mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-01-28 03:57:02 +02:00
Michał W. Urbańczyk a9af0da0ab Rewritten handling mouse movement over hex and l-clicking hex into one procedure. That way the tooltip and cursor are always accurate, because they're set by the same routing that selects action. Having that logic duplicated in two methods was unmaintainable. [though the new one is still monstrous...] By the way fixed numerous issues, including:
* #785 and parts of #760
* first aid tent can heal only creatures that suffered damage
* war machines can't be healed by tent
* creatures casting spells won't try to cast them during tactic phase
* console tooltips for first aid tent
* console tooltips for teleport spell
* cursor is reset to pointer when action is requested
* fixed a few other missing or wrong tooltips/cursors

Implemented opening creature window by l-clicking on stack. Master Genie's spell is picked by server, not client.
Minor changes.
2012-03-30 21:36:07 +00:00

1321 lines
38 KiB

#include "StdInc.h"
#include "IGameCallback.h"
#include "../lib/CGameState.h"
#include "../lib/map.h"
#include "CObjectHandler.h"
#include "CHeroHandler.h"
#include "StartInfo.h"
#include "CArtHandler.h"
#include "CSpellHandler.h"
#include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
#include "CTownHandler.h"
#include "BattleState.h"
#include "NetPacks.h"
#include "CBuildingHandler.h"
#include "GameConstants.h"
* IGameCallback.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
//TODO make clean
#define ERROR_SILENT_RET_VAL_IF(cond, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){return retVal;}} while(0)
#define ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(cond, verbose, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){if(verbose)tlog1 << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << txt << std::endl; return retVal;}} while(0)
#define ERROR_RET_IF(cond, txt) do {if(cond){tlog1 << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << txt << std::endl; return;}} while(0)
#define ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(cond, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){tlog1 << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << txt << std::endl; return retVal;}} while(0)
extern boost::rand48 ran;
boost::shared_mutex& CCallbackBase::getGsMutex()
return *gs->mx;
si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasDistancePenalty( const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex )
return gs->curB->hasDistancePenalty(stack, destHex);
si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty( const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex )
return gs->curB->hasWallPenalty(stack, destHex);
si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanTeleportTo(const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex, int telportLevel)
return gs->curB->canTeleportTo(stack, destHex, telportLevel);
std::vector<int> CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetDistances(const CStack * stack, BattleHex hex /*= BattleHex::INVALID*/, BattleHex * predecessors /*= NULL*/)
hex = stack->position;
std::vector<int> ret(GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE, -1); //fill initial ret with -1's
if(!hex.isValid()) //stack has bad position? probably castle turret, return initial values (they can't move)
return ret;
bool ac[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE] = {0};
std::set<BattleHex> occupyable;
gs->curB->getAccessibilityMap(ac, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, false, occupyable, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), stack);
BattleHex pr[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE];
int dist[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE];
gs->curB->makeBFS(stack->position, ac, pr, dist, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), false);
for(int i=0; i<GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++i)
if(pr[i] != -1)
ret[i] = dist[i];
memcpy(predecessors, pr, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE * sizeof(BattleHex));
return ret;
std::set<BattleHex> CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAttackedHexes(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos /*= BattleHex::INVALID*/)
tlog1 << "battleGetAttackedHexes called when there is no battle!\n";
std::set<BattleHex> set;
return set;
return gs->curB->getAttackedHexes(attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos);
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastThisSpell( const CSpell * spell )
tlog1 << "battleCanCastThisSpell called when there is no battle!\n";
return ESpellCastProblem::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL;
return gs->curB->battleCanCastThisSpell(player, spell, ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING);
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastThisSpell(const CSpell * spell, BattleHex destination)
tlog1 << "battleCanCastThisSpell called when there is no battle!\n";
return ESpellCastProblem::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL;
return gs->curB->battleCanCastThisSpellHere(player, spell, ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING, destination);
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCreatureCastThisSpell(const CSpell * spell, BattleHex destination)
tlog1 << "battleCanCastThisSpell called when there is no battle!\n";
return ESpellCastProblem::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL;
return gs->curB->battleCanCastThisSpellHere(player, spell, ECastingMode::CREATURE_ACTIVE_CASTING, destination);
