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#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CMapGenerator.h"
#include "../mapping/CMap.h"
#include "../VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "../mapping/CMapEditManager.h"
#include "../CObjectHandler.h"
#include "../CDefObjInfoHandler.h"
#include "../CTownHandler.h"
#include "../StringConstants.h"
CMapGenOptions::CMapGenOptions() : width(72), height(72), hasTwoLevels(true),
playersCnt(RANDOM_SIZE), teamsCnt(RANDOM_SIZE), compOnlyPlayersCnt(0), compOnlyTeamsCnt(RANDOM_SIZE),
waterContent(EWaterContent::RANDOM), monsterStrength(EMonsterStrength::RANDOM)
si32 CMapGenOptions::getWidth() const
return width;
void CMapGenOptions::setWidth(si32 value)
if(value > 0)
width = value;
throw std::runtime_error("A map width lower than 1 is not allowed.");
si32 CMapGenOptions::getHeight() const
return height;
void CMapGenOptions::setHeight(si32 value)
if(value > 0)
height = value;
throw std::runtime_error("A map height lower than 1 is not allowed.");
bool CMapGenOptions::getHasTwoLevels() const
return hasTwoLevels;
void CMapGenOptions::setHasTwoLevels(bool value)
hasTwoLevels = value;
si8 CMapGenOptions::getPlayersCnt() const
return playersCnt;
void CMapGenOptions::setPlayersCnt(si8 value)
if((value >= 1 && value <= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I) || value == RANDOM_SIZE)
playersCnt = value;
throw std::runtime_error("Players count of RMG options should be between 1 and " +
boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I) + " or CMapGenOptions::RANDOM_SIZE for random.");
si8 CMapGenOptions::getTeamsCnt() const
return teamsCnt;
void CMapGenOptions::setTeamsCnt(si8 value)
if(playersCnt == RANDOM_SIZE || (value >= 0 && value < playersCnt) || value == RANDOM_SIZE)
teamsCnt = value;
throw std::runtime_error("Teams count of RMG options should be between 0 and <" +
boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(playersCnt) + "(players count) - 1> or CMapGenOptions::RANDOM_SIZE for random.");
si8 CMapGenOptions::getCompOnlyPlayersCnt() const
return compOnlyPlayersCnt;
void CMapGenOptions::setCompOnlyPlayersCnt(si8 value)
if(value == RANDOM_SIZE || (value >= 0 && value <= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I - playersCnt))
compOnlyPlayersCnt = value;
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Computer only players count of RMG options should be ") +
"between 0 and <PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT - " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(playersCnt) +
"(playersCount)> or CMapGenOptions::RANDOM_SIZE for random.");
si8 CMapGenOptions::getCompOnlyTeamsCnt() const
return compOnlyTeamsCnt;
void CMapGenOptions::setCompOnlyTeamsCnt(si8 value)
if(value == RANDOM_SIZE || compOnlyPlayersCnt == RANDOM_SIZE || (value >= 0 && value <= std::max(compOnlyPlayersCnt - 1, 0)))
compOnlyTeamsCnt = value;
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Computer only teams count of RMG options should be ") +
"between 0 and <" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(compOnlyPlayersCnt) +
"(compOnlyPlayersCnt) - 1> or CMapGenOptions::RANDOM_SIZE for random.");
EWaterContent::EWaterContent CMapGenOptions::getWaterContent() const
return waterContent;
void CMapGenOptions::setWaterContent(EWaterContent::EWaterContent value)
waterContent = value;
EMonsterStrength::EMonsterStrength CMapGenOptions::getMonsterStrength() const
return monsterStrength;
void CMapGenOptions::setMonsterStrength(EMonsterStrength::EMonsterStrength value)
monsterStrength = value;
void CMapGenOptions::resetPlayersMap()
int realPlayersCnt = playersCnt == RANDOM_SIZE ? static_cast<int>(PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I) : playersCnt;
int realCompOnlyPlayersCnt = compOnlyPlayersCnt == RANDOM_SIZE ? (PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I - realPlayersCnt) : compOnlyPlayersCnt;
for(int color = 0; color < (realPlayersCnt + realCompOnlyPlayersCnt); ++color)
CPlayerSettings player;
player.setPlayerType((color >= realPlayersCnt) ? EPlayerType::COMP_ONLY : EPlayerType::AI);
players[PlayerColor(color)] = player;
const std::map<PlayerColor, CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings> & CMapGenOptions::getPlayersSettings() const
return players;
void CMapGenOptions::setStartingTownForPlayer(PlayerColor color, si32 town)
auto it = players.find(color);
