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#pragma once
#include "BattleHex.h"
#include "HeroBonus.h"
#include "CCreatureSet.h"
#include "mapObjects/CArmedInstance.h" // for army serialization
#include "mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" // for commander serialization
#include "CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "CObstacleInstance.h"
#include "ConstTransitivePtr.h"
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "CBattleCallback.h"
#include "int3.h"
* BattleState.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CGHeroInstance;
class CStack;
class CArmedInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CStackInstance;
struct BattleStackAttacked;
class CRandomGenerator;
//only for use in BattleInfo
struct DLL_LINKAGE SiegeInfo
std::array<si8, EWallPart::PARTS_COUNT> wallState;
// return EWallState decreased by value of damage points
static EWallState::EWallState applyDamage(EWallState::EWallState state, unsigned int value)
if (value == 0)
return state;
switch (applyDamage(state, value - 1))
case EWallState::INTACT : return EWallState::DAMAGED;
case EWallState::DAMAGED : return EWallState::DESTROYED;
case EWallState::DESTROYED : return EWallState::DESTROYED;
default: return EWallState::NONE;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & wallState;
struct DLL_LINKAGE SideInBattle
PlayerColor color;
const CGHeroInstance *hero; //may be NULL if army is not commanded by hero
const CArmedInstance *armyObject; //adv. map object with army that participates in battle; may be same as hero
ui8 castSpellsCount; //how many spells each side has cast this turn
std::vector<const CSpell *> usedSpellsHistory; //every time hero casts spell, it's inserted here -> eagle eye skill
si16 enchanterCounter; //tends to pass through 0, so sign is needed
void init(const CGHeroInstance *Hero, const CArmedInstance *Army);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & color & hero & armyObject;
h & castSpellsCount & usedSpellsHistory & enchanterCounter;
struct DLL_LINKAGE BattleInfo : public CBonusSystemNode, public CBattleInfoCallback
std::array<SideInBattle, 2> sides; //sides[0] - attacker, sides[1] - defender
si32 round, activeStack, selectedStack;
const CGTownInstance * town; //used during town siege, nullptr if this is not a siege (note that fortless town IS also a siege)
int3 tile; //for background and bonuses
std::vector<CStack*> stacks;
std::vector<shared_ptr<CObstacleInstance> > obstacles;
SiegeInfo si;
BFieldType battlefieldType; //like !!BA:B
ETerrainType terrainType; //used for some stack nativity checks (not the bonus limiters though that have their own copy)
ui8 tacticsSide; //which side is requested to play tactics phase
ui8 tacticDistance; //how many hexes we can go forward (1 = only hexes adjacent to margin line)
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & sides;
h & round & activeStack & selectedStack & town & tile & stacks & obstacles
& si & battlefieldType & terrainType;
h & tacticsSide & tacticDistance;
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);
CStack * getStackT(BattleHex tileID, bool onlyAlive = true);
CStack * getStack(int stackID, bool onlyAlive = true);
using CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetArmyObject;
CArmedInstance * battleGetArmyObject(ui8 side) const;
using CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetFightingHero;
CGHeroInstance * battleGetFightingHero(ui8 side) const;
const CStack * getNextStack() const; //which stack will have turn after current one
//void getStackQueue(std::vector<const CStack *> &out, int howMany, int turn = 0, int lastMoved = -1) const; //returns stack in order of their movement action
//void getAccessibilityMap(bool *accessibility, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned, bool addOccupiable, std::set<BattleHex> & occupyable, bool flying, const CStack* stackToOmmit = nullptr) const; //send pointer to at least 187 allocated bytes
//static bool isAccessible(BattleHex hex, bool * accessibility, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned, bool flying, bool lastPos); //helper for makeBFS
int getAvaliableHex(CreatureID creID, bool attackerOwned, int initialPos = -1) const; //find place for summon / clone effects
