mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-29 21:56:54 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 3dd4fa2528 Reduce usage of pointers to VLC entities
Final goal (of multiple PR's) is to remove all remaining pointers from
serializeable game state, and replace them with either identifiers or
with shared/unique pointers.

CGTownInstance::town and CGHeroInstance::type members have been removed.
Now this data is computed dynamically using subID member.

VLC entity of a town can now be accessed via following methods:
- getFactionID() returns ID of a faction
- getFaction() returns pointer to a faction
- getTown() returns pointer to a town

VLC entity of a hero can now be accessed via following methods:
- getHeroTypeID() returns ID of a hero
- getHeroClassID() returns ID of a hero class
- getHeroType() returns pointer to a hero
- getHeroClass() returns pointer to a hero class
2024-10-10 12:28:08 +00:00

396 lines
12 KiB

* GameStatistics.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "GameStatistics.h"
#include "../CPlayerState.h"
#include "../constants/StringConstants.h"
#include "../VCMIDirs.h"
#include "CGameState.h"
#include "TerrainHandler.h"
#include "CHeroHandler.h"
#include "StartInfo.h"
#include "HighScore.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGObjectInstance.h"
#include "../mapObjects/MiscObjects.h"
#include "../mapping/CMap.h"
#include "../entities/building/CBuilding.h"
void StatisticDataSet::add(StatisticDataSetEntry entry)
StatisticDataSetEntry StatisticDataSet::createEntry(const PlayerState * ps, const CGameState * gs)
StatisticDataSetEntry data;
HighScoreParameter param = HighScore::prepareHighScores(gs, ps->color, false);
HighScoreCalculation scenarioHighScores;
scenarioHighScores.isCampaign = false;
data.map = gs->map->name.toString();
data.timestamp = std::time(nullptr);
data.day = gs->getDate(Date::DAY);
data.player = ps->color;
data.playerName = gs->getStartInfo()->playerInfos.at(ps->color).name;
data.team = ps->team;
data.isHuman = ps->isHuman();
data.status = ps->status;
data.resources = ps->resources;
data.numberHeroes = ps->getHeroes().size();
data.numberTowns = gs->howManyTowns(ps->color);
data.numberArtifacts = Statistic::getNumberOfArts(ps);
data.numberDwellings = Statistic::getNumberOfDwellings(ps);
data.armyStrength = Statistic::getArmyStrength(ps, true);
data.totalExperience = Statistic::getTotalExperience(ps);
data.income = Statistic::getIncome(gs, ps);
data.mapExploredRatio = Statistic::getMapExploredRatio(gs, ps->color);
data.obeliskVisitedRatio = Statistic::getObeliskVisitedRatio(gs, ps->team);
data.townBuiltRatio = Statistic::getTownBuiltRatio(ps);
data.hasGrail = param.hasGrail;
data.numMines = Statistic::getNumMines(gs, ps);
data.score = scenarioHighScores.calculate().total;
data.maxHeroLevel = Statistic::findBestHero(gs, ps->color) ? Statistic::findBestHero(gs, ps->color)->level : 0;
data.numBattlesNeutral = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).numBattlesNeutral : 0;
data.numBattlesPlayer = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).numBattlesPlayer : 0;
data.numWinBattlesNeutral = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).numWinBattlesNeutral : 0;
data.numWinBattlesPlayer = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).numWinBattlesPlayer : 0;
data.numHeroSurrendered = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).numHeroSurrendered : 0;
data.numHeroEscaped = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).numHeroEscaped : 0;
data.spentResourcesForArmy = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).spentResourcesForArmy : TResources();
data.spentResourcesForBuildings = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).spentResourcesForBuildings : TResources();
data.tradeVolume = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).tradeVolume : TResources();
data.eventCapturedTown = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).lastCapturedTownDay == gs->getDate(Date::DAY) : false;
