mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 3dd4fa2528 Reduce usage of pointers to VLC entities
Final goal (of multiple PR's) is to remove all remaining pointers from
serializeable game state, and replace them with either identifiers or
with shared/unique pointers.

CGTownInstance::town and CGHeroInstance::type members have been removed.
Now this data is computed dynamically using subID member.

VLC entity of a town can now be accessed via following methods:
- getFactionID() returns ID of a faction
- getFaction() returns pointer to a faction
- getTown() returns pointer to a town

VLC entity of a hero can now be accessed via following methods:
- getHeroTypeID() returns ID of a hero
- getHeroClassID() returns ID of a hero class
- getHeroType() returns pointer to a hero
- getHeroClass() returns pointer to a hero class
2024-10-10 12:28:08 +00:00

251 lines
7.7 KiB

* CCreatureHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "bonuses/Bonus.h"
#include "bonuses/CBonusSystemNode.h"
#include "ConstTransitivePtr.h"
#include "ResourceSet.h"
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "IHandlerBase.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "filesystem/ResourcePath.h"
#include <vcmi/Creature.h>
#include <vcmi/CreatureService.h>
namespace vstd
class RNG;
class CLegacyConfigParser;
class CCreatureHandler;
class CCreature;
class JsonSerializeFormat;
class DLL_LINKAGE CCreature : public Creature, public CBonusSystemNode
friend class CCreatureHandler;
std::string modScope;
std::string identifier;
std::string getNameTranslated() const override;
std::string getNameTextID() const override;
CreatureID idNumber;
FactionID faction = FactionID::NEUTRAL;
ui8 level = 0; // 0 - unknown; 1-7 for "usual" creatures
//stats that are not handled by bonus system
ui32 fightValue, AIValue, growth, hordeGrowth;
bool doubleWide = false;
TResources cost; //cost[res_id] - amount of that resource required to buy creature from dwelling
std::string getDescriptionTranslated() const;
std::string getDescriptionTextID() const;
ui32 ammMin; // initial size of stack of these creatures on adventure map (if not set in editor)
ui32 ammMax;
bool special = true; // Creature is not available normally (war machines, commanders, several unused creatures, etc
bool excludeFromRandomization = false;
std::set<CreatureID> upgrades; // IDs of creatures to which this creature can be upgraded
AnimationPath animDefName; // creature animation used during battles
si32 iconIndex = -1; // index of icon in files like twcrport, used in tests now.
/// names of files with appropriate icons. Used only during loading
std::string smallIconName;
std::string largeIconName;
enum class CreatureQuantityId
FEW = 1,
struct CreatureAnimation
struct RayColor {
ColorRGBA start;
ColorRGBA end;
double timeBetweenFidgets, idleAnimationTime,
walkAnimationTime, attackAnimationTime;
int upperRightMissileOffsetX, rightMissileOffsetX, lowerRightMissileOffsetX,
upperRightMissileOffsetY, rightMissileOffsetY, lowerRightMissileOffsetY;
std::vector<double> missileFrameAngles;
int attackClimaxFrame;
AnimationPath projectileImageName;
std::vector<RayColor> projectileRay;
} animation;
//sound info
struct CreatureBattleSounds
AudioPath attack;
AudioPath defend;
AudioPath killed; // was killed or died
AudioPath move;
AudioPath shoot; // range attack
AudioPath wince; // attacked but did not die
AudioPath startMoving;
AudioPath endMoving;
} sounds;
ArtifactID warMachine;
std::string getNamePluralTranslated() const override;
std::string getNameSingularTranslated() const override;
std::string getNamePluralTextID() const override;
std::string getNameSingularTextID() const override;
FactionID getFactionID() const override;
int32_t getIndex() const override;
int32_t getIconIndex() const override;
std::string getJsonKey() const override;
std::string getModScope() const override;
void registerIcons(const IconRegistar & cb) const override;
CreatureID getId() const override;
const IBonusBearer * getBonusBearer() const override;
int32_t getAdvMapAmountMin() const override;
