mirror of
synced 2025-01-02 00:10:22 +02:00
Bonuses from artifacts are now inherited. Some work on artifacts set GUI. CArtifactsOfHero now operates on its own hero copy when picking artifact. Still more fixes are needed though.
1134 lines
36 KiB
1134 lines
36 KiB
#ifndef __GUICLASSES_H__
#define __GUICLASSES_H__
#include "../global.h"
#include "../hch/CArtHandler.h"
#include "SDL_framerate.h"
#include "GUIBase.h"
#include "FunctionList.h"
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#ifdef max
#undef max
#ifdef min
#undef min
* GUIClasses.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CDefEssential;
class AdventureMapButton;
class CHighlightableButtonsGroup;
class CDefHandler;
struct HeroMoveDetails;
class CDefEssential;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CAdvMapInt;
class CCastleInterface;
class CBattleInterface;
class CStack;
class SComponent;
class CCreature;
struct SDL_Surface;
struct CPath;
class CCreatureAnimation;
class CSelectableComponent;
class CCreatureSet;
class CGObjectInstance;
class CGDwelling;
class CSlider;
struct UpgradeInfo;
template <typename T> struct CondSh;
class CInGameConsole;
class CGarrisonInt;
class CInGameConsole;
class Component;
class CArmedInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class StackState;
class CPlayerInterface;
class CHeroWindow;
class CArtifact;
class CArtifactsOfHero;
class CResDataBar;
struct SPuzzleInfo;
class CGGarrison;
class CStackInstance;
class IMarket;
class CTextBox;
extern SDL_Color tytulowy, tlo, zwykly ;
class CInfoWindow : public CSimpleWindow //text + comp. + ok button
{ //window able to delete its components when closed
bool delComps; //whether comps will be deleted
CTextBox *text;
std::vector<AdventureMapButton *> buttons;
std::vector<SComponent*> components;
CSlider *slider;
void setDelComps(bool DelComps);
virtual void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void sliderMoved(int to);
CInfoWindow(std::string Text, int player, int charperline, const std::vector<SComponent*> &comps, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> > > &Buttons, bool delComps); //c-tor
CInfoWindow(); //c-tor
~CInfoWindow(); //d-tor
static void showYesNoDialog( const std::string & text, const std::vector<SComponent*> *components, const CFunctionList<void( ) > &onYes, const CFunctionList<void()> &onNo, bool DelComps = true, int player = 1); //use only before the game starts! (showYesNoDialog in LOCPLINT must be used then)
static CInfoWindow *create(const std::string &text, int playerID = 1, const std::vector<SComponent*> *components = NULL);
class CSelWindow : public CInfoWindow //component selection window
{ //warning - this window deletes its components by closing!
void selectionChange(unsigned to);
void madeChoice(); //looks for selected component and calls callback
CSelWindow(const std::string& text, int player, int charperline ,const std::vector<CSelectableComponent*> &comps, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> > > &Buttons, int askID); //c-tor
CSelWindow(){}; //c-tor
//notification - this class inherits important destructor from CInfoWindow
class CRClickPopup : public CIntObject //popup displayed on R-click
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual void close();
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
virtual ~CRClickPopup(); //d-tor
static void createAndPush(const std::string &txt);
static void createAndPush(const CGObjectInstance *obj, const Point &p, EAlignment alignment = BOTTOMRIGHT);
class CRClickPopupInt : public CRClickPopup //popup displayed on R-click
IShowActivable *inner;
bool delInner;
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CRClickPopupInt(IShowActivable *our, bool deleteInt); //c-tor
virtual ~CRClickPopupInt(); //d-tor
class CInfoPopup : public CRClickPopup
bool free; //TODO: comment me
SDL_Surface * bitmap; //popup background
void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface * Bitmap, int x, int y, bool Free=false); //c-tor
CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface * Bitmap, const Point &p, EAlignment alignment, bool Free=false); //c-tor
CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface *Bitmap = NULL, bool Free = false); //default c-tor
void init(int x, int y);
