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Ivan Savenko 3dd4fa2528 Reduce usage of pointers to VLC entities
Final goal (of multiple PR's) is to remove all remaining pointers from
serializeable game state, and replace them with either identifiers or
with shared/unique pointers.

CGTownInstance::town and CGHeroInstance::type members have been removed.
Now this data is computed dynamically using subID member.

VLC entity of a town can now be accessed via following methods:
- getFactionID() returns ID of a faction
- getFaction() returns pointer to a faction
- getTown() returns pointer to a town

VLC entity of a hero can now be accessed via following methods:
- getHeroTypeID() returns ID of a hero
- getHeroClassID() returns ID of a hero class
- getHeroType() returns pointer to a hero
- getHeroClass() returns pointer to a hero class
2024-10-10 12:28:08 +00:00

301 lines
11 KiB

* CCreatureSet.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "bonuses/Bonus.h"
#include "bonuses/CBonusSystemNode.h"
#include "serializer/Serializeable.h"
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "CArtHandler.h"
#include "CArtifactInstance.h"
#include "CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "VCMI_Lib.h"
#include <vcmi/Entity.h>
class JsonNode;
class CCreature;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CArmedInstance;
class CCreatureArtifactSet;
class JsonSerializeFormat;
class DLL_LINKAGE CStackBasicDescriptor
const CCreature *type = nullptr;
TQuantity count = -1; //exact quantity or quantity ID from CCreature::getQuantityID when getting info about enemy army
CStackBasicDescriptor(const CreatureID & id, TQuantity Count);
CStackBasicDescriptor(const CCreature *c, TQuantity Count);
virtual ~CStackBasicDescriptor() = default;
const Creature * getType() const;
CreatureID getId() const;
TQuantity getCount() const;
virtual void setType(const CCreature * c);
friend bool operator== (const CStackBasicDescriptor & l, const CStackBasicDescriptor & r);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
auto idNumber = type ? type->getId() : CreatureID(CreatureID::NONE);
h & idNumber;
CreatureID idNumber;
h & idNumber;
if(idNumber != CreatureID::NONE)
setType(dynamic_cast<const CCreature*>(VLC->creatures()->getById(idNumber)));
type = nullptr;
h & count;
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);
class DLL_LINKAGE CStackInstance : public CBonusSystemNode, public CStackBasicDescriptor, public CArtifactSet, public ACreature
const CArmedInstance *_armyObj; //stack must be part of some army, army must be part of some object
struct RandomStackInfo
uint8_t level;
uint8_t upgrade;
// helper variable used during loading map, when object (hero or town) have creatures that must have same alignment.
std::optional<RandomStackInfo> randomStack;
const CArmedInstance * const & armyObj; //stack must be part of some army, army must be part of some object
TExpType experience;//commander needs same amount of exp as hero
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);
h & static_cast<CStackBasicDescriptor&>(*this);
h & static_cast<CArtifactSet&>(*this);
h & _armyObj;
h & experience;
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);
//overrides CBonusSystemNode
std::string bonusToString(const std::shared_ptr<Bonus>& bonus, bool description) const override; // how would bonus description look for this particular type of node
ImagePath bonusToGraphics(const std::shared_ptr<Bonus> & bonus) const; //file name of graphics from StackSkills , in future possibly others
const IBonusBearer* getBonusBearer() const override;
FactionID getFactionID() const override;
virtual ui64 getPower() const;
CCreature::CreatureQuantityId getQuantityID() const;
std::string getQuantityTXT(bool capitalized = true) const;
virtual int getExpRank() const;
virtual int getLevel() const; //different for regular stack and commander
CreatureID getCreatureID() const; //-1 if not available
std::string getName() const; //plural or singular
virtual void init();
CStackInstance(const CreatureID & id, TQuantity count, bool isHypothetic = false);
CStackInstance(const CCreature *cre, TQuantity count, bool isHypothetic = false);
virtual ~CStackInstance() = default;
void setType(const CreatureID & creID);
void setType(const CCreature * c) override;
void setArmyObj(const CArmedInstance *ArmyObj);
virtual void giveStackExp(TExpType exp);
bool valid(bool allowUnrandomized) const;
ArtPlacementMap putArtifact(const ArtifactPosition & pos, CArtifactInstance * art) override;//from CArtifactSet
void removeArtifact(const ArtifactPosition & pos) override;
ArtBearer::ArtBearer bearerType() const override; //from CArtifactSet
std::string nodeName() const override; //from CBonusSystemnode
void deserializationFix();
PlayerColor getOwner() const override;
class DLL_LINKAGE CCommanderInstance : public CStackInstance
//TODO: what if Commander is not a part of creature set?
//commander class is determined by its base creature
ui8 alive; //maybe change to bool when breaking save compatibility?
ui8 level; //required only to count callbacks
std::string name; // each Commander has different name
std::vector <ui8> secondarySkills; //ID -> level
std::set <ui8> specialSkills;
//std::vector <CArtifactInstance *> arts;
void init() override;
CCommanderInstance(const CreatureID & id);
void setAlive (bool alive);
void giveStackExp (TExpType exp) override;
void levelUp ();
bool gainsLevel() const; //true if commander has lower level than should upon his experience
ui64 getPower() const override {return 0;};
int getExpRank() const override;
int getLevel() const override;
ArtBearer::ArtBearer bearerType() const override; //from CArtifactSet
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & static_cast<CStackInstance&>(*this);
h & alive;
h & level;