si32 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetRandomStackSpell(const CStack * stack, ERandomSpell mode)
switch (mode)
return gs->curB->getRandomBeneficialSpell(stack); //target
return gs->curB->getRandomCastedSpell(stack); //caster
tlog1 << "Incorrect mode of battleGetRandomSpell (" << mode <<")\n";
return -1;
si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetTacticDist()
if (!gs->curB)
tlog1 << "battleGetTacticDist called when no battle!\n";
return 0;
if (gs->curB->sides[gs->curB->tacticsSide] == player)
return gs->curB->tacticDistance;
return 0;
ui8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetMySide()
if (!gs->curB)
tlog1 << "battleGetMySide called when no battle!\n";
return 0;
return gs->curB->sides[1] == player;
int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetSurrenderCost()
if (!gs->curB)
tlog1 << "battleGetSurrenderCost called when no battle!\n";
return -1;
return gs->curB->getSurrenderingCost(player);
int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetBattlefieldType()
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
//return gs->battleGetBattlefieldType();
tlog2<<"battleGetBattlefieldType called when there is no battle!"<<std::endl;
return -1;
return gs->curB->battlefieldType;
// int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetObstaclesAtTile(BattleHex tile) //returns bitfield
// {
// //TODO - write
// return -1;
// }
std::vector<CObstacleInstance> CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAllObstacles()
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->curB->obstacles;
return std::vector<CObstacleInstance>();
const CStack* CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByID(int ID, bool onlyAlive)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
if(!gs->curB) return NULL;
return gs->curB->getStack(ID, onlyAlive);
const CStack* CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos(BattleHex pos, bool onlyAlive)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->curB->battleGetStack(pos, onlyAlive);
BattleHex CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetPos(int stack)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
tlog2<<"battleGetPos called when there is no battle!"<<std::endl;
return BattleHex::INVALID;
for(size_t g=0; g<gs->curB->stacks.size(); ++g)
if(gs->curB->stacks[g]->ID == stack)
return gs->curB->stacks[g]->position;
return BattleHex::INVALID;
TStacks CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStacks(EStackOwnership whose /*= MINE_AND_ENEMY*/, bool onlyAlive /*= true*/)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
TStacks ret;
if(!gs->curB) //there is no battle
tlog2<<"battleGetStacks called when there is no battle!"<<std::endl;
return ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack *s, gs->curB->stacks)
bool ownerMatches = (whose == MINE_AND_ENEMY) || (whose == ONLY_MINE && s->owner == player) || (whose == ONLY_ENEMY && s->owner != player);
bool alivenessMatches = s->alive() || !onlyAlive;
if(ownerMatches && alivenessMatches)
return ret;
void CBattleInfoCallback::getStackQueue( std::vector<const CStack *> &out, int howMany )
tlog2 << "battleGetStackQueue called when there is not battle!" << std::endl;
gs->curB->getStackQueue(out, howMany);
void CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackCountOutsideHexes(bool *ac)
tlog2<<"battleGetAvailableHexes called when there is no battle!"<<std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++i) ac[i] = false;
else {
std::set<BattleHex> ignored;
gs->curB->getAccessibilityMap(ac, false /*ignored*/, false, false, ignored, false /*ignored*/, NULL);
std::vector<BattleHex> CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAvailableHexes(const CStack * stack, bool addOccupiable, std::vector<BattleHex> * attackable)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
tlog2<<"battleGetAvailableHexes called when there is no battle!"<<std::endl;
return std::vector<BattleHex>();
return gs->curB->getAccessibility(stack, addOccupiable, attackable);
//return gs->battleGetRange(ID);
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanShoot(const CStack * stack, BattleHex dest)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
if(!gs->curB) return false;
return gs->curB->battleCanShoot(stack, dest);
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastSpell()
if(!gs->curB) //there is no battle
return false;
return gs->curB->battleCanCastSpell(player, ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING) == ESpellCastProblem::OK;
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanFlee()
return gs->curB->battleCanFlee(player);
const CGTownInstance *CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetDefendedTown()
if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->town == NULL)
return NULL;
return gs->curB->town;
ui8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetWallState(int partOfWall)
if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->siege == 0)
return 0;
return gs->curB->si.wallState[partOfWall];
int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetWallUnderHex(BattleHex hex)
if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->siege == 0)
return -1;
return gs->curB->hexToWallPart(hex);
TDmgRange CBattleInfoCallback::battleEstimateDamage(const CStack * attacker, const CStack * defender, TDmgRange * retaliationDmg)
return std::make_pair(0, 0);
const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, * defenderHero;
bool shooting = battleCanShoot(attacker, defender->position);
if(gs->curB->sides[0] == attacker->owner)
attackerHero = gs->curB->heroes[0];
defenderHero = gs->curB->heroes[1];
attackerHero = gs->curB->heroes[1];