//void makeBFS(BattleHex start, bool*accessibility, BattleHex *predecessor, int *dists, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned, bool flying, bool fillPredecessors) const; //*accessibility must be prepared bool[187] array; last two pointers must point to the at least 187-elements int arrays - there is written result
std::pair< std::vector<BattleHex>, int > getPath(BattleHex start, BattleHex dest, const CStack *stack); //returned value: pair<path, length>; length may be different than number of elements in path since flying vreatures jump between distant hexes
//std::vector<BattleHex> getAccessibility(const CStack * stack, bool addOccupiable, std::vector<BattleHex> * attackable = nullptr, bool forPassingBy = false) const; //returns vector of accessible tiles (taking into account the creature range)
//bool isObstacleVisibleForSide(const CObstacleInstance &obstacle, ui8 side) const;
shared_ptr<CObstacleInstance> getObstacleOnTile(BattleHex tile) const;
std::set<BattleHex> getStoppers(bool whichSidePerspective) const;
ui32 calculateDmg(const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, const CGHeroInstance * defendingHero, bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool unlucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg, CRandomGenerator & rand); //charge - number of hexes travelled before attack (for champion's jousting)
void calculateCasualties(std::map<ui32,si32> *casualties) const; //casualties are array of maps size 2 (attacker, defeneder), maps are (crid => amount)
//void getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(AttackableTiles &at, const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos); //hexes around target that could be attacked in melee
//std::set<CStack*> getAttackedCreatures(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos = BattleHex::INVALID); //calculates range of multi-hex attacks
//std::set<BattleHex> getAttackedHexes(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos = BattleHex::INVALID); //calculates range of multi-hex attacks
CStack * generateNewStack(const CStackInstance &base, bool attackerOwned, SlotID slot, BattleHex position) const; //helper for CGameHandler::setupBattle and spells addign new stacks to the battlefield
CStack * generateNewStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor &base, bool attackerOwned, SlotID slot, BattleHex position) const; //helper for CGameHandler::setupBattle and spells addign new stacks to the battlefield
int getIdForNewStack() const; //suggest a currently unused ID that'd suitable for generating a new stack
//std::pair<const CStack *, BattleHex> getNearestStack(const CStack * closest, boost::logic::tribool attackerOwned) const; //if attackerOwned is indetermnate, returened stack is of any owner; hex is the number of hex we should be looking from; returns (nerarest creature, predecessorHex)
const CGHeroInstance * getHero(PlayerColor player) const; //returns fighting hero that belongs to given player
const CStack * battleGetStack(BattleHex pos, bool onlyAlive); //returns stack at given tile
const CGHeroInstance * battleGetOwner(const CStack * stack) const; //returns hero that owns given stack; nullptr if none
void localInit();
void localInitStack(CStack * s);
static BattleInfo * setupBattle( int3 tile, ETerrainType terrain, BFieldType battlefieldType, const CArmedInstance *armies[2], const CGHeroInstance * heroes[2], bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance *town );
//bool hasNativeStack(ui8 side) const;
PlayerColor theOtherPlayer(PlayerColor player) const;
ui8 whatSide(PlayerColor player) const;
static BattlefieldBI::BattlefieldBI battlefieldTypeToBI(BFieldType bfieldType); //converts above to ERM BI format
static int battlefieldTypeToTerrain(int bfieldType); //converts above to ERM BI format
class DLL_LINKAGE CStack : public CBonusSystemNode, public CStackBasicDescriptor
const CStackInstance *base; //garrison slot from which stack originates (nullptr for war machines, summoned cres, etc)
ui32 ID; //unique ID of stack
ui32 baseAmount;
ui32 firstHPleft; //HP of first creature in stack
PlayerColor owner; //owner - player colour (255 for neutrals)
SlotID slot; //slot - position in garrison (may be 255 for neutrals/called creatures)
bool attackerOwned; //if true, this stack is owned by attakcer (this one from left hand side of battle)
BattleHex position; //position on battlefield; -2 - keep, -3 - lower tower, -4 - upper tower
ui8 counterAttacks; //how many counter attacks can be performed more in this turn (by default set at the beginning of the round to 1)
