mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-01-08 00:39:47 +02:00
Arseniy Shestakov 10dbbead2d Fix indentation of logging code and around it
That wouldn't be as big issue if problem affected few files, but it everywhere in codebase.
Fixed it everywhere since in most files that is the only code with wrong indentation.
2016-03-12 04:46:21 +03:00

461 lines
12 KiB

#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CCreatureAnimation.h"
#include "../../lib/vcmi_endian.h"
#include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "../../lib/filesystem/CBinaryReader.h"
#include "../../lib/filesystem/CMemoryStream.h"
#include "../gui/SDL_Extensions.h"
#include "../gui/SDL_Pixels.h"
* CCreatureAnimation.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
static const SDL_Color creatureBlueBorder = { 0, 255, 255, 255 };
static const SDL_Color creatureGoldBorder = { 255, 255, 0, 255 };
static const SDL_Color creatureNoBorder = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
SDL_Color AnimationControls::getBlueBorder()
return creatureBlueBorder;
SDL_Color AnimationControls::getGoldBorder()
return creatureGoldBorder;
SDL_Color AnimationControls::getNoBorder()
return creatureNoBorder;
CCreatureAnimation * AnimationControls::getAnimation(const CCreature * creature)
auto func = std::bind(&AnimationControls::getCreatureAnimationSpeed, creature, _1, _2);
return new CCreatureAnimation(creature->animDefName, func);
float AnimationControls::getCreatureAnimationSpeed(const CCreature * creature, const CCreatureAnimation * anim, size_t group)
CCreatureAnim::EAnimType type = CCreatureAnim::EAnimType(group);
assert(creature->animation.walkAnimationTime != 0);
assert(creature->animation.attackAnimationTime != 0);
assert(anim->framesInGroup(type) != 0);
// possible new fields for creature format:
//split "Attack time" into "Shoot Time" and "Cast Time"
// a lot of arbitrary multipliers, mostly to make animation speed closer to H3
const float baseSpeed = 0.1;
const float speedMult = settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float();
const float speed = baseSpeed / speedMult;
switch (type)
case CCreatureAnim::MOVING:
return speed * 2 * creature->animation.walkAnimationTime / anim->framesInGroup(type);
case CCreatureAnim::MOUSEON:
return baseSpeed;
case CCreatureAnim::HOLDING:
return baseSpeed * creature->animation.idleAnimationTime / anim->framesInGroup(type);
case CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_UP:
case CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_FRONT:
case CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_DOWN:
case CCreatureAnim::CAST_UP:
case CCreatureAnim::CAST_FRONT:
case CCreatureAnim::CAST_DOWN:
return speed * 4 * creature->animation.attackAnimationTime / anim->framesInGroup(type);
// as strange as it looks like "attackAnimationTime" does not affects melee attacks
// necessary because length of these animations must be same for all creatures for synchronization
case CCreatureAnim::ATTACK_UP:
case CCreatureAnim::ATTACK_FRONT:
case CCreatureAnim::ATTACK_DOWN:
case CCreatureAnim::HITTED:
case CCreatureAnim::DEFENCE:
case CCreatureAnim::DEATH:
return speed * 3 / anim->framesInGroup(type);
case CCreatureAnim::TURN_L:
case CCreatureAnim::TURN_R:
return speed / 3;
case CCreatureAnim::MOVE_START:
case CCreatureAnim::MOVE_END:
return speed / 3;
case CCreatureAnim::DEAD:
return speed;
return 1;
float AnimationControls::getProjectileSpeed()
return settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float() * 100;
float AnimationControls::getSpellEffectSpeed()
return settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float() * 60;
float AnimationControls::getMovementDuration(const CCreature * creature)
return settings["battle"]["animationSpeed"].Float() * 4 / creature->animation.walkAnimationTime;
