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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier. I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now. This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
653 lines
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653 lines
18 KiB
#pragma once
//#include "../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "../lib/StartInfo.h"
#include "../lib/FunctionList.h"
#include "../lib/mapping/CMapInfo.h"
#include "../lib/rmg/CMapGenerator.h"
#include "windows/CWindowObject.h"
* CPreGame.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CMapInfo;
class CMusicHandler;
class CMapHeader;
class CCampaignHeader;
class CTextInput;
class CCampaign;
class CGStatusBar;
class CTextBox;
class CCampaignState;
class CConnection;
class JsonNode;
class CMapGenOptions;
class CRandomMapTab;
struct CPackForSelectionScreen;
struct PlayerInfo;
class CMultiLineLabel;
class CToggleButton;
class CToggleGroup;
class CTabbedInt;
class CButton;
class CSlider;
namespace boost{ class thread; class recursive_mutex;}
enum ESortBy{_playerAm, _size, _format, _name, _viccon, _loscon, _numOfMaps, _fileName}; //_numOfMaps is for campaigns
/// Class which handles map sorting by different criteria
class mapSorter
ESortBy sortBy;
bool operator()(const CMapInfo *aaa, const CMapInfo *bbb);
mapSorter(ESortBy es):sortBy(es){};
/// The main menu screens listed in the EState enum
class CMenuScreen : public CIntObject
const JsonNode& config;
CTabbedInt *tabs;
CPicture * background;
std::vector<CPicture*> images;
CIntObject *createTab(size_t index);
std::vector<std::string> menuNameToEntry;
enum EState { //where are we?
mainMenu, newGame, loadGame, campaignMain, saveGame, scenarioInfo, campaignList
enum EMultiMode {
CMenuScreen(const JsonNode& configNode);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void activate() override;
void deactivate() override;
void switchToTab(size_t index);
class CMenuEntry : public CIntObject
std::vector<CPicture*> images;
std::vector<CButton*> buttons;
CButton* createButton(CMenuScreen* parent, const JsonNode& button);
CMenuEntry(CMenuScreen* parent, const JsonNode &config);
class CreditsScreen : public CIntObject
int positionCounter;
CMultiLineLabel* credits;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
/// Implementation of the chat box
class CChatBox : public CIntObject
CTextBox *chatHistory;
CTextInput *inputBox;
CChatBox(const Rect &rect);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) override;
void addNewMessage(const std::string &text);
class InfoCard : public CIntObject
CPicture *bg;
CMenuScreen::EState type;
bool network;
bool chatOn; //if chat is shown, then description is hidden
CTextBox *mapDescription;
CChatBox *chat;
CPicture *playerListBg;
CToggleGroup *difficulty;
CDefHandler *sizes, *sFlags;
void changeSelection(const CMapInfo *to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void showTeamsPopup();
void toggleChat();
void setChat(bool activateChat);
InfoCard(bool Network = false);
/// The selection tab which is shown at the map selection screen
class SelectionTab : public CIntObject
CDefHandler *format; //map size
void parseMaps(const std::unordered_set<ResourceID> &files);
void parseGames(const std::unordered_set<ResourceID> &files, bool multi);
void parseCampaigns(const std::unordered_set<ResourceID> & files );
std::unordered_set<ResourceID> getFiles(std::string dirURI, int resType);
CMenuScreen::EState tabType;
int positions; //how many entries (games/maps) can be shown
CPicture *bg; //general bg image
CSlider *slider;
std::vector<CMapInfo> allItems;
std::vector<CMapInfo*> curItems;
size_t selectionPos;
std::function<void(CMapInfo *)> onSelect;
ESortBy sortingBy;
ESortBy generalSortingBy;
bool ascending;
CTextInput *txt;
void filter(int size, bool selectFirst = false); //0 - all
void select(int position); //position: <0 - positions> position on the screen
void selectAbs(int position); //position: absolute position in curItems vector
int getPosition(int x, int y); //convert mouse coords to entry position; -1 means none
void sliderMove(int slidPos);
void sortBy(int criteria);
void sort();
void printMaps(SDL_Surface *to);
int getLine();
void selectFName(std::string fname);
const CMapInfo * getSelectedMapInfo() const;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) override;
void onDoubleClick() override;
SelectionTab(CMenuScreen::EState Type, const std::function<void(CMapInfo *)> &OnSelect, CMenuScreen::EMultiMode MultiPlayer = CMenuScreen::SINGLE_PLAYER);
/// The options tab which is shown at the map selection phase.
