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synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
Removed most of hardcoded checks for fort level or for presence of fort/ citadel/castle buildings. It is now possible to define which parts of town fortifications are provided by town buildings Configuration for H3-like fortifications is provided in buildingsLibrary.json and will be used automatically by mods as long as mods have buidings named "fort", "citadel" and "castle". Alternatively, mods can separately define: - hitpoints of walls (shared value for all sections) - hitpoints of central, upper and lower towers (separate values) - presence of moat - shooters for each tower (separate values)
387 lines
11 KiB
387 lines
11 KiB
* BattleProjectileController.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "BattleProjectileController.h"
#include "BattleInterface.h"
#include "BattleSiegeController.h"
#include "BattleStacksController.h"
#include "CreatureAnimation.h"
#include "../render/CAnimation.h"
#include "../render/Canvas.h"
#include "../render/IRenderHandler.h"
#include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
#include "../../lib/CStack.h"
#include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h"
static double calculateCatapultParabolaY(const Point & from, const Point & dest, int x)
double facA = 0.005; // seems to be constant
// system of 2 linear equations, solutions of which are missing coefficients
// for quadratic equation a*x*x + b*x + c
double eq[2][3] = {
{ static_cast<double>(from.x), 1.0, from.y - facA*from.x*from.x },
{ static_cast<double>(dest.x), 1.0, dest.y - facA*dest.x*dest.x }
// solve system via determinants
double det = eq[0][0] *eq[1][1] - eq[1][0] *eq[0][1];
double detB = eq[0][2] *eq[1][1] - eq[1][2] *eq[0][1];
double detC = eq[0][0] *eq[1][2] - eq[1][0] *eq[0][2];
double facB = detB / det;
double facC = detC / det;
return facA *pow(x, 2.0) + facB *x + facC;
void ProjectileMissile::show(Canvas & canvas)
size_t group = reverse ? 1 : 0;
auto image = animation->getImage(frameNum, group, true);
Point pos {
vstd::lerp(from.x, dest.x, progress) - image->width() / 2,
vstd::lerp(from.y, dest.y, progress) - image->height() / 2,
canvas.draw(image, pos);
void ProjectileMissile::tick(uint32_t msPassed)
float timePassed = msPassed / 1000.f;
progress += timePassed * speed;
void ProjectileAnimatedMissile::tick(uint32_t msPassed)
frameProgress += AnimationControls::getSpellEffectSpeed() * msPassed / 1000;
size_t animationSize = animation->size(reverse ? 1 : 0);
while (frameProgress > animationSize)
frameProgress -= animationSize;
frameNum = std::floor(frameProgress);
void ProjectileCatapult::tick(uint32_t msPassed)
frameProgress += AnimationControls::getSpellEffectSpeed() * msPassed / 1000;
float timePassed = msPassed / 1000.f;
progress += timePassed * speed;
void ProjectileCatapult::show(Canvas & canvas)
int frameCounter = std::floor(frameProgress);
int frameIndex = (frameCounter + 1) % animation->size(0);
auto image = animation->getImage(frameIndex, 0, true);
int posX = vstd::lerp(from.x, dest.x, progress);
int posY = calculateCatapultParabolaY(from, dest, posX);
Point pos(posX, posY);
canvas.draw(image, pos);
void ProjectileRay::show(Canvas & canvas)
Point curr {
vstd::lerp(from.x, dest.x, progress),
vstd::lerp(from.y, dest.y, progress),
Point length = curr - from;
//select axis to draw ray on, we want angle to be less than 45 degrees so individual sub-rays won't overlap each other
if (std::abs(length.x) > std::abs(length.y)) // draw in horizontal axis
int y1 = from.y - rayConfig.size() / 2;
int y2 = curr.y - rayConfig.size() / 2;
int x1 = from.x;
int x2 = curr.x;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rayConfig.size(); ++i)
auto ray = rayConfig[i];
canvas.drawLine(Point(x1, y1 + i), Point(x2, y2+i), ray.start, ray.end);
else // draw in vertical axis
int x1 = from.x - rayConfig.size() / 2;
int x2 = curr.x - rayConfig.size() / 2;
int y1 = from.y;
int y2 = curr.y;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rayConfig.size(); ++i)
auto ray = rayConfig[i];
canvas.drawLine(Point(x1 + i, y1), Point(x2 + i, y2), ray.start, ray.end);
void ProjectileRay::tick(uint32_t msPassed)
float timePassed = msPassed / 1000.f;
progress += timePassed * speed;
BattleProjectileController::BattleProjectileController(BattleInterface & owner):
const CCreature & BattleProjectileController::getShooter(const CStack * stack) const
const CCreature * creature = stack->unitType();
if(creature->getId() == CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS)
creature = owner.siegeController->getTurretCreature(stack->initialPosition);
logAnim->error("Mod error: Creature '%s' on the Archer's tower is not a shooter. Mod should be fixed. Trying to use archer's data instead...", creature->getNameSingularTranslated());
creature = CreatureID(CreatureID::ARCHER).toCreature();
return *creature;
bool BattleProjectileController::stackUsesRayProjectile(const CStack * stack) const
return !getShooter(stack).animation.projectileRay.empty();
bool BattleProjectileController::stackUsesMissileProjectile(const CStack * stack) const
return !getShooter(stack).animation.projectileImageName.empty();
void BattleProjectileController::initStackProjectile(const CStack * stack)
if (!stackUsesMissileProjectile(stack))
const CCreature & creature = getShooter(stack);
projectilesCache[creature.animation.projectileImageName] = createProjectileImage(creature.animation.projectileImageName);
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> BattleProjectileController::createProjectileImage(const AnimationPath & path )
