace JsonDetail;
class LibClasses;
class CModHandler;
static const JsonNode nullNode;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JsonNode &node)
JsonWriter writer(out, node);
return out << "\n";
JsonNode::JsonNode(JsonType Type):
JsonNode::JsonNode(const char *data, size_t datasize):
JsonParser parser(data, datasize);
*this = parser.parse("<unknown>");
JsonNode::JsonNode(ResourceID && fileURI):
auto file = CResourceHandler::get()->load(fileURI)->readAll();
JsonParser parser(reinterpret_cast<char*>(file.first.get()), file.second);
*this = parser.parse(fileURI.getName());
JsonNode::JsonNode(ResourceID && fileURI, bool &isValidSyntax):
auto file = CResourceHandler::get()->load(fileURI)->readAll();
JsonParser parser(reinterpret_cast<char*>(file.first.get()), file.second);
*this = parser.parse(fileURI.getName());
isValidSyntax = parser.isValid();
JsonNode::JsonNode(const JsonNode &copy):
break; case DATA_NULL:
break; case DATA_BOOL: Bool() = copy.Bool();
break; case DATA_FLOAT: Float() = copy.Float();
break; case DATA_STRING: String() = copy.String();
break; case DATA_VECTOR: Vector() = copy.Vector();
break; case DATA_STRUCT: Struct() = copy.Struct();
void JsonNode::swap(JsonNode &b)
using std::swap;
swap(meta, b.meta);
swap(data, b.data);
swap(type, b.type);
JsonNode & JsonNode::operator =(JsonNode node)
return *this;
bool JsonNode::operator == (const JsonNode &other) const
if (getType() == other.getType())
case DATA_NULL: return true;
case DATA_BOOL: return Bool() == other.Bool();
case DATA_FLOAT: return Float() == other.Float();
case DATA_STRING: return String() == other.String();
case DATA_VECTOR: return Vector() == other.Vector();
case DATA_STRUCT: return Struct() == other.Struct();
return false;
bool JsonNode::operator != (const JsonNode &other) const
return !(*this == other);
JsonNode::JsonType JsonNode::getType() const
return type;
void JsonNode::setMeta(std::string metadata, bool recursive)
meta = metadata;
if (recursive)
switch (type)
break; case DATA_VECTOR:
for(auto & node : Vector())
break; case DATA_STRUCT:
for(auto & node : Struct())
void JsonNode::setType(JsonType Type)
if (type == Type)
//Reset node to nullptr
if (Type != DATA_NULL)
switch (type)
break; case DATA_STRING: delete data.String;
break; case DATA_VECTOR: delete data.Vector;
break; case DATA_STRUCT: delete data.Struct;
break; default:
//Set new node type
type = Type;
break; case DATA_NULL:
break; case DATA_BOOL: data.Bool = false;
break; case DATA_FLOAT: data.Float = 0;
break; case DATA_STRING: data.String = new std::string();
break; case DATA_VECTOR: data.Vector = new JsonVector();
break; case DATA_STRUCT: data.Struct = new JsonMap();
bool JsonNode::isNull() const
return type == DATA_NULL;
void JsonNode::clear()
bool & JsonNode::Bool()
return data.Bool;
double & JsonNode::Float()
return data.Float;
std::string & JsonNode::String()
return *data.String;
JsonVector & JsonNode::Vector()
return *data.Vector;
JsonMap & JsonNode::Struct()
return *data.Struct;
const bool boolDefault = false;
const bool & JsonNode::Bool() const
if (type == DATA_NULL)
return boolDefault;
assert(type == DATA_BOOL);
return data.Bool;
const double floatDefault = 0;
const double & JsonNode::Float() const
if (type == DATA_NULL)
return floatDefault;
assert(type == DATA_FLOAT);
return data.Float;
const std::string stringDefault = std::string();
const std::string & JsonNode::String() const
if (type == DATA_NULL)
return stringDefault;
assert(type == DATA_STRING);
return *data.String;
const JsonVector vectorDefault = JsonVector();
const JsonVector & JsonNode::Vector() const
if (type == DATA_NULL)
return vectorDefault;
assert(type == DATA_VECTOR);
return *data.Vector;
const JsonMap mapDefault = JsonMap();
const JsonMap & JsonNode::Struct() const
if (type == DATA_NULL)
return mapDefault;
assert(type == DATA_STRUCT);
return *data.Struct;
JsonNode & JsonNode::operator[](std::string child)
return Struct()[child];
const JsonNode & JsonNode::operator[](std::string child) const
auto it = Struct().find(child);
if (it != Struct().end())
return it->second;
return nullNode;
// to avoid duplicating const and non-const code
