mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 22:57:00 +02:00
Now CGTeleport is not publicly available handler, but generic class for teleport channels usage. Teleport channels are stored as part of information about the map.
543 lines
16 KiB
543 lines
16 KiB
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CMapGenerator.h"
#include "../mapping/CMap.h"
#include "../VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "../mapping/CMapEditManager.h"
#include "../CTownHandler.h"
#include "../StringConstants.h"
#include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "CRmgTemplate.h"
#include "CRmgTemplateZone.h"
#include "CZonePlacer.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h"
void CMapGenerator::foreach_neighbour(const int3 &pos, std::function<void(int3& pos)> foo)
for(const int3 &dir : dirs)
int3 n = pos + dir;
CMapGenerator::CMapGenerator() :
zonesTotal(0), monolithIndex(0)
void CMapGenerator::initTiles()
int width = map->width;
int height = map->height;
int level = map->twoLevel ? 2 : 1;
tiles = new CTileInfo**[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
tiles[i] = new CTileInfo*[height];
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
tiles[i][j] = new CTileInfo[level];
if (tiles)
int width = mapGenOptions->getWidth();
int height = mapGenOptions->getHeight();
for (int i=0; i < width; i++)
for(int j=0; j < height; j++)
delete [] tiles[i][j];
delete [] tiles[i];
delete [] tiles;
void CMapGenerator::initPrisonsRemaining()
prisonsRemaining = 0;
for (auto isAllowed : map->allowedHeroes)
if (isAllowed)
prisonsRemaining = std::max<int> (0, prisonsRemaining - 16 * mapGenOptions->getPlayerCount()); //so at least 16 heroes will be available for every player
void CMapGenerator::initQuestArtsRemaining()
for (auto art : VLC->arth->artifacts)
if (art->aClass == CArtifact::ART_TREASURE && art->constituentOf.empty()) //don't use parts of combined artifacts
std::unique_ptr<CMap> CMapGenerator::generate(CMapGenOptions * mapGenOptions, int randomSeed /*= std::time(nullptr)*/)
this->mapGenOptions = mapGenOptions;
this->randomSeed = randomSeed;
map = make_unique<CMap>();
editManager = map->getEditManager();
//FIXME: somehow mapGenOption is nullptr at this point :?
map->calculateGuardingGreaturePositions(); //clear map so that all tiles are unguarded
//updated guarded tiles will be calculated in CGameState::initMapObjects()
catch (rmgException &e)
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Random map generation received exception: " << e.what();
return std::move(map);
std::string CMapGenerator::getMapDescription() const
const std::string waterContentStr[3] = { "none", "normal", "islands" };
const std::string monsterStrengthStr[3] = { "weak", "normal", "strong" };
int monsterStrengthIndex = mapGenOptions->getMonsterStrength() - EMonsterStrength::GLOBAL_WEAK; //does not start from 0
std::stringstream ss;
ss << boost::str(boost::format(std::string("Map created by the Random Map Generator.\nTemplate was %s, Random seed was %d, size %dx%d") +
", levels %s, humans %d, computers %d, water %s, monster %s, second expansion map") % mapGenOptions->getMapTemplate()->getName() %
randomSeed % map->width % map->height % (map->twoLevel ? "2" : "1") % static_cast<int>(mapGenOptions->getPlayerCount()) %
static_cast<int>(mapGenOptions->getCompOnlyPlayerCount()) % waterContentStr[mapGenOptions->getWaterContent()] %
for(const auto & pair : mapGenOptions->getPlayersSettings())
const auto & pSettings = pair.second;
if(pSettings.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::HUMAN)
ss << ", " << GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES[pSettings.getColor().getNum()] << " is human";
if(pSettings.getStartingTown() != CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::RANDOM_TOWN)
ss << ", " << GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES[pSettings.getColor().getNum()]
<< " town choice is " << VLC->townh->factions[pSettings.getStartingTown()]->name;
return ss.str();
void CMapGenerator::addPlayerInfo()
// Calculate which team numbers exist
std::array<std::list<int>, 2> teamNumbers; // 0= cpu/human, 1= cpu only
int teamOffset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
int playerCount = i == 0 ? mapGenOptions->getPlayerCount() : mapGenOptions->getCompOnlyPlayerCount();
int teamCount = i == 0 ? mapGenOptions->getTeamCount() : mapGenOptions->getCompOnlyTeamCount();
if(playerCount == 0)
int playersPerTeam = playerCount /
(teamCount == 0 ? playerCount : teamCount);
int teamCountNorm = teamCount;
