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synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier. I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now. This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
364 lines
17 KiB
364 lines
17 KiB
#pragma once
#include "../../lib/ConstTransitivePtr.h" //may be reundant
#include "../../lib/GameConstants.h"
#include "CBattleAnimations.h"
#include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" //CSpell::TAnimation
* CBattleInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CLabel;
class CCreatureSet;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CDefHandler;
class CStack;
class CCallback;
class CButton;
class CToggleButton;
class CToggleGroup;
struct BattleResult;
struct BattleSpellCast;
struct CObstacleInstance;
template <typename T> struct CondSh;
struct SetStackEffect;
struct BattleAction;
class CGTownInstance;
struct CatapultAttack;
struct CatapultProjectileInfo;
struct BattleTriggerEffect;
class CBattleAnimation;
class CBattleHero;
class CBattleConsole;
class CBattleResultWindow;
class CStackQueue;
class CPlayerInterface;
class CCreatureAnimation;
struct ProjectileInfo;
class CClickableHex;
struct BattleHex;
struct InfoAboutHero;
struct BattleAction;
class CBattleGameInterface;
/// Small struct which contains information about the id of the attacked stack, the damage dealt,...
struct StackAttackedInfo
const CStack * defender; //attacked stack
unsigned int dmg; //damage dealt
unsigned int amountKilled; //how many creatures in stack has been killed
const CStack * attacker; //attacking stack
bool indirectAttack; //if true, stack was attacked indirectly - spell or ranged attack
bool killed; //if true, stack has been killed
bool rebirth; //if true, play rebirth animation after all
bool cloneKilled;
/// Struct for battle effect animation e.g. morale, prayer, armageddon, bless,...
struct BattleEffect
int x, y; //position on the screen
float currentFrame;
int maxFrame;
CDefHandler * anim; //animation to display
int effectID; //uniqueID equal ot ID of appropriate CSpellEffectAnim
BattleHex position; //Indicates if effect which hex the effect is drawn on
struct BattleObjectsByHex
typedef std::vector<int> TWallList;
typedef std::vector<const CStack * > TStackList;
typedef std::vector<const BattleEffect *> TEffectList;
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance> > TObstacleList;
struct HexData
TWallList walls;
TStackList dead;
TStackList alive;
TEffectList effects;
TObstacleList obstacles;
HexData beforeAll;
HexData afterAll;
std::array<HexData, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> hex;
/// Small struct which is needed for drawing the parabolic trajectory of the catapult cannon
struct CatapultProjectileInfo
CatapultProjectileInfo(Point from, Point dest);
double facA, facB, facC;
double calculateY(double x);
/// Big class which handles the overall battle interface actions and it is also responsible for
/// drawing everything correctly.
class CBattleInterface : public CIntObject
enum PossibleActions // actions performed at l-click
MOVE_STACK, ATTACK, WALK_AND_ATTACK, ATTACK_AND_RETURN, SHOOT, //OPEN_GATE, //we can open castle gate during siege
FREE_LOCATION, //used with Force Field and Fire Wall - all tiles affected by spell must be free
SDL_Surface * background, * menu, * amountNormal, * amountNegative, * amountPositive, * amountEffNeutral, * cellBorders, * backgroundWithHexes;
CButton * bOptions, * bSurrender, * bFlee, * bAutofight, * bSpell,
* bWait, * bDefence, * bConsoleUp, * bConsoleDown, *btactNext, *btactEnd;
CBattleConsole * console;
CBattleHero * attackingHero, * defendingHero; //fighting heroes
CStackQueue *queue;
const CCreatureSet *army1, *army2; //copy of initial armies (for result window)
const CGHeroInstance * attackingHeroInstance, * defendingHeroInstance;
std::map< int, CCreatureAnimation * > creAnims; //animations of creatures from fighting armies (order by BattleInfo's stacks' ID)
std::map< int, CDefHandler * > idToProjectile; //projectiles of creatures (creatureID, defhandler)
std::map< int, CDefHandler * > idToObstacle; //obstacles located on the battlefield
