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#pragma once
#include "../widgets/AdventureMapClasses.h"
#include "CWindowObject.h"
#include "../widgets/TextControls.h"
#include "../widgets/Buttons.h"
#include "../../lib/spells/ViewSpellInt.h"
class CDefHandler;
class CCallback;
struct CGPath;
class CAdvMapInt;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CHeroWindow;
class CSpell;
class IShipyard;
enum class EMapAnimRedrawStatus;
class CFadeAnimation;
struct MapDrawingInfo;
* CAdvmapInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
enum class EAdvMapMode
/// Adventure options dialogue where you can view the world, dig, play the replay of the last turn,...
class CAdventureOptions : public CWindowObject
CButton *exit, *viewWorld, *puzzle, *dig, *scenInfo, *replay;
static void showScenarioInfo();
/// Holds information about which tiles of the terrain are shown/not shown at the screen
class CTerrainRect
: public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * fadeSurface;
EMapAnimRedrawStatus lastRedrawStatus;
CFadeAnimation * fadeAnim;
int tilesw, tilesh; //width and height of terrain to blit in tiles
int3 curHoveredTile;
int moveX, moveY; //shift between actual position of screen and the one we wil blit; ranges from -31 to 31 (in pixels)
virtual ~CTerrainRect();
CGPath * currentPath;
void deactivate() override;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
void hover(bool on) override;
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void showAnim(SDL_Surface * to);
void showPath(const SDL_Rect * extRect, SDL_Surface * to);
int3 whichTileIsIt(const int & x, const int & y); //x,y are cursor position
int3 whichTileIsIt(); //uses current cursor pos
/// @returns number of visible tiles on screen respecting current map scaling
int3 tileCountOnScreen();
/// animates view by caching current surface and crossfading it with normal screen
void fadeFromCurrentView();
bool needsAnimUpdate();
/// Resources bar which shows information about how many gold, crystals,... you have
/// Current date is displayed too
class CResDataBar : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * bg;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > txtpos;
std::string datetext;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) override;
CResDataBar(const std::string &defname, int x, int y, int offx, int offy, int resdist, int datedist);
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override;
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override;
/// That's a huge class which handles general adventure map actions and
/// shows the right menu(questlog, spellbook, end turn,..) from where you
/// can get to the towns and heroes.
class CAdvMapInt : public CIntObject
//Return object that must be active at this tile (=clickable)
const CGObjectInstance *getActiveObject(const int3 &tile);
int3 position; //top left corner of visible map part
PlayerColor player;
bool duringAITurn;
enum{LEFT=1, RIGHT=2, UP=4, DOWN=8};
ui8 scrollingDir; //uses enum: LEFT RIGHT, UP, DOWN
enum{NA, INGAME, WAITING} state;
bool updateScreen;
ui8 anim, animValHitCount; //animation frame
ui8 heroAnim, heroAnimValHitCount; //animation frame
EAdvMapMode mode;
float worldViewScale;
struct WorldViewOptions
bool showAllTerrain; //for expert viewEarth
std::vector<ObjectPosInfo> iconPositions;
void clear();
void adjustDrawingInfo(MapDrawingInfo & info);
WorldViewOptions worldViewOptions;
SDL_Surface * bg;
SDL_Surface * bgWorldView;
std::vector<CDefHandler *> gems;
CMinimap minimap;
CGStatusBar statusbar;
CButton * kingOverview;
CButton * underground;
CButton * questlog;
CButton * sleepWake;
CButton * moveHero;
CButton * spellbook;
CButton * advOptions;
CButton * sysOptions;
CButton * nextHero;
CButton * endTurn;
CButton * worldViewUnderground;
CTerrainRect terrain; //visible terrain
CResDataBar resdatabar;
CHeroList heroList;
CTownList townList;
CInfoBar infoBar;
CAdvMapPanel *panelMain; // panel that holds all right-side buttons in normal view
CAdvMapWorldViewPanel *panelWorldView; // panel that holds all buttons and other ui in world view
CAdvMapPanel *activeMapPanel; // currently active panel (either main or world view, depending on current mode)
CDefHandler * worldViewIconsDef; // images for world view overlay
const CSpell *spellBeingCasted; //nullptr if none
const CArmedInstance *selection; //currently selected town/hero
//functions bound to buttons
void fshowOverview();
void fworldViewBack();
void fworldViewScale1x();
void fworldViewScale2x();
void fworldViewScale4x();
void fswitchLevel();
void fshowQuestlog();
void fsleepWake();
void fmoveHero();
void fshowSpellbok();
void fadventureOPtions();
void fsystemOptions();
void fnextHero();
void fendTurn();
void activate() override;
void deactivate() override;
void show(SDL_Surface * to) override; //redraws terrain
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) override; //shows and activates adv. map interface
void select(const CArmedInstance *sel, bool centerView = true);
void selectionChanged();
void centerOn(int3 on, bool fade = false);
void centerOn(const CGObjectInstance *obj, bool fade = false);
int3 verifyPos(int3 ver);
void handleRightClick(std::string text, tribool down);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) override;
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) override;
bool isActive();
bool isHeroSleeping(const CGHeroInstance *hero);
void setHeroSleeping(const CGHeroInstance *hero, bool sleep);
int getNextHeroIndex(int startIndex); //for Next Hero button - cycles awake heroes with movement only
void setPlayer(PlayerColor Player);
void startHotSeatWait(PlayerColor Player);
void startTurn();
void endingTurn();
void aiTurnStarted();
void adjustActiveness(bool aiTurnStart); //should be called every time at AI/human turn transition; blocks GUI during AI turn
void tileLClicked(const int3 &mapPos);
void tileHovered(const int3 &mapPos);
void tileRClicked(const int3 &mapPos);
void enterCastingMode(const CSpell * sp);
void leaveCastingMode(bool cast = false, int3 dest = int3(-1, -1, -1));
const CGHeroInstance * curHero() const;
const CGTownInstance * curTown() const;
const IShipyard * ourInaccessibleShipyard(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const; //checks if obj is our ashipyard and cursor is 0,0 -> returns shipyard or nullptr else
//button updates
void updateSleepWake(const CGHeroInstance *h);
void updateMoveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, tribool hasPath = boost::logic::indeterminate);
void updateSpellbook(const CGHeroInstance *h);
void updateNextHero(const CGHeroInstance *h);
/// changes current adventure map mode; used to switch between default view and world view; scale is ignored if EAdvMapMode == NORMAL
void changeMode(EAdvMapMode newMode, float newScale = 0.36f);
extern CAdvMapInt *adventureInt;