mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-11 14:49:23 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 83440f1149 A bit more text-related work:
- credits screen will use multi-line label instead of hackish usage of text box
- campaign intro movie player now plays voiced intro
- minor fixes to last commit
2013-08-29 16:41:14 +00:00

240 lines
8.1 KiB

"videos": [
//Restoration of Erathia
//Long live the Queen
"GOOD1A.SMK", //Good1_a
"GOOD1B.SMK", //Good1_b
"GOOD1C.SMK", //Good1_c
//Dungeons and devils
"EVIL1A.SMK", //Evil1_a
"EVIL1B.SMK", //Evil1_b
"EVIL1C.SMK", //Evil1_c
//Spoils of War
"NEUTRALA.SMK", //Neutral1_a
"NEUTRALB.SMK", //Neutral1_b
"NEUTRALC.SMK", //Neutral1_c
"GOOD2A.SMK", //Good2_a
"GOOD2B.SMK", //Good2_b
"GOOD2C.SMK", //Good2_c
"GOOD2D.SMK", //Good2_d
//Long Live the King
"EVIL2A.SMK", //Evil2_a
"EVIL2AP1.SMK", //Evil2ap1
"EVIL2B.SMK", //Evil2_b
"EVIL2C.SMK", //Evil2_c
"EVIL2D.SMK", //Evil2_d
//Song for the Father
"GOOD3A.SMK", //Good3_a
"GOOD3B.SMK", //Good3_b
"GOOD3C.SMK", //Good3_c
//Seeds Of Discontent
"SECRETA.SMK", //Secret_a
"SECRETB.SMK", //Secret_b
"SECRETC.SMK", //Secret_c
//Armageddon's Blade
//Armageddon's Blade
"H3ABab1.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_a
"H3ABab2.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_b
"H3ABab3.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_c
"H3ABab4.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_d
"H3ABab5.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_e
"H3ABab6.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_f
"H3ABab7.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_g
"H3ABab8.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_h
"H3ABab9.smk", //ArmageddonsBlade_end
//Dragon's Blood
"H3ABdb1.smk", //DragonsBlood_a
"H3ABdb2.smk", //DragonsBlood_b
"H3ABdb3.smk", //DragonsBlood_c
"H3ABdb4.smk", //DragonsBlood_d
"H3ABdb5.smk", //DragonsBlood_end
//Dragon Slayer
"H3ABds1.smk", //DragonSlayer_a
"H3ABds2.smk", //DragonSlayer_b
"H3ABds3.smk", //DragonSlayer_c
"H3ABds4.smk", //DragonSlayer_d
"H3ABds5.smk", //DragonSlayer_end
//Festival of Life
"H3ABfl1.smk", //FestivalOfLife_a
"H3ABfl2.smk", //FestivalOfLife_b
"H3ABfl3.smk", //FestivalOfLife_c
"H3ABfl4.smk", //FestivalOfLife_d
"H3ABfl5.smk", //FestivalOfLife_end
//Foolhardy Waywardness
"H3ABfw1.smk", //FoolhardyWaywardness_a
"H3ABfw2.smk", //FoolhardyWaywardness_b
"H3ABfw3.smk", //FoolhardyWaywardness_c
"H3ABfw4.smk", //FoolhardyWaywardness_d
"H3ABfw5.smk", //FoolhardyWaywardness_end
//Playing with Fire
"H3ABpf1.smk", //PlayingWithFire_a
"H3ABpf2.smk", //PlayingWithFire_b
"3ABpf3.smk", //PlayingWithFire_c
