mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 21:49:10 +02:00
* inpout scaling * function for evaluating artifact for given battle * additional input for ANN * increased hidden layer size * still very, *very* slow
405 lines
10 KiB
405 lines
10 KiB
//#include "../global.h"
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
namespace po = boost::program_options;
#include <doublefann.h>
#include <fann_cpp.h>
std::string leftAI, rightAI, battle, results, logsDir;
bool withVisualization = false;
std::string servername;
std::string runnername;
extern DLL_EXPORT LibClasses * VLC;
std::string addQuotesIfNeeded(const std::string &s)
if(s.find_first_of(' ') != std::string::npos)
return "\"" + s + "\"";
return s;
void prog_help()
std::cout << "If run without args, then StupidAI will be run on b1.json.\n";
void runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &name, const std::string &logsDir = "")
static std::string commands[100];
static int i = 0;
std::string &cmd = commands[i++];
if(logsDir.size() && name.size())
std::string directionLogs = logsDir + "/" + name + ".txt";
cmd = command + " > " + addQuotesIfNeeded(directionLogs);
cmd = command;
boost::thread tt(boost::bind(std::system, cmd.c_str()));
double playBattle(const DuelParameters &dp)
CSaveFile out("pliczek.ssnb");
out << dp;
std::string serverCommand = servername + " " + addQuotesIfNeeded(battle) + " " + addQuotesIfNeeded(leftAI) + " " + addQuotesIfNeeded(rightAI) + " " + addQuotesIfNeeded(results) + " " + addQuotesIfNeeded(logsDir) + " " + (withVisualization ? " v" : "");
std::string runnerCommand = runnername + " " + addQuotesIfNeeded(logsDir);
std::cout <<"Server command: " << serverCommand << std::endl << "Runner command: " << runnerCommand << std::endl;
int code = 0;
boost::thread t([&]
code = std::system(serverCommand.c_str());
runCommand(runnerCommand, "first_runner", logsDir);
runCommand(runnerCommand, "second_runner", logsDir);
runCommand(runnerCommand, "third_runner", logsDir);
//boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::millisec(500)); //FIXME
boost::thread tttt(boost::bind(std::system, "VCMI_Client.exe -battle"));
return code / 1000000.0;
typedef std::map<int, CArtifactInstance*> TArtSet;
double cmpArtSets(DuelParameters dp, TArtSet setL, TArtSet setR)
//lewa strona z art 0.9
//bez artefaktow -0.41
//prawa strona z art. -0.926
dp.sides[0].artifacts = setL;
dp.sides[1].artifacts = setR;
auto battleOutcome = playBattle(dp);
return battleOutcome;
std::vector<CArtifactInstance*> genArts(const std::vector<Bonus> & bonusesToGive)
std::vector<CArtifactInstance*> ret;
CArtifact *nowy = new CArtifact();
nowy->description = "Cudowny miecz Towa gwarantuje zwyciestwo";
nowy->name = "Cudowny miecz";
nowy->constituentOf = nowy->constituents = NULL;
BOOST_FOREACH(auto b, bonusesToGive)
CArtifactInstance *artinst = new CArtifactInstance(nowy);
auto &arts = VLC->arth->artifacts;
artinst->addNewBonus(new Bonus(b));
// auto bonuses = artinst->getBonuses([](const Bonus *){ return true; });
// BOOST_FOREACH(Bonus *b, *bonuses)
// {
// std::cout << format("%s (%d) value:%d, description: %s\n") % bonusTypeToString(b->type) % b->subtype % b->val % b->Description();
// }
return ret;
//rates given artifact
double rateArt(const DuelParameters dp, CArtifactInstance * inst)
TArtSet setL, setR;
setL[inst->artType->possibleSlots[0]] = inst;
double resultLR = cmpArtSets(dp, setL, setR),
resultRL = cmpArtSets(dp, setR, setL),
resultsBase = cmpArtSets(dp, TArtSet(), TArtSet());
double LRgain = resultLR - resultsBase,
RLgain = resultRL - resultsBase;
return LRgain+RLgain;
const unsigned int num_input = 27;
double * genSSNinput(const DuelParameters & dp, CArtifactInstance * art)
double * ret = new double[num_input];
double * cur = ret;
//general description
*(cur++) = dp.bfieldType/30.0;
*(cur++) = dp.terType/12.0;
//creature & hero description
for(int i=0; i<2; ++i)
auto & side = dp.sides[0];
*(cur++) = side.heroId/200.0;
for(int k=0; k<4; ++k)
*(cur++) = side.heroPrimSkills[k]/20.0;
//weighted average of statistics
auto avg = [&](std::function<int(CCreature *)> getter) -> double
double ret = 0.0;
int div = 0;
for(int i=0; i<7; ++i)
auto & cstack = side.stacks[i];
if(cstack.count > 0)
ret += getter(VLC->creh->creatures[cstack.type]) * cstack.count;
return ret/div;
*(cur++) = avg([](CCreature * c){return c->attack;})/50.0;
*(cur++) = avg([](CCreature * c){return c->defence;})/50.0;
*(cur++) = avg([](CCreature * c){return c->speed;})/15.0;
*(cur++) = avg([](CCreature * c){return c->hitPoints;})/1000.0;
//bonus description
auto & blist = art->getBonusList();
*(cur++) = blist[0]->type/100.0;
*(cur++) = blist[0]->subtype/10.0;