data.eventDefeatedStrongestHero = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).lastDefeatedStrongestHeroDay == gs->getDate(Date::DAY) : false;
data.movementPointsUsed = gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.count(ps->color) ? gs->statistic.accumulatedValues.at(ps->color).movementPointsUsed : 0;
return data;
std::string StatisticDataSet::toCsv(std::string sep)
std::stringstream ss;
auto resources = std::vector<EGameResID>{EGameResID::GOLD, EGameResID::WOOD, EGameResID::MERCURY, EGameResID::ORE, EGameResID::SULFUR, EGameResID::CRYSTAL, EGameResID::GEMS};
ss << "Map" << sep;
ss << "Timestamp" << sep;
ss << "Day" << sep;
ss << "Player" << sep;
ss << "PlayerName" << sep;
ss << "Team" << sep;
ss << "IsHuman" << sep;
ss << "Status" << sep;
ss << "NumberHeroes" << sep;
ss << "NumberTowns" << sep;
ss << "NumberArtifacts" << sep;
ss << "NumberDwellings" << sep;
ss << "ArmyStrength" << sep;
ss << "TotalExperience" << sep;
ss << "Income" << sep;
ss << "MapExploredRatio" << sep;
ss << "ObeliskVisitedRatio" << sep;
ss << "TownBuiltRatio" << sep;
ss << "HasGrail" << sep;
ss << "Score" << sep;
ss << "MaxHeroLevel" << sep;
ss << "NumBattlesNeutral" << sep;
ss << "NumBattlesPlayer" << sep;
ss << "NumWinBattlesNeutral" << sep;
ss << "NumWinBattlesPlayer" << sep;
ss << "NumHeroSurrendered" << sep;
ss << "NumHeroEscaped" << sep;
ss << "EventCapturedTown" << sep;
ss << "EventDefeatedStrongestHero" << sep;
ss << "MovementPointsUsed";
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES[resource];
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES[resource] + "Mines";
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES[resource] + "SpentResourcesForArmy";
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES[resource] + "SpentResourcesForBuildings";
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES[resource] + "TradeVolume";
ss << "\r\n";
for(auto & entry : data)
ss << entry.map << sep;
ss << vstd::getFormattedDateTime(entry.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") << sep;
ss << entry.day << sep;
ss << GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES[entry.player] << sep;
ss << entry.playerName << sep;
ss << entry.team.getNum() << sep;
ss << entry.isHuman << sep;
ss << static_cast<int>(entry.status) << sep;
ss << entry.numberHeroes << sep;
ss << entry.numberTowns << sep;
ss << entry.numberArtifacts << sep;
ss << entry.numberDwellings << sep;
ss << entry.armyStrength << sep;
ss << entry.totalExperience << sep;
ss << entry.income << sep;
ss << entry.mapExploredRatio << sep;
ss << entry.obeliskVisitedRatio << sep;
ss << entry.townBuiltRatio << sep;
ss << entry.hasGrail << sep;
ss << entry.score << sep;
ss << entry.maxHeroLevel << sep;
ss << entry.numBattlesNeutral << sep;
ss << entry.numBattlesPlayer << sep;
ss << entry.numWinBattlesNeutral << sep;
ss << entry.numWinBattlesPlayer << sep;
ss << entry.numHeroSurrendered << sep;
ss << entry.numHeroEscaped << sep;
ss << entry.eventCapturedTown << sep;
ss << entry.eventDefeatedStrongestHero << sep;
ss << entry.movementPointsUsed;
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << entry.resources[resource];
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << entry.numMines[resource];
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << entry.spentResourcesForArmy[resource];
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << entry.spentResourcesForBuildings[resource];
for(auto & resource : resources)
ss << sep << entry.tradeVolume[resource];
ss << "\r\n";
return ss.str();
std::string StatisticDataSet::writeCsv()
const boost::filesystem::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() / "statistic";
const boost::filesystem::path filePath = outPath / (vstd::getDateTimeISO8601Basic(std::time(nullptr)) + ".csv");
std::ofstream file(filePath.c_str());
std::string csv = toCsv(";");
file << csv;
return filePath.string();
std::vector<const CGMine *> Statistic::getMines(const CGameState * gs, const PlayerState * ps)
std::vector<const CGMine *> tmp;