if(it == players.end()) throw std::runtime_error(boost::str(boost::format("Cannot set starting town for the player with the color '%s'.") % color));
void CMapGenOptions::setPlayerTypeForStandardPlayer(PlayerColor color, EPlayerType::EPlayerType playerType)
auto it = players.find(color);
if(it == players.end()) throw std::runtime_error(boost::str(boost::format("Cannot set player type for the player with the color '%s'.") % color));
if(playerType == EPlayerType::COMP_ONLY) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set player type computer only to a standard player.");
void CMapGenOptions::finalize()
CRandomGenerator gen;
void CMapGenOptions::finalize(CRandomGenerator & gen)
if(playersCnt == RANDOM_SIZE)
// 1 human is required at least
auto humanPlayers = countHumanPlayers();
if(humanPlayers == 0) humanPlayers = 1;
playersCnt = gen.getInteger(humanPlayers, PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I);
// Remove AI players only from the end of the players map if necessary
for(auto itrev = players.end(); itrev != players.begin();)
auto it = itrev;
if(players.size() == playersCnt) break;
if(it->second.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::AI)
if(teamsCnt == RANDOM_SIZE)
teamsCnt = gen.getInteger(0, playersCnt - 1);
if(compOnlyPlayersCnt == RANDOM_SIZE)
compOnlyPlayersCnt = gen.getInteger(0, 8 - playersCnt);
auto totalPlayersCnt = playersCnt + compOnlyPlayersCnt;
// Remove comp only players only from the end of the players map if necessary
for(auto itrev = players.end(); itrev != players.begin();)
auto it = itrev;
if(players.size() <= totalPlayersCnt) break;
if(it->second.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::COMP_ONLY)
// Add some comp only players if necessary
auto compOnlyPlayersToAdd = totalPlayersCnt - players.size();
for(int i = 0; i < compOnlyPlayersToAdd; ++i)
CPlayerSettings pSettings;
players[pSettings.getColor()] = pSettings;
if(compOnlyTeamsCnt == RANDOM_SIZE)
compOnlyTeamsCnt = gen.getInteger(0, std::max(compOnlyPlayersCnt - 1, 0));
// There should be at least 2 players (1-player-maps aren't allowed)
if(playersCnt + compOnlyPlayersCnt < 2)
CPlayerSettings pSettings;
players[pSettings.getColor()] = pSettings;
playersCnt = 2;
// 1 team isn't allowed
if(teamsCnt == 1 && compOnlyPlayersCnt == 0)
teamsCnt = 0;
if(waterContent == EWaterContent::RANDOM)
waterContent = static_cast<EWaterContent::EWaterContent>(gen.getInteger(0, 2));
if(monsterStrength == EMonsterStrength::RANDOM)
monsterStrength = static_cast<EMonsterStrength::EMonsterStrength>(gen.getInteger(0, 2));
int CMapGenOptions::countHumanPlayers() const
return static_cast<int>(boost::count_if(players, [](const std::pair<PlayerColor, CPlayerSettings> & pair)
return pair.second.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::HUMAN;
PlayerColor CMapGenOptions::getNextPlayerColor() const
for(PlayerColor i = PlayerColor(0); i < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT; i.advance(1))
return i;
throw std::runtime_error("Shouldn't happen. No free player color exists.");
CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::CPlayerSettings() : color(0), startingTown(RANDOM_TOWN), playerType(EPlayerType::AI)
PlayerColor CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::getColor() const
return color;
void CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::setColor(PlayerColor value)
if(value >= PlayerColor(0) && value < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT)
color = value;
throw std::runtime_error("The color of the player is not in a valid range.");
si32 CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::getStartingTown() const
return startingTown;
void CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::setStartingTown(si32 value)
if(value >= -1 && value < static_cast<int>(VLC->townh->factions.size()))
startingTown = value;
throw std::runtime_error("The starting town of the player is not in a valid range.");
EPlayerType::EPlayerType CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::getPlayerType() const
return playerType;
void CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::setPlayerType(EPlayerType::EPlayerType value)
playerType = value;
CMapGenerator::CMapGenerator(const CMapGenOptions & mapGenOptions, int randomSeed /*= std::time(nullptr)*/) :
mapGenOptions(mapGenOptions), randomSeed(randomSeed)