*(cur++) = blist[0]->val/100.0;;
*(cur++) = art->Attack()/10.0;
*(cur++) = art->Defense()/10.0;
*(cur++) = blist.valOfBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED))/5.0;
*(cur++) = blist.valOfBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH))/10.0;
return ret;
//returns how good the artifact is for the neural network
double runSSN(FANN::neural_net & net, const DuelParameters dp, CArtifactInstance * inst)
double * input = genSSNinput(dp, inst);
double * out = net.run(input);
double ret = *out;
return ret;
void learnSSN(FANN::neural_net & net, const std::vector<std::pair<DuelParameters, CArtifactInstance *> > & input)
FANN::training_data td;
double ** inputs = new double *[input.size()];
double ** outputs = new double *[input.size()];
for(int i=0; i<input.size(); ++i)
inputs[i] = genSSNinput(input[i].first, input[i].second);
outputs[i] = new double;
*(outputs[i]) = rateArt(input[i].first, input[i].second);
td.set_train_data(input.size(), num_input, inputs, 1, outputs);
void initNet(FANN::neural_net & ret)
const float learning_rate = 0.7f;
const unsigned int num_layers = 3;
const unsigned int num_hidden = 30;
const unsigned int num_output = 1;
const float desired_error = 0.001f;
const unsigned int max_iterations = 300000;
const unsigned int iterations_between_reports = 1000;
ret.create_standard(num_layers, num_input, num_hidden, num_output);
ret.randomize_weights(0.0, 1.0);
void SSNRun()
std::vector<std::pair<CArtifactInstance *, double> > artNotes;
TArtSet setL, setR;
FANN::neural_net network;
// for(int i=0; i<availableArts.size(); ++i)
// {
// artNotes.push_back(std::make_pair(availableArts[i], runSSN(network, availableArts[i])));
// }
// boost::range::sort(artNotes,
// [](const std::pair<CArtifactInstance *, double> & a1, const std::pair<CArtifactInstance *, double> & a2)
// {return a1.second > a2.second;});
// //pick best arts into setL
// BOOST_FOREACH(auto & ap, artNotes)
// {
// auto art = ap.first;
// BOOST_FOREACH(auto slot, art->artType->possibleSlots)
// {
// if(setL.find(slot) != setL.end())
// {
// setL[slot] = art;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
//duels to test on
std::vector<DuelParameters> dps;
for(int k = 0; k<10; ++k)
DuelParameters dp;
dp.bfieldType = 1;
dp.terType = 1;
auto &side = dp.sides[0];
side.heroId = 0;
side.stacks[0] = DuelParameters::SideSettings::StackSettings(10+k*3, rand()%30);
dp.sides[1] = side;
dp.sides[1].heroId = 1;
std::vector<Bonus> btt; //bonuses to test on
for(int i=0; i<5; ++i)
Bonus b;
b.type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL;
b.subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK;
b.val = 5 * i + 1;
b.subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE;
b.type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED;
b.subtype = 0;
b.type = Bonus::STACK_HEALTH;
auto arts = genArts(btt);
std::vector<std::pair<DuelParameters, CArtifactInstance *> > setups;
for(int i=0; i<dps.size(); ++i)
for(int j=0; j<arts.size(); ++j)
setups.push_back(std::make_pair(dps[i], arts[j]));
learnSSN(network, setups);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << "VCMI Odpalarka\nMy path: " << argv[0] << std::endl;
po::options_description opts("Allowed options");
("help,h", "Display help and exit")
("aiLeft,l", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("StupidAI"), "Left AI path")
("aiRight,r", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("StupidAI"), "Right AI path")
("battle,b", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("pliczek.ssnb"), "Duel file path")
("resultsOut,o", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("./results.txt"), "Output file when results will be appended")
("logsDir,d", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("."), "Directory where log files will be created")
("visualization,v", "Runs a client to display a visualization of battle");
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), vm);
return 0;
leftAI = vm["aiLeft"].as<std::string>();
rightAI = vm["aiRight"].as<std::string>();
battle = vm["battle"].as<std::string>();
results = vm["resultsOut"].as<std::string>();
logsDir = vm["logsDir"].as<std::string>();
withVisualization = vm.count("visualization");
catch(std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "Failure during parsing command-line options:\n" << e.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Config:\n" << leftAI << " vs " << rightAI << " on " << battle << std::endl;
if(leftAI.empty() || rightAI.empty() || battle.empty())
std::cerr << "I wasn't able to retreive names of AI or battles. Ending.\n";
return 1;
runnername =
#ifdef _WIN32
servername =
#ifdef _WIN32
VLC = new LibClasses();