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ownedObjects;
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : gs->map->objects)
if(obj && obj->tempOwner == ps->color)
/// This is code from CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyObjects
/// I'm really need to find out about callback interface design...
for(const auto * object : ownedObjects)
if ( object->ID == Obj::MINE )
const auto * mine = dynamic_cast<const CGMine *>(object);
return tmp;
//calculates total number of artifacts that belong to given player
int Statistic::getNumberOfArts(const PlayerState * ps)
int ret = 0;
for(auto h : ps->getHeroes())
ret += h->artifactsInBackpack.size() + h->artifactsWorn.size();
return ret;
int Statistic::getNumberOfDwellings(const PlayerState * ps)
int ret = 0;
for(const auto * obj : ps->getOwnedObjects())
if (!obj->asOwnable()->providedCreatures().empty())
ret += 1;
return ret;
// get total strength of player army
si64 Statistic::getArmyStrength(const PlayerState * ps, bool withTownGarrison)
si64 str = 0;
for(auto h : ps->getHeroes())
if(!h->inTownGarrison || withTownGarrison) //original h3 behavior
str += h->getArmyStrength();
return str;
// get total experience of all heroes
si64 Statistic::getTotalExperience(const PlayerState * ps)
si64 tmp = 0;
for(auto h : ps->getHeroes())
tmp += h->exp;
return tmp;
// get total gold income
int Statistic::getIncome(const CGameState * gs, const PlayerState * ps)
int totalIncome = 0;
//Heroes can produce gold as well - skill, specialty or arts
for(const auto & h : ps->getHeroes())
totalIncome += h->dailyIncome()[EGameResID::GOLD];
//Add town income of all towns
for(const auto & t : ps->getTowns())
totalIncome += t->dailyIncome()[EGameResID::GOLD];
for(const CGMine * mine : getMines(gs, ps))
totalIncome += mine->dailyIncome()[EGameResID::GOLD];
return totalIncome;
float Statistic::getMapExploredRatio(const CGameState * gs, PlayerColor player)
float visible = 0.0;
float numTiles = 0.0;
for(int layer = 0; layer < (gs->map->twoLevel ? 2 : 1); layer++)
for(int y = 0; y < gs->map->height; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < gs->map->width; ++x)
TerrainTile tile = gs->map->getTile(int3(x, y, layer));
if(tile.blocked && (!tile.visitable))
if(gs->isVisible(int3(x, y, layer), player))
return visible / numTiles;
const CGHeroInstance * Statistic::findBestHero(const CGameState * gs, const PlayerColor & color)
const auto &h = gs->players.at(color).getHeroes();
return nullptr;
//best hero will be that with highest exp
int best = 0;
for(int b=1; b<h.size(); ++b)
if(h[b]->exp > h[best]->exp)
best = b;
return h[best];
std::vector<std::vector<PlayerColor>> Statistic::getRank(std::vector<std::pair<PlayerColor, si64>> stats)
std::sort(stats.begin(), stats.end(), [](const std::pair<PlayerColor, si64> & a, const std::pair<PlayerColor, si64> & b) { return a.second > b.second; });
//put first element
std::vector< std::vector<PlayerColor> > ret;
ret.push_back( { stats[0].first } );
//the rest of elements
for(int g=1; g<stats.size(); ++g)
if(stats[g].second == stats[g-1].second)
(ret.end()-1)->push_back( stats[g].first );
//create next occupied rank
ret.push_back( { stats[g].first });
return ret;
int Statistic::getObeliskVisited(const CGameState * gs, const TeamID & t)
return gs->map->obelisksVisited.at(t);
return 0;
float Statistic::getObeliskVisitedRatio(const CGameState * gs, const TeamID & t)
return 0;
return static_cast<float>(getObeliskVisited(gs, t)) / gs->map->obeliskCount;
std::map<EGameResID, int> Statistic::getNumMines(const CGameState * gs, const PlayerState * ps)
std::map<EGameResID, int> tmp;
for(auto & res : EGameResID::ALL_RESOURCES())
tmp[res] = 0;
for(const CGMine * mine : getMines(gs, ps))
return tmp;
float Statistic::getTownBuiltRatio(const PlayerState * ps)
float built = 0.0;
float total = 0.0;
for(const auto & t : ps->getTowns())
built += t->getBuildings().size();
for(const auto & b : t->getTown()->buildings)
total += 1;
if(total < 1)
return 0;
return built / total;