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synced 2024-12-14 10:12:59 +02:00
All save compatibility checks targeting 1.4 saves have now been removed. Saves from 1.5 can still be loaded in 1.6 Implemeted few TODO's in serialization that were postponed to avoid breaking save compatibility in MP for 1.5.X releases. Fixed missed case for loading black market object from 1.5 saves
181 lines
4.5 KiB
181 lines
4.5 KiB
* CPlayerState.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include <vcmi/Player.h>
#include <vcmi/Team.h>
#include "bonuses/Bonus.h"
#include "bonuses/CBonusSystemNode.h"
#include "ResourceSet.h"
#include "TurnTimerInfo.h"
#include "ConstTransitivePtr.h"
class CGObjectInstance;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CGDwelling;
struct QuestInfo;
class DLL_LINKAGE PlayerState : public CBonusSystemNode, public Player
struct VisitedObjectGlobal
MapObjectID id;
MapObjectSubID subID;
bool operator < (const VisitedObjectGlobal & other) const
if (id != other.id)
return id < other.id;
return subID < other.subID;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & id;
subID.serializeIdentifier(h, id);
std::vector<CGObjectInstance*> ownedObjects;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> getObjectsOfType() const;
PlayerColor color;
bool human; //true if human controlled player, false for AI
TeamID team;
TResources resources;
/// list of objects that were "destroyed" by player, either via simple pick-up (e.g. resources) or defeated heroes or wandering monsters
std::set<ObjectInstanceID> destroyedObjects;
std::set<ObjectInstanceID> visitedObjects; // as a std::set, since most accesses here will be from visited status checks
std::set<VisitedObjectGlobal> visitedObjectsGlobal;
std::vector<QuestInfo> quests; //store info about all received quests
std::vector<Bonus> battleBonuses; //additional bonuses to be added during battle with neutrals
std::map<uint32_t, std::map<ArtifactPosition, ArtifactID>> costumesArtifacts;
bool cheated;
bool enteredWinningCheatCode, enteredLosingCheatCode; //if true, this player has entered cheat codes for loss / victory
EPlayerStatus status;
std::optional<ui8> daysWithoutCastle;
TurnTimerInfo turnTimer;
std::string nodeName() const override;
PlayerColor getId() const override;
TeamID getTeam() const override;
bool isHuman() const override;
const IBonusBearer * getBonusBearer() const override;
int getResourceAmount(int type) const override;
int32_t getIndex() const override;
int32_t getIconIndex() const override;
std::string getJsonKey() const override;
std::string getModScope() const override;
std::string getNameTranslated() const override;
std::string getNameTextID() const override;
void registerIcons(const IconRegistar & cb) const override;
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance* > getHeroes() const;
std::vector<const CGTownInstance* > getTowns() const;
std::vector<CGHeroInstance* > getHeroes();
std::vector<CGTownInstance* > getTowns();
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance* > getOwnedObjects() const;
void addOwnedObject(CGObjectInstance * object);
void removeOwnedObject(CGObjectInstance * object);
bool checkVanquished() const
return ownedObjects.empty();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & color;
h & human;
h & team;
h & resources;
h & status;
h & turnTimer;
if (h.version >= Handler::Version::PLAYER_STATE_OWNED_OBJECTS)
h & ownedObjects;
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance* > heroes;
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance* > towns;
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance* > dwellings;
h & heroes;
h & towns;
h & dwellings;
h & quests;
h & visitedObjects;
h & visitedObjectsGlobal;
h & status;
h & daysWithoutCastle;
h & cheated;
h & battleBonuses;
h & costumesArtifacts;
h & enteredLosingCheatCode;
h & enteredWinningCheatCode;
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);
h & destroyedObjects;
struct DLL_LINKAGE TeamState : public CBonusSystemNode
TeamID id; //position in gameState::teams
std::set<PlayerColor> players; // members of this team
//TODO: boost::array, bool if possible
boost::multi_array<ui8, 3> fogOfWarMap; //[z][x][y] true - visible, false - hidden
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h)
h & id;
h & players;
if (h.version < Handler::Version::REMOVE_FOG_OF_WAR_POINTER)
struct Helper : public Serializeable
void serialize(Handler &h) const
Helper helper;
auto ptrHelper = &helper;
h & ptrHelper;
h & fogOfWarMap;
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);