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* AdventureSpellMechanics.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "AdventureSpellMechanics.h"
#include "../CRandomGenerator.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h"
#include "../NetPacks.h"
#include "../BattleState.h"
#include "../CGameState.h"
#include "../CGameInfoCallback.h"
ESpellCastResult SummonBoatMechanics::applyAdventureEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, AdventureSpellCastParameters & parameters) const
const int schoolLevel = parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner);
//check if spell works at all
if(env->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) >= owner->getPower(schoolLevel)) //power is % chance of success
InfoWindow iw;
iw.player = parameters.caster->tempOwner;
iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 336); //%s tried to summon a boat, but failed.
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
//try to find unoccupied boat to summon
const CGBoat * nearest = nullptr;
double dist = 0;
int3 summonPos = parameters.caster->bestLocation();
if(summonPos.x < 0)
env->complain("There is no water tile available!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : env->getMap()->objects)
if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::BOAT)
const CGBoat *b = static_cast<const CGBoat*>(obj);
continue; //we're looking for unoccupied boat
double nDist = b->pos.dist2d(parameters.caster->getPosition());
if(!nearest || nDist < dist) //it's first boat or closer than previous
nearest = b;
dist = nDist;
if(nullptr != nearest) //we found boat to summon
ChangeObjPos cop;
cop.objid = nearest->id;
cop.nPos = summonPos + int3(1,0,0);;
cop.flags = 1;
else if(schoolLevel < 2) //none or basic level -> cannot create boat :(
InfoWindow iw;
iw.player = parameters.caster->tempOwner;
iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 335); //There are no boats to summon.
else //create boat
NewObject no;
no.ID = Obj::BOAT;
no.subID = parameters.caster->getBoatType();
no.pos = summonPos + int3(1,0,0);;
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
ESpellCastResult ScuttleBoatMechanics::applyAdventureEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment* env, AdventureSpellCastParameters& parameters) const
const int schoolLevel = parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner);
//check if spell works at all
if(env->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) >= owner->getPower(schoolLevel)) //power is % chance of success
InfoWindow iw;
iw.player = parameters.caster->tempOwner;
iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 337); //%s tried to scuttle the boat, but failed
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
env->complain("Invalid dst tile for scuttle!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
//TODO: test range, visibility
const TerrainTile *t = &env->getMap()->getTile(parameters.pos);
if(!t->visitableObjects.size() || t->visitableObjects.back()->ID != Obj::BOAT)
env->complain("There is no boat to scuttle!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
RemoveObject ro;
ro.id = t->visitableObjects.back()->id;
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
ESpellCastResult DimensionDoorMechanics::applyAdventureEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment* env, AdventureSpellCastParameters& parameters) const
env->complain("Destination is out of map!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
const TerrainTile * dest = env->getCb()->getTile(parameters.pos);
const TerrainTile * curr = env->getCb()->getTile(parameters.caster->getSightCenter());
if(nullptr == dest)
env->complain("Destination tile doesn't exist!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
if(nullptr == curr)
env->complain("Source tile doesn't exist!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
if(parameters.caster->movement <= 0)
env->complain("Hero needs movement points to cast Dimension Door!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
const int schoolLevel = parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner);
if(parameters.caster->getBonusesCount(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, SpellID::DIMENSION_DOOR) >= owner->getPower(schoolLevel)) //limit casts per turn
InfoWindow iw;
iw.player = parameters.caster->tempOwner;
iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 338); //%s is not skilled enough to cast this spell again today.
return ESpellCastResult::CANCEL;
GiveBonus gb;
gb.id = parameters.caster->id.getNum();
gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_DAY, Bonus::NONE, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, 0, owner->id);
if(!dest->isClear(curr)) //wrong dest tile
InfoWindow iw;
iw.player = parameters.caster->tempOwner;
iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 70); //Dimension Door failed!
else if(env->moveHero(parameters.caster->id, parameters.pos + parameters.caster->getVisitableOffset(), true))
SetMovePoints smp;
smp.hid = parameters.caster->id;
smp.val = std::max<ui32>(0, parameters.caster->movement - 300);
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
ESpellCastResult TownPortalMechanics::applyAdventureEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, AdventureSpellCastParameters& parameters) const
if (!env->getMap()->isInTheMap(parameters.pos))
env->complain("Destination tile not present!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
TerrainTile tile = env->getMap()->getTile(parameters.pos);
if (tile.visitableObjects.empty() || tile.visitableObjects.back()->ID != Obj::TOWN)
env->complain("Town not found for Town Portal!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
CGTownInstance * town = static_cast<CGTownInstance*>(tile.visitableObjects.back());
const auto relations = env->getCb()->getPlayerRelations(town->tempOwner, parameters.caster->tempOwner);
if(relations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES)
env->complain("Can't teleport to enemy!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
if (town->visitingHero)
env->complain("Can't teleport to occupied town!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
if (parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner) < 2)
si32 dist = town->pos.dist2dSQ(parameters.caster->pos);
ObjectInstanceID nearest = town->id; //nearest town's ID
for(const CGTownInstance * currTown : env->getCb()->getPlayer(parameters.caster->tempOwner)->towns)
si32 currDist = currTown->pos.dist2dSQ(parameters.caster->pos);
if (currDist < dist)
nearest = currTown->id;
dist = currDist;
if (town->id != nearest)
env->complain("This hero can only teleport to nearest town!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
const int movementCost = (parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner) >= 3) ? 200 : 300;
if(parameters.caster->movement < movementCost)
env->complain("This hero has not enough movement points!");
return ESpellCastResult::ERROR;
if(env->moveHero(parameters.caster->id, town->visitablePos() + parameters.caster->getVisitableOffset() ,1))
SetMovePoints smp;
smp.hid = parameters.caster->id;
smp.val = std::max<ui32>(0, parameters.caster->movement - movementCost);
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
ESpellCastResult ViewMechanics::applyAdventureEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, AdventureSpellCastParameters & parameters) const
ShowWorldViewEx pack;
pack.player = parameters.caster->tempOwner;
const int spellLevel = parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner);
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : env->getMap()->objects)
//todo:we need to send only not visible objects
if(obj)//for some reason deleted object remain as empty pointer
if(filterObject(obj, spellLevel))
return ESpellCastResult::OK;
bool ViewAirMechanics::filterObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const int spellLevel) const
return (obj->ID == Obj::ARTIFACT) || (spellLevel>1 && obj->ID == Obj::HERO) || (spellLevel>2 && obj->ID == Obj::TOWN);
bool ViewEarthMechanics::filterObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const int spellLevel) const
return (obj->ID == Obj::RESOURCE) || (spellLevel>1 && obj->ID == Obj::MINE);