~CInfoPopup(); //d-tor
class SComponent : public virtual CIntObject //common popup window component
enum Etype
primskill, secskill, resource, creature, artifact, experience, secskill44, spell, morale, luck, building, hero, flag
} type; //component type
int subtype; //TODO: comment me
int val; //TODO: comment me
std::string description; //r-click
std::string subtitle; //TODO: comment me
void init(Etype Type, int Subtype, int Val);
SComponent(Etype Type, int Subtype, int Val); //c-tor
SComponent(const Component &c); //c-tor
SComponent(){}; //c-tor
virtual ~SComponent(){}; //d-tor
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
virtual SDL_Surface * getImg();
virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to);
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
class CCustomImgComponent : public SComponent
SDL_Surface *bmp; //our image
bool free; //should surface be freed on delete
SDL_Surface * getImg();
CCustomImgComponent(Etype Type, int Subtype, int Val, SDL_Surface *sur, bool freeSur); //c-tor
~CCustomImgComponent(); //d-tor
class CSelectableComponent : public SComponent, public KeyShortcut
bool selected; //if true, this component is selected
bool customB; //TODO: comment me
SDL_Surface * border, *myBitmap;
boost::function<void()> onSelect; //function called on selection change
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void init(SDL_Surface * Border);
CSelectableComponent(Etype Type, int Sub, int Val, boost::function<void()> OnSelect = 0, SDL_Surface * Border=NULL); //c-tor
CSelectableComponent(const Component &c, boost::function<void()> OnSelect = 0, SDL_Surface * Border=NULL); //c-tor
~CSelectableComponent(); //d-tor
virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void select(bool on);
SDL_Surface * getImg(); //returns myBitmap
class CGarrisonInt;
class CGarrisonSlot : public CIntObject
CGarrisonInt *owner;
const CStackInstance *myStack; //NULL if slot is empty
const CCreature *creature;
int count; //number of creatures
int upg; //0 - up garrison, 1 - down garrison
bool active; //TODO: comment me
virtual void hover (bool on); //call-in
const CArmedInstance * getObj();
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CGarrisonSlot(CGarrisonInt *Owner, int x, int y, int IID, int Upg=0, const CStackInstance * Creature=NULL);
~CGarrisonSlot(); //d-tor
class CGarrisonInt :public CIntObject
int interx; //space between slots
Point garOffset, //offset between garrisons (not used if only one hero)
surOffset, //offset between garrison position on the bg surface and position on the screen
shiftPoint;//how last slots will be shifted (for second row, set shiftPoint for effect)
CGarrisonSlot *highlighted; //chosen slot
std::vector<AdventureMapButton *> splitButtons; //may be empty if no buttons
SDL_Surface *&sur; //bg surface
int p2, //TODO: comment me
shiftPos;//1st slot of the second row, set shiftPoint for effect
bool ignoreEvent, update, active, splitting, pb,
smallIcons; //true - 32x32 imgs, false - 58x64
bool removableUnits;
const CCreatureSet *set1; //top set of creatures
const CCreatureSet *set2; //bottom set of creatures
std::vector<CGarrisonSlot*> *sup, *sdown; //slots of upper and lower garrison
const CArmedInstance *oup, *odown; //upper and lower garrisons (heroes or towns)
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activeteSlots();
void deactiveteSlots();
void deleteSlots();
void createSlots();
void recreateSlots();
void splitClick(); //handles click on split button
void splitStacks(int am2); //TODO: comment me
CGarrisonInt(int x, int y, int inx, const Point &garsOffset, SDL_Surface *&pomsur, const Point &SurOffset, const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2=NULL, bool _removableUnits = true, bool smallImgs = false, int _shiftPos = 0, const Point &_shiftPoint =Point()); //c-tor
~CGarrisonInt(); //d-tor
class CStatusBar
: public CIntObject, public IStatusBar
SDL_Surface * bg; //background
int middlex, middley; //middle of statusbar
std::string current; //text currently printed
CStatusBar(int x, int y, std::string name="ADROLLVR.bmp", int maxw=-1); //c-tor
~CStatusBar(); //d-tor
void print(const std::string & text); //prints text and refreshes statusbar
void clear();//clears statusbar and refreshes