float AnimationControls::getFlightDistance(const CCreature * creature)
return creature->animation.flightAnimationDistance * 200;
CCreatureAnim::EAnimType CCreatureAnimation::getType() const
return type;
void CCreatureAnimation::setType(CCreatureAnim::EAnimType type)
assert(type >= 0);
assert(framesInGroup(type) != 0);
this->type = type;
currentFrame = 0;
once = false;
CCreatureAnimation::CCreatureAnimation(std::string name, TSpeedController controller)
: defName(name),
border(CSDL_Ext::makeColor(0, 0, 0, 0)),
// separate block to avoid accidental use of "data" after it was moved into "pixelData"
ResourceID resID(std::string("SPRITES/") + name, EResType::ANIMATION);
auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(resID)->readAll();
pixelData = std::move(data.first);
pixelDataSize = data.second;
CBinaryReader reader(new CMemoryStream(pixelData.get(), pixelDataSize));
reader.readInt32(); // def type, unused
fullWidth = reader.readInt32();
fullHeight = reader.readInt32();
int totalBlocks = reader.readInt32();
for (auto & elem : palette)
elem.r = reader.readUInt8();
elem.g = reader.readUInt8();
elem.b = reader.readUInt8();
for (int i=0; i<totalBlocks; i++)
int groupID = reader.readInt32();
int totalInBlock = reader.readInt32();
reader.skip(4 + 4 + 13 * totalInBlock); // some unused data
for (int j=0; j<totalInBlock; j++)
// if necessary, add one frame into vcmi-only group DEAD
if (dataOffsets.count(CCreatureAnim::DEAD) == 0)
void CCreatureAnimation::endAnimation()
once = false;
auto copy = onAnimationReset;
bool CCreatureAnimation::incrementFrame(float timePassed)
elapsedTime += timePassed;
currentFrame += timePassed * speed;
if (currentFrame >= float(framesInGroup(type)))
// just in case of extremely low fps (or insanely high speed)
while (currentFrame >= float(framesInGroup(type)))
currentFrame -= framesInGroup(type);
if (once)
return true;
return false;
void CCreatureAnimation::setBorderColor(SDL_Color palette)
border = palette;
int CCreatureAnimation::getWidth() const
return fullWidth;
int CCreatureAnimation::getHeight() const
return fullHeight;
float CCreatureAnimation::getCurrentFrame() const
return currentFrame;
void CCreatureAnimation::playOnce( CCreatureAnim::EAnimType type )
once = true;
inline int getBorderStrength(float time)
float borderStrength = fabs(vstd::round(time) - time) * 2; // generate value in range 0-1
return borderStrength * 155 + 100; // scale to 0-255
static SDL_Color genShadow(ui8 alpha)
return CSDL_Ext::makeColor(0, 0, 0, alpha);
static SDL_Color genBorderColor(ui8 alpha, const SDL_Color & base)
return CSDL_Ext::makeColor(base.r, base.g, base.b, ui8(base.a * alpha / 256));
static ui8 mixChannels(ui8 c1, ui8 c2, ui8 a1, ui8 a2)
return c1*a1 / 256 + c2*a2*(255 - a1) / 256 / 256;
static SDL_Color addColors(const SDL_Color & base, const SDL_Color & over)
return CSDL_Ext::makeColor(
mixChannels(over.r, base.r, over.a, base.a),
mixChannels(over.g, base.g, over.a, base.a),
mixChannels(over.b, base.b, over.a, base.a),
ui8(over.a + base.a * (255 - over.a) / 256)
std::array<SDL_Color, 8> CCreatureAnimation::genSpecialPalette()
std::array<SDL_Color, 8> ret;
ret[0] = genShadow(0);
ret[1] = genShadow(64);
ret[2] = genShadow(128);
ret[3] = genShadow(128);
ret[4] = genShadow(128);
ret[5] = genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border);
ret[6] = addColors(genShadow(128), genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border));
ret[7] = addColors(genShadow(64), genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border));
return ret;
template<int bpp>
void CCreatureAnimation::nextFrameT(SDL_Surface * dest, bool rotate)
assert(dataOffsets.count(type) && dataOffsets.at(type).size() > size_t(currentFrame));
ui32 offset = dataOffsets.at(type).at(floor(currentFrame));
CBinaryReader reader(new CMemoryStream(pixelData.get(), pixelDataSize));
