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synced 2024-12-26 22:57:00 +02:00
Windows should be shown using pushInt and closed with popInt or PopIntTotally (if interface needs to be also deleted). Some things are not working yet properly, I'll try to fix them ASAP.
290 lines
13 KiB
290 lines
13 KiB
#include "global.h"
#include "CPlayerInterface.h"
#include <list>
class CCreatureSet;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CDefHandler;
class CStack;
class CCallback;
class AdventureMapButton;
class CHighlightableButton;
class CHighlightableButtonsGroup;
struct BattleResult;
struct SpellCasted;
template <typename T> struct CondSh;
class CBattleInterface;
class CBattleHero : public IShowable, public ClickableL
bool flip; //false if it's attacking hero, true otherwise
CDefHandler * dh, *flag; //animation and flag
const CGHeroInstance * myHero; //this animation's hero instance
const CBattleInterface * myOwner; //battle interface to which this animation is assigned
int phase; //stage of animation
int nextPhase; //stage of animation to be set after current phase is fully displayed
int image; //frame of animation
unsigned char flagAnim, flagAnimCount; //for flag animation
void show(SDL_Surface * to); //prints next frame of animation to to
void activate();
void deactivate();
void setPhase(int newPhase); //sets phase of hero animation
void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down); //call-in
CBattleHero(const std::string & defName, int phaseG, int imageG, bool filpG, unsigned char player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CBattleInterface * owner); //c-tor
~CBattleHero(); //d-tor
class CBattleHex : public Hoverable, public MotionInterested, public ClickableL, public ClickableR
bool setAlterText; //if true, this hex has set alternative text in console and will clean it
unsigned int myNumber; //number of hex in commonly used format
bool accesible; //if true, this hex is accessible for units
//CStack * ourStack;
bool hovered, strictHovered; //for determining if hex is hovered by mouse (this is different problem than hex's graphic hovering)
CBattleInterface * myInterface; //interface that owns me
static std::pair<int, int> getXYUnitAnim(const int & hexNum, const bool & attacker, const CCreature * creature); //returns (x, y) of left top corner of animation
//for user interactions
void hover (bool on);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
void clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down);
void clickRight(boost::logic::tribool down);
class CBattleObstacle
std::vector<int> lockedHexes;
class CBattleConsole : public IShowable, public CIntObject
std::vector< std::string > texts; //a place where texts are stored
int lastShown; //last shown line of text
std::string alterTxt; //if it's not empty, this text is displayed
std::string ingcAlter; //alternative text set by in-game console - very important!
int whoSetAlter; //who set alter text; 0 - battle interface or none, 1 - button
CBattleConsole(); //c-tor
~CBattleConsole(); //d-tor
void show(SDL_Surface * to = 0);
bool addText(const std::string & text); //adds text at the last position; returns false if failed (e.g. text longer than 70 characters)
void eraseText(unsigned int pos); //erases added text at position pos
void changeTextAt(const std::string & text, unsigned int pos); //if we have more than pos texts, pos-th is changed to given one
void scrollUp(unsigned int by = 1); //scrolls console up by 'by' positions
void scrollDown(unsigned int by = 1); //scrolls console up by 'by' positions
class CBattleReslutWindow : public IShowActivable, public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * background;
AdventureMapButton * exit;
CBattleReslutWindow(const BattleResult & br, const SDL_Rect & pos, const CBattleInterface * owner); //c-tor
~CBattleReslutWindow(); //d-tor
void bExitf(); //exit button callback
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to = 0);
class CBattleOptionsWindow : public IShowActivable, public CIntObject
CBattleInterface * myInt;
SDL_Surface * background;
AdventureMapButton * setToDefault, * exit;
CHighlightableButton * viewGrid, * movementShadow, * mouseShadow;