void show(SDL_Surface * to); //shows statusbar (with current text)
std::string getCurrent(); //getter for current
class CLabel
: public virtual CIntObject
EAlignment alignment;
EFonts font;
SDL_Color color;
std::string text;
CPicture *bg;
bool autoRedraw; //whether control will redraw itself on setTxt
Point textOffset; //text will be blitted at pos + textOffset with appropriate alignment
bool ignoreLeadingWhitespace;
virtual void setTxt(const std::string &Txt);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); //shows statusbar (with current text)
CLabel(int x=0, int y=0, EFonts Font = FONT_SMALL, EAlignment Align = TOPLEFT, const SDL_Color &Color = zwykly, const std::string &Text = "");
//a multi-line label that tries to fit text with given available width and height; if not possible, it creates a slider for scrolling text
class CTextBox
: public CLabel
int maxW; //longest line of text in px
int maxH; //total height needed to print all lines
int sliderStyle;
bool redrawParentOnScrolling;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
CSlider *slider;
//CTextBox( std::string Text, const Point &Pos, int w, int h, EFonts Font = FONT_SMALL, EAlignment Align = TOPLEFT, const SDL_Color &Color = zwykly);
CTextBox(std::string Text, const Rect &rect, int SliderStyle, EFonts Font = FONT_SMALL, EAlignment Align = TOPLEFT, const SDL_Color &Color = zwykly);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); //shows statusbar (with current text)
void setTxt(const std::string &Txt);
void setBounds(int limitW, int limitH);
void recalculateLines(const std::string &Txt);
void sliderMoved(int to);
class CGStatusBar
: public CLabel, public IStatusBar
void init();
IStatusBar *oldStatusBar;
//statusbar interface overloads
void print(const std::string & Text); //prints text and refreshes statusbar
void clear();//clears statusbar and refreshes
std::string getCurrent(); //returns currently displayed text
void show(SDL_Surface * to); //shows statusbar (with current text)
CGStatusBar(int x, int y, EFonts Font = FONT_SMALL, EAlignment Align = CENTER, const SDL_Color &Color = zwykly, const std::string &Text = "");
CGStatusBar(CPicture *BG, EFonts Font = FONT_SMALL, EAlignment Align = CENTER, const SDL_Color &Color = zwykly); //given CPicture will be captured by created sbar and it's pos will be used as pos for sbar
CGStatusBar(int x, int y, std::string name, int maxw=-1);
void calcOffset();
class CFocusable
: public virtual CIntObject
bool focus; //only one focusable control can have focus at one moment
void giveFocus(); //captures focus
void moveFocus(); //moves focus to next active control (may be used for tab switching)
static std::list<CFocusable*> focusables; //all existing objs
static CFocusable *inputWithFocus; //who has focus now
class CTextInput
: public CLabel, public CFocusable
CFunctionList<void(const std::string &)> cb;
void setText(const std::string &nText, bool callCb = false);
CTextInput(const Rect &Pos, const Point &bgOffset, const std::string &bgName, const CFunctionList<void(const std::string &)> &CB);
CTextInput(const Rect &Pos, SDL_Surface *srf);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key);
class CList : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * bg; //background bitmap
CDefHandler *arrup, *arrdo; //button arrows for scrolling list
SDL_Surface *empty, *selection;
SDL_Rect arrupp, arrdop; //positions of arrows
int posw, posh; //position width/height
int selected, //id of selected position, <0 if none
const int SIZE; //size of list
tribool pressed; //true=up; false=down; indeterminate=none
CList(int Size = 5); //c-tor
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void activate();
void deactivate();
virtual void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent)=0; //call-in
virtual void genList()=0;
virtual void select(int which)=0;
virtual void draw(SDL_Surface * to)=0;
virtual int size() = 0; //how many elements do we have
void fixPos(); //scrolls list, so the selection will be visible
class CHeroList
: public CList
CDefHandler *mobile, *mana; //mana and movement indicators
int posmobx, posporx, posmanx, posmoby, pospory, posmany;
CHeroList(int Size); //c-tor
int getPosOfHero(const CGHeroInstance* h); //hero's position on list
