mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 19:19:26 +02:00
-- files moved to /client, GUI classes added -- handling of creatures, used in creature cards, fixed #469 \ #490 -- handling of town buildings #631 crash at hill fort fixed
315 lines
8.4 KiB
315 lines
8.4 KiB
#ifndef __CANIMATION_H__
#define __CANIMATION_H__
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include "../global.h"
#include "GUIBase.h"
* CAnimation.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
struct SDL_Surface;
struct BMPPalette;
//class for def loading, methods are based on CDefHandler
//after loading will store general info (palette and frame offsets) and pointer to file itself
class CDefFile
struct SSpriteDef
ui32 prSize;
ui32 defType2;
ui32 FullWidth;
ui32 FullHeight;
ui32 SpriteWidth;
ui32 SpriteHeight;
ui32 LeftMargin;
ui32 TopMargin;
unsigned int type;
unsigned char * data;
int datasize;
BMPPalette * colors;
//offset[group][frame] - offset of frame data in file
std::vector< std::vector <size_t> > offset;
//sorted list of offsets used to determine size
std::set <size_t> offList;
CDefFile(std::string Name);
//true if file was opened correctly
bool loaded() const;
//get copy of palette to unpack compressed animation
BMPPalette * getPalette();
//true if frame is present in it
bool haveFrame(size_t frame, size_t group) const;
//get copy of binary data
unsigned char * getFrame(size_t frame, size_t group) const;
//load frame as SDL_Surface
SDL_Surface * loadFrame(size_t frame, size_t group) const ;
//static version of previous one for calling from compressed anim
static SDL_Surface * loadFrame(const unsigned char * FDef, const BMPPalette * palette);
// Class for handling animation.
class CAnimation
//internal structure to hold all data of specific frame
struct AnimEntry
//surface for this entry
SDL_Surface * surf;
//bitfield, location of image data: 1 - def, 2 - file#9.*, 4 - file#9#2.*
unsigned char source;
//reference count, changed by loadFrame \ unloadFrame
size_t refCount;
//data for CompressedAnim
unsigned char * data;
//size of compressed data, unused for def files
size_t dataSize;
//animation file name
std::string name;
//if true all frames will be stored in compressed state
const bool compressed;
//palette from def file, used only for compressed anim
BMPPalette * defPalette;
//entries[group][position], store all info regarding frames
std::vector< std::vector <AnimEntry> > entries;
//loader, will be called by load(), require opened def file for loading from it. Returns true if image is loaded
bool loadFrame(CDefFile * file, size_t frame, size_t group);
//unloadFrame, returns true if image has been unloaded ( either deleted or decreased refCount)
bool unloadFrame(size_t frame, size_t group);
//decompress entry data
void decompress(AnimEntry &entry);
//initialize animation from file
void init(CDefFile * file);
//try to open def file
CDefFile * getFile() const;
//to get rid of copy-pasting error message :]
void printError(size_t frame, size_t group, std::string type) const;
CAnimation(std::string Name, bool Compressed = false);
//add custom surface to the end of specific group. If shared==true surface needs to be deleted
//somewhere outside of CAnim as well (SDL_Surface::refcount will be increased)
void add(SDL_Surface * surf, bool shared=false, size_t group=0);
//removes all surfaces which have compressed data
void removeDecompressed(size_t frame, size_t group);
//get pointer to surface, this function ignores groups (like ourImages in DefHandler)
SDL_Surface * image (size_t frame);
//get pointer to surface, from specific group
SDL_Surface * image(size_t frame, size_t group);
//removes all frames as well as their entries
void clear();
//all available frames
void load ();
void unload();
//all frames from group
void loadGroup (size_t group);
void unloadGroup(size_t group);
//single image
void load (size_t frame, size_t group=0);
void unload(size_t frame, size_t group=0);
//list of frames (first = group ID, second = frame ID)
void load (std::vector <std::pair <size_t, size_t> > frames);
void unload(std::vector <std::pair <size_t, size_t> > frames);
//helper to fix frame order on some buttons
void fixButtonPos();
//size of specific group, 0 if not present
size_t groupSize(size_t group) const;
//total count of frames in whole anim
size_t size() const;
//Class for displaying one image from animation
class CAnimImage: public CIntObject
CAnimation anim;
size_t frame;//displayed frame/group
size_t group;
CAnimImage(int x, int y, std::string name, size_t Frame, size_t Group=0);//c-tor
//change displayed frame on this one
void setFrame(size_t Frame, size_t Group=0);
void show(SDL_Surface *to);
//TODO: showAll();
//Base class for displaying animation, used as superclass for different animations
class CShowableAnim: public CIntObject
enum EFlags
FLAG_BASE=1, //base frame will be blitted before current one
FLAG_COMPRESSED=2, //animations will be loaded in compressed state
FLAG_ROTATED=4, //will be displayed rotated
FLAG_ALPHA=8, //if image is 8bbp it will be printed with transparency (0=opaque, 255=transparent)
FLAG_USERLE=16, //not used for now, enable RLE compression from SDL
FLAG_PREVIEW=32 //for creatures only: several animation (move, attack, defence...) will be randomly selected
CAnimation anim;
size_t group, frame;//current frame
size_t first, last; //animation range
unsigned char flags;//flags from EFlags enum
unsigned int frameDelay;//delay in frames of each image
unsigned int value;//how many times current frame was showed
//blit image with optional rotation, fitting into rect, etc
void blitImage(SDL_Surface *what, SDL_Surface *to);
//For clipping in rect, offsets of picture coordinates
int xOffset, yOffset;
//called when next animation sequence is required
boost::function<void()> callback;
CShowableAnim(int x, int y, std::string name, unsigned char flags, unsigned int Delay=4, size_t Group=0);
//set animation to group or part of group
bool set(size_t Group);
bool set(size_t Group, size_t from, size_t to=-1);
//set rotation flag
void rotate(bool on);
//move displayed part of picture (if picture is clipped to rect)
void movePic( int byX, int byY);
//set frame to first, call callback
virtual void reset();
//show current frame and increase counter
void show(SDL_Surface *to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface *to);
class CCreatureAnim: public CShowableAnim
enum EAnimType // list of creature animations, numbers were taken from def files
ANIM_MOVING=0, //will automatically add MOVE_START and MOVE_END to queue
//ANIM_DEATH2=6, //unused?
ANIM_TURN_L=7, //will automatically play second part of anim and rotate creature
ANIM_TURN_R=8, //same
//ANIM_TURN_L2=9, //identical to previous?
ANIM_MOVE_START=20, //no need to use this two directly - ANIM_MOVING will be enought
// queue of animations waiting to be displayed
std::queue<EAnimType> queue;
//this funcction is used as callback if preview flag was set during construction
void loopPreview();
//change anim to next if queue is not empty, call callback othervice
void reset();
//add sequence to the end of queue
void addLast(EAnimType newType);
//clear queue and set animation to this sequence
void clearAndSet(EAnimType type);
CCreatureAnim(int x, int y, std::string name, unsigned char flags=FLAG_COMPRESSED | FLAG_ALPHA | FLAG_PREVIEW,
EAnimType type=ANIM_HOLDING);