"H3ABpf4.smk", //PlayingWithFire_end
//Shadow of Death Campaigns
//Birth of a Barbarian
"H3x2_BBa.smk", //BirthOfABarbarian_a
"H3x2_BBb.smk", //BirthOfABarbarian_b
"H3x2_BBc.smk", //BirthOfABarbarian_c
"H3x2_BBd.smk", //BirthOfABarbarian_d
"H3x2_BBe.smk", //BirthOfABarbarian_e
"H3x2_BBf.smk", //BirthOfABarbarian_end
//Elixir of Life
"H3x2_Ela.smk", //ElixirOfLife_a
"H3x2_Elb.smk", //ElixirOfLife_b
"H3x2_Elc.smk", //ElixirOfLife_c
"H3x2_Eld.smk", //ElixirOfLife_d
"H3x2_Ele.smk", //ElixirOfLife_end
//Hack and Slash
"H3x2_HSa.smk", //HackAndSlash_a
"EVIL2C.SMK", //HackAndSlash_b
"H3x2_HSc.smk", //HackAndSlash_c
"H3x2_HSd.smk", //HackAndSlash_d
"H3x2_HSe.smk", //HackAndSlash_end
//New Beginning
"H3x2_NBa.smk", //NewBeginning_a
"H3x2_NBb.smk", //NewBeginning_b
"H3x2_Nbc.smk", //NewBeginning_c
"H3x2_Nbd.smk", //NewBeginning_d
"H3x2_Nbe.smk", //NewBeginning_end
//Rise of the Necromancer
"H3x2_RNa.smk", //RiseOfTheNecromancer_a
"H3x2_RNb.smk", //RiseOfTheNecromancer_b
"H3x2_RNc.smk", //RiseOfTheNecromancer_c
"H3x2_RNd.smk", //RiseOfTheNecromancer_d
"H3x2_RNe1.smk", //RiseOfTheNecromancer_end
//Spectre of Power
"H3x2_SPa.smk", //SpectreOfPower_a
"H3x2_SPb.smk", //SpectreOfPower_b
"H3x2_SPc.smk", //SpectreOfPower_c
"H3x2_SPd.smk", //SpectreOfPower_d
"H3x2_SPe.smk", //SpectreOfPower_end
//Unholy Alliance
"H3x2_UAa.smk", //UnholyAlliance_a
"H3x2_UAb.smk", //UnholyAlliance_b
"H3x2_UAc.smk", //UnholyAlliance_c
"H3x2_UAd.smk", //UnholyAlliance_d
"H3x2_UAe.smk", //UnholyAlliance_e
"H3x2_UAf.smk", //UnholyAlliance_f
"H3x2_UAg.smk", //UnholyAlliance_g
"H3x2_UAh.smk", //UnholyAlliance_h
"H3x2_UAi.smk", //UnholyAlliance_i
"H3x2_UAj.smk", //UnholyAlliance_j
"H3x2_UAk.smk", //UnholyAlliance_k
"H3x2_UAl.smk", //UnholyAlliance_l
"H3x2_UAm.smk", //UnholyAlliance_end //H3x2_UAm.bik?
"music" : [
// Use CmpMusic.txt from H3 instead
"voice" : [
//Restoration of Erathia
"G1A", //Long live the Queen 1
"G1B", //Long live the Queen 2
"G1C", //Long live the Queen 3
"E1A.wav", //Dungeons and Devils 1
"E1B.wav", //Dungeons and Devils 2
"E1C.wav", //Dungeons and Devils 3
"N1A", //Spoils of War 1
"N1B", //Spoils of War 2
"N1C_D", //Spoils of War 3
"G2A", //Liberation 1
"G2B", //Liberation 2
"G2C", //Liberation 3
"G2D", //Liberation 4
"E2A.wav", //Long live the King 1
"E2AE.wav", //Long live the King 1end
"E2B.wav", //Long live the King 2
"E2C.wav", //Long live the King 3
"E2D.wav", //Long live the King 4
"G3A", //Song for the Father 1
"G3B", //Song for the Father 2
"G3C", //Song for the Father 3
"S1A", //Seeds of discontent 1
"S1B", //Seeds of discontent 2
"S1C", //Seeds of discontent 3
//Armageddon's Blade
"ABvoAB1.wav", //Armageddon's Blade 1