void genList();
void select(int which); //call-in
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent); //call-in
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void hover (bool on); //call-in
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
void updateHList(const CGHeroInstance *toRemove=NULL); //removes specific hero from the list or recreates it
void updateMove(const CGHeroInstance* which); //draws move points bar
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void init();
int size(); //how many elements do we have
class CTownList
: public CList
boost::function<void()> fun; //function called on selection change
int posporx,pospory;
CTownList(int Size, int x, int y, std::string arrupg, std::string arrdog); //c-tor
~CTownList(); //d-tor
void genList();
void select(int which); //call-in
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent); //call-in
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void hover (bool on); //call-in
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
int size(); //how many elements do we have
class CCreaturePic //draws picture with creature on background, use nextFrame=true to get animation
const CCreature *c; //which creature's picture
bool big; //big => 100x130; !big => 100x120
CCreatureAnimation *anim; //displayed animation
CCreaturePic(const CCreature *cre, bool Big=true); //c-tor
~CCreaturePic(); //d-tor
int blitPic(SDL_Surface *to, int x, int y, bool nextFrame); //prints creature on screen
SDL_Surface * getPic(bool nextFrame); //returns frame of animation
class CRecruitmentWindow : public CIntObject
static const int SPACE_BETWEEN = 18;
static const int CREATURE_WIDTH = 102;
struct creinfo
SDL_Rect pos;
CCreaturePic *pic; //creature's animation
int ID, amount; //creature ID and available amount
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > res; //res_id - cost_per_unit
std::vector<int> amounts; //how many creatures we can afford
std::vector<creinfo> creatures; //recruitable creatures
boost::function<void(int,int)> recruit; //void (int ID, int amount) <-- call to recruit creatures
CSlider *slider; //for selecting amount
AdventureMapButton *max, *buy, *cancel;
SDL_Surface *bitmap; //background
CStatusBar *bar;
int which; //which creature is active
const CGDwelling *dwelling;
int level;
const CArmedInstance *dst;
void close();
void Max();
void Buy();
void Cancel();
void sliderMoved(int to);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to){show(to);};
void cleanCres();
void initCres();
CRecruitmentWindow(const CGDwelling *Dwelling, int Level, const CArmedInstance *Dst, const boost::function<void(int,int)> & Recruit, int y_offset = 0); //creatures - pairs<creature_ID,amount> //c-tor
~CRecruitmentWindow(); //d-tor
class CSplitWindow : public CIntObject
CGarrisonInt *gar;
CSlider *slider;
CCreaturePic *anim; //creature's animation
AdventureMapButton *ok, *cancel;
SDL_Surface *bitmap; //background
int a1, a2, c; //TODO: comment me
bool which; //which creature is selected
int last; //0/1/2 - at least one creature must be in the src/dst/both stacks; -1 - no restrictions
CSplitWindow(int cid, int max, CGarrisonInt *Owner, int Last = -1, int val=0); //c-tor; val - initial amount of second stack
~CSplitWindow(); //d-tor
void activate();
void split();
void close();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
void sliderMoved(int to);
class CLevelWindow : public CIntObject
int heroPortrait;
SDL_Surface *bitmap; //background
std::vector<CSelectableComponent *> comps; //skills to select
AdventureMapButton *ok;
boost::function<void(ui32)> cb;
void close();
CLevelWindow(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector<ui16> &skills, boost::function<void(ui32)> &callback); //c-tor
~CLevelWindow(); //d-tor
void activate();
void deactivate();
void selectionChanged(unsigned to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
class CMinorResDataBar : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface *bg; //background bitmap
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CMinorResDataBar(); //c-tor
~CMinorResDataBar(); //d-tor
class CObjectListWindow : public CIntObject
boost::function<void(int)> onSelect;//called when OK button is pressed, returns id of selected item.
