mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 3dd4fa2528 Reduce usage of pointers to VLC entities
Final goal (of multiple PR's) is to remove all remaining pointers from
serializeable game state, and replace them with either identifiers or
with shared/unique pointers.

CGTownInstance::town and CGHeroInstance::type members have been removed.
Now this data is computed dynamically using subID member.

VLC entity of a town can now be accessed via following methods:
- getFactionID() returns ID of a faction
- getFaction() returns pointer to a faction
- getTown() returns pointer to a town

VLC entity of a hero can now be accessed via following methods:
- getHeroTypeID() returns ID of a hero
- getHeroClassID() returns ID of a hero class
- getHeroType() returns pointer to a hero
- getHeroClass() returns pointer to a hero class
2024-10-10 12:28:08 +00:00

313 lines
7.8 KiB

* CUnitState.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "Unit.h"
#include "../bonuses/CBonusProxy.h"
class JsonSerializeFormat;
class UnitChanges;
namespace vstd
class RNG;
namespace battle
class CUnitState;
explicit CAmmo(const battle::Unit * Owner, CSelector totalSelector);
//only copy construction is allowed for acquire(), serializeJson should be used for any other "assignment"
CAmmo(const CAmmo & other) = default;
CAmmo(CAmmo && other) = delete;
CAmmo & operator=(const CAmmo & other);
CAmmo & operator=(CAmmo && other) = delete;
int32_t available() const;
bool canUse(int32_t amount = 1) const;
virtual bool isLimited() const;
virtual void reset();
virtual int32_t total() const;
virtual void use(int32_t amount = 1);
virtual void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);
int32_t used;
const battle::Unit * owner;
CBonusProxy totalProxy;
class DLL_LINKAGE CShots : public CAmmo
explicit CShots(const battle::Unit * Owner);
CShots(const CShots & other) = default;
CShots & operator=(const CShots & other);
bool isLimited() const override;
int32_t total() const override;
void setEnv(const IUnitEnvironment * env_);
const IUnitEnvironment * env;
CCheckProxy shooter;
class DLL_LINKAGE CCasts : public CAmmo
explicit CCasts(const battle::Unit * Owner);
CCasts(const CCasts & other) = default;
CCasts & operator=(const CCasts & other) = default;
class DLL_LINKAGE CRetaliations : public CAmmo
explicit CRetaliations(const battle::Unit * Owner);
CRetaliations(const CRetaliations & other) = default;
CRetaliations & operator=(const CRetaliations & other) = default;
bool isLimited() const override;
int32_t total() const override;
void reset() override;
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) override;
mutable int32_t totalCache;
CCheckProxy noRetaliation;
CCheckProxy unlimited;
class DLL_LINKAGE CHealth
explicit CHealth(const battle::Unit * Owner);
CHealth(const CHealth & other) = default;
CHealth & operator=(const CHealth & other);
void init();
void reset();
void damage(int64_t & amount);
HealInfo heal(int64_t & amount, EHealLevel level, EHealPower power);
int32_t getCount() const;
int32_t getFirstHPleft() const;
int32_t getResurrected() const;
/// returns total remaining health
int64_t available() const;
/// returns total initial health
int64_t total() const;
void takeResurrected();
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);
void addResurrected(int32_t amount);
void setFromTotal(const int64_t totalHealth);
const battle::Unit * owner;
int32_t firstHPleft;
int32_t fullUnits;
int32_t resurrected;
class DLL_LINKAGE CUnitState : public Unit
bool cloned;
bool defending;
bool defendingAnim;
bool drainedMana;
bool fear;
bool hadMorale;
bool castSpellThisTurn;
bool ghost;
bool ghostPending;
bool movedThisRound;
bool summoned;
bool waiting;
bool waitedThisTurn; //"waited()" that stays true for full turn after wait - needed as UI button hackfix
CCasts casts;
CRetaliations counterAttacks;
CHealth health;
CShots shots;
CTotalsProxy totalAttacks;
CTotalsProxy minDamage;
CTotalsProxy maxDamage;
///id of alive clone of this stack clone if any
si32 cloneID;
///position on battlefield; -2 - keep, -3 - lower tower, -4 - upper tower
BattleHex position;
