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#include "StdInc.h"
#include "AIUtility.h"
#include "VCAI.h"
#include "../../lib/UnlockGuard.h"
#include "../../lib/CObjectHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h"
* AIUtility.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
extern boost::thread_specific_ptr<CCallback> cb;
extern boost::thread_specific_ptr<VCAI> ai;
extern FuzzyHelper *fh;
//extern static const int3 dirs[8];
void foreach_tile_pos(std::function<void(const int3& pos)> foo)
for(int i = 0; i < cb->getMapSize().x; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < cb->getMapSize().y; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < cb->getMapSize().z; k++)
void foreach_neighbour(const int3 &pos, std::function<void(const int3& pos)> foo)
for(const int3 &dir : dirs)
const int3 n = pos + dir;
std::string strFromInt3(int3 pos)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << pos;
return oss.str();
bool isCloser(const CGObjectInstance *lhs, const CGObjectInstance *rhs)
const CGPathNode *ln = cb->getPathInfo(lhs->visitablePos()), *rn = cb->getPathInfo(rhs->visitablePos());
if(ln->turns != rn->turns)
return ln->turns < rn->turns;
return (ln->moveRemains > rn->moveRemains);
bool compareMovement(HeroPtr lhs, HeroPtr rhs)
return lhs->movement > rhs->movement;
ui64 evaluateDanger(crint3 tile)
const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(tile, false);
if(!t) //we can know about guard but can't check its tile (the edge of fow)
return 190000000; //MUCH
ui64 objectDanger = 0, guardDanger = 0;
auto visObjs = cb->getVisitableObjs(tile);
objectDanger = evaluateDanger(visObjs.back());
int3 guardPos = cb->guardingCreaturePosition(tile);
if(guardPos.x >= 0 && guardPos != tile)
guardDanger = evaluateDanger(guardPos);
//TODO mozna odwiedzic blockvis nie ruszajac straznika
return std::max(objectDanger, guardDanger);
ui64 evaluateDanger(crint3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *visitor)
const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(tile, false);
if(!t) //we can know about guard but can't check its tile (the edge of fow)
return 190000000; //MUCH
ui64 objectDanger = 0, guardDanger = 0;
auto visitableObjects = cb->getVisitableObjs(tile);
// in some scenarios hero happens to be "under" the object (eg town). Then we consider ONLY the hero.
if(vstd::contains_if(visitableObjects, objWithID<Obj::HERO>))
vstd::erase_if(visitableObjects, [](const CGObjectInstance * obj)
return !objWithID<Obj::HERO>(obj);
if(const CGObjectInstance * dangerousObject = vstd::backOrNull(visitableObjects))
objectDanger = evaluateDanger(dangerousObject); //unguarded objects can also be dangerous or unhandled
if (objectDanger)
//TODO: don't downcast objects AI shouldnt know about!
auto armedObj = dynamic_cast<const CArmedInstance*>(dangerousObject);
objectDanger *= fh->getTacticalAdvantage(visitor, armedObj); //this line tends to go infinite for allied towns (?)
auto guards = cb->getGuardingCreatures(tile);
for (auto cre : guards)
vstd::amax (guardDanger, evaluateDanger(cre) * fh->getTacticalAdvantage(visitor, dynamic_cast<const CArmedInstance*>(cre))); //we are interested in strongest monster around
//TODO mozna odwiedzic blockvis nie ruszajac straznika
return std::max(objectDanger, guardDanger);
ui64 evaluateDanger(const CGObjectInstance *obj)
if(obj->tempOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT && cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, ai->playerID) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) //owned or allied objects don't pose any threat
return 0;
case Obj::HERO:
InfoAboutHero iah;
cb->getHeroInfo(obj, iah);
return iah.army.getStrength();
case Obj::TOWN:
case Obj::GARRISON: case Obj::GARRISON2: //garrison
InfoAboutTown iat;
cb->getTownInfo(obj, iat);
return iat.army.getStrength();
case Obj::MONSTER:
const CGCreature *cre = dynamic_cast<const CGCreature*>(obj);
return cre->getArmyStrength();
const CGDwelling *d = dynamic_cast<const CGDwelling*>(obj);
return d->getArmyStrength();
case Obj::MINE:
const CArmedInstance * a = dynamic_cast<const CArmedInstance*>(obj);
return a->getArmyStrength();
case Obj::CRYPT: //crypt
case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: //crebank
case Obj::SHIPWRECK: //shipwreck
case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: //derelict ship
// case Obj::PYRAMID:
return fh->estimateBankDanger (VLC->objh->bankObjToIndex(obj));
case Obj::PYRAMID:
if(obj->subID == 0)
return fh->estimateBankDanger (VLC->objh->bankObjToIndex(obj));
return 0;
return 0;
