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#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CMap.h"
#include "../CArtHandler.h"
#include "../VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../CTownHandler.h"
#include "../CHeroHandler.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h"
#include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h"
#include "CMapEditManager.h"
SHeroName::SHeroName() : heroId(-1)
PlayerInfo::PlayerInfo(): canHumanPlay(false), canComputerPlay(false),
aiTactic(EAiTactic::RANDOM), isFactionRandom(false), mainCustomHeroPortrait(-1), mainCustomHeroId(-1), hasMainTown(false),
generateHeroAtMainTown(false), team(TeamID::NO_TEAM), hasRandomHero(false), /* following are unused */ generateHero(false), p7(0), powerPlaceholders(-1)
allowedFactions = VLC->townh->getAllowedFactions();
si8 PlayerInfo::defaultCastle() const
if(allowedFactions.size() == 1 || !isFactionRandom)
// faction can't be chosen - set to first that is marked as allowed
return *allowedFactions.begin();
// set to random
return -1;
si8 PlayerInfo::defaultHero() const
// we will generate hero in front of main town
if((generateHeroAtMainTown && hasMainTown) || hasRandomHero)
//random hero
return -1;
return -2;
bool PlayerInfo::canAnyonePlay() const
return canHumanPlay || canComputerPlay;
bool PlayerInfo::hasCustomMainHero() const
return !mainCustomHeroName.empty() && mainCustomHeroPortrait != -1;
EventCondition::EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition):
position(-1, -1, -1),
EventCondition::EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition, si32 value, si32 objectType, int3 position):
DisposedHero::DisposedHero() : heroId(0), portrait(255), players(0)
CMapEvent::CMapEvent() : players(0), humanAffected(0), computerAffected(0),
firstOccurence(0), nextOccurence(0)
bool CMapEvent::earlierThan(const CMapEvent & other) const
return firstOccurence < other.firstOccurence;
bool CMapEvent::earlierThanOrEqual(const CMapEvent & other) const
return firstOccurence <= other.firstOccurence;
CCastleEvent::CCastleEvent() : town(nullptr)
TerrainTile::TerrainTile() : terType(ETerrainType::BORDER), terView(0), riverType(ERiverType::NO_RIVER),
riverDir(0), roadType(ERoadType::NO_ROAD), roadDir(0), extTileFlags(0), visitable(false),
bool TerrainTile::entrableTerrain(const TerrainTile * from /*= nullptr*/) const
return entrableTerrain(from ? from->terType != ETerrainType::WATER : true, from ? from->terType == ETerrainType::WATER : true);
bool TerrainTile::entrableTerrain(bool allowLand, bool allowSea) const
return terType != ETerrainType::ROCK
&& ((allowSea && terType == ETerrainType::WATER) || (allowLand && terType != ETerrainType::WATER));
bool TerrainTile::isClear(const TerrainTile *from /*= nullptr*/) const
return entrableTerrain(from) && !blocked;
Obj TerrainTile::topVisitableId(bool excludeTop) const
return topVisitableObj(excludeTop) ? topVisitableObj(excludeTop)->ID : Obj(Obj::NO_OBJ);
CGObjectInstance * TerrainTile::topVisitableObj(bool excludeTop) const
if(visitableObjects.empty() || (excludeTop && visitableObjects.size() == 1))
return nullptr;
return visitableObjects[visitableObjects.size()-2];
return visitableObjects.back();
EDiggingStatus TerrainTile::getDiggingStatus(const bool excludeTop) const
if(terType == ETerrainType::WATER || terType == ETerrainType::ROCK)
return EDiggingStatus::WRONG_TERRAIN;
int allowedBlocked = excludeTop ? 1 : 0;
if(blockingObjects.size() > allowedBlocked || topVisitableObj(excludeTop))
return EDiggingStatus::TILE_OCCUPIED;
return EDiggingStatus::CAN_DIG;
bool TerrainTile::hasFavorableWinds() const
return extTileFlags & 128;
bool TerrainTile::isWater() const
return terType == ETerrainType::WATER;
const int CMapHeader::MAP_SIZE_SMALL = 36;
const int CMapHeader::MAP_SIZE_MIDDLE = 72;
const int CMapHeader::MAP_SIZE_LARGE = 108;
const int CMapHeader::MAP_SIZE_XLARGE = 144;
void CMapHeader::setupEvents()
EventCondition victoryCondition(EventCondition::STANDARD_WIN);
EventCondition defeatCondition(EventCondition::DAYS_WITHOUT_TOWN);
defeatCondition.value = 7;
//Victory condition - defeat all
TriggeredEvent standardVictory;
standardVictory.effect.type = EventEffect::VICTORY;
standardVictory.effect.toOtherMessage = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[5];
standardVictory.identifier = "standardVictory";
standardVictory.description = ""; // TODO: display in quest window
standardVictory.onFulfill = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[659];
