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synced 2025-02-07 13:08:09 +02:00
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier. I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now. This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
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336 lines
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#pragma once
#include "BattleHex.h"
* CBattleCallback.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CGameState;
class CGTownInstance;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CStack;
class ISpellCaster;
class CSpell;
struct BattleInfo;
struct CObstacleInstance;
class IBonusBearer;
struct InfoAboutHero;
class CArmedInstance;
namespace boost
{class shared_mutex;}
namespace BattleSide
enum {ATTACKER = 0, DEFENDER = 1};
typedef std::vector<const CStack*> TStacks;
typedef std::function<bool(const CStack *)> TStackFilter;
class CBattleInfoEssentials;
//Basic class for various callbacks (interfaces called by players to get info about game and so forth)
class DLL_LINKAGE CCallbackBase
const BattleInfo *battle; //battle to which the player is engaged, nullptr if none or not applicable
const BattleInfo * getBattle() const
return battle;
CGameState *gs;
boost::optional<PlayerColor> player; // not set gives access to all information, otherwise callback provides only information "visible" for player
CCallbackBase(CGameState *GS, boost::optional<PlayerColor> Player)
: battle(nullptr), gs(GS), player(Player)
: battle(nullptr), gs(nullptr)
void setBattle(const BattleInfo *B);
bool duringBattle() const;
boost::shared_mutex &getGsMutex(); //just return a reference to mutex, does not lock nor anything
boost::optional<PlayerColor> getPlayerID() const;
friend class CBattleInfoEssentials;
struct DLL_LINKAGE AttackableTiles
std::set<BattleHex> hostileCreaturePositions;
std::set<BattleHex> friendlyCreaturePositions; //for Dragon Breath
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & hostileCreaturePositions & friendlyCreaturePositions;
//Accessibility is property of hex in battle. It doesn't depend on stack, side's perspective and so on.
namespace EAccessibility
enum EAccessibility
GATE, //sieges -> gate opens only for defender stacks
UNAVAILABLE, //indestructible wall parts, special battlefields (like boat-to-boat)
SIDE_COLUMN //used for first and last columns of hexes that are unavailable but wat machines can stand there
typedef std::array<EAccessibility::EAccessibility, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> TAccessibilityArray;
struct DLL_LINKAGE AccessibilityInfo : TAccessibilityArray
bool occupiable(const CStack *stack, BattleHex tile) const;
bool accessible(BattleHex tile, const CStack *stack) const; //checks for both tiles if stack is double wide
bool accessible(BattleHex tile, bool doubleWide, bool attackerOwned) const; //checks for both tiles if stack is double wide
namespace BattlePerspective
enum BattlePerspective
// Reachability info is result of BFS calculation. It's dependent on stack (it's owner, whether it's flying),
// startPosition and perpective.