class OptionsTab : public CIntObject
CPicture *bg;
enum SelType {TOWN, HERO, BONUS};
struct CPlayerSettingsHelper
const PlayerSettings & settings;
const SelType type;
CPlayerSettingsHelper(const PlayerSettings & settings, SelType type):
/// visible image settings
size_t getImageIndex();
std::string getImageName();
std::string getName(); /// name visible in options dialog
std::string getTitle(); /// title in popup box
std::string getSubtitle(); /// popup box subtitle
std::string getDescription();/// popup box description, not always present
class CPregameTooltipBox : public CWindowObject, public CPlayerSettingsHelper
void genHeader();
void genTownWindow();
void genHeroWindow();
void genBonusWindow();
CPregameTooltipBox(CPlayerSettingsHelper & helper);
struct SelectedBox : public CIntObject, public CPlayerSettingsHelper //img with current town/hero/bonus
CAnimImage * image;
CLabel *subtitle;
SelectedBox(Point position, PlayerSettings & settings, SelType type);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void update();
struct PlayerOptionsEntry : public CIntObject
PlayerInfo π
PlayerSettings &s;
CPicture *bg;
CButton *btns[6]; //left and right for town, hero, bonus
CButton *flag;
SelectedBox *town;
SelectedBox *hero;
SelectedBox *bonus;
enum {HUMAN_OR_CPU, HUMAN, CPU} whoCanPlay;
PlayerOptionsEntry(OptionsTab *owner, PlayerSettings &S);
void selectButtons(); //hides unavailable buttons
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void update();
CSlider *turnDuration;
std::set<int> usedHeroes;
struct PlayerToRestore
PlayerColor color;
int id;
void reset() { id = -1; color = PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE; }
PlayerToRestore(){ reset(); }
} playerToRestore;
std::map<PlayerColor, PlayerOptionsEntry *> entries; //indexed by color
void nextCastle(PlayerColor player, int dir); //dir == -1 or +1
void nextHero(PlayerColor player, int dir); //dir == -1 or +1
void nextBonus(PlayerColor player, int dir); //dir == -1 or +1
void setTurnLength(int npos);
void flagPressed(PlayerColor player);
void recreate();
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
int nextAllowedHero(PlayerColor player, int min, int max, int incl, int dir );
bool canUseThisHero(PlayerColor player, int ID );
/// The random map tab shows options for generating a random map.
class CRandomMapTab : public CIntObject
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void updateMapInfo();
CFunctionList<void (const CMapInfo *)> & getMapInfoChanged();
const CMapInfo * getMapInfo() const;
const CMapGenOptions & getMapGenOptions() const;
void setMapGenOptions(std::shared_ptr<CMapGenOptions> opts);
void addButtonsToGroup(CToggleGroup * group, const std::vector<std::string> & defs, int startIndex, int endIndex, int btnWidth, int helpStartIndex) const;
void addButtonsWithRandToGroup(CToggleGroup * group, const std::vector<std::string> & defs, int startIndex, int endIndex, int btnWidth, int helpStartIndex, int helpRandIndex) const;
void deactivateButtonsFrom(CToggleGroup * group, int startId);
void validatePlayersCnt(int playersCnt);
void validateCompOnlyPlayersCnt(int compOnlyPlayersCnt);
std::vector<int> getPossibleMapSizes();
CPicture * bg;
CToggleButton * twoLevelsBtn;
CToggleGroup * mapSizeBtnGroup, * playersCntGroup, * teamsCntGroup, * compOnlyPlayersCntGroup,
* compOnlyTeamsCntGroup, * waterContentGroup, * monsterStrengthGroup;
CButton * showRandMaps;
CMapGenOptions mapGenOptions;
std::unique_ptr<CMapInfo> mapInfo;
CFunctionList<void(const CMapInfo *)> mapInfoChanged;
/// Interface for selecting a map.
