mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 3dd4fa2528 Reduce usage of pointers to VLC entities
Final goal (of multiple PR's) is to remove all remaining pointers from
serializeable game state, and replace them with either identifiers or
with shared/unique pointers.

CGTownInstance::town and CGHeroInstance::type members have been removed.
Now this data is computed dynamically using subID member.

VLC entity of a town can now be accessed via following methods:
- getFactionID() returns ID of a faction
- getFaction() returns pointer to a faction
- getTown() returns pointer to a town

VLC entity of a hero can now be accessed via following methods:
- getHeroTypeID() returns ID of a hero
- getHeroClassID() returns ID of a hero class
- getHeroType() returns pointer to a hero
- getHeroClass() returns pointer to a hero class
2024-10-10 12:28:08 +00:00

181 lines
5.7 KiB

* Moat.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "Moat.h"
#include "Registry.h"
#include "../ISpellMechanics.h"
#include "../../entities/building/CBuilding.h"
#include "../../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h"
#include "../../bonuses/Limiters.h"
#include "../../battle/IBattleState.h"
#include "../../battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h"
#include "../../entities/building/TownFortifications.h"
#include "../../json/JsonBonus.h"
#include "../../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h"
#include "../../networkPacks/PacksForClient.h"
#include "../../networkPacks/PacksForClientBattle.h"
namespace spells
namespace effects
static void serializeMoatHexes(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, const std::string & fieldName, std::vector<std::vector<BattleHex>> & moatHexes)
JsonArraySerializer outer = handler.enterArray(fieldName);
outer.syncSize(moatHexes, JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_VECTOR);
for(size_t outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < outer.size(); outerIndex++)
JsonArraySerializer inner = outer.enterArray(outerIndex);
inner.syncSize(moatHexes.at(outerIndex), JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_INTEGER);
for(size_t innerIndex = 0; innerIndex < inner.size(); innerIndex++)
inner.serializeInt(innerIndex, moatHexes.at(outerIndex).at(innerIndex));
void Moat::serializeJsonEffect(JsonSerializeFormat & handler)
handler.serializeBool("hidden", hidden);
handler.serializeBool("trap", trap);
handler.serializeBool("removeOnTrigger", removeOnTrigger);
handler.serializeBool("dispellable", dispellable);
handler.serializeInt("moatDamage", moatDamage);
serializeMoatHexes(handler, "moatHexes", moatHexes);
handler.serializeId("triggerAbility", triggerAbility, SpellID::NONE);
handler.serializeStruct("defender", sideOptions); //Moats are defender only
auto guard = handler.enterStruct("bonus");
const JsonNode & data = handler.getCurrent();
for(const auto & p : data.Struct())
//TODO: support JsonSerializeFormat in Bonus
auto guard = handler.enterStruct(p.first);
const JsonNode & bonusNode = handler.getCurrent();
auto b = JsonUtils::parseBonus(bonusNode);
void Moat::convertBonus(const Mechanics * m, std::vector<Bonus> & converted) const
for(const auto & b : bonus)
Bonus nb(*b);
//Moat battlefield effect is always permanent
nb.duration = BonusDuration::ONE_BATTLE;
if(m->battle()->battleGetDefendedTown() && m->battle()->battleGetFortifications().hasMoat)
nb.sid = BonusSourceID(m->battle()->battleGetDefendedTown()->getTown()->buildings.at(BuildingID::CITADEL)->getUniqueTypeID());
nb.source = BonusSource::TOWN_STRUCTURE;
nb.sid = BonusSourceID(m->getSpellId()); //for all
nb.source = BonusSource::SPELL_EFFECT;//for all
std::set<BattleHex> flatMoatHexes;
for(const auto & moatPatch : moatHexes)
flatMoatHexes.insert(moatPatch.begin(), moatPatch.end());
nb.limiter = std::make_shared<UnitOnHexLimiter>(std::move(flatMoatHexes));
void Moat::apply(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const
if(m->isMassive() && m->battle()->battleGetFortifications().hasMoat)
EffectTarget moat;
placeObstacles(server, m, moat);
std::vector<Bonus> converted;
convertBonus(m, converted);
for(auto & b : converted)
GiveBonus gb(GiveBonus::ETarget::BATTLE);
gb.id = m->battle()->getBattle()->getBattleID();
gb.bonus = b;
void Moat::placeObstacles(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const
assert(m->casterSide == BattleSide::DEFENDER); // Moats are always cast by defender
BattleObstaclesChanged pack;
pack.battleID = m->battle()->getBattle()->getBattleID();
auto all = m->battle()->battleGetAllObstacles(BattleSide::ALL_KNOWING);
int obstacleIdToGive = 1;
for(auto & one : all)
if(one->uniqueID >= obstacleIdToGive)
obstacleIdToGive = one->uniqueID + 1;
for(const auto & destination : moatHexes) //Moat hexes can be different obstacles
SpellCreatedObstacle obstacle;
obstacle.uniqueID = obstacleIdToGive++;
obstacle.pos = destination.at(0);
obstacle.obstacleType = dispellable ? CObstacleInstance::SPELL_CREATED : CObstacleInstance::MOAT;
obstacle.ID = m->getSpellIndex();
obstacle.turnsRemaining = -1; //Moat cannot be expired
obstacle.casterSpellPower = m->getEffectPower();
obstacle.spellLevel = m->getEffectLevel(); //todo: level of indirect effect should be also configurable
obstacle.casterSide = BattleSide::DEFENDER; // Moats are always cast by defender
obstacle.minimalDamage = moatDamage; // Minimal moat damage
obstacle.hidden = hidden;
obstacle.passable = true; //Moats always passable
obstacle.trigger = triggerAbility;
obstacle.trap = trap;
obstacle.removeOnTrigger = removeOnTrigger;
obstacle.nativeVisible = false; //Moats is invisible for native terrain
obstacle.appearSound = sideOptions.appearSound; //For dispellable moats
obstacle.appearAnimation = sideOptions.appearAnimation; //For dispellable moats
obstacle.animation = sideOptions.animation;
obstacle.customSize.insert(obstacle.customSize.end(),destination.cbegin(), destination.cend());
obstacle.animationYOffset = sideOptions.offsetY;