std::map< int, SDL_Surface * > idToAbsoluteObstacle; //obstacles located on the battlefield
//TODO these should be loaded only when needed (and freed then) but I believe it's rather work for resource manager,
//so I didn't implement that (having ongoing RM development)
CDefHandler *landMine;
CDefHandler *quicksand;
CDefHandler *fireWall;
CDefHandler *smallForceField[2], *bigForceField[2]; // [side]
std::map< int, bool > creDir; // <creatureID, if false reverse creature's animation> //TODO: move it to battle callback
ui8 animCount;
const CStack * activeStack; //number of active stack; nullptr - no one
const CStack * mouseHoveredStack; // stack below mouse pointer, used for border animation
const CStack * stackToActivate; //when animation is playing, we should wait till the end to make the next stack active; nullptr of none
const CStack * selectedStack; //for Teleport / Sacrifice
void activateStack(); //sets activeStack to stackToActivate etc. //FIXME: No, it's not clear at all
std::vector<BattleHex> occupyableHexes, //hexes available for active stack
attackableHexes; //hexes attackable by active stack
bool stackCountOutsideHexes[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; // hexes that when in front of a unit cause it's amount box to move back
BattleHex previouslyHoveredHex; //number of hex that was hovered by the cursor a while ago
BattleHex currentlyHoveredHex; //number of hex that is supposed to be hovered (for a while it may be inappropriately set, but will be renewed soon)
int attackingHex; //hex from which the stack would perform attack with current cursor
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> tacticianInterface; //used during tactics mode, points to the interface of player with higher tactics (can be either attacker or defender in hot-seat), valid onloy for human players
bool tacticsMode;
bool stackCanCastSpell; //if true, active stack could possibly cast some target spell
bool creatureCasting; //if true, stack currently aims to cats a spell
bool spellDestSelectMode; //if true, player is choosing destination for his spell - only for GUI / console
PossibleActions spellSelMode;
BattleAction * spellToCast; //spell for which player is choosing destination
const CSpell * sp; //spell pointer for convenience
si32 creatureSpellToCast;
std::vector<PossibleActions> possibleActions; //all actions possible to call at the moment by player
std::vector<PossibleActions> localActions; //actions possible to take on hovered hex
std::vector<PossibleActions> illegalActions; //these actions display message in case of illegal target
PossibleActions currentAction; //action that will be performed on l-click
PossibleActions selectedAction; //last action chosen (and saved) by player
PossibleActions illegalAction; //most likely action that can't be performed here
void setActiveStack(const CStack * stack);
void setHoveredStack(const CStack * stack);
void requestAutofightingAIToTakeAction();
void getPossibleActionsForStack (const CStack * stack); //called when stack gets its turn
void endCastingSpell(); //ends casting spell (eg. when spell has been cast or canceled)
void printConsoleAttacked(const CStack * defender, int dmg, int killed, const CStack * attacker, bool Multiple);
std::list<ProjectileInfo> projectiles; //projectiles flying on battlefield
void giveCommand(Battle::ActionType action, BattleHex tile, ui32 stackID, si32 additional=-1, si32 selectedStack = -1);
bool isTileAttackable(const BattleHex & number) const; //returns true if tile 'number' is neighboring any tile from active stack's range or is one of these tiles
bool isCatapultAttackable(BattleHex hex) const; //returns true if given tile can be attacked by catapult
std::list<BattleEffect> battleEffects; //different animations to display on the screen like spell effects
/// Class which is responsible for drawing the wall of a siege during battle
class SiegeHelper
SDL_Surface* walls[18];
const CBattleInterface * owner;
const CGTownInstance * town; //besieged town
SiegeHelper(const CGTownInstance * siegeTown, const CBattleInterface * _owner); //c-tor
~SiegeHelper(); //d-tor
//filename getters