class ISelectionScreenInfo
CMenuScreen::EMultiMode multiPlayer;
CMenuScreen::EState screenType; //new/save/load#Game
const CMapInfo *current;
StartInfo sInfo;
std::map<ui8, std::string> playerNames; // id of player <-> player name; 0 is reserved as ID of AI "players"
ISelectionScreenInfo(const std::map<ui8, std::string> *Names = nullptr);
virtual ~ISelectionScreenInfo();
virtual void update(){};
virtual void propagateOptions() {};
virtual void postRequest(ui8 what, ui8 dir) {};
virtual void postChatMessage(const std::string &txt){};
void setPlayer(PlayerSettings &pset, ui8 player);
void updateStartInfo( std::string filename, StartInfo & sInfo, const CMapHeader * mapHeader );
ui8 getIdOfFirstUnallocatedPlayer(); //returns 0 if none
bool isGuest() const;
bool isHost() const;
/// The actual map selection screen which consists of the options and selection tab
class CSelectionScreen : public CIntObject, public ISelectionScreenInfo
bool bordered;
CPicture *bg; //general bg image
InfoCard *card;
OptionsTab *opt;
CRandomMapTab * randMapTab;
CButton *start, *back;
SelectionTab *sel;
CIntObject *curTab;
boost::thread *serverHandlingThread;
boost::recursive_mutex *mx;
std::list<CPackForSelectionScreen *> upcomingPacks; //protected by mx
CConnection *serv; //connection to server, used in MP mode
bool ongoingClosing;
ui8 myNameID; //used when networking - otherwise all player are "mine"
CSelectionScreen(CMenuScreen::EState Type, CMenuScreen::EMultiMode MultiPlayer = CMenuScreen::SINGLE_PLAYER, const std::map<ui8, std::string> * Names = nullptr, const std::string & Address = "", const std::string & Port = "");
void toggleTab(CIntObject *tab);
void changeSelection(const CMapInfo *to);
void startCampaign();
void startScenario();
void difficultyChange(int to);
void handleConnection();
void processPacks();
void setSInfo(const StartInfo &si);
void update() override;
void propagateOptions() override;
void postRequest(ui8 what, ui8 dir) override;
void postChatMessage(const std::string &txt) override;
void propagateNames();
void showAll(SDL_Surface *to) override;
/// Save game screen
class CSavingScreen : public CSelectionScreen
const CMapInfo *ourGame;
CSavingScreen(bool hotseat = false);
/// Scenario information screen shown during the game (thus not really a "pre-game" but fits here anyway)
class CScenarioInfo : public CIntObject, public ISelectionScreenInfo
CButton *back;
InfoCard *card;
OptionsTab *opt;
CScenarioInfo(const CMapHeader *mapHeader, const StartInfo *startInfo);
/// Multiplayer mode
class CMultiMode : public CIntObject
CPicture *bg;
CTextInput *txt;
CButton *btns[7]; //0 - hotseat, 6 - cancel
CGStatusBar *bar;
void openHotseat();
void hostTCP();
void joinTCP();
/// Hot seat player window
class CHotSeatPlayers : public CIntObject
CPicture *bg;
CTextBox *title;
CTextInput* txt[8];
CButton *ok, *cancel;
CGStatusBar *bar;
void onChange(std::string newText);
void enterSelectionScreen();
CHotSeatPlayers(const std::string &firstPlayer);
class CPrologEpilogVideo : public CWindowObject
CCampaignScenario::SScenarioPrologEpilog spe;
int positionCounter;
int voiceSoundHandle;
std::function<void()> exitCb;
CMultiLineLabel * text;
CPrologEpilogVideo(CCampaignScenario::SScenarioPrologEpilog _spe, std::function<void()> callback);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
/// Campaign screen where you can choose one out of three starting bonuses
class CBonusSelection : public CIntObject
CBonusSelection(const std::string & campaignFName);
CBonusSelection(std::shared_ptr<CCampaignState> _ourCampaign);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
struct SCampPositions
std::string campPrefix;
int colorSuffixLength;
struct SRegionDesc
std::string infix;
int xpos, ypos;
std::vector<SRegionDesc> regions;
