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synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier. I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now. This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
392 lines
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392 lines
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* CMapEditManager.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../CRandomGenerator.h"
#include "../int3.h"
#include "../GameConstants.h"
class CGObjectInstance;
class CTerrainViewPatternConfig;
struct TerrainViewPattern;
class CMap;
/// Represents a map rectangle.
struct DLL_LINKAGE MapRect
MapRect(int3 pos, si32 width, si32 height);
si32 x, y, z;
si32 width, height;
si32 left() const;
si32 right() const;
si32 top() const;
si32 bottom() const;
int3 topLeft() const; /// Top left corner of this rect.
int3 topRight() const; /// Top right corner of this rect.
int3 bottomLeft() const; /// Bottom left corner of this rect.
int3 bottomRight() const; /// Bottom right corner of this rect.
/// Returns a MapRect of the intersection of this rectangle and the given one.
MapRect operator&(const MapRect & rect) const;
template<typename Func>
void forEach(Func f) const
for(int j = y; j < bottom(); ++j)
for(int i = x; i < right(); ++i)
f(int3(i, j, z));
/// Generic selection class to select any type
template<typename T>
class DLL_LINKAGE CMapSelection
explicit CMapSelection(CMap * map) : map(map) { }
virtual ~CMapSelection() { };
void select(const T & item)
void deselect(const T & item)
std::set<T> getSelectedItems()
return selectedItems;
CMap * getMap() { return map; }
virtual void selectRange(const MapRect & rect) { }
virtual void deselectRange(const MapRect & rect) { }
virtual void selectAll() { }
virtual void clearSelection() { }
std::set<T> selectedItems;
CMap * map;
/// Selection class to select terrain.
class DLL_LINKAGE CTerrainSelection : public CMapSelection<int3>
explicit CTerrainSelection(CMap * map);
void selectRange(const MapRect & rect) override;
void deselectRange(const MapRect & rect) override;
void selectAll() override;
void clearSelection() override;
void setSelection(std::vector<int3> & vec);
/// Selection class to select objects.
class DLL_LINKAGE CObjectSelection: public CMapSelection<CGObjectInstance *>
explicit CObjectSelection(CMap * map);
/// The abstract base class CMapOperation defines an operation that can be executed, undone and redone.
class DLL_LINKAGE CMapOperation : public boost::noncopyable
explicit CMapOperation(CMap * map);
virtual ~CMapOperation() { };
virtual void execute() = 0;
virtual void undo() = 0;
virtual void redo() = 0;
virtual std::string getLabel() const = 0; /// Returns a display-able name of the operation.
MapRect extendTileAround(const int3 & centerPos) const;
MapRect extendTileAroundSafely(const int3 & centerPos) const; /// doesn't exceed map size
static const int FLIP_PATTERN_HORIZONTAL = 1;
static const int FLIP_PATTERN_VERTICAL = 2;
static const int FLIP_PATTERN_BOTH = 3;
CMap * map;
/// The CMapUndoManager provides the functionality to save operations and undo/redo them.
class DLL_LINKAGE CMapUndoManager : boost::noncopyable
void undo();
void redo();
void clearAll();
/// The undo redo limit is a number which says how many undo/redo items can be saved. The default
/// value is 10. If the value is 0, no undo/redo history will be maintained.
int getUndoRedoLimit() const;
void setUndoRedoLimit(int value);
const CMapOperation * peekRedo() const;
const CMapOperation * peekUndo() const;
void addOperation(std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> && operation); /// Client code does not need to call this method.
typedef std::list<std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> > TStack;
void doOperation(TStack & fromStack, TStack & toStack, bool doUndo);
const CMapOperation * peek(const TStack & stack) const;
TStack undoStack;
TStack redoStack;
int undoRedoLimit;
/// The map edit manager provides functionality for drawing terrain and placing
/// objects on the map.
class DLL_LINKAGE CMapEditManager : boost::noncopyable
CMapEditManager(CMap * map);
CMap * getMap();
/// Clears the terrain. The free level is filled with water and the underground level with rock.
void clearTerrain(CRandomGenerator * gen = nullptr);
/// Draws terrain at the current terrain selection. The selection will be cleared automatically.
void drawTerrain(ETerrainType terType, CRandomGenerator * gen = nullptr);
/// Draws roads at the current terrain selection. The selection will be cleared automatically.
void drawRoad(ERoadType::ERoadType roadType, CRandomGenerator * gen = nullptr);
void insertObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, const int3 & pos);
CTerrainSelection & getTerrainSelection();
CObjectSelection & getObjectSelection();
CMapUndoManager & getUndoManager();
void execute(std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> && operation);
CMap * map;
CMapUndoManager undoManager;
CRandomGenerator gen;
CTerrainSelection terrainSel;
CObjectSelection objectSel;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation/Detail classes, Private API */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// The CComposedOperation is an operation which consists of several operations.
class CComposedOperation : public CMapOperation
CComposedOperation(CMap * map);
void execute() override;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
void addOperation(std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> && operation);
std::list<std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> > operations;
namespace ETerrainGroup
enum ETerrainGroup
/// The terrain view pattern describes a specific composition of terrain tiles
/// in a 3x3 matrix and notes which terrain view frame numbers can be used.
struct DLL_LINKAGE TerrainViewPattern
struct WeightedRule
/// Gets true if this rule is a standard rule which means that it has a value of one of the RULE_* constants.