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> projectile = GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(path, EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY);
if(projectile->size(1) != 0)
logAnim->error("Expected empty group 1 in stack projectile");
projectile->createFlippedGroup(0, 1);
return projectile;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> BattleProjectileController::getProjectileImage(const CStack * stack)
const CCreature & creature = getShooter(stack);
AnimationPath imageName = creature.animation.projectileImageName;
if (!projectilesCache.count(imageName))
return projectilesCache[imageName];
void BattleProjectileController::emitStackProjectile(const CStack * stack)
int stackID = stack ? stack->unitId() : -1;
for (auto projectile : projectiles)
if ( !projectile->playing && projectile->shooterID == stackID)
projectile->playing = true;
void BattleProjectileController::render(Canvas & canvas)
for ( auto projectile: projectiles)
if ( projectile->playing )
void BattleProjectileController::tick(uint32_t msPassed)
for ( auto projectile: projectiles)
if ( projectile->playing )
vstd::erase_if(projectiles, [&](const std::shared_ptr<ProjectileBase> & projectile){
return projectile->progress > 1.0f;
bool BattleProjectileController::hasActiveProjectile(const CStack * stack, bool emittedOnly) const
int stackID = stack ? stack->unitId() : -1;
for(auto const & instance : projectiles)
if(instance->shooterID == stackID && (instance->playing || !emittedOnly))
return true;
return false;
float BattleProjectileController::computeProjectileFlightTime( Point from, Point dest, double animSpeed)
float distanceSquared = (dest.x - from.x) * (dest.x - from.x) + (dest.y - from.y) * (dest.y - from.y);
float distance = sqrt(distanceSquared);
assert(distance > 1.f);
return animSpeed / std::max( 1.f, distance);
int BattleProjectileController::computeProjectileFrameID( Point from, Point dest, const CStack * stack)
const CCreature & creature = getShooter(stack);
auto & angles = creature.animation.missileFrameAngles;
auto animation = getProjectileImage(stack);
// only frames below maxFrame are usable: anything higher is either no present or we don't know when it should be used
size_t maxFrame = std::min<size_t>(angles.size(), animation->size(0));
assert(maxFrame > 0);
double projectileAngle = -atan2(dest.y - from.y, std::abs(dest.x - from.x));
// values in angles array indicate position from which this frame was rendered, in degrees.
// possible range is 90 ... -90, where projectile for +90 will be used for shooting upwards, +0 for shots towards right and -90 for downwards shots
// find frame that has closest angle to one that we need for this shot
int bestID = 0;
double bestDiff = fabs( angles[0] / 180 * M_PI - projectileAngle );
for (int i=1; i<maxFrame; i++)
double currentDiff = fabs( angles[i] / 180 * M_PI - projectileAngle );
if (currentDiff < bestDiff)
bestID = i;
bestDiff = currentDiff;
return bestID;
void BattleProjectileController::createCatapultProjectile(const CStack * shooter, Point from, Point dest)
auto catapultProjectile = new ProjectileCatapult();
catapultProjectile->animation = getProjectileImage(shooter);
catapultProjectile->progress = 0;
catapultProjectile->speed = computeProjectileFlightTime(from, dest, AnimationControls::getCatapultSpeed());
catapultProjectile->from = from;
catapultProjectile->dest = dest;
catapultProjectile->shooterID = shooter->unitId();
catapultProjectile->playing = false;
catapultProjectile->frameProgress = 0.f;
void BattleProjectileController::createProjectile(const CStack * shooter, Point from, Point dest)
const CCreature & shooterInfo = getShooter(shooter);
std::shared_ptr<ProjectileBase> projectile;
if (stackUsesRayProjectile(shooter) && stackUsesMissileProjectile(shooter))
logAnim->error("Mod error: Creature '%s' has both missile and ray projectiles configured. Mod should be fixed. Using ray projectile configuration...", shooterInfo.getNameSingularTranslated());
if (stackUsesRayProjectile(shooter))
auto rayProjectile = new ProjectileRay();
rayProjectile->rayConfig = shooterInfo.animation.projectileRay;
rayProjectile->speed = computeProjectileFlightTime(from, dest, AnimationControls::getRayProjectileSpeed());
else if (stackUsesMissileProjectile(shooter))
auto missileProjectile = new ProjectileMissile();
missileProjectile->animation = getProjectileImage(shooter);
missileProjectile->reverse = !owner.stacksController->facingRight(shooter);
missileProjectile->frameNum = computeProjectileFrameID(from, dest, shooter);
missileProjectile->speed = computeProjectileFlightTime(from, dest, AnimationControls::getProjectileSpeed());
projectile->from = from;
projectile->dest = dest;
projectile->shooterID = shooter->unitId();
projectile->progress = 0;
projectile->playing = false;
void BattleProjectileController::createSpellProjectile(const CStack * shooter, Point from, Point dest, const CSpell * spell)
double projectileAngle = std::abs(atan2(dest.x - from.x, dest.y - from.y));
AnimationPath animToDisplay = spell->animationInfo.selectProjectile(projectileAngle);
auto projectile = new ProjectileAnimatedMissile();
projectile->animation = createProjectileImage(animToDisplay);
projectile->frameProgress = 0;
projectile->frameNum = 0;
projectile->reverse = from.x > dest.x;
projectile->from = from;
projectile->dest = dest;
projectile->shooterID = shooter ? shooter->unitId() : -1;
projectile->progress = 0;
projectile->speed = computeProjectileFlightTime(from, dest, AnimationControls::getProjectileSpeed());
projectile->playing = false;