CUnitState(const CUnitState & other) = delete;
CUnitState(CUnitState && other) = delete;
CUnitState & operator= (const CUnitState & other);
CUnitState & operator= (CUnitState && other) = delete;
bool doubleWide() const override;
int32_t creatureIndex() const override;
CreatureID creatureId() const override;
int32_t creatureLevel() const override;
int32_t creatureCost() const override;
int32_t creatureIconIndex() const override;
int32_t getCasterUnitId() const override;
int32_t getSpellSchoolLevel(const spells::Spell * spell, SpellSchool * outSelectedSchool = nullptr) const override;
int32_t getEffectLevel(const spells::Spell * spell) const override;
int64_t getSpellBonus(const spells::Spell * spell, int64_t base, const Unit * affectedStack) const override;
int64_t getSpecificSpellBonus(const spells::Spell * spell, int64_t base) const override;
int32_t getEffectPower(const spells::Spell * spell) const override;
int32_t getEnchantPower(const spells::Spell * spell) const override;
int64_t getEffectValue(const spells::Spell * spell) const override;
PlayerColor getCasterOwner() const override;
const CGHeroInstance * getHeroCaster() const override;
void getCasterName(MetaString & text) const override;
void getCastDescription(const spells::Spell * spell, const std::vector<const Unit *> & attacked, MetaString & text) const override;
int32_t manaLimit() const override;
bool ableToRetaliate() const override;
bool alive() const override;
bool isGhost() const override;
bool isFrozen() const override;
bool isValidTarget(bool allowDead = false) const override;
bool isClone() const override;
bool hasClone() const override;
bool canCast() const override;
bool isCaster() const override;
bool canShoot() const override;
bool isShooter() const override;
int32_t getKilled() const override;
int32_t getCount() const override;
int32_t getFirstHPleft() const override;
int64_t getAvailableHealth() const override;
int64_t getTotalHealth() const override;
BattleHex getPosition() const override;
void setPosition(BattleHex hex) override;
int32_t getInitiative(int turn = 0) const override;
uint8_t getRangedFullDamageDistance() const;
uint8_t getShootingRangeDistance() const;
bool canMove(int turn = 0) const override;
bool defended(int turn = 0) const override;
bool moved(int turn = 0) const override;
bool willMove(int turn = 0) const override;
bool waited(int turn = 0) const override;
std::shared_ptr<Unit> acquire() const override;
std::shared_ptr<CUnitState> acquireState() const override;
BattlePhases::Type battleQueuePhase(int turn) const override;
int getTotalAttacks(bool ranged) const override;
int getMinDamage(bool ranged) const override;
int getMaxDamage(bool ranged) const override;
int getAttack(bool ranged) const override;
int getDefense(bool ranged) const override;
void save(JsonNode & data) override;
void load(const JsonNode & data) override;
void damage(int64_t & amount) override;
HealInfo heal(int64_t & amount, EHealLevel level, EHealPower power) override;
void localInit(const IUnitEnvironment * env_);
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);
FactionID getFactionID() const override;
void afterAttack(bool ranged, bool counter);
void afterNewRound();
void afterGetsTurn();
void makeGhost();
void onRemoved();
const IUnitEnvironment * env;
CTotalsProxy attack;
CTotalsProxy defence;
CBonusProxy inFrenzy;
CCheckProxy cloneLifetimeMarker;
void reset();
class DLL_LINKAGE CUnitStateDetached : public CUnitState
explicit CUnitStateDetached(const IUnitInfo * unit_, const IBonusBearer * bonus_);
TConstBonusListPtr getAllBonuses(const CSelector & selector, const CSelector & limit,
const std::string & cachingStr = "") const override;
int64_t getTreeVersion() const override;
CUnitStateDetached & operator= (const CUnitState & other);
uint32_t unitId() const override;
BattleSide unitSide() const override;
const CCreature * unitType() const override;
PlayerColor unitOwner() const override;
SlotID unitSlot() const override;
int32_t unitBaseAmount() const override;
void spendMana(ServerCallback * server, const int spellCost) const override;
const IUnitInfo * unit;
const IBonusBearer * bonus;