CHighlightableButtonsGroup * animSpeeds;
CBattleOptionsWindow(const SDL_Rect & position, CBattleInterface * owner); //c-tor
~CBattleOptionsWindow(); //d-tor
void bDefaultf(); //dafault button callback
void bExitf(); //exit button callback
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to = 0);
struct BattleSettings
printCellBorders = true;
printStackRange = true;
animSpeed = 2;
printMouseShadow = true;
bool printCellBorders; //if true, cell borders will be printed
bool printStackRange; //if true,range of active stack will be printed
int animSpeed; //speed of animation; 1 - slowest, 2 - medium, 4 - fastest
bool printMouseShadow; //if true, hex under mouse will be shaded
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & printCellBorders & printStackRange & printMouseShadow;
class CBattleInterface : public CMainInterface, public MotionInterested, public KeyInterested
SDL_Surface * background, * menu, * amountNormal, * amountNegative, * amountPositive, * amountEffNeutral, * cellBorders, * backgroundWithHexes;
AdventureMapButton * bOptions, * bSurrender, * bFlee, * bAutofight, * bSpell,
* bWait, * bDefence, * bConsoleUp, * bConsoleDown;
CBattleConsole * console;
CBattleHero * attackingHero, * defendingHero; //fighting heroes
CCreatureSet * army1, * army2; //fighting armies
CGHeroInstance * attackingHeroInstance, * defendingHeroInstance;
std::map< int, CCreatureAnimation * > creAnims; //animations of creatures from fighting armies (order by BattleInfo's stacks' ID)
std::map< int, CDefHandler * > idToProjectile; //projectiles of creaures (creatureID, defhandler)
std::map< int, CDefHandler * > idToObstacle; //obstacles located on the battlefield
std::map< int, bool > creDir; // <creatureID, if false reverse creature's animation>
std::map< int, int > spellToEffect; //which effect should be played when different spells are casted (spellID, effectID)
unsigned char animCount;
int activeStack; //number of active stack; -1 - no one
int mouseHoveredStack; //stack hovered by mouse; if -1 -> none
std::vector<int> shadedHexes; //hexes available for active stack
int previouslyHoveredHex; //number of hex that was hovered by the cursor a while ago
int currentlyHoveredHex; //number of hex that is supposed to be hovered (for a while it may be inappropriately set, but will be renewed soon)
float getAnimSpeedMultiplier() const; //returns multiplier for number of frames in a group
std::map<int, int> standingFrame; //number of frame in standing animation by stack ID, helps in showing 'random moves'
bool spellDestSelectMode; //if true, player is choosing destination for his spell
int spellSelMode; //0 - any location, 1 - any firendly creature, 2 - any hostile creature, 3 - any creature, 4 - obstacle, -1 - no location
BattleAction * spellToCast; //spell for which player is choosing destination
class CAttHelper
int ID; //attacking stack
int IDby; //attacked stack
int dest; //atacked hex
int frame, maxframe; //frame of animation, number of frames of animation
int hitCount; //for delaying animation
bool reversing;
int posShiftDueToDist;
bool shooting;
int shootingGroup; //if shooting is true, print this animation group
} * attackingInfo;
void attackingShowHelper();
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes(int activeStack);
void printConsoleAttacked(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby);
struct SProjectileInfo
int x, y; //position on the screen
int dx, dy; //change in position in one step
int step, lastStep; //to know when finish showing this projectile
int creID; //ID of creature that shot this projectile
int frameNum; //frame to display form projectile animation
bool spin; //if true, frameNum will be increased
int animStartDelay; //how many times projectile must be attempted to be shown till it's really show (decremented after hit)
bool reverse; //if true, projectile will be flipped by vertical asix
std::list<SProjectileInfo> projectiles; //projectiles flying on battlefield
void projectileShowHelper(SDL_Surface * to); //prints projectiles present on the battlefield
void giveCommand(ui8 action, ui16 tile, ui32 stack, si32 additional=-1);
bool isTileAttackable(const int & number) const; //returns true if tile 'number' is neighbouring any tile from active stack's range or is one of these tiles
