mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
Arseniy Shestakov 9fd1cff090 Refactoring: always use std prefix for shared_ptr, unique_ptr and make_shared
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier.
I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now.

This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
2015-12-29 05:43:33 +03:00

153 lines
8.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "lib/CGameInfoCallback.h"
#include "lib/int3.h" // for int3
* CCallback.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGameState;
struct CPath;
class CGObjectInstance;
class CArmedInstance;
struct BattleAction;
class CGTownInstance;
struct lua_State;
class CClient;
class IShipyard;
struct CGPathNode;
struct CGPath;
struct CPathsInfo;
struct CPack;
class IBattleEventsReceiver;
class IGameEventsReceiver;
struct ArtifactLocation;
class IBattleCallback
bool waitTillRealize; //if true, request functions will return after they are realized by server
bool unlockGsWhenWaiting;//if true after sending each request, gs mutex will be unlocked so the changes can be applied; NOTICE caller must have gs mx locked prior to any call to actiob callback!
virtual int battleMakeAction(BattleAction* action)=0;//for casting spells by hero - DO NOT use it for moving active stack
virtual bool battleMakeTacticAction(BattleAction * action) =0; // performs tactic phase actions
class IGameActionCallback
virtual bool moveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, int3 dst, bool transit) =0; //dst must be free, neighbouring tile (this function can move hero only by one tile)
virtual bool dismissHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero)=0; //dismisses given hero; true - successfuly, false - not successfuly
virtual void dig(const CGObjectInstance *hero)=0;
virtual void castSpell(const CGHeroInstance *hero, SpellID spellID, const int3 &pos = int3(-1, -1, -1))=0; //cast adventure map spell
virtual void recruitHero(const CGObjectInstance *townOrTavern, const CGHeroInstance *hero)=0;
virtual bool buildBuilding(const CGTownInstance *town, BuildingID buildingID)=0;
virtual void recruitCreatures(const CGDwelling *obj, const CArmedInstance * dst, CreatureID ID, ui32 amount, si32 level=-1)=0;
virtual bool upgradeCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos, CreatureID newID=CreatureID::NONE)=0; //if newID==-1 then best possible upgrade will be made
virtual void swapGarrisonHero(const CGTownInstance *town)=0;
virtual void trade(const CGObjectInstance *market, EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode, int id1, int id2, int val1, const CGHeroInstance *hero = nullptr)=0; //mode==0: sell val1 units of id1 resource for id2 resiurce
virtual int selectionMade(int selection, QueryID queryID) =0;
virtual int swapCreatures(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2)=0;//swaps creatures between two possibly different garrisons // TODO: AI-unsafe code - fix it!
virtual int mergeStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2)=0;//joins first stack to the second (creatures must be same type)
virtual int mergeOrSwapStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2) =0; //first goes to the second
virtual int splitStack(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2, int val)=0;//split creatures from the first stack
//virtual bool swapArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * hero1, ui16 pos1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, ui16 pos2)=0; //swaps artifacts between two given heroes
virtual bool swapArtifacts(const ArtifactLocation &l1, const ArtifactLocation &l2)=0;
virtual bool assembleArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * hero, ArtifactPosition artifactSlot, bool assemble, ArtifactID assembleTo)=0;
virtual bool dismissCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos)=0;
virtual void endTurn()=0;
virtual void buyArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ArtifactID aid)=0; //used to buy artifacts in towns (including spell book in the guild and war machines in blacksmith)
virtual void setFormation(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool tight)=0;
virtual void save(const std::string &fname) = 0;
virtual void sendMessage(const std::string &mess, const CGObjectInstance * currentObject = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void buildBoat(const IShipyard *obj) = 0;
struct CPack;
class CBattleCallback : public IBattleCallback, public CPlayerBattleCallback
int sendRequest(const CPack *request); //returns requestID (that'll be matched to requestID in PackageApplied)
CClient *cl;
//virtual bool hasAccess(int playerId) const;
CBattleCallback(CGameState *GS, boost::optional<PlayerColor> Player, CClient *C);
int battleMakeAction(BattleAction* action) override;//for casting spells by hero - DO NOT use it for moving active stack
bool battleMakeTacticAction(BattleAction * action) override; // performs tactic phase actions
friend class CCallback;
friend class CClient;
class CCallback : public CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback, public IGameActionCallback, public CBattleCallback
CCallback(CGameState * GS, boost::optional<PlayerColor> Player, CClient *C);
virtual ~CCallback();
//client-specific functionalities (pathfinding)
virtual bool canMoveBetween(const int3 &a, const int3 &b);
virtual int3 getGuardingCreaturePosition(int3 tile);
virtual const CPathsInfo * getPathsInfo(const CGHeroInstance *h);
virtual void calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out);
//Set of metrhods that allows adding more interfaces for this player that'll receive game event call-ins.
void registerGameInterface(std::shared_ptr<IGameEventsReceiver> gameEvents);
void registerBattleInterface(std::shared_ptr<IBattleEventsReceiver> battleEvents);
void unregisterGameInterface(std::shared_ptr<IGameEventsReceiver> gameEvents);
void unregisterBattleInterface(std::shared_ptr<IBattleEventsReceiver> battleEvents);
void unregisterAllInterfaces(); //stops delivering information about game events to player interfaces -> can be called ONLY after victory/loss
bool moveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, int3 dst, bool transit = false) override; //dst must be free, neighbouring tile (this function can move hero only by one tile)
bool teleportHero(const CGHeroInstance *who, const CGTownInstance *where);
int selectionMade(int selection, QueryID queryID) override;
int swapCreatures(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2) override;
int mergeOrSwapStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2) override; //first goes to the second
int mergeStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2) override; //first goes to the second
int splitStack(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, SlotID p1, SlotID p2, int val) override;
bool dismissHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero) override;
//bool swapArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * hero1, ui16 pos1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, ui16 pos2);
bool swapArtifacts(const ArtifactLocation &l1, const ArtifactLocation &l2) override;
//bool moveArtifact(const CGHeroInstance * hero, ui16 src, const CStackInstance * stack, ui16 dest); // TODO: unify classes
//bool moveArtifact(const CStackInstance * stack, ui16 src , const CGHeroInstance * hero, ui16 dest); // TODO: unify classes
bool assembleArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * hero, ArtifactPosition artifactSlot, bool assemble, ArtifactID assembleTo) override;
bool buildBuilding(const CGTownInstance *town, BuildingID buildingID) override;
void recruitCreatures(const CGDwelling * obj, const CArmedInstance * dst, CreatureID ID, ui32 amount, si32 level=-1) override;
bool dismissCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos) override;
bool upgradeCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos, CreatureID newID=CreatureID::NONE) override;
void endTurn() override;
void swapGarrisonHero(const CGTownInstance *town) override;
void buyArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ArtifactID aid) override;
void trade(const CGObjectInstance *market, EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode, int id1, int id2, int val1, const CGHeroInstance *hero = nullptr) override;
void setFormation(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool tight) override;
void recruitHero(const CGObjectInstance *townOrTavern, const CGHeroInstance *hero) override;
void save(const std::string &fname) override;
void sendMessage(const std::string &mess, const CGObjectInstance * currentObject = nullptr) override;
void buildBoat(const IShipyard *obj) override;
void dig(const CGObjectInstance *hero) override;
void castSpell(const CGHeroInstance *hero, SpellID spellID, const int3 &pos = int3(-1, -1, -1)) override;
friend class CClient;