mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 00:15:53 +02:00
* lib/ERMScriptModule.cpp * lib/ERMScriptModule.h * lib/CObstacleInstance.h More jugglery with callbacks. Moving stuff from CGameState to CGameInfoCallback. Work on unified game events interface for player (AI or GUI) and script module. Directing events to ERM interpretetr, first attempts of calling some triggers. Crashy, if there any scripts. Some other changes, including fighting amount of includes in includes and tracking of hero visits (need further work).
415 lines
14 KiB
415 lines
14 KiB
#include "CCreatureWindow.h"
#include "../lib/CCreatureSet.h"
#include "CGameInfo.h"
#include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "../lib/BattleState.h"
#include "../CCallback.h"
#include <SDL.h>
#include "SDL_Extensions.h"
#include "CBitmapHandler.h"
#include "CDefHandler.h"
#include "Graphics.h"
#include "AdventureMapButton.h"
#include "CPlayerInterface.h"
#include "CConfigHandler.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "../lib/CGameState.h"
using namespace CSDL_Ext;
class CBonusItem;
* CCreatureWindow.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
CCreatureWindow::CCreatureWindow (const CStack &stack, int Type)
: type(Type)
init(stack.base, &stack, dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(stack.base->armyObj));
CCreatureWindow::CCreatureWindow (const CStackInstance &stack, int Type)
: type(Type)
init(&stack, &stack, dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(stack.armyObj));
CCreatureWindow::CCreatureWindow(int Cid, int Type, int creatureCount)
CStackInstance * stack = new CStackInstance(Cid, creatureCount); //TODO: simplify?
init(stack, CGI->creh->creatures[Cid], NULL);
delete stack;
CCreatureWindow::CCreatureWindow(const CStackInstance &st, int Type, boost::function<void()> Upg, boost::function<void()> Dsm, UpgradeInfo *ui)
: type(Type), dsm(Dsm), dismiss(0), upgrade(0), ok(0)
init(&st, &st,dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(st.armyObj));
//print abilities text - if r-click popup
if(Upg && ui)
bool enough = true;
for(std::set<std::pair<int,int> >::iterator i=ui->cost[0].begin(); i!=ui->cost[0].end(); i++) //calculate upgrade cost
if(LOCPLINT->cb->getResourceAmount(i->first) < i->second*st.count)
enough = false;
upgResCost.push_back(new SComponent(SComponent::resource,i->first,i->second*st.count));
CFunctionList<void()> fs;
fs += Upg;
fs += boost::bind(&CCreatureWindow::close,this);
CFunctionList<void()> cfl;
cfl = boost::bind(&CPlayerInterface::showYesNoDialog, LOCPLINT, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[207], boost::ref(upgResCost), fs, 0, false);
upgrade = new AdventureMapButton("",CGI->generaltexth->zelp[446].second,cfl,385, 148,"IVIEWCR.DEF",SDLK_u);
upgrade = new AdventureMapButton("",CGI->generaltexth->zelp[446].second,boost::function<void()>(),385, 148,"IVIEWCR.DEF");
CFunctionList<void()> fs[2];
//on dismiss confirmed
fs[0] += Dsm; //dismiss
fs[0] += boost::bind(&CCreatureWindow::close,this);//close this window
CFunctionList<void()> cfl;
cfl = boost::bind(&CPlayerInterface::showYesNoDialog,LOCPLINT,CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[12],std::vector<SComponent*>(),fs[0],fs[1],false);
dismiss = new AdventureMapButton("",CGI->generaltexth->zelp[445].second,cfl,333, 148,"IVIEWCR2.DEF",SDLK_d);
void CCreatureWindow::init(const CStackInstance *Stack, const CBonusSystemNode *StackNode, const CGHeroInstance *HeroOwner)
stack = Stack;
c = stack->type;
stackNode = c;
stackNode = StackNode;
heroOwner = HeroOwner;
//Basic graphics - need to calculate size
CBonusSystemNode node = CBonusSystemNode() ;
node.bonuses = stackNode->getBonuses(Selector::durationType(Bonus::PERMANENT));
BonusList bl;
while (node.bonuses.size())
Bonus * b = node.bonuses.front();
bl.push_back (new Bonus(*b));