std::string title,descr;//text for title and description
CPicture *bg; //background
CSlider *slider;
CPicture *titleImage;//title image (castle gate\town portal picture)
AdventureMapButton *ok, *exit;
std::vector<Rect> areas;//areas for each visible item
std::vector<int> items;//id of all items present in list
int selected;//currently selected item
int length;//size of list (=9)
bool init;//true = initialization completed
/// Callback will be called when OK button is pressed, returns id of selected item. initState = initially selected item
CObjectListWindow(const std::vector<int> &_items, CPicture * titlePic, std::string _title, std::string _descr,
boost::function<void(int)> Callback, int initState=-1); //c-tor
~CObjectListWindow(); //d-tor
void elementSelected();//call callback and exit
void moveList(int which);//called when slider moves
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
class CTradeWindow : public CIntObject //base for markets and altar of sacrifice
enum EType
class CTradeableItem : public CIntObject
EType type;
int id;
int serial;
bool left;
std::string subtitle; //empty if default
CFunctionList<void()> callback;
bool downSelection;
void showAllAt(const Point &dstPos, const std::string &customSub, SDL_Surface * to);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover (bool on);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
SDL_Surface *getSurface();
CTradeableItem(EType Type, int ID, bool Left, int Serial);
const IMarket *market;
const CGHeroInstance *hero;
CPicture *bg; //background
CArtifactsOfHero *arts;
//all indexes: 1 = left, 0 = right
std::vector<CTradeableItem*> items[2];
CTradeableItem *hLeft, *hRight; //highlighted items (NULL if no highlight)
EType itemsType[2];
EMarketMode mode;//0 - res<->res; 1 - res<->plauer; 2 - buy artifact; 3 - sell artifact
AdventureMapButton *ok, *max, *deal;
CSlider *slider; //for choosing amount to be exchanged
bool readyToTrade;
CTradeWindow(const IMarket *Market, const CGHeroInstance *Hero, EMarketMode Mode); //c
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void initSubs(bool Left);
void initTypes();
void initItems(bool Left);
std::vector<int> *getItemsIds(bool Left); //NULL if default
void getPositionsFor(std::vector<Rect> &poss, bool Left, EType type) const;
void removeItems(const std::set<CTradeableItem *> &toRemove);
void removeItem(CTradeableItem * t);
void getEmptySlots(std::set<CTradeableItem *> &toRemove);
void setMode(EMarketMode Mode); //mode setter
virtual void getBaseForPositions(EType type, int &dx, int &dy, int &x, int &y, int &h, int &w, bool Right, int &leftToRightOffset) const = 0;
virtual void selectionChanged(bool side) = 0; //true == left
virtual Point selectionOffset(bool Left) const = 0;
virtual std::string selectionSubtitle(bool Left) const = 0;
virtual void garrisonChanged() = 0;
virtual void artifactsChanged(bool left) = 0;
class CMarketplaceWindow : public CTradeWindow
bool printButtonFor(EMarketMode M) const;
int r1, r2; //suggested amounts of traded resources
void setMax();
void sliderMoved(int to);
void makeDeal();
void selectionChanged(bool side); //true == left
CMarketplaceWindow(const IMarket *Market, const CGHeroInstance *Hero = NULL, EMarketMode Mode = RESOURCE_RESOURCE); //c-tor
~CMarketplaceWindow(); //d-tor
Point selectionOffset(bool Left) const;
std::string selectionSubtitle(bool Left) const;
void garrisonChanged(); //removes creatures with count 0 from the list (apparently whole stack has been sold)
void artifactsChanged(bool left);
void resourceChanged(int type, int val);
void getBaseForPositions(EType type, int &dx, int &dy, int &x, int &y, int &h, int &w, bool Right, int &leftToRightOffset) const;
class CAltarWindow : public CTradeWindow