struct DLL_LINKAGE ReachabilityInfo
typedef std::array<int, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> TDistances;
typedef std::array<BattleHex, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> TPredecessors;
enum { INFINITE_DIST = 1000000 };
struct DLL_LINKAGE Parameters
const CStack *stack; //stack for which calculation is mage => not required (kept for debugging mostly), following variables are enough
bool attackerOwned;
bool doubleWide;
bool flying;
std::vector<BattleHex> knownAccessible; //hexes that will be treated as accessible, even if they're occupied by stack (by default - tiles occupied by stack we do reachability for, so it doesn't block itself)
BattleHex startPosition; //assumed position of stack
BattlePerspective::BattlePerspective perspective; //some obstacles (eg. quicksands) may be invisible for some side
Parameters(const CStack *Stack);
Parameters params;
AccessibilityInfo accessibility;
TDistances distances;
TPredecessors predecessors;
bool isReachable(BattleHex hex) const
return distances[hex] < INFINITE_DIST;
class DLL_LINKAGE CBattleInfoEssentials : public virtual CCallbackBase
bool battleDoWeKnowAbout(ui8 side) const;
const IBonusBearer * getBattleNode() const;
enum EStackOwnership
BattlePerspective::BattlePerspective battleGetMySide() const;
ETerrainType battleTerrainType() const;
BFieldType battleGetBattlefieldType() const;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance> > battleGetAllObstacles(boost::optional<BattlePerspective::BattlePerspective> perspective = boost::none) const; //returns all obstacles on the battlefield
/** @brief Main method for getting battle stacks
* @param predicate Functor that shall return true for desired stack
* @return filtered stacks
TStacks battleGetStacksIf(TStackFilter predicate, bool includeTurrets = false) const;
bool battleHasNativeStack(ui8 side) const;
int battleGetMoatDmg() const; //what dmg unit will suffer if ending turn in the moat
const CGTownInstance * battleGetDefendedTown() const; //returns defended town if current battle is a siege, nullptr instead
const CStack *battleActiveStack() const;
si8 battleTacticDist() const; //returns tactic distance in current tactics phase; 0 if not in tactics phase
si8 battleGetTacticsSide() const; //returns which side is in tactics phase, undefined if none (?)
bool battleCanFlee(PlayerColor player) const;
bool battleCanSurrender(PlayerColor player) const;
ui8 playerToSide(PlayerColor player) const;
ui8 battleGetSiegeLevel() const; //returns 0 when there is no siege, 1 if fort, 2 is citadel, 3 is castle
bool battleHasHero(ui8 side) const;
int battleCastSpells(ui8 side) const; //how many spells has given side cast
const CGHeroInstance * battleGetFightingHero(ui8 side) const; //depracated for players callback, easy to get wrong
const CArmedInstance * battleGetArmyObject(ui8 side) const;
InfoAboutHero battleGetHeroInfo(ui8 side) const;
// for determining state of a part of the wall; format: parameter [0] - keep, [1] - bottom tower, [2] - bottom wall,
// [3] - below gate, [4] - over gate, [5] - upper wall, [6] - uppert tower, [7] - gate; returned value: 1 - intact, 2 - damaged, 3 - destroyed; 0 - no battle
si8 battleGetWallState(int partOfWall) const;
///returns all stacks, alive or dead or undead or mechanical :)
TStacks battleGetAllStacks(bool includeTurrets = false) const;
///returns all alive stacks excluding turrets
TStacks battleAliveStacks() const;
///returns all alive stacks from particular side excluding turrets
TStacks battleAliveStacks(ui8 side) const;
const CStack * battleGetStackByID(int ID, bool onlyAlive = true) const; //returns stack info by given ID
bool battleIsObstacleVisibleForSide(const CObstacleInstance & coi, BattlePerspective::BattlePerspective side) const;
//ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem battleCanCastSpell(int player, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode) const; //Checks if player is able to cast spells (at all) at the moment
struct DLL_LINKAGE BattleAttackInfo
const IBonusBearer *attackerBonuses, *defenderBonuses;
const CStack *attacker, *defender;
BattleHex attackerPosition, defenderPosition;
int attackerCount, defenderCount;
bool shooting;
int chargedFields;
bool luckyHit;
bool unluckyHit;
bool deathBlow;
bool ballistaDoubleDamage;
BattleAttackInfo(const CStack *Attacker, const CStack *Defender, bool Shooting = false);
BattleAttackInfo reverse() const;
class DLL_LINKAGE CBattleInfoCallback : public virtual CBattleInfoEssentials
enum ERandomSpell