bl.back()->val = node.valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSybtype(b->type, b->subtype)); //merge multiple bonuses into one
node.bonuses.remove_if (Selector::typeSybtype(b->type, b->subtype)); //remove used bonuses
std::string text;
BOOST_FOREACH(Bonus* b, bl)
text = stack->bonusToString(b, false);
if (text.size()) //if it's possible to give any description for this kind of bonus
bonusItems.push_back (new CBonusItem(genRect(0, 0, 251, 57), text, stack->bonusToString(b, true), stack->bonusToGraphics(b)));
bonusRows = std::min ((int)((bonusItems.size() + 1) / 2), (conf.cc.resy - 230) / 60);
amin(bonusRows, 4);
amax(bonusRows, 1);
bitmap = new CPicture("CreWin" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(bonusRows) + ".pcx"); //1 to 4 rows for now
pos = bitmap->center();
ok = new AdventureMapButton("",CGI->generaltexth->zelp[445].second, boost::bind(&CCreatureWindow::close,this), 489, 148, "hsbtns.def", SDLK_RETURN);
if (type <= BATTLE) //in battle or info window
upgrade = NULL;
dismiss = NULL;
anim = new CCreaturePic(22, 48, c);
morale = new MoraleLuckBox(true, genRect(42, 42, 335, 100));
luck = new MoraleLuckBox(false, genRect(42, 42, 387, 100));
new CPicture(graphics->pskillsm->ourImages[4].bitmap, 335, 50, false); //exp icon - Print it always?
if (type) //not in fort window
int rank = std::min(stack->getExpRank(), 10); //hopefully nobody adds more
printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->zcrexp[rank] + " [" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rank) + "]", 436, 62, FONT_MEDIUM, tytulowy,*bitmap);
printAtMiddle(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(stack->experience), 436, 82, FONT_SMALL, zwykly,*bitmap);
if (type > BATTLE) //we need it only on adv. map
int tier = stack->type->level;
if (!iswith(tier, 1, 7))
tier = 0;
int number;
std::string expText = CGI->generaltexth->zcrexp[324];
boost::replace_first (expText, "%s", c->namePl);
boost::replace_first (expText, "%s", CGI->generaltexth->zcrexp[rank]);
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rank));
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(stack->experience));
number = CGI->creh->expRanks[tier][rank] - stack->experience;
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number));
number = CGI->creh->maxExpPerBattle[tier]; //percent
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i%", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number));
number *= CGI->creh->expRanks[tier].back() / 100; //actual amount
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number));
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(stack->count)); //Number of Creatures in stack
int expmin = std::max(CGI->creh->expRanks[tier][std::max(rank-1, 0)], (ui32)1);
number = (stack->count * (stack->experience - expmin)) / expmin; //Maximum New Recruits without losing current Rank
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number)); //TODO
boost::replace_first (expText, "%.2f", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(1)); //TODO Experience Multiplier
number = CGI->creh->expAfterUpgrade;
boost::replace_first (expText, "%.2f", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number) + "%"); //Upgrade Multiplier
expmin = CGI->creh->expRanks[tier][9];
int expmax = CGI->creh->expRanks[tier][10];
number = expmax - expmin;
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number)); //Experience after Rank 10
number = (stack->count * (expmax - expmin)) / expmin;
boost::replace_first (expText, "%i", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number)); //Maximum New Recruits to remain at Rank 10 if at Maximum Experience
expArea = new LRClickableAreaWText(Rect(334, 49, 160, 44), "" , expText );
//SDL_Rect rect = genRect(44,44,465,98);
//creatureArtifact = new CArtPlace(NULL);
//creatureArtifact->pos = rect;
//creatureArtifact->ourOwner = NULL; //hmm?