CAltarWindow(const IMarket *Market, const CGHeroInstance *Hero, EMarketMode Mode); //c-tor
void getExpValues();
~CAltarWindow(); //d-tor
std::vector<int> sacrificedUnits, //[slot_nr] -> how many creatures from that slot will be sacrificed
AdventureMapButton *sacrificeAll, *sacrificeBackpack;
CLabel *expToLevel, *expOnAltar;
void selectionChanged(bool side); //true == left
void SacrificeAll();
void SacrificeBackpack();
void makeDeal();
void blockTrade();
void sliderMoved(int to);
void getBaseForPositions(EType type, int &dx, int &dy, int &x, int &y, int &h, int &w, bool Right, int &leftToRightOffset) const;
void mimicCres();
Point selectionOffset(bool Left) const;
std::string selectionSubtitle(bool Left) const;
void garrisonChanged();
void artifactsChanged(bool left);
void calcTotalExp();
void setExpToLevel();
void updateRight(CTradeableItem *toUpdate);
class CSystemOptionsWindow : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * background; //background of window
AdventureMapButton *load, *save, *restart, *mainMenu, *quitGame, *backToMap; //load and restart are not used yet
CHighlightableButtonsGroup * heroMoveSpeed;
CHighlightableButtonsGroup * mapScrollSpeed;
CHighlightableButtonsGroup * musicVolume, * effectsVolume;
CSystemOptionsWindow(const SDL_Rect & pos, CPlayerInterface * owner); //c-tor
~CSystemOptionsWindow(); //d-tor
//functions bound to buttons
void bsavef(); //save game
void bquitf(); //quit game
void breturnf(); //return to game
void bmainmenuf(); //return to main menu
void pushSDLEvent(int type, int usercode);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
class CTavernWindow : public CIntObject
class HeroPortrait : public CIntObject
std::string hoverName;
vstd::assigner<int,int> as;
const CGHeroInstance *h;
char descr[100]; // "XXX is a level Y ZZZ with N artifacts"
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover (bool on);
HeroPortrait(int &sel, int id, int x, int y, const CGHeroInstance *H);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
} *h1, *h2; //recruitable heroes
CPicture *bg; //background
CGStatusBar *bar; //tavern's internal status bar
int selected;//0 (left) or 1 (right)
int oldSelected;//0 (left) or 1 (right)
AdventureMapButton *thiefGuild, *cancel, *recruit;
const CGObjectInstance *tavernObj;
CTavernWindow(const CGObjectInstance *TavernObj); //c-tor
~CTavernWindow(); //d-tor
void recruitb();
void close();
void thievesguildb();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
class CInGameConsole : public CIntObject
std::list< std::pair< std::string, int > > texts; //<text to show, time of add>
boost::mutex texts_mx; // protects texts
std::vector< std::string > previouslyEntered; //previously entered texts, for up/down arrows to work
int prevEntDisp; //displayed entry from previouslyEntered - if none it's -1
int defaultTimeout; //timeout for new texts (in ms)
int maxDisplayedTexts; //hiw many texts can be displayed simultaneously
std::string enteredText;
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void print(const std::string &txt);
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
void startEnteringText();
void endEnteringText(bool printEnteredText);
void refreshEnteredText();
CInGameConsole(); //c-tor
class HoverableArea: public virtual CIntObject
std::string hoverText;
virtual void hover (bool on);
virtual ~HoverableArea();
class LRClickableAreaWText: public HoverableArea
std::string text;
virtual ~LRClickableAreaWText();
virtual void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
virtual void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
class LRClickableAreaWTextComp: public LRClickableAreaWText
int baseType;
int bonusValue, type;
virtual void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
