mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-02-17 13:41:07 +02:00
beegee1 fe1b16a7ec Some preparation towards mantis #1743:
- refactored CRandomGenerator (added util methods, improved method names)
- usages of std::minstd_ran are replaced by CRandomGenerator (not in entire code base, C rand() usages are still not replaced)
- refactored getArtSync method of CArtHandler -> now named pickRandomArtifact
- fixed some compiler warnings
- updated source code URL in VCMI spec
2014-03-17 19:51:07 +00:00

112 lines
2.8 KiB

* CRandomGenerator.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
typedef std::mt19937 TGenerator;
typedef std::uniform_int_distribution<int> TIntDist;
typedef std::uniform_real_distribution<double> TRealDist;
typedef std::function<int()> TRandI;
typedef std::function<double()> TRand;
/// The random generator randomly generates integers and real numbers("doubles") between
/// a given range. This is a header only class and mainly a wrapper for
/// convenient usage of the standard random API.
class CRandomGenerator : boost::noncopyable
/// Seeds the generator with the current time by default.
rand.seed(static_cast<unsigned long>(std::time(nullptr)));
void setSeed(int seed)
/// Generate several integer numbers within the same range.
/// e.g.: auto a = gen.getIntRange(0,10); a(); a(); a();
/// requires: lower <= upper
TRandI getIntRange(int lower, int upper)
return boost::bind(TIntDist(lower, upper), boost::ref(rand));
/// Generates an integer between 0 and upper.
/// requires: 0 <= upper
int nextInt(int upper)
return getIntRange(0, upper)();
/// requires: lower <= upper
int nextInt(int lower, int upper)
return getIntRange(lower, upper)();
/// Generates an integer between 0 and the maximum value it can hold.
int nextInt()
return TIntDist()(rand);
/// Generate several double/real numbers within the same range.
/// e.g.: auto a = gen.getDoubleRange(4.5,10.2); a(); a(); a();
/// requires: lower <= upper
TRand getDoubleRange(double lower, double upper)
return boost::bind(TRealDist(lower, upper), boost::ref(rand));
/// Generates a double between 0 and upper.
/// requires: 0 <= upper
double nextDouble(double upper)
return getDoubleRange(0, upper)();
/// requires: lower <= upper
double nextDouble(double lower, double upper)
return getDoubleRange(lower, upper)();
/// Generates a double between 0.0 and 1.0.
double nextDouble()
return TRealDist()(rand);
TGenerator rand;
namespace RandomGeneratorUtil
/// Gets an iterator to an element of a nonempty container randomly. Undefined behaviour if container is empty.
template<typename Container>
auto nextItem(const Container & container, CRandomGenerator & rand) -> decltype(std::begin(container))
return std::next(container.begin(), rand.nextInt(container.size() - 1));
template<typename Container>
auto nextItem(Container & container, CRandomGenerator & rand) -> decltype(std::begin(container))
return std::next(container.begin(), rand.nextInt(container.size() - 1));