template<typename Node>
Node & resolvePointer(Node & in, const std::string & pointer)
if (pointer.empty())
return in;
assert(pointer[0] == '/');
size_t splitPos = pointer.find('/', 1);
std::string entry = pointer.substr(1, splitPos -1);
std::string remainer = splitPos == std::string::npos ? "" : pointer.substr(splitPos);
if (in.getType() == JsonNode::DATA_VECTOR)
if (entry.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos) // non-numbers in string
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Json pointer");
if (entry.size() > 1 && entry[0] == '0') // leading zeros are not allowed
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Json pointer");
size_t index = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(entry);
if (in.Vector().size() > index)
return in.Vector()[index].resolvePointer(remainer);
return in[entry].resolvePointer(remainer);
const JsonNode & JsonNode::resolvePointer(const std::string &jsonPointer) const
return ::resolvePointer(*this, jsonPointer);
JsonNode & JsonNode::resolvePointer(const std::string &jsonPointer)
return ::resolvePointer(*this, jsonPointer);
void JsonUtils::parseTypedBonusShort(const JsonVector& source, Bonus *dest)
dest->val = source[1].Float();
dest->additionalInfo = source[3].Float();
dest->duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; //TODO: handle flags (as integer)
dest->turnsRemain = 0;
Bonus * JsonUtils::parseBonus (const JsonVector &ability_vec) //TODO: merge with AddAbility, create universal parser for all bonus properties
auto b = new Bonus();
std::string type = ability_vec[0].String();
auto it = bonusNameMap.find(type);
if (it == bonusNameMap.end())
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: invalid ability type " << type;
return b;
b->type = it->second;
parseTypedBonusShort(ability_vec, b);
return b;
template <typename T>
const T & parseByMap(const std::map<std::string, T> & map, const JsonNode * val, std::string err)
static T defaultValue = T();
if (!val->isNull())
std::string type = val->String();
auto it = map.find(type);
if (it == map.end())
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: invalid " << err << type;
return defaultValue;
return it->second;
return defaultValue;
void JsonUtils::resolveIdentifier (si32 &var, const JsonNode &node, std::string name)
const JsonNode &value = node[name];
if (!value.isNull())
switch (value.getType())
case JsonNode::DATA_FLOAT:
var = value.Float();
case JsonNode::DATA_STRING:
VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(value, [&](si32 identifier)
var = identifier;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error! Wrong identifier used for value of " << name;
void JsonUtils::resolveIdentifier (const JsonNode &node, si32 &var)
switch (node.getType())
case JsonNode::DATA_FLOAT:
var = node.Float();
case JsonNode::DATA_STRING:
VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier (node, [&](si32 identifier)
var = identifier;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error! Wrong identifier used for identifier!";
Bonus * JsonUtils::parseBonus (const JsonNode &ability)
auto b = new Bonus();
const JsonNode *value;
std::string type = ability["type"].String();
auto it = bonusNameMap.find(type);
if (it == bonusNameMap.end())
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: invalid ability type " << type;
return b;
b->type = it->second;
resolveIdentifier (b->subtype, ability, "subtype");
b->val = ability["val"].Float();
value = &ability["valueType"];
if (!value->isNull())
b->valType = static_cast<Bonus::ValueType>(parseByMap(bonusValueMap, value, "value type "));
resolveIdentifier (b->additionalInfo, ability, "addInfo");
b->turnsRemain = ability["turns"].Float();
b->sid = ability["sourceID"].Float();
b->description = ability["description"].String();
value = &ability["effectRange"];
if (!value->isNull())
b->effectRange = static_cast<Bonus::LimitEffect>(parseByMap(bonusLimitEffect, value, "effect range "));
value = &ability["duration"];
if (!value->isNull())
switch (value->getType())
case JsonNode::DATA_STRING:
b->duration = parseByMap(bonusDurationMap, value, "duration type ");