h & name;
h & secondarySkills;
h & specialSkills;
using TSlots = std::map<SlotID, CStackInstance *>;
using TSimpleSlots = std::map<SlotID, std::pair<CreatureID, TQuantity>>;
using TPairCreatureSlot = std::pair<const CCreature *, SlotID>;
using TMapCreatureSlot = std::map<const CCreature *, SlotID>;
struct DLL_LINKAGE CreatureSlotComparer
bool operator()(const TPairCreatureSlot & lhs, const TPairCreatureSlot & rhs);
using TCreatureQueue = std::priority_queue<TPairCreatureSlot, std::vector<TPairCreatureSlot>, CreatureSlotComparer>;
class IArmyDescriptor
virtual void clearSlots() = 0;
virtual bool setCreature(SlotID slot, CreatureID cre, TQuantity count) = 0;
//simplified version of CCreatureSet
class DLL_LINKAGE CSimpleArmy : public IArmyDescriptor
TSimpleSlots army;
void clearSlots() override;
bool setCreature(SlotID slot, CreatureID cre, TQuantity count) override;
operator bool() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & army;
namespace NArmyFormation
static const std::vector<std::string> names{ "wide", "tight" };
class DLL_LINKAGE CCreatureSet : public IArmyDescriptor, public virtual Serializeable //seven combined creatures
CCreatureSet(const CCreatureSet &) = delete;
CCreatureSet &operator=(const CCreatureSet&);
TSlots stacks; //slots[slot_id]->> pair(creature_id,creature_quantity)
EArmyFormation formation = EArmyFormation::LOOSE; //0 - wide, 1 - tight
CCreatureSet() = default; //Should be here to avoid compile errors
virtual ~CCreatureSet();
virtual void armyChanged();
const CStackInstance & operator[](const SlotID & slot) const;
const TSlots &Slots() const {return stacks;}
void addToSlot(const SlotID & slot, const CreatureID & cre, TQuantity count, bool allowMerging = true); //Adds stack to slot. Slot must be empty or with same type creature
void addToSlot(const SlotID & slot, CStackInstance * stack, bool allowMerging = true); //Adds stack to slot. Slot must be empty or with same type creature
void clearSlots() override;
void setFormation(EArmyFormation tight);
CArmedInstance *castToArmyObj();
//basic operations
void putStack(const SlotID & slot, CStackInstance * stack); //adds new stack to the army, slot must be empty
void setStackCount(const SlotID & slot, TQuantity count); //stack must exist!
CStackInstance * detachStack(const SlotID & slot); //removes stack from army but doesn't destroy it (so it can be moved somewhere else or safely deleted)
void setStackType(const SlotID & slot, const CreatureID & type);
void giveStackExp(TExpType exp);
void setStackExp(const SlotID & slot, TExpType exp);
void eraseStack(const SlotID & slot); //slot must be occupied
void joinStack(const SlotID & slot, CStackInstance * stack); //adds new stack to the existing stack of the same type
void changeStackCount(const SlotID & slot, TQuantity toAdd); //stack must exist!
bool setCreature (SlotID slot, CreatureID type, TQuantity quantity) override; //replaces creature in stack; slots 0 to 6, if quantity=0 erases stack
void setToArmy(CSimpleArmy &src); //erases all our army and moves stacks from src to us; src MUST NOT be an armed object! WARNING: use it wisely. Or better do not use at all.
const CStackInstance & getStack(const SlotID & slot) const; //stack must exist
CStackInstance * getStackPtr(const SlotID & slot) const; //if stack doesn't exist, returns nullptr
const CCreature * getCreature(const SlotID & slot) const; //workaround of map issue;
int getStackCount(const SlotID & slot) const;
TExpType getStackExperience(const SlotID & slot) const;
SlotID findStack(const CStackInstance *stack) const; //-1 if none
SlotID getSlotFor(const CreatureID & creature, ui32 slotsAmount = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE) const; //returns -1 if no slot available
SlotID getSlotFor(const CCreature *c, ui32 slotsAmount = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE) const; //returns -1 if no slot available
bool hasCreatureSlots(const CCreature * c, const SlotID & exclude) const;
std::vector<SlotID> getCreatureSlots(const CCreature * c, const SlotID & exclude, TQuantity ignoreAmount = -1) const;
bool isCreatureBalanced(const CCreature* c, TQuantity ignoreAmount = 1) const; // Check if the creature is evenly distributed across slots
SlotID getFreeSlot(ui32 slotsAmount = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE) const; //returns first free slot
std::vector<SlotID> getFreeSlots(ui32 slotsAmount = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE) const;
std::queue<SlotID> getFreeSlotsQueue(ui32 slotsAmount = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE) const;
TMapCreatureSlot getCreatureMap() const;
TCreatureQueue getCreatureQueue(const SlotID & exclude) const;
bool mergeableStacks(std::pair<SlotID, SlotID> & out, const SlotID & preferable = SlotID()) const; //looks for two same stacks, returns slot positions;
bool validTypes(bool allowUnrandomized = false) const; //checks if all types of creatures are set properly
bool slotEmpty(const SlotID & slot) const;
int stacksCount() const;
virtual bool needsLastStack() const; //true if last stack cannot be taken
ui64 getArmyStrength() const; //sum of AI values of creatures
ui64 getPower(const SlotID & slot) const; //value of specific stack
std::string getRoughAmount(const SlotID & slot, int mode = 0) const; //rough size of specific stack
std::string getArmyDescription() const;
bool hasStackAtSlot(const SlotID & slot) const;
bool contains(const CStackInstance *stack) const;
bool canBeMergedWith(const CCreatureSet &cs, bool allowMergingStacks = true) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & stacks;
h & formation;
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, const std::string & armyFieldName, const std::optional<int> fixedSize = std::nullopt);
operator bool() const
return !stacks.empty();
void sweep();