defenderHero = gs->curB->heroes[0];
TDmgRange ret = gs->curB->calculateDmgRange(attacker, defender, attackerHero, defenderHero, shooting, 0, false, false, false);
retaliationDmg->first = retaliationDmg->second = 0;
ui32 TDmgRange::* pairElems[] = {&TDmgRange::first, &TDmgRange::second};
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
BattleStackAttacked bsa;
bsa.damageAmount = ret.*pairElems[i];
retaliationDmg->*pairElems[!i] = gs->curB->calculateDmgRange(defender, attacker, bsa.newAmount, attacker->count, attackerHero, defenderHero, false, 0, false, false, false).*pairElems[!i];
return ret;
ui8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetSiegeLevel()
return 0;
return gs->curB->siege;
const CGHeroInstance * CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetFightingHero(ui8 side) const
return 0;
return gs->curB->heroes[side];
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleIsBlockedByObstacle(BattleHex tile)
return 0;
return gs->curB->isObstacleOnTile(tile);
CGameState *const CPrivilagedInfoCallback::gameState ()
return gs;
int CGameInfoCallback::getOwner(int heroID) const
const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(heroID);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!obj, "No such object!", -1);
return gs->map->objects[heroID]->tempOwner;
int CGameInfoCallback::getResource(int Player, int which) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(Player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info!", -1);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(p->resources.size() <= which || which < 0, "No such resource!", -1);
return p->resources[which];
const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getSelectedHero( int Player ) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(Player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info!", NULL);
return getHero(p->currentSelection);
const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getSelectedHero() const
return getSelectedHero(gs->currentPlayer);
const PlayerSettings * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerSettings(int color) const
return &gs->scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(color);
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getTilesInRange( boost::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, int player/*=-1*/, int mode/*=0*/ ) const
if(player >= GameConstants::PLAYER_LIMIT)
tlog1 << "Illegal call to getTilesInRange!\n";
if (radious == -1) //reveal entire map
getAllTiles (tiles, player, -1, 0);
const TeamState * team = gs->getPlayerTeam(player);
for (int xd = std::max<int>(pos.x - radious , 0); xd <= std::min<int>(pos.x + radious, gs->map->width - 1); xd++)
for (int yd = std::max<int>(pos.y - radious, 0); yd <= std::min<int>(pos.y + radious, gs->map->height - 1); yd++)
double distance = pos.dist2d(int3(xd,yd,pos.z)) - 0.5;
if(distance <= radious)
if(player < 0
|| (mode == 1 && team->fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][pos.z]==0)
|| (mode == -1 && team->fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][pos.z]==1)
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getAllTiles (boost::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, int Player/*=-1*/, int level, int surface ) const
if(Player >= GameConstants::PLAYER_LIMIT)
tlog1 << "Illegal call to getAllTiles !\n";
bool water = surface == 0 || surface == 2,
land = surface == 0 || surface == 1;
std::vector<int> floors;
if(level == -1)
for (int xd = 0; xd <= gs->map->width - 1; xd++)
for(int b=0; b<gs->map->twoLevel + 1; ++b) //if gs->map->twoLevel is false then false (0) + 1 is 1, if it's true (1) then we have 2
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = floors.begin(); i!= floors.end(); i++)
register int zd = *i;
for (int xd = 0; xd < gs->map->width; xd++)
for (int yd = 0; yd < gs->map->height; yd++)
if ((getTile (int3 (xd,yd,zd))->tertype == 8 && water)
|| (getTile (int3 (xd,yd,zd))->tertype != 8 && land))
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getFreeTiles (std::vector<int3> &tiles) const
std::vector<int> floors;
for (int b=0; b<gs->map->twoLevel + 1; ++b) //if gs->map->twoLevel is false then false (0) + 1 is 1, if it's true (1) then we have 2
const TerrainTile *tinfo;
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = floors.begin(); i!= floors.end(); i++)
register int zd = *i;
for (int xd = 0; xd < gs->map->width; xd++)
for (int yd = 0; yd < gs->map->height; yd++)
tinfo = getTile(int3 (xd,yd,zd));
if (tinfo->tertype != 8 && !tinfo->blocked) //land and free
tiles.push_back (int3 (xd,yd,zd));
bool CGameInfoCallback::isAllowed( int type, int id )
case 0:
return gs->map->allowedSpell[id];
case 1:
return gs->map->allowedArtifact[id];
case 2:
return gs->map->allowedAbilities[id];
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(1, "Wrong type!", false);
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::pickAllowedArtsSet(std::vector<const CArtifact*> &out)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3 ; j++)
out.push_back(VLC->arth->artifacts[getRandomArt(CArtifact::ART_TREASURE << i)]);
ui16 CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getRandomArt (int flags)
return VLC->arth->getRandomArt(flags);
ui16 CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getArtSync (ui32 rand, int flags)
return VLC->arth->getArtSync (rand, flags);
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::erasePickedArt (si32 id)
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getAllowedSpells(std::vector<ui16> &out, ui16 level)
CSpell *spell;
for (ui32 i = 0; i < gs->map->allowedSpell.size(); i++) //spellh size appears to be greater (?)
