mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-29 21:56:54 +02:00
DjWarmonger ce15eb37c2 - Fixed serialization of limiters
- Hero can now can have several separate specialty nodes
- Fixed typo (speciality->specialty)
- Fixed several crashes related to commanders
- Improvements to specialty handling, bugfixes and temporary solutions for upcoming hero specialties in mods
2013-01-17 18:15:00 +00:00

385 lines
11 KiB

#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CModHandler.h"
#include "CDefObjInfoHandler.h"
#include "JsonNode.h"
#include "Filesystem/CResourceLoader.h"
#include "Filesystem/ISimpleResourceLoader.h"
#include "CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "CArtHandler.h"
#include "CTownHandler.h"
#include "CHeroHandler.h"
#include "CObjectHandler.h"
#include "StringConstants.h"
* CModHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
void CIdentifierStorage::checkIdentifier(std::string & ID)
if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(ID, "."))
tlog0 << "BIG WARNING: identifier " << ID << " seems to be broken!\n";
size_t pos = 0;
if (std::tolower(ID[pos]) != ID[pos] ) //Not in camelCase
tlog0 << "Warning: identifier " << ID << " is not in camelCase!\n";
ID[pos] = std::tolower(ID[pos]);// Try to fix the ID
pos = ID.find('.', pos);
while(pos++ != std::string::npos);
void CIdentifierStorage::requestIdentifier(std::string name, const boost::function<void(si32)> & callback)
auto iter = registeredObjects.find(name);
if (iter != registeredObjects.end())
callback(iter->second); //already registered - trigger callback immediately
missingObjects[name].push_back(callback); // queue callback
void CIdentifierStorage::registerObject(std::string name, si32 identifier)
// do not allow to register same object twice
assert(registeredObjects.find(name) == registeredObjects.end());
registeredObjects[name] = identifier;
auto iter = missingObjects.find(name);
if (iter != missingObjects.end())
//call all awaiting callbacks
BOOST_FOREACH(auto function, iter->second)
void CIdentifierStorage::finalize() const
// print list of missing objects and crash
// in future should try to do some cleanup (like returning all id's as 0)
BOOST_FOREACH(auto object, missingObjects)
tlog1 << "Error: object " << object.first << " was not found!\n";
for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY; ++i)
identifiers.registerObject("resource." + GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES[i], i);
loadConfigFromFile ("defaultMods");
void CModHandler::loadConfigFromFile (std::string name)
const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/" + name + ".json"));
const JsonNode & hardcodedFeatures = config["hardcodedFeatures"];
settings.CREEP_SIZE = hardcodedFeatures["CREEP_SIZE"].Float();
settings.WEEKLY_GROWTH = hardcodedFeatures["WEEKLY_GROWTH_PERCENT"].Float();
settings.NEUTRAL_STACK_EXP = hardcodedFeatures["NEUTRAL_STACK_EXP_DAILY"].Float();
settings.MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN = hardcodedFeatures["MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN"].Float();
const JsonNode & gameModules = config["modules"];
modules.STACK_EXP = gameModules["STACK_EXPERIENCE"].Bool();
modules.STACK_ARTIFACT = gameModules["STACK_ARTIFACTS"].Bool();
modules.COMMANDERS = gameModules["COMMANDERS"].Bool();
modules.MITHRIL = gameModules["MITHRIL"].Bool();
// currentList is passed by value to get current list of depending mods
bool CModHandler::hasCircularDependency(TModID modID, std::set <TModID> currentList) const
const CModInfo & mod = allMods.at(modID);
// Mod already present? We found a loop
if (vstd::contains(currentList, modID))
tlog0 << "Error: Circular dependency detected! Printing dependency list:\n";
tlog0 << "\t" << mod.name << " -> \n";
return true;
// recursively check every dependency of this mod
BOOST_FOREACH(const TModID & dependency, mod.dependencies)
if (hasCircularDependency(dependency, currentList))
tlog0 << "\t" << mod.name << " ->\n"; // conflict detected, print dependency list
return true;
return false;
bool CModHandler::checkDependencies(const std::vector <TModID> & input) const
BOOST_FOREACH(const TModID & id, input)
const CModInfo & mod = allMods.at(id);
BOOST_FOREACH(const TModID & dep, mod.dependencies)
if (!vstd::contains(input, dep))
tlog0 << "Error: Mod " << mod.name << " requires missing " << dep << "!\n";
return false;
BOOST_FOREACH(const TModID & conflicting, mod.conflicts)
if (vstd::contains(input, conflicting))
tlog0 << "Error: Mod " << mod.name << " conflicts with " << allMods.at(conflicting).name << "!\n";
return false;
if (hasCircularDependency(id))
return false;
return true;
std::vector <TModID> CModHandler::resolveDependencies(std::vector <TModID> input) const
// Algorithm may not be the fastest one but VCMI does not needs any speed here
// Unless user have dozens of mods with complex dependencies this cide should be fine
std::vector <TModID> output;
std::set <TModID> resolvedMods;
// Check if all mod dependencies are resolved (moved to resolvedMods)
auto isResolved = [&](const CModInfo mod) -> bool
BOOST_FOREACH(const TModID & dependency, mod.dependencies)
