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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
Long time ago it's was used without prefix to make future switch from boost to std version easier. I discusses this with Ivan and decide to drop these using from Global.h now. This change wouldn't break anything because there was already code with prefix for each of three cases.
365 lines
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365 lines
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#pragma once
#include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../../lib/CBuildingHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CTownHandler.h"
#include "AIUtility.h"
* Goals.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
struct HeroPtr;
class VCAI;
class FuzzyHelper;
namespace Goals
struct AbstractGoal;
class VisitTile;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Goals::AbstractGoal> TSubgoal;
typedef std::vector<TSubgoal> TGoalVec;
enum EGoals
WIN, DO_NOT_LOSE, CONQUER, BUILD, //build needs to get a real reasoning
BUILD_STRUCTURE, //if hero set, then in visited town
GATHER_TROOPS, // val of creatures with objid
GET_OBJ, //visit or defeat or collect the object
FIND_OBJ, //find and visit any obj with objid + resid //TODO: consider universal subid for various types (aid, bid)
VISIT_HERO, //heroes can move around - set goal abstract and track hero every turn
VISIT_TILE, //tile, in conjunction with hero elementar; assumes tile is reachable
DIG_AT_TILE //elementar with hero on tile
//method chaining + clone pattern
#define VSETTER(type, field) virtual AbstractGoal & set ## field(const type &rhs) {field = rhs; return *this;};
#define OSETTER(type, field) CGoal<T> & set ## field(const type &rhs) override { field = rhs; return *this; };
#if 0
#define SETTER
#endif // _DEBUG
enum {LOW_PR = -1};
TSubgoal sptr(const AbstractGoal & tmp);
class AbstractGoal
bool isElementar; VSETTER(bool, isElementar)
bool isAbstract; VSETTER(bool, isAbstract)
float priority; VSETTER(float, priority)
int value; VSETTER(int, value)
int resID; VSETTER(int, resID)
int objid; VSETTER(int, objid)
int aid; VSETTER(int, aid)
int3 tile; VSETTER(int3, tile)
HeroPtr hero; VSETTER(HeroPtr, hero)
const CGTownInstance *town; VSETTER(CGTownInstance *, town)
int bid; VSETTER(int, bid)
AbstractGoal (EGoals goal = INVALID) : goalType (goal)
priority = 0;
isElementar = false;
isAbstract = false;
value = 0;
aid = -1;
resID = -1;
tile = int3(-1, -1, -1);
town = nullptr;
virtual ~AbstractGoal(){};
//FIXME: abstract goal should be abstract, but serializer fails to instantiate subgoals in such case
virtual AbstractGoal * clone() const {return const_cast<AbstractGoal*>(this);};
virtual TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() {TGoalVec vec; return vec;};
virtual TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() {return sptr(AbstractGoal());};
EGoals goalType;
std::string name() const;
virtual std::string completeMessage() const {return "This goal is unspecified!";};
bool invalid() const;
static TSubgoal goVisitOrLookFor(const CGObjectInstance *obj); //if obj is nullptr, then we'll explore
static TSubgoal lookForArtSmart(int aid); //checks non-standard ways of obtaining art (merchants, quests, etc.)
static TSubgoal tryRecruitHero();
///Visitor pattern
//TODO: make accept work for std::shared_ptr... somehow
virtual void accept (VCAI * ai); //unhandled goal will report standard error
virtual float accept (FuzzyHelper * f);
virtual bool operator== (AbstractGoal &g);
virtual bool fulfillsMe (Goals::TSubgoal goal) //TODO: multimethod instead of type check
return false;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & goalType & isElementar & isAbstract & priority;
h & value & resID & objid & aid & tile & hero & town & bid;
template <typename T> class CGoal : public AbstractGoal
CGoal<T> (EGoals goal = INVALID) : AbstractGoal (goal)
priority = 0;
isElementar = false;
isAbstract = false;
value = 0;
aid = -1;
objid = -1;
resID = -1;
tile = int3(-1, -1, -1);
town = nullptr;
OSETTER(bool, isElementar)
OSETTER(bool, isAbstract)
OSETTER(float, priority)
OSETTER(int, value)
OSETTER(int, resID)
OSETTER(int, objid)
OSETTER(int, aid)
OSETTER(int3, tile)
OSETTER(HeroPtr, hero)
OSETTER(CGTownInstance *, town)
OSETTER(int, bid)
void accept (VCAI * ai) override;
float accept (FuzzyHelper * f) override;
CGoal<T> * clone() const override
return new T(static_cast<T const&>(*this)); //casting enforces template instantiation
TSubgoal iAmElementar()
std::shared_ptr<AbstractGoal> ptr;
return ptr;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<AbstractGoal&> (*this);
//h & goalType & isElementar & isAbstract & priority;
//h & value & resID & objid & aid & tile & hero & town & bid;
class Invalid : public CGoal<Invalid>
Invalid() : CGoal (Goals::INVALID) {priority = -1e10;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Win : public CGoal<Win>
Win() : CGoal (Goals::WIN) {priority = 100;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class NotLose : public CGoal<NotLose>