spell = VLC->spellh->spells[i];
if (isAllowed (0, spell->id) && spell->level == level)
inline TerrainTile * CNonConstInfoCallback::getTile( int3 pos )
return NULL;
return &gs->map->getTile(pos);
const PlayerState * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(int color, bool verbose) const
ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!hasAccess(color), verbose, "Cannot access player " << color << "info!", NULL);
ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->players,color), verbose, "Cannot find player " << color << "info!", NULL);
return &gs->players[color];
const CTown * CGameInfoCallback::getNativeTown(int color) const
const PlayerSettings *ps = getPlayerSettings(color);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!ps, "There is no such player!", NULL);
return &VLC->townh->towns[ps->castle];
const CGObjectInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getObjByQuestIdentifier(int identifier) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->map->questIdentifierToId, identifier), "There is no object with such quest identifier!", NULL);
return getObj(gs->map->questIdentifierToId[identifier]);
/* */
const CGObjectInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getObj(int objid, bool verbose) const
if(objid < 0 || objid >= gs->map->objects.size())
tlog1 << "Cannot get object with id " << objid << std::endl;
return NULL;
const CGObjectInstance *ret = gs->map->objects[objid];
tlog1 << "Cannot get object with id " << objid << ". Object was removed.\n";
return NULL;
if(!isVisible(ret, player))
tlog1 << "Cannot get object with id " << objid << ". Object is not visible.\n";
return NULL;
return ret;
const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getHero(int objid) const
const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(objid, false);
return dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(obj);
return NULL;
const CGTownInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getTown(int objid) const
const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(objid, false);
return dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance*>(gs->map->objects[objid].get());
return NULL;
void CGameInfoCallback::getUpgradeInfo(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos, UpgradeInfo &out) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_IF(!canGetFullInfo(obj), "Cannot get info about not owned object!");
ERROR_RET_IF(!obj->hasStackAtSlot(stackPos), "There is no such stack!");
out = gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj->getStack(stackPos));
//return gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj->getStack(stackPos));
const StartInfo * CGameInfoCallback::getStartInfo() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->scenarioOps;
int CGameInfoCallback::getSpellCost(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(caster), "Cannot get info about caster!", -1);
//if there is a battle
return gs->curB->getSpellCost(sp, caster);
//if there is no battle
return caster->getSpellCost(sp);
int CGameInfoCallback::estimateSpellDamage(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(hero && !canGetFullInfo(hero), "Cannot get info about caster!", -1);
if(!gs->curB) //no battle
if (hero) //but we see hero's spellbook
return gs->curB->calculateSpellDmg(sp, hero, NULL, hero->getSpellSchoolLevel(sp), hero->getPrimSkillLevel(2));
return 0; //mage guild
//const CGHeroInstance * ourHero = gs->curB->heroes[0]->tempOwner == player ? gs->curB->heroes[0] : gs->curB->heroes[1];
const CGHeroInstance * ourHero = hero;
return gs->curB->calculateSpellDmg(sp, ourHero, NULL, ourHero->getSpellSchoolLevel(sp), ourHero->getPrimSkillLevel(2));
void CGameInfoCallback::getThievesGuildInfo(SThievesGuildInfo & thi, const CGObjectInstance * obj)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_IF(!obj, "No guild object!");
ERROR_RET_IF(obj->ID == GameConstants::TOWNI_TYPE && !canGetFullInfo(obj), "Cannot get info about town guild object!");
//TODO: advmap object -> check if they're visited by our hero
if(obj->ID == GameConstants::TOWNI_TYPE || obj->ID == 95) //it is a town or adv map tavern
gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, gs->players[obj->tempOwner].towns.size());
else if(obj->ID == 97) //Den of Thieves
gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, 20);
int CGameInfoCallback::howManyTowns(int Player) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!hasAccess(Player), "Access forbidden!", -1);
return gs->players[Player].towns.size();
bool CGameInfoCallback::getTownInfo( const CGObjectInstance *town, InfoAboutTown &dest ) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(town, player), "Town is not visible!", false); //it's not a town or it's not visible for layer
bool detailed = hasAccess(town->tempOwner);
//TODO vision support
if(town->ID == GameConstants::TOWNI_TYPE)
dest.initFromTown(static_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(town), detailed);
else if(town->ID == 33 || town->ID == 219)
dest.initFromGarrison(static_cast<const CGGarrison *>(town), detailed);
return false;
return true;
int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(pos), "Tile is not visible!", int3(-1,-1,-1));