standardVictory.trigger = EventExpression(victoryCondition);
//Loss condition - 7 days without town
TriggeredEvent standardDefeat;
standardDefeat.effect.type = EventEffect::DEFEAT;
standardDefeat.effect.toOtherMessage = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[8];
standardDefeat.identifier = "standardDefeat";
standardDefeat.description = ""; // TODO: display in quest window
standardDefeat.onFulfill = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[7];
standardDefeat.trigger = EventExpression(defeatCondition);
victoryIconIndex = 11;
victoryMessage = VLC->generaltexth->victoryConditions[0];
defeatIconIndex = 3;
defeatMessage = VLC->generaltexth->lossCondtions[0];
CMapHeader::CMapHeader() : version(EMapFormat::SOD), height(72), width(72),
twoLevel(true), difficulty(1), levelLimit(0), howManyTeams(0), areAnyPlayers(false)
allowedHeroes = VLC->heroh->getDefaultAllowed();
CMap::CMap() : checksum(0), grailPos(-1, -1, -1), grailRadius(0), terrain(nullptr)
allowedAbilities = VLC->heroh->getDefaultAllowedAbilities();
allowedArtifact = VLC->arth->getDefaultAllowed();
allowedSpell = VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed();
for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
for(int j=0; j<height; j++)
delete [] terrain[i][j];
delete [] guardingCreaturePositions[i][j];
delete [] terrain[i];
delete [] guardingCreaturePositions[i];
delete [] terrain;
delete [] guardingCreaturePositions;
void CMap::removeBlockVisTiles(CGObjectInstance * obj, bool total)
for(int fx=0; fx<obj->getWidth(); ++fx)
for(int fy=0; fy<obj->getHeight(); ++fy)
int xVal = obj->pos.x - fx;
int yVal = obj->pos.y - fy;
int zVal = obj->pos.z;
if(xVal>=0 && xVal<width && yVal>=0 && yVal<height)
TerrainTile & curt = terrain[xVal][yVal][zVal];
if(total || obj->visitableAt(xVal, yVal))
curt.visitableObjects -= obj;
curt.visitable = curt.visitableObjects.size();
if(total || obj->blockingAt(xVal, yVal))
curt.blockingObjects -= obj;
curt.blocked = curt.blockingObjects.size();
void CMap::addBlockVisTiles(CGObjectInstance * obj)
for(int fx=0; fx<obj->getWidth(); ++fx)
for(int fy=0; fy<obj->getHeight(); ++fy)
int xVal = obj->pos.x - fx;
int yVal = obj->pos.y - fy;
int zVal = obj->pos.z;
if(xVal>=0 && xVal<width && yVal>=0 && yVal<height)
TerrainTile & curt = terrain[xVal][yVal][zVal];
if( obj->visitableAt(xVal, yVal))
curt.visitable = true;
if( obj->blockingAt(xVal, yVal))
curt.blocked = true;
void CMap::calculateGuardingGreaturePositions()
int levels = twoLevel ? 2 : 1;
for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
for(int j=0; j<height; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < levels; k++)
guardingCreaturePositions[i][j][k] = guardingCreaturePosition(int3(i,j,k));
CGHeroInstance * CMap::getHero(int heroID)
for(auto & elem : heroesOnMap)
if(elem->subID == heroID)
return elem;
return nullptr;
bool CMap::isCoastalTile(const int3 & pos) const
//todo: refactoring: extract neighbor tile iterator and use it in GameState
static const int3 dirs[] = { int3(0,1,0),int3(0,-1,0),int3(-1,0,0),int3(+1,0,0),
int3(1,1,0),int3(-1,1,0),int3(1,-1,0),int3(-1,-1,0) };
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Coastal check outside of map :"<<pos;
return false;
return false;
for (auto & dir : dirs)
const int3 hlp = pos + dir;
const TerrainTile &hlpt = getTile(hlp);
return true;
return false;
bool CMap::isInTheMap(const int3 & pos) const
if(pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0 || pos.z < 0 || pos.x >= width || pos.y >= height
|| pos.z > (twoLevel ? 1 : 0))
return false;
return true;
TerrainTile & CMap::getTile(const int3 & tile)
return terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z];
const TerrainTile & CMap::getTile(const int3 & tile) const
return terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z];
bool CMap::isWaterTile(const int3 &pos) const
return isInTheMap(pos) && getTile(pos).isWater();
bool CMap::checkForVisitableDir(const int3 & src, const TerrainTile *pom, const int3 & dst ) const
if (!pom->entrableTerrain()) //rock is never accessible
return false;
for (auto obj : pom->visitableObjects) //checking destination tile
if(!vstd::contains(pom->blockingObjects, obj)) //this visitable object is not blocking, ignore
if (!obj->appearance.isVisitableFrom(src.x - dst.x, src.y - dst.y))
return false;
return true;
int3 CMap::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const
const int3 originalPos = pos;
// Give monster at position priority.
