mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
- screenshots, repository-only field, will be used by launcher to d/l screeenshots - screenshots will be viewed as thumbnails with switch to full view on click - changelog that is now visible in launcher - somewhat better handling of submods by launcher
287 lines
5.7 KiB
287 lines
5.7 KiB
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "cmodlist.h"
#include "../../lib/JsonNode.h"
#include "../../lib/filesystem/CFileInputStream.h"
bool CModEntry::compareVersions(QString lesser, QString greater)
static const int maxSections = 3; // versions consist from up to 3 sections, major.minor.patch
QStringList lesserList = lesser.split(".");
QStringList greaterList = greater.split(".");
assert(lesserList.size() <= maxSections);
assert(greaterList.size() <= maxSections);
for (int i=0; i< maxSections; i++)
if (greaterList.size() <= i) // 1.1.1 > 1.1
return false;
if (lesserList.size() <= i) // 1.1 < 1.1.1
return true;
if (lesserList[i].toInt() != greaterList[i].toInt())
return lesserList[i].toInt() < greaterList[i].toInt(); // 1.1 < 1.2
return false;
QString CModEntry::sizeToString(double size)
static const QString sizes[] =
/*"%1 B", */"%1 KiB", "%1 MiB", "%1 GiB", "%1 TiB"
size_t index = 0;
while (size > 1024 && index < 4)
size /= 1024;
return sizes[index].arg(QString::number(size, 'f', 1));
CModEntry::CModEntry(QVariantMap repository, QVariantMap localData, QVariantMap modSettings, QString modname):
bool CModEntry::isEnabled() const
if (!isInstalled())
return false;
return modSettings["active"].toBool();
bool CModEntry::isDisabled() const
if (!isInstalled())
return false;
return !isEnabled();
bool CModEntry::isAvailable() const
if (isInstalled())
return false;
return !repository.isEmpty();
bool CModEntry::isUpdateable() const
if (!isInstalled())
return false;
QString installedVer = localData["installedVersion"].toString();
QString availableVer = repository["latestVersion"].toString();
if (compareVersions(installedVer, availableVer))
return true;
return false;
bool CModEntry::isInstalled() const
return !localData.isEmpty();
int CModEntry::getModStatus() const
(isEnabled() ? ModStatus::ENABLED : 0) |
(isInstalled() ? ModStatus::INSTALLED : 0) |
(isUpdateable()? ModStatus::UPDATEABLE : 0);
QString CModEntry::getName() const
return modname;
QVariant CModEntry::getValue(QString value) const
if (repository.contains(value) && localData.contains(value))
// value is present in both repo and locally installed. Select one from latest version
QString installedVer = localData["installedVersion"].toString();
QString availableVer = repository["latestVersion"].toString();
if (compareVersions(installedVer, availableVer))
return repository[value];
return localData[value];
if (repository.contains(value))
return repository[value];
if (localData.contains(value))
return localData[value];
return QVariant();
QVariantMap CModList::copyField(QVariantMap data, QString from, QString to)
QVariantMap renamed;
for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++)
QVariantMap modConf = it.value().toMap();
modConf.insert(to, modConf.value(from));
renamed.insert(it.key(), modConf);
return renamed;
void CModList::resetRepositories()
void CModList::addRepository(QVariantMap data)
repositories.push_back(copyField(data, "version", "latestVersion"));
void CModList::setLocalModList(QVariantMap data)
localModList = copyField(data, "version", "installedVersion");
void CModList::setModSettings(QVariant data)
modSettings = data.toMap();
void CModList::modChanged(QString modID)
static QVariant getValue(QVariantMap input, QString path)
if (path.size() > 1)
QString entryName = path.section('/', 0, 1);
QString remainder = "/" + path.section('/', 2, -1);
entryName.remove(0, 1);
return getValue(input.value(entryName).toMap(), remainder);
return input;
CModEntry CModList::getMod(QString modname) const
QVariantMap repo;
QVariantMap local = localModList[modname].toMap();
QVariantMap settings;
QString path = modname;
path = "/" + path.replace(".", "/mods/");
QVariant conf = getValue(modSettings, path);
if (conf.isNull())
settings["active"] = true; // default
if (conf.canConvert<QVariantMap>())
settings = conf.toMap();
settings.insert("active", conf);
for (auto entry : repositories)
QVariant repoVal = getValue(entry, path);
if (repoVal.isValid())
if (repo.empty())
repo = repoVal.toMap();
if (CModEntry::compareVersions(repo["version"].toString(), repoVal.toMap()["version"].toString()))
repo = repoVal.toMap();
return CModEntry(repo, local, settings, modname);
bool CModList::hasMod(QString modname) const
if (localModList.contains(modname))
return true;
for (auto entry : repositories)
if (entry.contains(modname))
return true;
return false;
QStringList CModList::getRequirements(QString modname)
QStringList ret;
if (hasMod(modname))
auto mod = getMod(modname);
for (auto entry : mod.getValue("depends").toStringList())
ret += getRequirements(entry);
ret += modname;
return ret;
QVector<QString> CModList::getModList() const
QSet<QString> knownMods;
QVector<QString> modList;
for (auto repo : repositories)
for (auto it = repo.begin(); it != repo.end(); it++)
for (auto it = localModList.begin(); it != localModList.end(); it++)
for (auto entry : knownMods)
return modList;
QVector<QString> CModList::getChildren(QString parent) const
QVector<QString> children;
int depth = parent.count('.') + 1;
for (const QString & mod : getModList())
if (mod.count('.') == depth && mod.startsWith(parent))
return children;