return gs->guardingCreaturePosition(pos);
bool CGameInfoCallback::getHeroInfo( const CGObjectInstance *hero, InfoAboutHero &dest ) const
const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(hero);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!h, "That's not a hero!", false);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(h->getPosition(false)), "That hero is not visible!", false);
//TODO vision support
dest.initFromHero(h, hasAccess(h->tempOwner));
return true;
int CGameInfoCallback::getDate(int mode) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->getDate(mode);
std::vector < std::string > CGameInfoCallback::getObjDescriptions(int3 pos) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
std::vector<std::string> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile given!", ret);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, t->blockingObjects)
return ret;
bool CGameInfoCallback::verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea) const
for (size_t i=0; i < path->nodes.size(); ++i)
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(path->nodes[i].coord); //current tile
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Path contains not visible tile: " << path->nodes[i].coord << "!", false);
if (t->blocked && !t->visitable)
return false; //path is wrong - one of the tiles is blocked
if (blockSea)
if (i==0)
const TerrainTile *prev = getTile(path->nodes[i-1].coord); //tile of previous node on the path
if (( t->tertype == TerrainTile::water && prev->tertype != TerrainTile::water)
|| (t->tertype != TerrainTile::water && prev->tertype == TerrainTile::water)
|| prev->tertype == TerrainTile::rock
return false;
return true;
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(int3 pos, int Player) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->map->isInTheMap(pos) && (Player == -1 || gs->isVisible(pos, Player));
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(int3 pos) const
return isVisible(pos,player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible( const CGObjectInstance *obj, int Player ) const
return gs->isVisible(obj, Player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
return isVisible(obj, player);
// const CCreatureSet* CInfoCallback::getGarrison(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
// {
// //boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
// if()
// const CArmedInstance *armi = dynamic_cast<const CArmedInstance*>(obj);
// if(!armi)
// return NULL;
// else
// return armi;
// }
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getBlockingObjs( int3 pos ) const
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, t->blockingObjects)
return ret;
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs( int3 pos ) const
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret);
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, t->visitableObjects)
return ret;
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getFlaggableObjects(int3 pos) const
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, t->blockingObjects)
if(obj->tempOwner != 254)
// const std::vector < std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> > & objs = CGI->mh->ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects;
// for(size_t b=0; b<objs.size(); ++b)
// {
// if(objs[b].first->tempOwner!=254 && !((objs[b].first->defInfo->blockMap[pos.y - objs[b].first->pos.y + 5] >> (objs[b].first->pos.x - pos.x)) & 1))
// ret.push_back(CGI->mh->ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[b].first);
// }
return ret;
int3 CGameInfoCallback::getMapSize() const
return int3(gs->map->width, gs->map->height, gs->map->twoLevel+1);
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance *> CGameInfoCallback::getAvailableHeroes(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance *> ret;
//ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isOwnedOrVisited(townOrTavern), "Town or tavern must be owned or visited!", ret);
//TODO: town needs to be owned, advmap tavern needs to be visited; to be reimplemented when visit tracking is done
return ret;
const TerrainTile * CGameInfoCallback::getTile( int3 tile, bool verbose) const
ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(tile), verbose, tile << " is not visible!", NULL);
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return &gs->map->getTile(tile);
int CGameInfoCallback::canBuildStructure( const CGTownInstance *t, int ID )
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(t), "Town is not owned!", -1);
int ret = EBuildingState::ALLOWED;
if(t->builded >= GameConstants::MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN)
ret = EBuildingState::CANT_BUILD_TODAY; //building limit
CBuilding * pom = VLC->buildh->buildings[t->subID][ID];
return EBuildingState::BUILDING_ERROR;
//checking resources
ret = EBuildingState::NO_RESOURCES; //lack of res
//checking for requirements
std::set<int> reqs = getBuildingRequiments(t, ID);//getting all requirements
for( std::set<int>::iterator ri = reqs.begin(); ri != reqs.end(); ri++ )
ret = EBuildingState::PREREQUIRES; //lack of requirements - cannot build
//can we build it?