class CRegion : public CIntObject
CBonusSelection * owner;
SDL_Surface* graphics[3]; //[0] - not selected, [1] - selected, [2] - striped
bool accessible; //false if region should be striped
bool selectable; //true if region should be selectable
int myNumber; //number of region
std::string rclickText;
CRegion(CBonusSelection * _owner, bool _accessible, bool _selectable, int _myNumber);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void init();
void loadPositionsOfGraphics();
void updateStartButtonState(int selected = -1); //-1 -- no bonus is selected
void updateBonusSelection();
void updateCampaignState();
// Event handlers
void goBack();
void startMap();
void restartMap();
void selectMap(int mapNr, bool initialSelect);
void selectBonus(int id);
void increaseDifficulty();
void decreaseDifficulty();
// GUI components
SDL_Surface * background;
CButton * startB, * restartB, * backB;
CTextBox * campaignDescription, * mapDescription;
std::vector<SCampPositions> campDescriptions;
std::vector<CRegion *> regions;
CRegion * highlightedRegion;
CToggleGroup * bonuses;
SDL_Surface * diffPics[5]; //pictures of difficulties, user-selectable (or not if campaign locks this)
CButton * diffLb, * diffRb; //buttons for changing difficulty
CDefHandler * sizes; //icons of map sizes
CDefHandler * sFlags;
// Data
std::shared_ptr<CCampaignState> ourCampaign;
int selectedMap;
boost::optional<int> selectedBonus;
StartInfo startInfo;
CMapHeader * ourHeader;
/// Campaign selection screen
class CCampaignScreen : public CIntObject
enum CampaignStatus {DEFAULT = 0, ENABLED, DISABLED, COMPLETED}; // the status of the campaign
/// A button which plays a video when you move the mouse cursor over it
class CCampaignButton : public CIntObject
CPicture *image;
CPicture *checkMark;
CLabel *hoverLabel;
CampaignStatus status;
std::string campFile; // the filename/resourcename of the campaign
std::string video; // the resource name of the video
std::string hoverText;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void hover(bool on) override;
CCampaignButton(const JsonNode &config );
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
CButton *back;
std::vector<CCampaignButton*> campButtons;
std::vector<CPicture*> images;
CButton* createExitButton(const JsonNode& button);
enum CampaignSet {ROE, AB, SOD, WOG};
CCampaignScreen(const JsonNode &config);
void showAll(SDL_Surface *to) override;
/// Manages the configuration of pregame GUI elements like campaign screen, main menu, loading screen,...
class CGPreGameConfig
static CGPreGameConfig & get();
const JsonNode & getConfig() const;
const JsonNode & getCampaigns() const;
const JsonNode campaignSets;
const JsonNode config;
/// Handles background screen, loads graphics for victory/loss condition and random town or hero selection
class CGPreGame : public CIntObject, public IUpdateable
void loadGraphics();
void disposeGraphics();
CGPreGame(); //Use createIfNotPresent
CMenuScreen * menu;
CDefHandler *victory, *loss;
void update() override;
void openSel(CMenuScreen::EState type, CMenuScreen::EMultiMode multi = CMenuScreen::SINGLE_PLAYER);
void openCampaignScreen(std::string name);
static CGPreGame * create();
void removeFromGui();
static void showLoadingScreen(std::function<void()> loader);
class CLoadingScreen : public CWindowObject
boost::thread loadingThread;
std::string getBackground();
CLoadingScreen(std::function<void()> loader);
void showAll(SDL_Surface *to) override;
/// Simple window to enter the server's address.
class CSimpleJoinScreen : public CIntObject
CPicture * bg;
CTextBox * title;
CButton * ok, * cancel;
CGStatusBar * bar;
CTextInput * address;
CTextInput * port;
void enterSelectionScreen();
void onChange(const std::string & newText);
extern ISelectionScreenInfo *SEL;
extern CGPreGame *CGP;