boost::optional<int> battleIsFinished() const; //return none if battle is ongoing; otherwise the victorious side (0/1) or 2 if it is a draw
std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance> battleGetObstacleOnPos(BattleHex tile, bool onlyBlocking = true) const; //blocking obstacles makes tile inaccessible, others cause special effects (like Land Mines, Moat, Quicksands)
const CStack * battleGetStackByPos(BattleHex pos, bool onlyAlive = true) const; //returns stack info by given pos
void battleGetStackQueue(std::vector<const CStack *> &out, const int howMany, const int turn = 0, int lastMoved = -1) const;
void battleGetStackCountOutsideHexes(bool *ac) const; // returns hexes which when in front of a stack cause us to move the amount box back
std::vector<BattleHex> battleGetAvailableHexes(const CStack * stack, bool addOccupiable, std::vector<BattleHex> * attackable = nullptr) const; //returns hexes reachable by creature with id ID (valid movement destinations), DOES contain stack current position
int battleGetSurrenderCost(PlayerColor Player) const; //returns cost of surrendering battle, -1 if surrendering is not possible
ReachabilityInfo::TDistances battleGetDistances(const CStack * stack, BattleHex hex = BattleHex::INVALID, BattleHex * predecessors = nullptr) const; //returns vector of distances to [dest hex number]
std::set<BattleHex> battleGetAttackedHexes(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos = BattleHex::INVALID) const;
bool battleCanAttack(const CStack * stack, const CStack * target, BattleHex dest) const; //determines if stack with given ID can attack target at the selected destination
bool battleCanShoot(const CStack * stack, BattleHex dest) const; //determines if stack with given ID shoot at the selected destination
bool battleIsStackBlocked(const CStack * stack) const; //returns true if there is neighboring enemy stack
std::set<const CStack*> batteAdjacentCreatures (const CStack * stack) const;
TDmgRange calculateDmgRange(const BattleAttackInfo &info) const; //charge - number of hexes travelled before attack (for champion's jousting); returns pair <min dmg, max dmg>
TDmgRange calculateDmgRange(const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, TQuantity attackerCount, bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool unlucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg) const; //charge - number of hexes travelled before attack (for champion's jousting); returns pair <min dmg, max dmg>
TDmgRange calculateDmgRange(const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool unlucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg) const; //charge - number of hexes travelled before attack (for champion's jousting); returns pair <min dmg, max dmg>
//hextowallpart //int battleGetWallUnderHex(BattleHex hex) const; //returns part of destructible wall / gate / keep under given hex or -1 if not found
std::pair<ui32, ui32> battleEstimateDamage(const BattleAttackInfo &bai, std::pair<ui32, ui32> * retaliationDmg = nullptr) const; //estimates damage dealt by attacker to defender; it may be not precise especially when stack has randomly working bonuses; returns pair <min dmg, max dmg>
std::pair<ui32, ui32> battleEstimateDamage(const CStack * attacker, const CStack * defender, std::pair<ui32, ui32> * retaliationDmg = nullptr) const; //estimates damage dealt by attacker to defender; it may be not precise especially when stack has randomly working bonuses; returns pair <min dmg, max dmg>
si8 battleHasDistancePenalty( const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex ) const;
si8 battleHasDistancePenalty(const IBonusBearer *bonusBearer, BattleHex shooterPosition, BattleHex destHex ) const;
si8 battleHasWallPenalty(const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex) const; //checks if given stack has wall penalty
si8 battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer *bonusBearer, BattleHex shooterPosition, BattleHex destHex) const; //checks if given stack has wall penalty
BattleHex wallPartToBattleHex(EWallPart::EWallPart part) const;
EWallPart::EWallPart battleHexToWallPart(BattleHex hex) const; //returns part of destructible wall / gate / keep under given hex or -1 if not found
bool isWallPartPotentiallyAttackable(EWallPart::EWallPart wallPart) const; // returns true if the wall part is potentially attackable (independent of wall state), false if not
std::vector<BattleHex> getAttackableBattleHexes() const;
//*** MAGIC
si8 battleMaxSpellLevel(ui8 side) const; //calculates minimum spell level possible to be cast on battlefield - takes into account artifacts of both heroes; if no effects are set, 0 is returned