class MoraleLuckBox : public LRClickableAreaWTextComp
bool morale; //true if morale, false if luck
void set(const CBonusSystemNode*hero);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
MoraleLuckBox(bool Morale);
class LRClickableAreaOpenHero: public LRClickableAreaWTextComp
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
class LRClickableAreaOpenTown: public LRClickableAreaWTextComp
const CGTownInstance * town;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
class CCreInfoWindow : public CIntObject
//bool active; //TODO: comment me
int type;//0 - rclick popup; 1 - normal window
CPicture *bitmap; //background
char anf; //animation counter
std::string count; //creature count in text format
boost::function<void()> dsm; //dismiss button callback
CCreaturePic *anim; //related creature's animation
const CCreature *c; //related creature
std::vector<SComponent*> upgResCost; //cost of upgrade (if not possible then empty)
MoraleLuckBox *luck, *morale;
AdventureMapButton *dismiss, *upgrade, *ok;
CCreInfoWindow(const CStackInstance &st, int Type = 0, boost::function<void()> Upg = 0, boost::function<void()> Dsm = 0, UpgradeInfo *ui = NULL); //c-tor
CCreInfoWindow(int Cid, int Type, int creatureCount); //c-tor
void init(const CCreature *cre, const CStackInstance *stack, int creatureCount);
void printLine(int nr, const std::string &text, int baseVal, int val=-1, bool range=false);
~CCreInfoWindow(); //d-tor
void activate();
void close();
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void dismissF();
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
class CArtPlace: public LRClickableAreaWTextComp
ui16 slotID; //0 head 1 shoulders 2 neck 3 right hand 4 left hand 5 torso 6 right ring 7 left ring 8 feet 9 misc. slot 1 10 misc. slot 2 11 misc. slot 3 12 misc. slot 4 13 ballista (war machine 1) 14 ammo cart (war machine 2) 15 first aid tent (war machine 3) 16 catapult 17 spell book 18 misc. slot 5 19+ backpack slots
bool marked;
bool selectedNo;
CArtifactsOfHero * ourOwner;
const CArtifact * ourArt;
CArtPlace(const CArtifact * Art); //c-tor
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void select ();
void deselect ();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
bool fitsHere (const CArtifact * art); //returns true if given artifact can be placed here
bool locked () const;
void userSelectedNo ();
~CArtPlace(); //d-tor
inline bool CArtPlace::locked () const
return ourArt && ourArt->id == 145;
class CArtifactsOfHero : public CIntObject
CGHeroInstance * curHero; //local copy of hero on which we operate
std::vector<CArtPlace *> artWorn; // 0 - head; 1 - shoulders; 2 - neck; 3 - right hand; 4 - left hand; 5 - torso; 6 - right ring; 7 - left ring; 8 - feet; 9 - misc1; 10 - misc2; 11 - misc3; 12 - misc4; 13 - mach1; 14 - mach2; 15 - mach3; 16 - mach4; 17 - spellbook; 18 - misc5
std::vector<CArtPlace *> backpack; //hero's visible backpack (only 5 elements!)
int backpackPos; //number of first art visible in backpack (in hero's vector)
struct SCommonPart
std::set<CArtifactsOfHero *> participants; // Needed to mark slots.
const CArtifact * srcArtifact; // Held artifact.
const CArtifactsOfHero * srcAOH; // Following two needed to uniquely identify the source.
int srcSlotID; //
const CArtifactsOfHero * destAOH; // For swapping. (i.e. changing what is held)
int destSlotID; // Needed to determine what kind of action was last taken in setHero
const CArtifact * destArtifact; // For swapping.
void reset();
} * commonInfo; //when we have more than one CArtifactsOfHero in one window with exchange possibility, we use this (eg. in exchange window); to be provided externally
bool updateState; // Whether the commonInfo should be updated on setHero or not.