if(teamCountNorm == 0)
teamCountNorm = playerCount;
for(int j = 0; j < teamCountNorm; ++j)
for(int k = 0; k < playersPerTeam; ++k)
teamNumbers[i].push_back(j + teamOffset);
for(int j = 0; j < playerCount - teamCountNorm * playersPerTeam; ++j)
teamNumbers[i].push_back(j + teamOffset);
teamOffset += teamCountNorm;
// Team numbers are assigned randomly to every player
for(const auto & pair : mapGenOptions->getPlayersSettings())
const auto & pSettings = pair.second;
PlayerInfo player;
player.canComputerPlay = true;
int j = pSettings.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::COMP_ONLY ? 1 : 0;
if(j == 0)
player.canHumanPlay = true;
auto itTeam = RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(teamNumbers[j], rand);
player.team = TeamID(*itTeam);
map->players[pSettings.getColor().getNum()] = player;
map->howManyTeams = (mapGenOptions->getTeamCount() == 0 ? mapGenOptions->getPlayerCount() : mapGenOptions->getTeamCount())
+ (mapGenOptions->getCompOnlyTeamCount() == 0 ? mapGenOptions->getCompOnlyPlayerCount() : mapGenOptions->getCompOnlyTeamCount());
void CMapGenerator::genZones()
editManager->getTerrainSelection().selectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 0), mapGenOptions->getWidth(), mapGenOptions->getHeight()));
editManager->drawTerrain(ETerrainType::GRASS, &rand);
auto tmpl = mapGenOptions->getMapTemplate();
zones = tmpl->getZones(); //copy from template (refactor?)
CZonePlacer placer(this);
placer.placeZones(mapGenOptions, &rand);
logGlobal->infoStream() << "Zones generated successfully";
void CMapGenerator::fillZones()
//init native town count with 0
for (auto faction : VLC->townh->getAllowedFactions())
zonesPerFaction[faction] = 0;
logGlobal->infoStream() << "Started filling zones";
//initialize possible tiles before any object is actually placed
for (auto it : zones)
//make sure all connections are passable before creating borders
for (auto it : zones)
//we need info about all town types to evaluate dwellings and pandoras with creatures properly
std::vector<CRmgTemplateZone*> treasureZones;
for (auto it : zones)
if (it.second->getType() == ETemplateZoneType::TREASURE)
//find place for Grail
if (treasureZones.empty())
for (auto it : zones)
auto grailZone = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(treasureZones, rand);
map->grailPos = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(*grailZone->getFreePaths(), rand);
logGlobal->infoStream() << "Zones filled successfully";
void CMapGenerator::findZonesForQuestArts()
//we want to place arties in zones that were not yet filled (higher index)
for (auto connection : mapGenOptions->getMapTemplate()->getConnections())
auto zoneA = connection.getZoneA();
auto zoneB = connection.getZoneB();
if (zoneA->getId() > zoneB->getId())
else if (zoneA->getId() < zoneB->getId())
void CMapGenerator::createConnections()
for (auto connection : mapGenOptions->getMapTemplate()->getConnections())
auto zoneA = connection.getZoneA();
auto zoneB = connection.getZoneB();
//rearrange tiles in random order
auto tilesCopy = zoneA->getTileInfo();
std::vector<int3> tiles(tilesCopy.begin(), tilesCopy.end());
RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(tiles, rand);
int3 guardPos(-1,-1,-1);
auto otherZoneTiles = zoneB->getTileInfo();
int3 posA = zoneA->getPos();
int3 posB = zoneB->getPos();
if (posA.z == posB.z)
for (auto tile : tiles)
if (isBlocked(tile)) //tiles may be occupied by subterranean gates already placed
foreach_neighbour (tile, [&guardPos, tile, &otherZoneTiles, this](int3 &pos)
//if (vstd::contains(otherZoneTiles, pos) && !this->isBlocked(pos))
if (vstd::contains(otherZoneTiles, pos))
guardPos = tile;
if (guardPos.valid())
setOccupied (guardPos, ETileType::FREE); //just in case monster is too weak to spawn
zoneA->addMonster (this, guardPos, connection.getGuardStrength(), false, true);
//zones can make paths only in their own area
zoneA->crunchPath (this, guardPos, posA, zoneA->getId(), zoneA->getFreePaths()); //make connection towards our zone center
zoneB->crunchPath (this, guardPos, posB, zoneB->getId(), zoneB->getFreePaths()); //make connection towards other zone center
break; //we're done with this connection
else //create subterranean gates between two zones
//find point on the path between zones
float3 offset (posB.x - posA.x, posB.y - posA.y, 0);
float distance = posB.dist2d(posA);
vstd::amax (distance, 0.5f);
offset /= distance; //get unit vector
float3 vec (0, 0, 0);
//use reduced size of underground zone - make sure gate does not stand on rock