if (!vstd::contains(resolvedMods, dependency))
return false;
return true;
while (!input.empty())
for (auto it = input.begin(); it != input.end();)
if (isResolved(allMods.at(*it)))
it = input.erase(it);
return output;
void CModHandler::initialize(std::vector<std::string> availableMods)
JsonNode modConfig(ResourceID("config/modSettings.json"));
const JsonNode & modList = modConfig["activeMods"];
JsonNode resultingList;
std::vector <TModID> detectedMods;
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string name, availableMods)
std::string modFileName = "mods/" + name + "/mod.json";
if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(modFileName)))
const JsonNode config = JsonNode(ResourceID(modFileName));
if (config.isNull())
if (!modList[name].isNull() && modList[name].Bool() == false )
resultingList[name].Bool() = false;
continue; // disabled mod
resultingList[name].Bool() = true;
CModInfo & mod = allMods[name];
mod.identifier = name;
mod.name = config["name"].String();
mod.description = config["description"].String();
mod.dependencies = config["depends"].convertTo<std::set<std::string> >();
mod.conflicts = config["conflicts"].convertTo<std::set<std::string> >();
tlog3 << "\t\t Directory " << name << " does not contains VCMI mod\n";
if (!checkDependencies(detectedMods))
tlog0 << "Critical error: failed to load mods! Exiting...\n";
activeMods = resolveDependencies(detectedMods);
modConfig["activeMods"] = resultingList;
std::ofstream file(CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(ResourceID("config/modSettings.json")), std::ofstream::trunc);
file << modConfig;
std::vector<std::string> CModHandler::getActiveMods()
return activeMods;
template<typename Handler>
void handleData(Handler handler, const JsonNode & config)
handler->load(JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(config.convertTo<std::vector<std::string> >()));
void CModHandler::loadActiveMods()
BOOST_FOREACH(const TModID & modName, activeMods)
tlog1 << "\t\tLoading mod ";
tlog2 << allMods[modName].name << "\n";
std::string modFileName = "mods/" + modName + "/mod.json";
const JsonNode config = JsonNode(ResourceID(modFileName));
handleData(VLC->townh, config["factions"]);
handleData(VLC->creh, config["creatures"]);
handleData(VLC->arth, config["artifacts"]);
//todo: spells
handleData(&VLC->heroh->classes, config["heroClasses"]);
handleData(VLC->heroh, config["heroes"]);
VLC->creh->buildBonusTreeForTiers(); //do that after all new creatures are loaded
void CModHandler::reload()
//recreate adventure map defs
assert(!VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::MONSTER].empty()); //make sure that at least some def info was found
const CGDefInfo * baseInfo = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::MONSTER].begin()->second;
BOOST_FOREACH(auto & crea, VLC->creh->creatures)
if (!vstd::contains(VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::MONSTER], crea->idNumber)) // no obj info for this type
CGDefInfo * info = new CGDefInfo(*baseInfo);
info->subid = crea->idNumber;
info->name = crea->advMapDef;
VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::MONSTER][crea->idNumber] = info;
const CGDefInfo * baseInfo = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::ARTIFACT].begin()->second;
BOOST_FOREACH(auto & art, VLC->arth->artifacts)
if (!vstd::contains(VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::ARTIFACT], art->id)) // no obj info for this type
CGDefInfo * info = new CGDefInfo(*baseInfo);
info->subid = art->id;
info->name = art->advMapDef;
VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::ARTIFACT][art->id] = info;
assert(!VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::TOWN].empty()); //make sure that at least some def info was found
const CGDefInfo * baseInfo = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::TOWN].begin()->second;
auto & townInfos = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::TOWN];
BOOST_FOREACH(auto & town, VLC->townh->towns)
auto & cientInfo = town.second.clientInfo;
if (!vstd::contains(VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::TOWN], town.first)) // no obj info for this type
CGDefInfo * info = new CGDefInfo(*baseInfo);
info->subid = town.first;
townInfos[town.first] = info;
townInfos[town.first]->name = cientInfo.advMapCastle;
VLC->dobjinfo->villages[town.first] = new CGDefInfo(*townInfos[town.first]);
VLC->dobjinfo->villages[town.first]->name = cientInfo.advMapVillage;
VLC->dobjinfo->capitols[town.first] = new CGDefInfo(*townInfos[town.first]);
VLC->dobjinfo->capitols[town.first]->name = cientInfo.advMapCapitol;
for (int i = 0; i < town.second.dwellings.size(); ++i)
const CGDefInfo * baseInfo = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1][i]; //get same blockmap as first dwelling of tier i
BOOST_FOREACH (auto cre, town.second.creatures[i]) //both unupgraded and upgraded get same dwelling
CGDefInfo * info = new CGDefInfo(*baseInfo);
info->subid = cre;
info->name = town.second.dwellings[i];
VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1][cre] = info;
VLC->objh->cregens[cre] = cre; //map of dwelling -> creature id