struct SBattleEffect
int x, y; //position on the screen
int frame, maxFrame;
CDefHandler * anim; //animation to display
std::list<SBattleEffect> battleEffects; //different animations to display on the screen like spell effects
CBattleInterface(CCreatureSet * army1, CCreatureSet * army2, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2, const SDL_Rect & myRect); //c-tor
~CBattleInterface(); //d-tor
//std::vector<TimeInterested*> timeinterested; //animation handling
static BattleSettings settings;
void setPrintCellBorders(bool set); //if true, cell borders will be printed
void setPrintStackRange(bool set); //if true,range of active stack will be printed
void setPrintMouseShadow(bool set); //if true, hex under mouse will be shaded
void setAnimSpeed(int set); //speed of animation; 1 - slowest, 2 - medium, 4 - fastest
int getAnimSpeed() const; //speed of animation; 1 - slowest, 2 - medium, 4 - fastest
CBattleHex bfield[BFIELD_SIZE]; //11 lines, 17 hexes on each
std::vector< CBattleObstacle * > obstacles; //vector of obstacles on the battlefield
SDL_Surface * cellBorder, * cellShade;
CondSh<BattleAction *> *givenCommand; //data != NULL if we have i.e. moved current unit
bool myTurn; //if true, interface is active (commands can be ordered
CBattleReslutWindow * resWindow; //window of end of battle
bool showStackQueue; //if true, queue of stacks will be shown
bool moveStarted; //if true, the creature that is already moving is going to make its first step
//button handle funcs:
void bOptionsf();
void bSurrenderf();
void bFleef();
void reallyFlee(); //performs fleeing without asking player
void bAutofightf();
void bSpellf();
void bWaitf();
void bDefencef();
void bConsoleUpf();
void bConsoleDownf();
//end of button handle funcs
//napisz tu klase odpowiadajaca za wyswietlanie bitwy i obsluge uzytkownika, polecenia ma przekazywac callbackiem
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key);
void mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent);
bool reverseCreature(int number, int hex, bool wideTrick = false); //reverses animation of given creature playing animation of reversing
void handleStartMoving(int number); //animation of starting move; some units don't have this animation (ie. halberdier)
struct SStackAttackedInfo
int ID; //id of attacked stack
int dmg; //damage dealt
int amountKilled; //how many creatures in stack has been killed
int IDby; //ID of attacking stack
bool byShooting; //if true, stack has been attacked by shooting
bool killed; //if true, stack has been killed
void newStack(CStack stack); //new stack appeared on battlefield
void stackRemoved(CStack stack); //stack disappeared from batlefiled
//void stackKilled(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby, bool byShooting); //stack has been killed (but corpses remain)
void stackActivated(int number); //active stack has been changed
void stackMoved(int number, int destHex, bool endMoving, int distance); //stack with id number moved to destHex
void stacksAreAttacked(std::vector<SStackAttackedInfo> attackedInfos); //called when a certain amount of stacks has been attacked
void stackAttacking(int ID, int dest); //called when stack with id ID is attacking something on hex dest
void newRound(int number); //caled when round is ended; number is the number of round
void hexLclicked(int whichOne); //hex only call-in
void stackIsShooting(int ID, int dest); //called when stack with id ID is shooting to hex dest
void battleFinished(const BattleResult& br); //called when battle is finished - battleresult window should be printed
void spellCasted(SpellCasted * sc); //called when a hero casts a spell
void battleStacksEffectsSet(const SetStackEffect & sse); //called when a specific effect is set to stacks
void castThisSpell(int spellID); //called when player has chosen a spell from spellbook
void displayEffect(ui32 effect, int destTile); //displays effect of a spell on the battlefield; affected: true - attacker. false - defender
friend class CBattleHex;
friend class CBattleReslutWindow;
friend class CPlayerInterface;
friend class AdventureMapButton;
friend class CInGameConsole;