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Arseniy Shestakov a39e61373c Deactivate CAdvMapInt while quick combat is going. Fix issue 2354
If quick combat calculation take a while it's possible to give hero movement command before battle is finished. This will lead to client freeze or crash. To avoid this we must lock adventure interface until battle calculation is finished.
2016-01-10 18:00:24 +03:00

248 lines
7.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "../widgets/AdventureMapClasses.h"
#include "CWindowObject.h"
#include "../widgets/TextControls.h"
#include "../widgets/Buttons.h"
#include "../../lib/spells/ViewSpellInt.h"
class CDefHandler;
class CCallback;
struct CGPath;
class CAdvMapInt;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CHeroWindow;
class CSpell;
class IShipyard;
enum class EMapAnimRedrawStatus;
class CFadeAnimation;
struct MapDrawingInfo;
* CAdvmapInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
enum class EAdvMapMode
/// Adventure options dialogue where you can view the world, dig, play the replay of the last turn,...
class CAdventureOptions : public CWindowObject
CButton *exit, *viewWorld, *puzzle, *dig, *scenInfo, *replay;
static void showScenarioInfo();
/// Holds information about which tiles of the terrain are shown/not shown at the screen
class CTerrainRect
: public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * fadeSurface;
EMapAnimRedrawStatus lastRedrawStatus;
CFadeAnimation * fadeAnim;
int tilesw, tilesh; //width and height of terrain to blit in tiles
int3 curHoveredTile;
int moveX, moveY; //shift between actual position of screen and the one we wil blit; ranges from -31 to 31 (in pixels)
virtual ~CTerrainRect();
CGPath * currentPath;
void deactivate() override;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void hover(bool on) override;
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void showAnim(SDL_Surface * to);
void showPath(const SDL_Rect * extRect, SDL_Surface * to);
int3 whichTileIsIt(const int x, const int y); //x,y are cursor position
int3 whichTileIsIt(); //uses current cursor pos
/// @returns number of visible tiles on screen respecting current map scaling
int3 tileCountOnScreen();
/// animates view by caching current surface and crossfading it with normal screen
void fadeFromCurrentView();
bool needsAnimUpdate();
/// Resources bar which shows information about how many gold, crystals,... you have
/// Current date is displayed too
class CResDataBar : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * bg;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > txtpos;
std::string datetext;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
CResDataBar(const std::string &defname, int x, int y, int offx, int offy, int resdist, int datedist);
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
/// That's a huge class which handles general adventure map actions and
/// shows the right menu(questlog, spellbook, end turn,..) from where you
/// can get to the towns and heroes.
class CAdvMapInt : public CIntObject
//Return object that must be active at this tile (=clickable)
const CGObjectInstance *getActiveObject(const int3 &tile);
int3 position; //top left corner of visible map part
PlayerColor player;
bool duringAITurn;
enum{LEFT=1, RIGHT=2, UP=4, DOWN=8};
ui8 scrollingDir; //uses enum: LEFT RIGHT, UP, DOWN
enum{NA, INGAME, WAITING} state;
bool updateScreen;
ui8 anim, animValHitCount; //animation frame
ui8 heroAnim, heroAnimValHitCount; //animation frame
EAdvMapMode mode;
float worldViewScale;
struct WorldViewOptions
bool showAllTerrain; //for expert viewEarth
std::vector<ObjectPosInfo> iconPositions;
void clear();
void adjustDrawingInfo(MapDrawingInfo & info);
WorldViewOptions worldViewOptions;
SDL_Surface * bg;
SDL_Surface * bgWorldView;
std::vector<CDefHandler *> gems;
CMinimap minimap;
CGStatusBar statusbar;
CButton * kingOverview;
CButton * underground;
CButton * questlog;
CButton * sleepWake;
CButton * moveHero;
CButton * spellbook;
CButton * advOptions;
CButton * sysOptions;
CButton * nextHero;
CButton * endTurn;
CButton * worldViewUnderground;
CTerrainRect terrain; //visible terrain
CResDataBar resdatabar;
CHeroList heroList;
CTownList townList;
CInfoBar infoBar;
CAdvMapPanel *panelMain; // panel that holds all right-side buttons in normal view
CAdvMapWorldViewPanel *panelWorldView; // panel that holds all buttons and other ui in world view
CAdvMapPanel *activeMapPanel; // currently active panel (either main or world view, depending on current mode)
CDefHandler * worldViewIconsDef; // images for world view overlay
const CSpell *spellBeingCasted; //nullptr if none
const CArmedInstance *selection; //currently selected town/hero
//functions bound to buttons
void fshowOverview();
void fworldViewBack();
void fworldViewScale1x();
void fworldViewScale2x();
void fworldViewScale4x();
void fswitchLevel();
void fshowQuestlog();
void fsleepWake();
void fmoveHero();
void fshowSpellbok();
void fadventureOPtions();
void fsystemOptions();
void fnextHero();
void fendTurn();
void activate() override;
void deactivate() override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override; //redraws terrain
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override; //shows and activates adv. map interface
void select(const CArmedInstance *sel, bool centerView = true);
void selectionChanged();
void centerOn(int3 on, bool fade = false);
void centerOn(const CGObjectInstance *obj, bool fade = false);
int3 verifyPos(int3 ver);
void handleRightClick(std::string text, tribool down);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) override;
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) override;
bool isActive();
bool isHeroSleeping(const CGHeroInstance *hero);
void setHeroSleeping(const CGHeroInstance *hero, bool sleep);
int getNextHeroIndex(int startIndex); //for Next Hero button - cycles awake heroes with movement only
void setPlayer(PlayerColor Player);
void startHotSeatWait(PlayerColor Player);
void startTurn();
void endingTurn();
void aiTurnStarted();
void adjustActiveness(bool aiTurnStart); //should be called every time at AI/human turn transition; blocks GUI during AI turn
void quickCombatLock(); //should be called when quick battle started
void quickCombatUnlock();
void tileLClicked(const int3 &mapPos);
void tileHovered(const int3 &mapPos);
void tileRClicked(const int3 &mapPos);
void enterCastingMode(const CSpell * sp);
void leaveCastingMode(bool cast = false, int3 dest = int3(-1, -1, -1));
const CGHeroInstance * curHero() const;
const CGTownInstance * curTown() const;
const IShipyard * ourInaccessibleShipyard(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const; //checks if obj is our ashipyard and cursor is 0,0 -> returns shipyard or nullptr else
//button updates
void updateSleepWake(const CGHeroInstance *h);
void updateMoveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, tribool hasPath = boost::logic::indeterminate);
void updateSpellbook(const CGHeroInstance *h);
void updateNextHero(const CGHeroInstance *h);
/// changes current adventure map mode; used to switch between default view and world view; scale is ignored if EAdvMapMode == NORMAL
void changeMode(EAdvMapMode newMode, float newScale = 0.36f);
extern CAdvMapInt *adventureInt;