si16 shots; //how many shots left
ui8 casts; //how many casts left
TQuantity resurrected; // these units will be taken back after battle is over
std::set<EBattleStackState::EBattleStackState> state;
const CCreature* getCreature() const {return type;}
CStack(const CStackInstance *base, PlayerColor O, int I, bool AO, SlotID S); //c-tor
CStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor *stack, PlayerColor O, int I, bool AO, SlotID S = SlotID(255)); //c-tor
CStack(); //c-tor
std::string nodeName() const override;
void init(); //set initial (invalid) values
void postInit(); //used to finish initialization when inheriting creature parameters is working
std::string getName() const; //plural or singular
bool willMove(int turn = 0) const; //if stack has remaining move this turn
bool ableToRetaliate() const; //if stack can retaliate after attacked
bool moved(int turn = 0) const; //if stack was already moved this turn
bool waited(int turn = 0) const;
bool canMove(int turn = 0) const; //if stack can move
bool canBeHealed() const; //for first aid tent - only harmed stacks that are not war machines
ui32 level() const;
si32 magicResistance() const override; //include aura of resistance
static void stackEffectToFeature(std::vector<Bonus> & sf, const Bonus & sse);
std::vector<si32> activeSpells() const; //returns vector of active spell IDs sorted by time of cast
const CGHeroInstance *getMyHero() const; //if stack belongs to hero (directly or was by him summoned) returns hero, nullptr otherwise
static inline Bonus featureGenerator(Bonus::BonusType type, si16 subtype, si32 value, ui16 turnsRemain, si32 additionalInfo = 0, Bonus::LimitEffect limit = Bonus::NO_LIMIT)
Bonus hb = makeFeatureVal(type, Bonus::N_TURNS, subtype, value, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, turnsRemain, additionalInfo);
hb.effectRange = limit;
return hb;
static bool isMeleeAttackPossible(const CStack * attacker, const CStack * defender, BattleHex attackerPos = BattleHex::INVALID, BattleHex defenderPos = BattleHex::INVALID);
bool doubleWide() const;
BattleHex occupiedHex() const; //returns number of occupied hex (not the position) if stack is double wide; otherwise -1
BattleHex occupiedHex(BattleHex assumedPos) const; //returns number of occupied hex (not the position) if stack is double wide and would stand on assumedPos; otherwise -1
std::vector<BattleHex> getHexes() const; //up to two occupied hexes, starting from front
std::vector<BattleHex> getHexes(BattleHex assumedPos) const; //up to two occupied hexes, starting from front
static std::vector<BattleHex> getHexes(BattleHex assumedPos, bool twoHex, bool AttackerOwned); //up to two occupied hexes, starting from front
bool coversPos(BattleHex position) const; //checks also if unit is double-wide
std::vector<BattleHex> getSurroundingHexes(BattleHex attackerPos = BattleHex::INVALID) const; // get six or 8 surrounding hexes depending on creature size
std::pair<int,int> countKilledByAttack(int damageReceived) const; //returns pair<killed count, new left HP>
void prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked &bsa, CRandomGenerator & rand, boost::optional<int> customCount = boost::none) const; //requires bsa.damageAmout filled
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);
h & static_cast<CStackBasicDescriptor&>(*this);
h & ID & baseAmount & firstHPleft & owner & slot & attackerOwned & position & state & counterAttacks
& shots & casts & count & resurrected;
const CArmedInstance *army = (base ? base->armyObj : nullptr);
SlotID slot = (base ? base->armyObj->findStack(base) : SlotID());
h & army & slot;
h & army & slot;
auto hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(army);
assert (hero);
base = hero->commander;
else if(!army || slot == SlotID() || !army->hasStackAtSlot(slot))
base = nullptr;
logGlobal->warnStream() << type->nameSing << " doesn't have a base stack!";
base = &army->getStack(slot);
bool alive() const //determines if stack is alive
return vstd::contains(state,EBattleStackState::ALIVE);
bool idDeadClone() const //determines if stack is alive
return vstd::contains(state,EBattleStackState::DEAD_CLONE);
bool isValidTarget(bool allowDead = false) const; //alive non-turret stacks (can be attacked or be object of magic effect)
class DLL_LINKAGE CMP_stack
int phase; //rules of which phase will be used
int turn;
bool operator ()(const CStack* a, const CStack* b);
CMP_stack(int Phase = 1, int Turn = 0);