"ABvoAB2.wav", //Armageddon's Blade 2
"ABvoAB3.wav", //Armageddon's blade 3
"ABvoAB4.wav", //Armageddon's blade 4
"ABvoAB5.wav", //Armageddon's blade 5
"ABvoAB6.wav", //Armageddon's blade 6
"ABvoAB7.wav", //Armageddon's blade 7
"ABvoAB8.wav", //Armageddon's blade 8
"ABvoAB9.wav", //Armageddon's blade 8end
"ABvoDB1.wav", //Dragon's Blood 1
"ABvoDB2.wav", //Dragon's Blood 2
"ABvoDB3.wav", //Dragon's Blood 3
"ABvoDB4.wav", //Dragon's Blood 4
"ABvoDB5.wav", //Dragon's Blood 4end
"ABvoDS1.wav", //Dragon Slayer 1
"ABvoDS2.wav", //Dragon Slayer 2
"ABvoDS3.wav", //Dragon Slayer 3
"ABvoDS4.wav", //Dragon Slayer 4
"ABvoDS5.wav", //Dragon Slayer 4end
"ABvoFL1.wav", //Festival of Life 1
"ABvoFL2.wav", //Festival of Life 2
"ABvoFL3.wav", //Festival of Life 3
"ABvoFL4.wav", //Festival of Life 4
"ABvoFL5.wav", //Festival of Life 4end
"ABvoFW1.wav", //Foolhardy Waywardness 1
"ABvoFW2.wav", //Foolhardy Waywardness 2
"ABvoFW3.wav", //Foolhardy Waywardness 3
"ABvoFW4.wav", //Foolhardy Waywardness 4
"ABvoFW5.wav", //Foolhardy Waywardness 4end
"ABvoPF1.wav", //Playing with Fire 1
"ABvoPF2.wav", //Playing with Fire 2
"ABvoPF3.wav", //Playing with Fire 3
"ABvoPF4.wav", //Playing with Fire 3end
//Shadow of Death Campaigns
"H3x2BBa", //Birth of a Barbarian 1
"H3x2BBb", //Birth of a Barbarian 2
"H3x2BBc", //Birth of a Barbarian 3
"H3x2BBd", //Birth of a Barbarian 4
"H3x2BBe", //Birth of a Barbarian 5
"H3x2BBf", //Birth of a Barbarian 5end
"H3x2ELa", //Elixir of life 1
"H3x2ELb", //Elixir of life 2
"H3x2ELc", //Elixir of life 3
"H3x2ELd", //Elixir of life 4
"H3x2ELe", //Elixir of life 4end
"H3x2HSa", //Hack and Slash 1
"H3x2HSb", //Hack and Slash 2
"H3x2HSc", //Hack and Slash 3
"H3x2HSd", //Hack and Slash 4
"H3x2HSe", //Hack and Slash 4end
"H3x2NBa", //New Beginning 1
"H3x2NBb", //New Beginning 2
"H3x2NBc", //New Beginning 3
"H3x2NBd", //New Beginning 4
"H3x2NBe", //New Beginning 4end
"H3x2RNa", //Rise of the Necromancer 1
"H3x2RNb", //Rise of the Necromancer 2
"H3x2RNc", //Rise of the Necromancer 3
"H3x2RNd", //Rise of the Necromancer 4
"H3x2RNe", //Rise of the Necromancer 4end
"H3x2SPa", //Spectre of Power 1
"H3x2Spb", //Spectre of Power 2
"H3x2Spc", //Spectre of Power 3
"H3x2Spd", //Spectre of Power 4
"H3x2Spe", //Spectre of Power 4end
"H3x2UAa", //Unholy alliance 1
"H3x2UAb", //Unholy alliance 2
"H3x2UAc", //Unholy alliance 3
"H3x2UAd", //Unholy alliance 4
"H3x2UAe", //Unholy alliance 5
"H3x2UAf", //Unholy alliance 6
"H3x2UAg", //Unholy alliance 7
"H3x2UAh", //Unholy alliance 8
"H3x2UAi", //Unholy alliance 9
"H3x2UAj", //Unholy alliance 10
"H3x2UAk", //Unholy alliance 11
"H3x2UAl", //Unholy alliance 12
"H3x2UAm" //Unholy alliance 12end