//what: 0 - background, 1 - background wall, 2 - keep, 3 - bottom tower, 4 - bottom wall,
// 5 - below gate, 6 - over gate, 7 - upper wall, 8 - upper tower, 9 - gate,
// 10 - gate arch, 11 - bottom static 12 - upper static, 13 - moat, 14 - moat background,
// 15 - keep battlement, 16 - bottom battlement, 17 - upper battlement;
// state uses EWallState enum
std::string getSiegeName(ui16 what) const;
std::string getSiegeName(ui16 what, int state) const;
void printPartOfWall(SDL_Surface * to, int what);//what: 1 - background wall, 2 - keep, 3 - bottom tower, 4 - bottom wall, 5 - below gate, 6 - over gate, 7 - upper wall, 8 - uppert tower, 9 - gate, 10 - gate arch, 11 - bottom static wall, 12 - upper static wall, 15 - keep creature cover, 16 - bottom turret creature cover, 17 - upper turret creature cover
friend class CBattleInterface;
} * siegeH;
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> attackerInt, defenderInt; //because LOCPLINT is not enough in hotSeat
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> curInt; //current player interface
const CGHeroInstance * getActiveHero(); //returns hero that can currently cast a spell
/** Methods for displaying battle screen */
void showBackground(SDL_Surface * to);
void showBackgroundImage(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAbsoluteObstacles(SDL_Surface * to);
void showHighlightedHexes(SDL_Surface * to);
void showHighlightedHex(SDL_Surface * to, BattleHex hex);
void showInterface(SDL_Surface * to);
void showBattlefieldObjects(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAliveStacks(SDL_Surface * to, std::vector<const CStack *> stacks);
void showStacks(SDL_Surface * to, std::vector<const CStack *> stacks);
void showObstacles(SDL_Surface *to, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance> > &obstacles);
void showPiecesOfWall(SDL_Surface * to, std::vector<int> pieces);
void showBattleEffects(SDL_Surface *to, const std::vector<const BattleEffect *> &battleEffects);
void showProjectiles(SDL_Surface * to);
BattleObjectsByHex sortObjectsByHex();
void updateBattleAnimations();
SDL_Surface *getObstacleImage(const CObstacleInstance &oi);
Point getObstaclePosition(SDL_Surface *image, const CObstacleInstance &obstacle);
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes(const CStack * activeStack);
/** End of battle screen blitting methods */
std::list<std::pair<CBattleAnimation *, bool> > pendingAnims; //currently displayed animations <anim, initialized>
void addNewAnim(CBattleAnimation * anim); //adds new anim to pendingAnims
ui32 animIDhelper; //for giving IDs for animations
static CondSh<bool> animsAreDisplayed; //for waiting with the end of battle for end of anims
CBattleInterface(const CCreatureSet * army1, const CCreatureSet * army2, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, const SDL_Rect & myRect, std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> att, std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> defen); //c-tor
~CBattleInterface(); //d-tor
//std::vector<TimeInterested*> timeinterested; //animation handling
void setPrintCellBorders(bool set); //if true, cell borders will be printed
void setPrintStackRange(bool set); //if true,range of active stack will be printed
void setPrintMouseShadow(bool set); //if true, hex under mouse will be shaded
void setAnimSpeed(int set); //speed of animation; range 1..100
int getAnimSpeed() const; //speed of animation; range 1..100
CPlayerInterface * getCurrentPlayerInterface() const;
std::vector<CClickableHex*> bfield; //11 lines, 17 hexes on each
SDL_Surface * cellBorder, * cellShade;
CondSh<BattleAction *> *givenCommand; //data != nullptr if we have i.e. moved current unit
bool myTurn; //if true, interface is active (commands can be ordered)
CBattleResultWindow * resWindow; //window of end of battle
bool moveStarted; //if true, the creature that is already moving is going to make its first step
int moveSoundHander; // sound handler used when moving a unit
const BattleResult * bresult; //result of a battle; if non-zero then display when all animations end
// block all UI elements, e.g. during enemy turn
// unlike activate/deactivate this method will correctly grey-out all elements