leftArtRoll = new AdventureMapButton(std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind (&CCreatureWindow::scrollArt, this, -1), 437, 98, "hsbtns3.def", SDLK_LEFT);
rightArtRoll = new AdventureMapButton(std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind (&CCreatureWindow::scrollArt, this, +1), 516, 98, "hsbtns5.def", SDLK_RIGHT);
creatureArtifact = NULL;
if(const CStack *battleStack = dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(stackNode)) //only during battle
//spell effects
int printed=0; //how many effect pics have been printed
std::vector<si32> spells = battleStack->activeSpells();
BOOST_FOREACH(si32 effect, spells)
blitAt(graphics->spellEffectsPics->ourImages[effect + 1].bitmap, 20 + 52 * printed, 184, *bitmap);
if (++printed >= 10) //we can fit only 10 effects
//print current health
printLine (5, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[200], battleStack->firstHPleft);
if (bonusItems.size() > (bonusRows << 1)) //only after graphics are created
slider = new CSlider(528, 231, bonusRows*60, boost::bind (&CCreatureWindow::sliderMoved, this, _1),
bonusRows, (bonusItems.size() + 1) >> 1, 0, false, 0);
else //slider automatically places bonus Items
recreateSkillList (0);
void CCreatureWindow::printLine(int nr, const std::string &text, int baseVal, int val/*=-1*/, bool range/*=false*/)
printAt(text, 162, 48 + nr*19, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, *bitmap);
std::string hlp;
if(range && baseVal != val)
hlp = boost::str(boost::format("%d - %d") % baseVal % val);
else if(baseVal != val && val>=0)
hlp = boost::str(boost::format("%d (%d)") % baseVal % val);
hlp = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(baseVal);
printTo(hlp, 325, 64 + nr*19, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, *bitmap);
void CCreatureWindow::recreateSkillList(int Pos)
int n = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
int numSkills = std::min ((bonusRows + Pos) << 1, (int)bonusItems.size());
std::string gfxName;
for (n = 0; n < Pos << 1; ++n)
bonusItems[n]->visible = false;
for (n = Pos << 1; n < numSkills; ++n)
int offsetx = 257*j - (bonusRows == 4 ? 1 : 0);
int offsety = 60*i + (bonusRows > 1 ? 1 : 0); //lack of precision :/
bonusItems[n]->moveTo (Point(pos.x + offsetx + 10, pos.y + offsety + 230), true);
bonusItems[n]->visible = true;
if (++j > 1) //next line
j = 0;
for (n = numSkills; n < bonusItems.size(); ++n)
bonusItems[n]->visible = false;
void CCreatureWindow::showAll(SDL_Surface * to)
count = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(stack->count);
if (count.size()) //TODO
printTo(count, 117, 174, FONT_SMALL, tytulowy,*bitmap);
printAtMiddle(c->namePl, 180, 30, FONT_SMALL, tytulowy,*bitmap); //creature name
printLine(0, CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[0], c->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK), stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK));
printLine(1, CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[1], c->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE), stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE));
// printLine(2, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[198], c->shots);
printLine(2, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[198], stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS));
int dmgMultiply = 1;
if(heroOwner && stackNode->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON))
dmgMultiply += heroOwner->Attack();
printLine(3, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[199], stackNode->getMinDamage() * dmgMultiply, stackNode->getMaxDamage() * dmgMultiply, true);
printLine(4, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[388], c->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH), stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH));
printLine(6, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[441].first, c->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED), stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED));
BOOST_FOREACH(CBonusItem* b, bonusItems)
b->showAll (to);
void CCreatureWindow::sliderMoved(int newpos)
recreateSkillList(newpos); //move components
void CCreatureWindow::scrollArt(int dir)
void CCreatureWindow::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState)
if (type < 3)
//void CCreatureWindow::activate()
// CIntObject::activate();
// if(type < 3)
// activateRClick();
//void CCreatureWindow::deactivate()
void CCreatureWindow::close()
for (int i=0; i<upgResCost.size(); ++i)
delete upgResCost[i];
CBonusItem::CBonusItem(const Rect &Pos, const std::string &Name, const std::string &Description, const std::string &graphicsName)
visible = false;
name = Name;
description = Description;
if (graphicsName.size())
bonusGraphics = new CPicture(graphicsName, 26, 232);
bonusGraphics = NULL;
used = 0; //no actions atm
void CBonusItem::showAll (SDL_Surface * to)
if (visible)
printAt(name, pos.x + 72, pos.y + 6, FONT_SMALL, tytulowy, to);
printAt(description, pos.x + 72, pos.y + 30, FONT_SMALL, zwykly, to);
if (bonusGraphics && bonusGraphics->bg)
blitAtLoc(bonusGraphics->bg, 12, 2, to);
//delete bonusGraphics; //automatic destruction