ret = EBuildingState::FORBIDDEN; //forbidden
if(ID == 13) //capitol
const PlayerState *ps = getPlayer(t->tempOwner);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, ps->towns)
if(vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, 13))
ret = EBuildingState::HAVE_CAPITAL; //no more than one capitol
else if(ID == 6) //shipyard
const TerrainTile *tile = getTile(t->bestLocation());
if(!tile || tile->tertype != TerrainTile::water )
ret = EBuildingState::NO_WATER; //lack of water
if(t->builtBuildings.find(ID)!=t->builtBuildings.end()) //already built
ret = EBuildingState::ALREADY_PRESENT;
return ret;
std::set<int> CGameInfoCallback::getBuildingRequiments( const CGTownInstance *t, int ID )
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(t), "Town is not owned!", std::set<int>());
std::set<int> used;
std::set<int> reqs = VLC->townh->requirements[t->subID][ID];
size_t noloop=0;
for(std::set<int>::iterator i=reqs.begin();i!=reqs.end();i++)
if(used.find(*i)==used.end()) //we haven't added requirements for this building
std::set<int>::iterator j=VLC->townh->requirements[t->subID][*i].begin();
reqs.insert(*j);//creating full list of requirements
return reqs;
const CMapHeader * CGameInfoCallback::getMapHeader() const
return gs->map;
bool CGameInfoCallback::hasAccess(int playerId) const
return player < 0 || gs->getPlayerRelations( playerId, player );
int CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerStatus(int player) const
const PlayerState *ps = gs->getPlayer(player, false);
return -1;
return ps->status;
std::string CGameInfoCallback::getTavernGossip(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const
return "GOSSIP TEST";
int CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerRelations( ui8 color1, ui8 color2 ) const
return gs->getPlayerRelations(color1, color2);
bool CGameInfoCallback::canGetFullInfo(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
return !obj || hasAccess(obj->tempOwner);
int CGameInfoCallback::getHeroCount( int player, bool includeGarrisoned ) const
int ret = 0;
const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No such player!", -1);
return p->heroes.size();
for(ui32 i = 0; i < p->heroes.size(); i++)
return ret;
bool CGameInfoCallback::isOwnedOrVisited(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
return true;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(obj->visitablePos()); //get entrance tile
const CGObjectInstance *visitor = t->visitableObjects.back(); //visitong hero if present or the obejct itself at last
return visitor->ID == GameConstants::HEROI_TYPE && canGetFullInfo(visitor); //owned or allied hero is a visitor
int CGameInfoCallback::getCurrentPlayer() const
return gs->currentPlayer;
CGameInfoCallback::CGameInfoCallback(CGameState *GS, int Player)
gs = GS;
player = Player;
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<ui8> > > & CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getVisibilityMap() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->getPlayerTeam(player)->fogOfWarMap;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::howManyTowns() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1);
return CGameInfoCallback::howManyTowns(player);
std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownsInfo(bool onlyOur) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> ret = std::vector < const CGTownInstance *>();
for ( std::map<ui8, PlayerState>::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < (*i).second.towns.size(); ++j)
if ((*i).first==player
|| (isVisible((*i).second.towns[j],player) && !onlyOur))
} // for ( std::map<int, PlayerState>::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++)
return ret;
std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroesInfo(bool onlyOur) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> ret;
for(size_t i=0;i<gs->map->heroes.size();i++)
if( (gs->map->heroes[i]->tempOwner==player) ||
(isVisible(gs->map->heroes[i]->getPosition(false),player) && !onlyOur) )
return ret;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyColor() const
return player;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroSerial(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
for (size_t i=0; i<gs->players[player].heroes.size();i++)
if (gs->players[player].heroes[i]==hero)
return i;
return -1;
int3 CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getGrailPos( double &outKnownRatio )
if (CGObelisk::obeliskCount == 0)
outKnownRatio = 0.0;