int32_t getAdvMapAmountMax() const override;
int32_t getAIValue() const override;
int32_t getFightValue() const override;
int32_t getLevel() const override;
int32_t getGrowth() const override;
int32_t getHorde() const override;
int32_t getBaseAttack() const override;
int32_t getBaseDefense() const override;
int32_t getBaseDamageMin() const override;
int32_t getBaseDamageMax() const override;
int32_t getBaseHitPoints() const override;
int32_t getBaseSpellPoints() const override;
int32_t getBaseSpeed() const override;
int32_t getBaseShots() const override;
int32_t getRecruitCost(GameResID resIndex) const override;
TResources getFullRecruitCost() const override;
bool isDoubleWide() const override; //returns true if unit is double wide on battlefield
bool hasUpgrades() const override;
bool isGood () const;
bool isEvil () const;
si32 maxAmount(const TResources &res) const; //how many creatures can be bought
static CCreature::CreatureQuantityId getQuantityID(const int & quantity);
static std::string getQuantityRangeStringForId(const CCreature::CreatureQuantityId & quantityId);
static int estimateCreatureCount(ui32 countID); //reverse version of above function, returns middle of range
bool isMyUpgrade(const CCreature *anotherCre) const;
bool valid() const;
void addBonus(int val, BonusType type);
void addBonus(int val, BonusType type, BonusSubtypeID subtype);
std::string nodeName() const override;
template<typename RanGen>
int getRandomAmount(RanGen ranGen) const
if(ammMax == ammMin)
return ammMax;
return ammMin + (ranGen() % (ammMax - ammMin));
void updateFrom(const JsonNode & data);
void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler);
static const std::map<CreatureQuantityId, std::string> creatureQuantityRanges;
class DLL_LINKAGE CCreatureHandler : public CHandlerBase<CreatureID, Creature, CCreature, CreatureService>
void loadJsonAnimation(CCreature * creature, const JsonNode & graphics) const;
void loadStackExperience(CCreature * creature, const JsonNode & input) const;
void loadCreatureJson(CCreature * creature, const JsonNode & config) const;
/// adding abilities from ZCRTRAIT.TXT
void loadBonuses(JsonNode & creature, std::string bonuses) const;
/// load all creatures from H3 files
void load();
void loadCommanders();
/// load creature from json structure
void load(std::string creatureID, const JsonNode & node);
/// read cranim.txt file from H3
void loadAnimationInfo(std::vector<JsonNode> & h3Data) const;
/// read one line from cranim.txt
void loadUnitAnimInfo(JsonNode & unit, CLegacyConfigParser & parser) const;
/// parse crexpbon.txt file from H3
void loadStackExp(Bonus & b, BonusList & bl, CLegacyConfigParser & parser) const;
/// help function for parsing CREXPBON.txt
int stringToNumber(std::string & s) const;
const std::vector<std::string> & getTypeNames() const override;
std::shared_ptr<CCreature> loadFromJson(const std::string & scope, const JsonNode & node, const std::string & identifier, size_t index) override;
std::set<CreatureID> doubledCreatures; //they get double week
//stack exp
std::vector<std::vector<ui32> > expRanks; // stack experience needed for certain rank, index 0 for other tiers (?)
std::vector<ui32> maxExpPerBattle; //%, tiers same as above
si8 expAfterUpgrade;//multiplier in %
BonusList commanderLevelPremy; //bonus values added with each level-up
std::vector< std::vector <ui8> > skillLevels; //how much of a bonus will be given to commander with every level. SPELL_POWER also gives CASTS and RESISTANCE
std::vector <std::pair <std::shared_ptr<Bonus>, std::pair <ui8, ui8> > > skillRequirements; // first - Bonus, second - which two skills are needed to use it
CreatureID pickRandomMonster(vstd::RNG & rand, int tier = -1) const; //tier <1 - CREATURES_PER_TOWN> or -1 for any
/// load all stack experience bonuses from H3 files
void loadCrExpBon(CBonusSystemNode & globalEffects);
/// load all stack modifier bonuses from H3 files. TODO: move this to json
void loadCrExpMod();
void afterLoadFinalization() override;
std::vector<JsonNode> loadLegacyData() override;