case JsonNode::DATA_VECTOR:
ui16 dur = 0;
for (const JsonNode & d : value->Vector())
dur |= parseByMap(bonusDurationMap, &d, "duration type ");
b->duration = dur;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error! Wrong bonus duration format.";
value = &ability["source"];
if (!value->isNull())
b->source = static_cast<Bonus::BonusSource>(parseByMap(bonusSourceMap, value, "source type "));
value = &ability["limiters"];
if (!value->isNull())
for (const JsonNode & limiter : value->Vector())
switch (limiter.getType())
case JsonNode::DATA_STRING: //pre-defined limiters
b->limiter = parseByMap(bonusLimiterMap, &limiter, "limiter type ");
case JsonNode::DATA_STRUCT: //customizable limiters
std::shared_ptr<ILimiter> l;
if (limiter["type"].String() == "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER")
std::shared_ptr<CCreatureTypeLimiter> l2 = std::make_shared<CCreatureTypeLimiter>(); //TODO: How the hell resolve pointer to creature?
const JsonVector vec = limiter["parameters"].Vector();
VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier("creature", vec[0], [=](si32 creature)
l2->setCreature (CreatureID(creature));
if (vec.size() > 1)
l2->includeUpgrades = vec[1].Bool();
l2->includeUpgrades = false;
l = l2;
if (limiter["type"].String() == "HAS_ANOTHER_BONUS_LIMITER")
std::shared_ptr<HasAnotherBonusLimiter> l2 = std::make_shared<HasAnotherBonusLimiter>();
const JsonVector vec = limiter["parameters"].Vector();
std::string anotherBonusType = vec[0].String();
auto it = bonusNameMap.find (anotherBonusType);
if (it == bonusNameMap.end())
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: invalid ability type " << anotherBonusType;
l2->type = it->second;
if (vec.size() > 1 )
resolveIdentifier (vec[1], l2->subtype);
l2->isSubtypeRelevant = true;
l = l2;
value = &ability["propagator"];
if (!value->isNull())
b->propagator = parseByMap(bonusPropagatorMap, value, "propagator type ");
return b;
//returns first Key with value equal to given one
template<class Key, class Val>
Key reverseMapFirst(const Val & val, const std::map<Key, Val> & map)
for(auto it : map)
if(it.second == val)
return it.first;
return "";
void JsonUtils::unparseBonus( JsonNode &node, const Bonus * bonus )
node["type"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, Bonus::BonusType>(bonus->type, bonusNameMap);
node["subtype"].Float() = bonus->subtype;
node["val"].Float() = bonus->val;
node["valueType"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, Bonus::ValueType>(bonus->valType, bonusValueMap);
node["additionalInfo"].Float() = bonus->additionalInfo;
node["turns"].Float() = bonus->turnsRemain;
node["sourceID"].Float() = bonus->source;
node["description"].String() = bonus->description;
node["effectRange"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, Bonus::LimitEffect>(bonus->effectRange, bonusLimitEffect);
node["duration"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, ui16>(bonus->duration, bonusDurationMap);
node["source"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, Bonus::BonusSource>(bonus->source, bonusSourceMap);
node["limiter"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, TLimiterPtr>(bonus->limiter, bonusLimiterMap);
node["propagator"].String() = reverseMapFirst<std::string, TPropagatorPtr>(bonus->propagator, bonusPropagatorMap);
void minimizeNode(JsonNode & node, const JsonNode & schema)
if (schema["type"].String() == "object")
std::set<std::string> foundEntries;
for(auto & entry : schema["required"].Vector())
std::string name = entry.String();
minimizeNode(node[name], schema["properties"][name]);
if (vstd::contains(node.Struct(), name) &&
node[name] == schema["properties"][name]["default"])
// erase all unhandled entries
for (auto it = node.Struct().begin(); it != node.Struct().end();)
if (!vstd::contains(foundEntries, it->first))
it = node.Struct().erase(it);
void JsonUtils::minimize(JsonNode & node, std::string schemaName)
minimizeNode(node, getSchema(schemaName));
// FIXME: except for several lines function is identical to minimizeNode. Some way to reduce duplication?