bool compareDanger(const CGObjectInstance *lhs, const CGObjectInstance *rhs)
return evaluateDanger(lhs) < evaluateDanger(rhs);
bool isSafeToVisit(HeroPtr h, crint3 tile)
const ui64 heroStrength = h->getTotalStrength(),
dangerStrength = evaluateDanger(tile, *h);
if(heroStrength / SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT > dangerStrength)
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("It's, safe for %s to visit tile %s") % h->name % tile;
return true;
return false;
return true; //there's no danger
bool isReachable(const CGObjectInstance *obj)
return cb->getPathInfo(obj->visitablePos())->turns < 255;
bool canBeEmbarkmentPoint(const TerrainTile *t)
//tile must be free of with unoccupied boat
return !t->blocked
|| (t->visitableObjects.size() == 1 && t->topVisitableId() == Obj::BOAT);
int3 whereToExplore(HeroPtr h)
//TODO it's stupid and ineffective, write sth better
int radius = h->getSightRadious();
int3 hpos = h->visitablePos();
//look for nearby objs -> visit them if they're close enouh
const int DIST_LIMIT = 3;
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> nearbyVisitableObjs;
for(const CGObjectInstance *obj : ai->getPossibleDestinations(h))
int3 op = obj->visitablePos();
CGPath p;
cb->getPath2(op, p);
if(p.nodes.size() && p.endPos() == op && p.nodes.size() <= DIST_LIMIT)
boost::sort(nearbyVisitableObjs, isCloser);
return nearbyVisitableObjs.back()->visitablePos();
return ai->explorationBestNeighbour(hpos, radius, h);
catch(cannotFulfillGoalException &e)
std::vector<std::vector<int3> > tiles; //tiles[distance_to_fow]
return ai->explorationNewPoint(radius, h, tiles);
catch(cannotFulfillGoalException &e)
std::map<int, std::vector<int3> > profits;
TimeCheck tc("Evaluating exploration possibilities");
tiles[0].clear(); //we can't reach FoW anyway
for(auto &vt : tiles)
for(auto &tile : vt)
profits[howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(tile, radius)].push_back(tile);
return int3 (-1,-1,-1);
auto bestDest = profits.end();
return bestDest->second.front(); //TODO which is the real best tile?
bool isBlockedBorderGate(int3 tileToHit)
return cb->getTile(tileToHit)->topVisitableId() == Obj::BORDER_GATE
&& cb->getPathInfo(tileToHit)->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE;
int howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(const int3 &pos, int radious)
{ //TODO: do not explore dead-end boundaries
int ret = 0;
for(int x = pos.x - radious; x <= pos.x + radious; x++)
for(int y = pos.y - radious; y <= pos.y + radious; y++)
int3 npos = int3(x,y,pos.z);
if(cb->isInTheMap(npos) && pos.dist2d(npos) - 0.5 < radious && !cb->isVisible(npos))
if (!boundaryBetweenTwoPoints (pos, npos))
return ret;
bool boundaryBetweenTwoPoints (int3 pos1, int3 pos2) //determines if two points are separated by known barrier
int xMin = std::min (pos1.x, pos2.x);
int xMax = std::max (pos1.x, pos2.x);
int yMin = std::min (pos1.y, pos2.y);
int yMax = std::max (pos1.y, pos2.y);
for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; ++x)
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; ++y)
int3 tile = int3(x, y, pos1.z); //use only on same level, ofc
if (abs(pos1.dist2d(tile) - pos2.dist2d(tile)) < 1.5)
if (!(cb->isVisible(tile) && cb->getTile(tile)->blocked)) //if there's invisible or unblocked tile inbetween, it's good
return false;
return true; //if all are visible and blocked, we're at dead end
int howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(int radious, int3 pos, crint3 dir)
return howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(pos + dir, radious);
void getVisibleNeighbours(const std::vector<int3> &tiles, std::vector<int3> &out)
for(const int3 &tile : tiles)
foreach_neighbour(tile, [&](int3 neighbour)
ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(HeroPtr h, const CGTownInstance *t)
ui64 ret = 0;
int freeHeroSlots = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE - h->stacksCount();
std::vector<const CStackInstance *> toMove;
for(auto const slot : t->Slots())
//can be merged woth another stack?
SlotID dst = h->getSlotFor(slot.second->getCreatureID());
ret += t->getPower(slot.first);
boost::sort(toMove, [](const CStackInstance *lhs, const CStackInstance *rhs)
return lhs->getPower() < rhs->getPower();
for (auto & stack : boost::adaptors::reverse(toMove))
ret += stack->getPower();
return ret;
bool compareHeroStrength(HeroPtr h1, HeroPtr h2)
return h1->getTotalStrength() < h2->getTotalStrength();
bool compareArmyStrength(const CArmedInstance *a1, const CArmedInstance *a2)
return a1->getArmyStrength() < a2->getArmyStrength();