outKnownRatio = static_cast<double>(CGObelisk::visited[gs->getPlayerTeam(player)->id]) / CGObelisk::obeliskCount;
return gs->map->grailPos;
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyObjects() const
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, gs->map->objects)
if(obj && obj->tempOwner == player)
return ret;
std::vector < const CGDwelling * > CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyDwellings() const
std::vector < const CGDwelling * > ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(CGDwelling * dw, gs->getPlayer(player)->dwellings)
return ret;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::howManyHeroes(bool includeGarrisoned) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1);
return getHeroCount(player,includeGarrisoned);
const CGHeroInstance* CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroBySerial(int serialId, bool includeGarrisoned) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info", NULL);
if (!includeGarrisoned)
for(ui32 i = 0; i < p->heroes.size() && i<=serialId; i++)
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(serialId < 0 || serialId >= p->heroes.size(), "No player info", NULL);
return p->heroes[serialId];
const CGTownInstance* CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownBySerial(int serialId) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info", NULL);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(serialId < 0 || serialId >= p->towns.size(), "No player info", NULL);
return p->towns[serialId];
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getResourceAmount(int type) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1);
return getResource(player, type);
TResources CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getResourceAmount() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", TResources());
return gs->players[player].resources;
CGHeroInstance *CNonConstInfoCallback::getHero(int objid)
return const_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(CGameInfoCallback::getHero(objid));
CGTownInstance *CNonConstInfoCallback::getTown(int objid)
return const_cast<CGTownInstance*>(CGameInfoCallback::getTown(objid));
TeamState *CNonConstInfoCallback::getTeam(ui8 teamID)
return const_cast<TeamState*>(CGameInfoCallback::getTeam(teamID));
TeamState *CNonConstInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam(ui8 color)
return const_cast<TeamState*>(CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam(color));
PlayerState * CNonConstInfoCallback::getPlayer( ui8 color, bool verbose )
return const_cast<PlayerState*>(CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(color, verbose));
const TeamState * CGameInfoCallback::getTeam( ui8 teamID ) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->teams, teamID), "Cannot find info for team " << int(teamID), NULL);
const TeamState *ret = &gs->teams[teamID];
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player != -1 && !vstd::contains(ret->players, player), "Illegal attempt to access team data!", NULL);
return ret;
const TeamState * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam( ui8 teamID ) const
const PlayerState * ps = getPlayer(teamID);
if (ps)
return getTeam(ps->team);
return NULL;
const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getHeroWithSubid( int subid ) const
BOOST_FOREACH(const CGHeroInstance *h, gs->map->heroes)
if(h->subID == subid)
return h;
return NULL;
int CGameInfoCallback::getLocalPlayer() const
return getCurrentPlayer();
bool CGameInfoCallback::isInTheMap(const int3 &pos) const
return gs->map->isInTheMap(pos);
void IGameEventRealizer::showInfoDialog( InfoWindow *iw )
void IGameEventRealizer::showInfoDialog(const std::string &msg, int player)
InfoWindow iw;
iw.player = player;
iw.text << msg;
void IGameEventRealizer::setObjProperty(int objid, int prop, si64 val)
SetObjectProperty sob;
sob.id = objid;
sob.what = prop;
sob.val = static_cast<ui32>(val);
const CGObjectInstance * IGameCallback::putNewObject(int ID, int subID, int3 pos)
NewObject no;
no.ID = ID; //creature
no.subID= subID;
no.pos = pos;
return getObj(no.id); //id field will be filled during applying on gs
const CGCreature * IGameCallback::putNewMonster(int creID, int count, int3 pos)
const CGObjectInstance *m = putNewObject(54, creID, pos);
setObjProperty(m->id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_COUNT, count);
setObjProperty(m->id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_POWER, (si64)1000*count);
return dynamic_cast<const CGCreature*>(m);