void maximizeNode(JsonNode & node, const JsonNode & schema)
// "required" entry can only be found in object/struct
if (schema["type"].String() == "object")
std::set<std::string> foundEntries;
// check all required entries that have default version
for(auto & entry : schema["required"].Vector())
std::string name = entry.String();
if (node[name].isNull() &&
node[name] = schema["properties"][name]["default"];
maximizeNode(node[name], schema["properties"][name]);
// erase all unhandled entries
for (auto it = node.Struct().begin(); it != node.Struct().end();)
if (!vstd::contains(foundEntries, it->first))
it = node.Struct().erase(it);
void JsonUtils::maximize(JsonNode & node, std::string schemaName)
maximizeNode(node, getSchema(schemaName));
bool JsonUtils::validate(const JsonNode &node, std::string schemaName, std::string dataName)
std::string log = Validation::check(schemaName, node);
if (!log.empty())
logGlobal->warnStream() << "Data in " << dataName << " is invalid!";
logGlobal->warnStream() << log;
return log.empty();
const JsonNode & getSchemaByName(std::string name)
// cached schemas to avoid loading json data multiple times
static std::map<std::string, JsonNode> loadedSchemas;
if (vstd::contains(loadedSchemas, name))
return loadedSchemas[name];
std::string filename = "config/schemas/" + name + ".json";
if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(filename)))
loadedSchemas[name] = JsonNode(ResourceID(filename));
return loadedSchemas[name];
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: missing schema with name " << name << "!";
return nullNode;
const JsonNode & JsonUtils::getSchema(std::string URI)
std::vector<std::string> segments;
size_t posColon = URI.find(':');
size_t posHash = URI.find('#');
assert(posColon != std::string::npos);
std::string protocolName = URI.substr(0, posColon);
std::string filename = URI.substr(posColon + 1, posHash - posColon - 1);
if (protocolName != "vcmi")
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: unsupported URI protocol for schema: " << segments[0];
return nullNode;
// check if json pointer if present (section after hash in string)
if (posHash == std::string::npos || posHash == URI.size() - 1)
return getSchemaByName(filename);
return getSchemaByName(filename).resolvePointer(URI.substr(posHash + 1));
void JsonUtils::merge(JsonNode & dest, JsonNode & source)
if (dest.getType() == JsonNode::DATA_NULL)
std::swap(dest, source);
switch (source.getType())
case JsonNode::DATA_NULL:
case JsonNode::DATA_BOOL:
case JsonNode::DATA_FLOAT:
case JsonNode::DATA_STRING:
case JsonNode::DATA_VECTOR:
std::swap(dest, source);
case JsonNode::DATA_STRUCT:
//recursively merge all entries from struct
for(auto & node : source.Struct())
merge(dest[node.first], node.second);
void JsonUtils::mergeCopy(JsonNode & dest, JsonNode source)
// uses copy created in stack to safely merge two nodes
merge(dest, source);
void JsonUtils::inherit(JsonNode & descendant, const JsonNode & base)
JsonNode inheritedNode(base);
JsonNode JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(std::vector<std::string> files)
bool isValid;
return assembleFromFiles(files, isValid);
JsonNode JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(std::vector<std::string> files, bool &isValid)
isValid = true;
JsonNode result;
for(std::string file : files)
bool isValidFile;
JsonNode section(ResourceID(file, EResType::TEXT), isValidFile);
merge(result, section);
isValid |= isValidFile;
return result;
JsonNode JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(std::string filename)
JsonNode result;
ResourceID resID(filename, EResType::TEXT);
for(auto & loader : CResourceHandler::get()->getResourcesWithName(resID))
// FIXME: some way to make this code more readable
auto stream = loader->load(resID);
std::unique_ptr<ui8[]> textData(new ui8[stream->getSize()]);
stream->read(textData.get(), stream->getSize());
JsonNode section((char*)textData.get(), stream->getSize());
merge(result, section);
return result;