if (!isInTheMap(pos))
return int3(-1, -1, -1);
const TerrainTile &posTile = getTile(pos);
if (posTile.visitable)
for (CGObjectInstance* obj : posTile.visitableObjects)
if (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER) // Monster
return pos;
return int3(-1, -1, -1); //blockvis objects are not guarded by neighbouring creatures
// See if there are any monsters adjacent.
bool water = posTile.isWater();
pos -= int3(1, 1, 0); // Start with top left.
for (int dx = 0; dx < 3; dx++)
for (int dy = 0; dy < 3; dy++)
if (isInTheMap(pos))
const auto & tile = getTile(pos);
if (tile.visitable && (tile.isWater() == water))
for (CGObjectInstance* obj : tile.visitableObjects)
if (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER && checkForVisitableDir(pos, &posTile, originalPos)) // Monster being able to attack investigated tile
return pos;
pos.y -= 3;
return int3(-1, -1, -1);
const CGObjectInstance * CMap::getObjectiveObjectFrom(int3 pos, Obj::EObj type)
for (CGObjectInstance * object : getTile(pos).visitableObjects)
if (object->ID == type)
return object;
// There is weird bug because of which sometimes heroes will not be found properly despite having correct position
// Try to workaround that and find closest object that we can use
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Failed to find object of type " << int(type) << " at " << pos;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Will try to find closest matching object";
CGObjectInstance * bestMatch = nullptr;
for (CGObjectInstance * object : objects)
if (object && object->ID == type)
if (bestMatch == nullptr)
bestMatch = object;
if (object->pos.dist2dSQ(pos) < bestMatch->pos.dist2dSQ(pos))
bestMatch = object;// closer than one we already found
assert(bestMatch != nullptr); // if this happens - victory conditions or map itself is very, very broken
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Will use " << bestMatch->getObjectName() << " from " << bestMatch->pos;
return bestMatch;
void CMap::checkForObjectives()
// NOTE: probably should be moved to MapFormatH3M.cpp
for (TriggeredEvent & event : triggeredEvents)
auto patcher = [&](EventCondition cond) -> EventExpression::Variant
switch (cond.condition)
break; case EventCondition::HAVE_ARTIFACT:
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%s", VLC->arth->artifacts[cond.objectType]->Name());
break; case EventCondition::HAVE_CREATURES:
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%s", VLC->creh->creatures[cond.objectType]->nameSing);
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%d", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cond.value));
break; case EventCondition::HAVE_RESOURCES:
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%s", VLC->generaltexth->restypes[cond.objectType]);
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%d", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cond.value));
break; case EventCondition::HAVE_BUILDING:
if (isInTheMap(cond.position))
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN);
break; case EventCondition::CONTROL:
if (isInTheMap(cond.position))
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::EObj(cond.objectType));
if (cond.object)
const CGTownInstance *town = dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance*>(cond.object);
if (town)
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%s", town->name);
const CGHeroInstance *hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(cond.object);
if (hero)
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%s", hero->name);
break; case EventCondition::DESTROY:
if (isInTheMap(cond.position))
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::EObj(cond.objectType));
if (cond.object)
const CGHeroInstance *hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(cond.object);
if (hero)
boost::algorithm::replace_first(event.onFulfill, "%s", hero->name);
break; case EventCondition::TRANSPORT:
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN);
//break; case EventCondition::DAYS_PASSED:
//break; case EventCondition::IS_HUMAN:
//break; case EventCondition::DAYS_WITHOUT_TOWN:
//break; case EventCondition::STANDARD_WIN:
return cond;
event.trigger = event.trigger.morph(patcher);
void CMap::addNewArtifactInstance(CArtifactInstance * art)
art->id = ArtifactInstanceID(artInstances.size());
void CMap::eraseArtifactInstance(CArtifactInstance * art)
assert(artInstances[art->id.getNum()] == art);
void CMap::addQuest(CGObjectInstance * quest)
auto q = dynamic_cast<IQuestObject *>(quest);
q->quest->qid = quests.size();
void CMap::addNewObject(CGObjectInstance * obj)
if(obj->id != ObjectInstanceID(objects.size()))
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid object instance id");
if(obj->instanceName == "")
throw std::runtime_error("Object instance name missing");
auto it = instanceNames.find(obj->instanceName);
if(it != instanceNames.end())
throw std::runtime_error("Object instance name duplicated:"+obj->instanceName);
instanceNames[obj->instanceName] = obj;
if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN)
towns.push_back(static_cast<CGTownInstance *>(obj));
if(obj->ID == Obj::HERO)
void CMap::initTerrain()
int level = twoLevel ? 2 : 1;
terrain = new TerrainTile**[width];
guardingCreaturePositions = new int3**[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
terrain[i] = new TerrainTile*[height];
guardingCreaturePositions[i] = new int3*[height];
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
terrain[i][j] = new TerrainTile[level];
guardingCreaturePositions[i][j] = new int3[level];
CMapEditManager * CMap::getEditManager()
if(!editManager) editManager = make_unique<CMapEditManager>(this);
return editManager.get();