int3 tile = posA;
int3 otherTile = tile;
bool stop = false;
while (!stop)
vec += offset; //this vector may extend beyond line between zone centers, in case they are directly over each other
tile = posA + int3(vec.x, vec.y, 0);
float distanceFromA = posA.dist2d(tile);
float distanceFromB = posB.dist2d(tile);
if (distanceFromA + distanceFromB > std::max<int>(zoneA->getSize() + zoneB->getSize(), distance))
break; //we are too far away to ever connect
//if zone is underground, gate must fit within its (reduced) radius
if (distanceFromA > 5 && (!posA.z || distanceFromA < zoneA->getSize() - 3) &&
distanceFromB > 5 && (!posB.z || distanceFromB < zoneB->getSize() - 3))
otherTile = tile;
otherTile.z = posB.z;
if (vstd::contains(tiles, tile) && vstd::contains(otherZoneTiles, otherTile))
bool withinZone = true;
foreach_neighbour (tile, [&withinZone, &tiles](int3 &pos)
if (!vstd::contains(tiles, pos))
withinZone = false;
foreach_neighbour (otherTile, [&withinZone, &otherZoneTiles](int3 &pos)
if (!vstd::contains(otherZoneTiles, pos))
withinZone = false;
if (withinZone)
auto gate1 = new CGSubterraneanGate;
gate1->subID = 0;
zoneA->placeAndGuardObject(this, gate1, tile, connection.getGuardStrength());
auto gate2 = new CGSubterraneanGate(*gate1);
zoneB->placeAndGuardObject(this, gate2, otherTile, connection.getGuardStrength());
stop = true; //we are done, go to next connection
if (stop)
if (!guardPos.valid())
auto teleport1 = new CGMonolith;
teleport1->ID = Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY;
teleport1->subID = getNextMonlithIndex();
auto teleport2 = new CGMonolith(*teleport1);
zoneA->addRequiredObject (teleport1, connection.getGuardStrength());
zoneB->addRequiredObject (teleport2, connection.getGuardStrength());
void CMapGenerator::addHeaderInfo()
map->version = EMapFormat::SOD;
map->width = mapGenOptions->getWidth();
map->height = mapGenOptions->getHeight();
map->twoLevel = mapGenOptions->getHasTwoLevels();
map->name = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[740];
map->description = getMapDescription();
map->difficulty = 1;
std::map<TRmgTemplateZoneId, CRmgTemplateZone*> CMapGenerator::getZones() const
return zones;
bool CMapGenerator::isBlocked(const int3 &tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].isBlocked();
bool CMapGenerator::shouldBeBlocked(const int3 &tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].shouldBeBlocked();
bool CMapGenerator::isPossible(const int3 &tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].isPossible();
bool CMapGenerator::isFree(const int3 &tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].isFree();
bool CMapGenerator::isUsed(const int3 &tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].isUsed();
void CMapGenerator::setOccupied(const int3 &tile, ETileType::ETileType state)
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
CTileInfo CMapGenerator::getTile(const int3& tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z];
void CMapGenerator::setNearestObjectDistance(int3 &tile, float value)
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
float CMapGenerator::getNearestObjectDistance(const int3 &tile) const
if (!map->isInTheMap(tile))
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("Tile %s is outside the map") % tile));
return tiles[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].getNearestObjectDistance();
int CMapGenerator::getNextMonlithIndex()
if (monolithIndex >= VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY).size())
//logGlobal->errorStream() << boost::to_string(boost::format("RMG Error! There is no Monolith Two Way with index %d available!") % monolithIndex);
//return VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY).size() - 1;
//TODO: interrupt map generation and report error
throw rmgException(boost::to_string(boost::format("There is no Monolith Two Way with index %d available!") % monolithIndex));
return monolithIndex++;
int CMapGenerator::getPrisonsRemaning() const
return prisonsRemaining;
void CMapGenerator::decreasePrisonsRemaining()
prisonsRemaining = std::max (0, prisonsRemaining - 1);
std::vector<ArtifactID> CMapGenerator::getQuestArtsRemaning() const
return questArtifacts;
void CMapGenerator::banQuestArt(ArtifactID id)
map->allowedArtifact[id] = false;
vstd::erase_if_present (questArtifacts, id);
void CMapGenerator::registerZone (TFaction faction)
ui32 CMapGenerator::getZoneCount(TFaction faction)
return zonesPerFaction[faction];
ui32 CMapGenerator::getTotalZoneCount() const
return zonesTotal;