ui32 battleGetSpellCost(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const; //returns cost of given spell
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem battleCanCastSpell(PlayerColor player, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode) const; //returns true if there are no general issues preventing from casting a spell
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem battleCanCastThisSpell(const ISpellCaster * caster, const CSpell * spell, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode) const; //checks if given player can cast given spell
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem battleCanCastThisSpellHere(const ISpellCaster * caster, const CSpell * spell, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode, BattleHex dest) const; //checks if given player can cast given spell at given tile in given mode
std::vector<BattleHex> battleGetPossibleTargets(PlayerColor player, const CSpell *spell) const;
SpellID battleGetRandomStackSpell(const CStack * stack, ERandomSpell mode) const;
SpellID getRandomBeneficialSpell(const CStack * subject) const;
SpellID getRandomCastedSpell(const CStack * caster) const; //called at the beginning of turn for Faerie Dragon
const CStack * getStackIf(std::function<bool(const CStack*)> pred) const;
si8 battleHasShootingPenalty(const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex)
return battleHasDistancePenalty(stack, destHex) || battleHasWallPenalty(stack, destHex);
si8 battleCanTeleportTo(const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex, int telportLevel) const; //checks if teleportation of given stack to given position can take place
//convenience methods using the ones above
bool isInTacticRange( BattleHex dest ) const;
si8 battleGetTacticDist() const; //returns tactic distance for calling player or 0 if this player is not in tactic phase (for ALL_KNOWING actual distance for tactic side)
AttackableTiles getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos) const; //TODO: apply rotation to two-hex attacker
std::set<const CStack*> getAttackedCreatures(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos = BattleHex::INVALID) const; //calculates range of multi-hex attacks
bool isToReverse(BattleHex hexFrom, BattleHex hexTo, bool curDir /*if true, creature is in attacker's direction*/, bool toDoubleWide, bool toDir) const; //determines if creature should be reversed (it stands on hexFrom and should 'see' hexTo)
bool isToReverseHlp(BattleHex hexFrom, BattleHex hexTo, bool curDir) const; //helper for isToReverse
ReachabilityInfo getReachability(const CStack *stack) const;
ReachabilityInfo getReachability(const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters ¶ms) const;
AccessibilityInfo getAccesibility() const;
AccessibilityInfo getAccesibility(const CStack *stack) const; //Hexes ocupied by stack will be marked as accessible.
AccessibilityInfo getAccesibility(const std::vector<BattleHex> &accessibleHexes) const; //given hexes will be marked as accessible
std::pair<const CStack *, BattleHex> getNearestStack(const CStack * closest, boost::logic::tribool attackerOwned) const;
ReachabilityInfo getFlyingReachability(const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters ¶ms) const;
ReachabilityInfo makeBFS(const AccessibilityInfo &accessibility, const ReachabilityInfo::Parameters ¶ms) const;
ReachabilityInfo makeBFS(const CStack *stack) const; //uses default parameters -> stack position and owner's perspective
std::set<BattleHex> getStoppers(BattlePerspective::BattlePerspective whichSidePerspective) const; //get hexes with stopping obstacles (quicksands)
class DLL_LINKAGE CPlayerBattleCallback : public CBattleInfoCallback
bool battleCanFlee() const; //returns true if caller can flee from the battle
TStacks battleGetStacks(EStackOwnership whose = MINE_AND_ENEMY, bool onlyAlive = true) const; //returns stacks on battlefield
ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem battleCanCastThisSpell(const CSpell * spell) const; //determines if given spell can be cast (and returns problem description)
int battleGetSurrenderCost() const; //returns cost of surrendering battle, -1 if surrendering is not possible
bool battleCanCastSpell(ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem *outProblem = nullptr) const; //returns true, if caller can cast a spell. If not, if pointer is given via arg, the reason will be written.
const CGHeroInstance * battleGetMyHero() const;
InfoAboutHero battleGetEnemyHero() const;