std::unique_ptr<CMap> CMapGenerator::generate()
//TODO select a template based on the map gen options or adapt it if necessary
map = make_unique<CMap>();
editManager = map->getEditManager();
return std::move(map);
std::string CMapGenerator::getMapDescription() const
const std::string waterContentStr[3] = { "none", "normal", "islands" };
const std::string monsterStrengthStr[3] = { "weak", "normal", "strong" };
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Map created by the Random Map Generator.\nTemplate was <MOCK>, ";
ss << "Random seed was " << randomSeed << ", size " << map->width << "x";
ss << map->height << ", levels " << (map->twoLevel ? "2" : "1") << ", ";
ss << "humans " << static_cast<int>(mapGenOptions.getPlayersCnt()) << ", computers ";
ss << static_cast<int>(mapGenOptions.getCompOnlyPlayersCnt()) << ", water " << waterContentStr[mapGenOptions.getWaterContent()];
ss << ", monster " << monsterStrengthStr[mapGenOptions.getMonsterStrength()] << ", second expansion map";
BOOST_FOREACH(const auto & pair, mapGenOptions.getPlayersSettings())
const auto & pSettings = pair.second;
if(pSettings.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::HUMAN)
ss << ", " << GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES[pSettings.getColor().getNum()] << " is human";
if(pSettings.getStartingTown() != CMapGenOptions::CPlayerSettings::RANDOM_TOWN)
ss << ", " << GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES[pSettings.getColor().getNum()]
<< " town choice is " << ETownType::names[pSettings.getStartingTown()];
return ss.str();
void CMapGenerator::addPlayerInfo()
// Calculate which team numbers exist
std::array<std::list<int>, 2> teamNumbers; // 0= cpu/human, 1= cpu only
int teamOffset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
int playersCnt = i == 0 ? mapGenOptions.getPlayersCnt() : mapGenOptions.getCompOnlyPlayersCnt();
int teamsCnt = i == 0 ? mapGenOptions.getTeamsCnt() : mapGenOptions.getCompOnlyTeamsCnt();
if(playersCnt == 0)
int playersPerTeam = playersCnt /
(teamsCnt == 0 ? playersCnt : teamsCnt);
int teamsCntNorm = teamsCnt;
if(teamsCntNorm == 0)
teamsCntNorm = playersCnt;
for(int j = 0; j < teamsCntNorm; ++j)
for(int k = 0; k < playersPerTeam; ++k)
teamNumbers[i].push_back(j + teamOffset);
for(int j = 0; j < playersCnt - teamsCntNorm * playersPerTeam; ++j)
teamNumbers[i].push_back(j + teamOffset);
teamOffset += teamsCntNorm;
// Team numbers are assigned randomly to every player
BOOST_FOREACH(const auto & pair, mapGenOptions.getPlayersSettings())
const auto & pSettings = pair.second;
PlayerInfo player;
player.canComputerPlay = true;
int j = pSettings.getPlayerType() == EPlayerType::COMP_ONLY ? 1 : 0;
if(j == 0)
player.canHumanPlay = true;
auto itTeam = std::next(teamNumbers[j].begin(), gen.getInteger(0, teamNumbers[j].size() - 1));
player.team = TeamID(*itTeam);
map->players[pSettings.getColor().getNum()] = player;
map->howManyTeams = (mapGenOptions.getTeamsCnt() == 0 ? mapGenOptions.getPlayersCnt() : mapGenOptions.getTeamsCnt())
+ (mapGenOptions.getCompOnlyTeamsCnt() == 0 ? mapGenOptions.getCompOnlyPlayersCnt() : mapGenOptions.getCompOnlyTeamsCnt());
void CMapGenerator::genTerrain()
editManager->drawTerrain(MapRect(int3(10, 10, 0), 20, 30), ETerrainType::GRASS, &gen);
void CMapGenerator::genTowns()
//FIXME mock gen
const int3 townPos[2] = { int3(17, 13, 0), int3(25,13, 0) };
const int townTypes[2] = { ETownType::CASTLE, ETownType::DUNGEON };
for(size_t i = 0; i < map->players.size(); ++i)
auto & playerInfo = map->players[i];
if(!playerInfo.canAnyonePlay()) break;
PlayerColor owner(i);
int side = i % 2;
CGTownInstance * town = new CGTownInstance();
town->ID = Obj::TOWN;
town->subID = townTypes[side];
town->tempOwner = owner;
town->defInfo = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[town->ID][town->subID];
editManager->insertObject(int3(townPos[side].x, townPos[side].y + (i / 2) * 5, 0), town);
// Update player info
playerInfo.hasMainTown = true;
playerInfo.posOfMainTown = town->pos - int3(2, 0, 0);
playerInfo.generateHeroAtMainTown = true;
void CMapGenerator::addHeaderInfo()
map->version = EMapFormat::SOD;
map->width = mapGenOptions.getWidth();
map->height = mapGenOptions.getHeight();
map->twoLevel = mapGenOptions.getHasTwoLevels();
map->name = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[740];
map->description = getMapDescription();
map->difficulty = 1;