NotLose() : CGoal (Goals::DO_NOT_LOSE) {priority = 100;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
//TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Conquer : public CGoal<Conquer>
Conquer() : CGoal (Goals::CONQUER) {priority = 10;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Build : public CGoal<Build>
Build() : CGoal (Goals::BUILD) {priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Explore : public CGoal<Explore>
Explore() : CGoal (Goals::EXPLORE){priority = 1;};
Explore(HeroPtr h) : CGoal (Goals::EXPLORE){hero = h; priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
class GatherArmy : public CGoal<GatherArmy>
GatherArmy() : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_ARMY){};
GatherArmy(int val) : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_ARMY){value = val; priority = 2.5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class BoostHero : public CGoal<BoostHero>
BoostHero() : CGoal (Goals::INVALID){priority = -1e10;}; //TODO
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
//TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override {return sptr(Invalid());};
class RecruitHero : public CGoal<RecruitHero>
RecruitHero() : CGoal (Goals::RECRUIT_HERO){priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class BuildThis : public CGoal<BuildThis>
BuildThis() : CGoal (Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE){}; //FIXME: should be not allowed (private)
BuildThis(BuildingID Bid, const CGTownInstance *tid) : CGoal (Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE) {bid = Bid; town = tid; priority = 5;};
BuildThis(BuildingID Bid) : CGoal (Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE) {bid = Bid; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class CollectRes : public CGoal<CollectRes>
CollectRes() : CGoal (Goals::COLLECT_RES){};
CollectRes(int rid, int val) : CGoal (Goals::COLLECT_RES) {resID = rid; value = val; priority = 2;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class GatherTroops : public CGoal<GatherTroops>
GatherTroops() : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_TROOPS){priority = 2;};
GatherTroops(int type, int val) : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_TROOPS){objid = type; value = val; priority = 2;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class GetObj : public CGoal<GetObj>
GetObj() {}; // empty constructor not allowed
GetObj(int Objid) : CGoal(Goals::GET_OBJ) {objid = Objid; priority = 3;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (GetObj &g) {return g.objid == objid;}
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class FindObj : public CGoal<FindObj>
FindObj() {}; // empty constructor not allowed
FindObj(int ID) : CGoal(Goals::FIND_OBJ) {objid = ID; priority = 1;};
FindObj(int ID, int subID) : CGoal(Goals::FIND_OBJ) {objid = ID; resID = subID; priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class VisitHero : public CGoal<VisitHero>
VisitHero() : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_HERO){};
VisitHero(int hid) : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_HERO){objid = hid; priority = 4;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (VisitHero &g) { return g.goalType == goalType && g.objid == objid; }
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class GetArtOfType : public CGoal<GetArtOfType>
GetArtOfType() : CGoal (Goals::GET_ART_TYPE){};
GetArtOfType(int type) : CGoal (Goals::GET_ART_TYPE){aid = type; priority = 2;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class VisitTile : public CGoal<VisitTile>
//tile, in conjunction with hero elementar; assumes tile is reachable
VisitTile() {}; // empty constructor not allowed
VisitTile(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_TILE) {tile = Tile; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (VisitTile &g) { return g.goalType == goalType && g.tile == tile; }
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class ClearWayTo : public CGoal<ClearWayTo>
ClearWayTo() : CGoal (Goals::CLEAR_WAY_TO){};
ClearWayTo(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::CLEAR_WAY_TO) {tile = Tile; priority = 5;};
ClearWayTo(int3 Tile, HeroPtr h) : CGoal (Goals::CLEAR_WAY_TO) {tile = Tile; hero = h; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (ClearWayTo &g) { return g.goalType == goalType && g.tile == tile; }
class DigAtTile : public CGoal<DigAtTile>
//elementar with hero on tile
DigAtTile() : CGoal (Goals::DIG_AT_TILE){};
DigAtTile(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::DIG_AT_TILE) {tile = Tile; priority = 20;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (DigAtTile &g) { return g.goalType == goalType && g.tile == tile; }
class CIssueCommand : public CGoal<CIssueCommand>
std::function<bool()> command;
CIssueCommand(): CGoal(ISSUE_COMMAND){};
CIssueCommand(std::function<bool()> _command): CGoal(ISSUE_COMMAND), command(_command) {priority = 1e10;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
//TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override {return sptr(Invalid());};