bool isStandardRule() const;
/// The name of the rule. Can be any value of the RULE_* constants or a ID of a another pattern.
std::string name;
/// Optional. A rule can have points. Patterns may have a minimum count of points to reach to be successful.
int points;
static const int PATTERN_DATA_SIZE = 9;
/// Constant for the flip mode different images. Pattern will be flipped and different images will be used(mapping area is divided into 4 parts)
static const std::string FLIP_MODE_DIFF_IMAGES;
/// Constant for the rule dirt, meaning a dirty border is required.
static const std::string RULE_DIRT;
/// Constant for the rule sand, meaning a sandy border is required.
static const std::string RULE_SAND;
/// Constant for the rule transition, meaning a dirty OR sandy border is required.
static const std::string RULE_TRANSITION;
/// Constant for the rule native, meaning a native border is required.
static const std::string RULE_NATIVE;
/// Constant for the rule native strong, meaning a native type is required.
static const std::string RULE_NATIVE_STRONG;
/// Constant for the rule any, meaning a native type, dirty OR sandy border is required.
static const std::string RULE_ANY;
/// The pattern data can be visualized as a 3x3 matrix:
/// [ ][ ][ ]
/// [ ][ ][ ]
/// [ ][ ][ ]
/// The box in the center belongs always to the native terrain type and
/// is the point of origin. Depending on the terrain type different rules
/// can be used. Their meaning differs also from type to type.
/// std::vector -> several rules can be used in one cell
std::array<std::vector<WeightedRule>, PATTERN_DATA_SIZE> data;
/// The identifier of the pattern, if it's referenced from a another pattern.
std::string id;
/// This describes the mapping between this pattern and the corresponding range of frames
/// which should be used for the ter view.
/// std::vector -> size=1: typical, size=2: if this pattern should map to two different types of borders
/// std::pair -> 1st value: lower range, 2nd value: upper range
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > mapping;
/// If diffImages is true, different images/frames are used to place a rotated terrain view. If it's false
/// the same frame will be used and rotated.
bool diffImages;
/// The rotationTypesCount is only used if diffImages is true and holds the number how many rotation types(horizontal, etc...)
/// are supported.
int rotationTypesCount;
/// The minimum and maximum points to reach to validate the pattern successfully.
int minPoints, maxPoints;
/// The terrain view pattern config loads pattern data from the filesystem.
class DLL_LINKAGE CTerrainViewPatternConfig : public boost::noncopyable
const std::vector<TerrainViewPattern> & getTerrainViewPatternsForGroup(ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup terGroup) const;
boost::optional<const TerrainViewPattern &> getTerrainViewPatternById(ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup terGroup, const std::string & id) const;
const TerrainViewPattern & getTerrainTypePatternById(const std::string & id) const;
ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup getTerrainGroup(const std::string & terGroup) const;
std::map<ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup, std::vector<TerrainViewPattern> > terrainViewPatterns;
std::map<std::string, TerrainViewPattern> terrainTypePatterns;
/// The CDrawTerrainOperation class draws a terrain area on the map.
class CDrawTerrainOperation : public CMapOperation
CDrawTerrainOperation(CMap * map, const CTerrainSelection & terrainSel, ETerrainType terType, CRandomGenerator * gen);
void execute() override;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
std::string getLabel() const override;
struct ValidationResult
ValidationResult(bool result, const std::string & transitionReplacement = "");
bool result;
/// The replacement of a T rule, either D or S.
std::string transitionReplacement;
int flip;
struct InvalidTiles
std::set<int3> foreignTiles, nativeTiles;
bool centerPosValid;
InvalidTiles() : centerPosValid(false) { }
void updateTerrainTypes();
void invalidateTerrainViews(const int3 & centerPos);
InvalidTiles getInvalidTiles(const int3 & centerPos) const;
void updateTerrainViews();
ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup getTerrainGroup(ETerrainType terType) const;
/// Validates the terrain view of the given position and with the given pattern. The first method wraps the
/// second method to validate the terrain view with the given pattern in all four flip directions(horizontal, vertical).
ValidationResult validateTerrainView(const int3 & pos, const TerrainViewPattern & pattern, int recDepth = 0) const;
ValidationResult validateTerrainViewInner(const int3 & pos, const TerrainViewPattern & pattern, int recDepth = 0) const;
/// Tests whether the given terrain type is a sand type. Sand types are: Water, Sand and Rock
bool isSandType(ETerrainType terType) const;
void flipPattern(TerrainViewPattern & pattern, int flip) const;
CTerrainSelection terrainSel;
ETerrainType terType;
CRandomGenerator * gen;
std::set<int3> invalidatedTerViews;
class DLL_LINKAGE CTerrainViewPatternUtils
static void printDebuggingInfoAboutTile(const CMap * map, int3 pos);
/// The CClearTerrainOperation clears+initializes the terrain.
class CClearTerrainOperation : public CComposedOperation
CClearTerrainOperation(CMap * map, CRandomGenerator * gen);
std::string getLabel() const override;
/// The CInsertObjectOperation class inserts an object to the map.
class CInsertObjectOperation : public CMapOperation
CInsertObjectOperation(CMap * map, CGObjectInstance * obj, const int3 & pos);
void execute() override;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
std::string getLabel() const override;
int3 pos;
CGObjectInstance * obj;