reader.readUInt32(); // unused, size of pixel data for this frame
const ui32 defType2 = reader.readUInt32();
const ui32 fullWidth = reader.readUInt32();
/*const ui32 fullHeight =*/ reader.readUInt32();
const ui32 spriteWidth = reader.readUInt32();
const ui32 spriteHeight = reader.readUInt32();
const int leftMargin = reader.readInt32();
const int topMargin = reader.readInt32();
const int rightMargin = fullWidth - spriteWidth - leftMargin;
//const int bottomMargin = fullHeight - spriteHeight - topMargin;
const size_t baseOffset = reader.getStream()->tell();
assert(defType2 == 1);
auto specialPalette = genSpecialPalette();
for (ui32 i=0; i<spriteHeight; i++)
//NOTE: if this loop will be optimized to skip empty lines - recheck this read access
ui8 * lineData = pixelData.get() + baseOffset + reader.readUInt32();
size_t destX = pos.x;
if (rotate)
destX += rightMargin + spriteWidth - 1;
destX += leftMargin;
size_t destY = pos.y + topMargin + i;
size_t currentOffset = 0;
size_t totalRowLength = 0;
while (totalRowLength < spriteWidth)
ui8 type = lineData[currentOffset++];
ui32 length = lineData[currentOffset++] + 1;
if (type==0xFF)//Raw data
for (size_t j=0; j<length; j++)
putPixelAt<bpp>(dest, destX + (rotate?(-j):(j)), destY, lineData[currentOffset + j], specialPalette);
currentOffset += length;
else// RLE
if (type != 0) // transparency row, handle it here for speed
for (size_t j=0; j<length; j++)
putPixelAt<bpp>(dest, destX + (rotate?(-j):(j)), destY, type, specialPalette);
destX += rotate ? (-length) : (length);
totalRowLength += length;
void CCreatureAnimation::nextFrame(SDL_Surface *dest, bool attacker)
// Note: please notice that attacker value is inversed when passed further.
// This is intended behavior because "attacker" actually does not needs rotation
case 2: return nextFrameT<2>(dest, !attacker);
case 3: return nextFrameT<3>(dest, !attacker);
case 4: return nextFrameT<4>(dest, !attacker);
logGlobal->errorStream() << (int)dest->format->BitsPerPixel << " bpp is not supported!!!";
int CCreatureAnimation::framesInGroup(CCreatureAnim::EAnimType group) const
if(dataOffsets.count(group) == 0)
return 0;
return dataOffsets.at(group).size();
ui8 * CCreatureAnimation::getPixelAddr(SDL_Surface * dest, int X, int Y) const
return (ui8*)dest->pixels + X * dest->format->BytesPerPixel + Y * dest->pitch;
template<int bpp>
inline void CCreatureAnimation::putPixelAt(SDL_Surface * dest, int X, int Y, size_t index, const std::array<SDL_Color, 8> & special) const
if ( X < pos.x + pos.w && Y < pos.y + pos.h && X >= 0 && Y >= 0)
putPixel<bpp>(getPixelAddr(dest, X, Y), palette[index], index, special);
template<int bpp>
inline void CCreatureAnimation::putPixel(ui8 * dest, const SDL_Color & color, size_t index, const std::array<SDL_Color, 8> & special) const
if (index < 8)
const SDL_Color & pal = special[index];
ColorPutter<bpp, 0>::PutColor(dest, pal.r, pal.g, pal.b, pal.a);
ColorPutter<bpp, 0>::PutColor(dest, color.r, color.g, color.b);
bool CCreatureAnimation::isDead() const
return getType() == CCreatureAnim::DEAD
|| getType() == CCreatureAnim::DEATH;
bool CCreatureAnimation::isIdle() const
return getType() == CCreatureAnim::HOLDING
|| getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOUSEON;
bool CCreatureAnimation::isMoving() const
return getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOVE_START
|| getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOVING
|| getType() == CCreatureAnim::MOVE_END;
bool CCreatureAnimation::isShooting() const
return getType() == CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_UP
|| getType() == CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_FRONT
|| getType() == CCreatureAnim::SHOOT_DOWN;
void CCreatureAnimation::pause()
speed = 0;
void CCreatureAnimation::play()
speed = 0;
if (speedController(this, type) != 0)
speed = 1 / speedController(this, type);