void blockUI(bool on);
//button handle funcs:
void bOptionsf();
void bSurrenderf();
void bFleef();
void reallyFlee(); //performs fleeing without asking player
void reallySurrender(); //performs surrendering without asking player
void bAutofightf();
void bSpellf();
void bWaitf();
void bDefencef();
void bConsoleUpf();
void bConsoleDownf();
void bTacticNextStack(const CStack *current = nullptr);
void bEndTacticPhase();
//end of button handle funcs
//napisz tu klase odpowiadajaca za wyswietlanie bitwy i obsluge uzytkownika, polecenia ma przekazywac callbackiem
void activate() override;
void deactivate() override;
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) override;
void mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent) override;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void show(SDL_Surface *to) override;
void showAll(SDL_Surface *to) override;
void startAction(const BattleAction* action);
void newStack(const CStack * stack); //new stack appeared on battlefield
void stackRemoved(int stackID); //stack disappeared from batlefiled
void stackActivated(const CStack * stack); //active stack has been changed
void stackMoved(const CStack * stack, std::vector<BattleHex> destHex, int distance); //stack with id number moved to destHex
void waitForAnims();
void stacksAreAttacked(std::vector<StackAttackedInfo> attackedInfos); //called when a certain amount of stacks has been attacked
void stackAttacking(const CStack * attacker, BattleHex dest, const CStack * attacked, bool shooting); //called when stack with id ID is attacking something on hex dest
void newRoundFirst( int round );
void newRound(int number); //caled when round is ended; number is the number of round
void hexLclicked(int whichOne); //hex only call-in
void stackIsCatapulting(const CatapultAttack & ca); //called when a stack is attacking walls
void battleFinished(const BattleResult& br); //called when battle is finished - battleresult window should be printed
void displayBattleFinished(); //displays battle result
void spellCast(const BattleSpellCast * sc); //called when a hero casts a spell
void battleStacksEffectsSet(const SetStackEffect & sse); //called when a specific effect is set to stacks
void castThisSpell(SpellID spellID); //called when player has chosen a spell from spellbook
void displayEffect(ui32 effect, int destTile, bool areaEffect = true); //displays custom effect on the battlefield
void displaySpellCast(SpellID spellID, BattleHex destinationTile, bool areaEffect = true); //displays spell`s cast animation
void displaySpellEffect(SpellID spellID, BattleHex destinationTile, bool areaEffect = true); //displays spell`s affected animation
void displaySpellHit(SpellID spellID, BattleHex destinationTile, bool areaEffect = true); //displays spell`s affected animation
void displaySpellAnimation(const CSpell::TAnimation & animation, BattleHex destinationTile, bool areaEffect = true);
void battleTriggerEffect(const BattleTriggerEffect & bte);
void setBattleCursor(const int myNumber); //really complex and messy, sets attackingHex
void endAction(const BattleAction* action);
void hideQueue();
void showQueue();
PossibleActions selectionTypeByPositiveness(const CSpell & spell);
Rect hexPosition(BattleHex hex) const;
void handleHex(BattleHex myNumber, int eventType);
bool isCastingPossibleHere (const CStack * sactive, const CStack * shere, BattleHex myNumber);
bool canStackMoveHere (const CStack * sactive, BattleHex MyNumber); //TODO: move to BattleState / callback
BattleHex fromWhichHexAttack(BattleHex myNumber);
void obstaclePlaced(const CObstacleInstance & oi);
const CGHeroInstance * currentHero() const;
InfoAboutHero enemyHero() const;
friend class CPlayerInterface;
friend class CButton;
friend class CInGameConsole;
friend class CBattleResultWindow;
friend class CBattleHero;
friend class CSpellEffectAnimation;
friend class CBattleStackAnimation;
friend class CReverseAnimation;
friend class CDefenceAnimation;
friend class CMovementAnimation;
friend class CMovementStartAnimation;
friend class CAttackAnimation;
friend class CMeleeAttackAnimation;
friend class CShootingAnimation;
friend class CClickableHex;