AdventureMapButton * leftArtRoll, * rightArtRoll;
void setHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero);
void dispose(); //free resources not needed after closing windows and reset state
void scrollBackpack(int dir); //dir==-1 => to left; dir==1 => to right
void markPossibleSlots (const CArtifact* art);
void unmarkSlots ();
void setSlotData (CArtPlace* artPlace, int slotID);
void eraseSlotData (CArtPlace* artPlace, int slotID);
CArtifactsOfHero(const Point& position); //c-tor
~CArtifactsOfHero(); //d-tor
friend class CArtPlace;
class CGarrisonWindow : public CWindowWithGarrison
SDL_Surface *bg; //background surface
AdventureMapButton *quit;
void close();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to){show(to);};
CGarrisonWindow(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits); //c-tor
~CGarrisonWindow(); //d-tor
class CExchangeWindow : public CWindowWithGarrison
CStatusBar * ourBar; //internal statusbar
SDL_Surface *bg; //background
AdventureMapButton * quit, * questlogButton[2];
std::vector<LRClickableAreaWTextComp *> secSkillAreas[2], primSkillAreas;
MoraleLuckBox *morale[2], *luck[2];
LRClickableAreaWText *speciality[2];
LRClickableAreaWText *experience[2];
LRClickableAreaWText *spellPoints[2];
LRClickableAreaOpenHero *portrait[2];
const CGHeroInstance * heroInst[2];
CArtifactsOfHero * artifs[2];
void close();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void questlog(int whichHero); //questlog button callback; whichHero: 0 - left, 1 - right
void prepareBackground(); //prepares or redraws bg
CExchangeWindow(si32 hero1, si32 hero2); //c-tor
~CExchangeWindow(); //d-tor
class CShipyardWindow : public CIntObject
CStatusBar *bar;
SDL_Surface *bg; //background
AdventureMapButton *build, *quit;
unsigned char frame; //frame of the boat animation
int boat; //which boat graphic should be used
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CShipyardWindow(const std::vector<si32> &cost, int state, int boatType, const boost::function<void()> &onBuy);
class CPuzzleWindow : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * background;
AdventureMapButton * quitb;
CResDataBar * resdatabar;
std::vector<std::pair<SDL_Surface *, SPuzzleInfo *> > puzzlesToPullBack;
ui8 animCount;
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CPuzzleWindow(const int3 &grailPos, float discoveredRatio);
class CTransformerWindow : public CIntObject
class CItem : public CIntObject
int id;//position of creature in hero army
bool left;//position of the item
int size; //size of creature stack
CTransformerWindow * parent;
void move();
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
CItem(CTransformerWindow * _parent, int _size, int _id);
const CArmedInstance *army;//object with army for transforming (hero or town)
const CGHeroInstance *hero;//only if we have hero in town
const CGTownInstance *town;//market, town garrison is used if hero == NULL
CPicture *bg; //background
std::vector<CItem*> items;
AdventureMapButton *all, *convert, *cancel;
CGStatusBar *bar;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void makeDeal();
void addAll();
CTransformerWindow(const CGHeroInstance * _hero, const CGTownInstance * _town); //c-tor
~CTransformerWindow(); //d-tor
class CUniversityWindow : public CIntObject
class CItem : public CPicture
int ID;//id of selected skill
CUniversityWindow * parent;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover(bool on);
int state();//0=can't learn, 1=learned, 2=can learn
CItem(CUniversityWindow * _parent, int _ID, int X, int Y);
const CGHeroInstance *hero;
const IMarket * market;
SDL_Surface * red,
* green,//colored bars near skills
* yellow;
CPicture *bg; //background
std::vector<CItem*> items;
AdventureMapButton *cancel;
CGStatusBar *bar;
CUniversityWindow(const CGHeroInstance * _hero, const IMarket * _market); //c-tor
~CUniversityWindow(); //d-tor
class CUnivConfirmWindow : public CIntObject//Confirmation window for University
CUniversityWindow * parent;
CPicture * bg;
CGStatusBar *bar;
AdventureMapButton *confirm, *cancel;
CUnivConfirmWindow(CUniversityWindow * PARENT, int SKILL, bool available); //c-tor
void makeDeal(int skill);
class CThievesGuildWindow : public CIntObject
const CGObjectInstance * owner;
CGStatusBar * statusBar;
AdventureMapButton * exitb;
SDL_Surface * background;
CMinorResDataBar * resdatabar;
void activate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void bexitf();
CThievesGuildWindow(const CGObjectInstance * _owner);
#endif //__GUICLASSES_H__