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2011-08-08 14:20:22 +00:00

302 lines
9.1 KiB

#include "../global.h"
#include "CSndHandler.h"
struct SDL_Surface;
class IVideoPlayer
virtual bool open(std::string name)=0; //true - succes
virtual void close()=0;
virtual bool nextFrame()=0;
virtual void show(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true)=0;
virtual void redraw(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true)=0; //reblits buffer
virtual bool wait()=0;
virtual int curFrame() const =0;
virtual int frameCount() const =0;
class IMainVideoPlayer : public IVideoPlayer
std::string fname; //name of current video file (empty if idle)
virtual void update(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool forceRedraw, bool update = true){}
virtual bool openAndPlayVideo(std::string name, int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey = false)
return false;
class CEmptyVideoPlayer : public IMainVideoPlayer
virtual int curFrame() const {return -1;};
virtual int frameCount() const {return -1;};
virtual void redraw( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true ) {};
virtual void show( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true ) {};
virtual bool nextFrame() {return false;};
virtual void close() {};
virtual bool wait() {return false;};
virtual bool open( std::string name ) {return false;};
#ifdef _WIN32
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //excludes rarely used stuff from windows headers - delete this line if something is missing
#include <windows.h>
#pragma pack(push,1)
si32 width;
si32 height;
si32 frameCount;
si32 currentFrame;
si32 lastFrame;
si32 FPSMul;
si32 FPSDiv;
si32 unknown0;
ui8 flags;
ui8 unknown1[260];
si32 CurPlane; // current plane
void *plane0; // posi32er to plane 0
void *plane1; // posi32er to plane 1
si32 unknown2;
si32 unknown3;
si32 yWidth; // Y plane width
si32 yHeight; // Y plane height
si32 uvWidth; // U&V plane width
si32 uvHeight; // U&V plane height
#pragma pack(pop)
class DLLHandler
std::string name;
void Instantiate(const char *filename);
const char *GetLibExtension();
void *FindAddress(const char *symbol);
virtual ~DLLHandler(); //d-tor
typedef void*(__stdcall* BinkSetSoundSystem)(void * soundfun, void*);
typedef HBINK(__stdcall* BinkOpen)(HANDLE bikfile, int flags);
typedef void(__stdcall* BinkClose)(HBINK);
//typedef si32(__stdcall* BinkGetPalette)(HBINK);
typedef void(__stdcall* BinkNextFrame)(HBINK);
typedef void(__stdcall* BinkDoFrame)(HBINK);
typedef ui8(__stdcall* BinkWait)(HBINK);
typedef si32(__stdcall* BinkCopyToBuffer)(HBINK, void* buffer, int stride, int height, int x, int y, int mode);
class CBIKHandler : public DLLHandler, public IVideoPlayer
void allocBuffer(int Bpp = 0);
void freeBuffer();
HANDLE hBinkFile;
HBINK hBink;
char * buffer;
int bufferSize;
BinkSetSoundSystem binkSetSoundSystem;
BinkOpen binkOpen;
//BinkGetPalette getPalette;
BinkNextFrame binkNextFrame;
BinkDoFrame binkDoFrame;
BinkCopyToBuffer binkCopyToBuffer;
BinkWait binkWait;
BinkClose binkClose;
bool open(std::string name);
void close();
bool nextFrame();
void show(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true);
void redraw(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true); //reblits buffer
bool wait();
int curFrame() const;
int frameCount() const;
//////////SMK Player ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct SmackStruct
si32 version;
si32 width;
si32 height;
si32 frameCount;
si32 mspf;
ui8 unk1[88];
ui8 palette[776];
si32 currentFrame; // Starting with 0
ui8 unk[56];
ui32 fileHandle; // exact type is HANDLE in windows.h
// defines function pointer types
typedef SmackStruct* (__stdcall* SmackOpen)(void* , ui32, si32 );
typedef int (__stdcall* SmackDoFrame)( SmackStruct * );
typedef void (__stdcall * SmackGoto )(SmackStruct *, int frameNumber);
typedef void (__stdcall* SmackNextFrame)(SmackStruct*);
typedef void (__stdcall* SmackClose)(SmackStruct*);
typedef void (__stdcall* SmackToBuffer) (SmackStruct*, int, int, int, int, char *, ui32);
typedef bool (__stdcall* SmackWait)(SmackStruct*);
typedef void (__stdcall* SmackSoundOnOff) (SmackStruct*, bool);
typedef int (__stdcall* SmackVolumePan)(SmackStruct *, int SmackTrack, int volume, int pan);
class CSmackPlayer: public DLLHandler, public IVideoPlayer
SmackOpen ptrSmackOpen;
SmackDoFrame ptrSmackDoFrame;
SmackToBuffer ptrSmackToBuffer;
SmackNextFrame ptrSmackNextFrame;
SmackWait ptrSmackWait;
SmackSoundOnOff ptrSmackSoundOnOff;
SmackClose ptrSmackClose;
SmackVolumePan ptrVolumePan;
char *buffer, *buf;
SmackStruct* data;
bool open(std::string name);
void close();
bool nextFrame();
void show(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true);
void redraw(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true); //reblits buffer
bool wait();
int curFrame() const;
int frameCount() const;
class CVidHandler;
class CVideoPlayer : public IMainVideoPlayer
CVidHandler vidh; //.vid file handling
CSmackPlayer smkPlayer; //for .SMK
CBIKHandler bikPlayer; //for .BIK
IVideoPlayer *current; //points to bik or smk player, appropriate to type of currently played video
bool first; //are we about to display the first frame (blocks update)
CVideoPlayer(); //c-tor
~CVideoPlayer(); //d-tor
bool open(std::string name);
void close();
bool nextFrame(); //move animation to the next frame
void show(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true); //blit current frame
void redraw(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true); //reblits buffer
void update(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool forceRedraw, bool update = true); //moves to next frame if appropriate, and blits it or blits only if redraw paremeter is set true
bool wait(); //true if we should wait before displaying next frame (for keeping FPS)
int curFrame() const; //current frame number <1, framecount>
int frameCount() const;
bool openAndPlayVideo(std::string name, int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey = false); //opens video, calls playVideo, closes video; returns playVideo result (if whole video has been played)
bool playVideo(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey = false); //plays whole opened video; returns: true when whole video has been shown, false when it has been interrupted
#define VIDEO_WIN "WIN3.BIK"
#include "CSndHandler.h"
#include <SDL_video.h>
typedef struct AVFormatContext AVFormatContext;
typedef struct AVCodecContext AVCodecContext;
typedef struct AVCodec AVCodec;
typedef struct AVFrame AVFrame;
struct SwsContext;
class CVideoPlayer : public IMainVideoPlayer
int stream; // stream index in video
AVFormatContext *format;
AVCodecContext *codecContext; // codec context for stream
AVCodec *codec;
AVFrame *frame;
struct SwsContext *sws;
// Destination. Either overlay or dest.
SDL_Overlay *overlay;
SDL_Surface *dest;
SDL_Rect destRect; // valid when dest is used
SDL_Rect pos; // destination on screen
CVidHandler vidh;
int refreshWait; // Wait several refresh before updating the image
int refreshCount;
bool doLoop; // loop through video
bool playVideo(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey);
bool open(std::string fname, bool loop, bool useOverlay = false);
bool init();
bool open(std::string fname);
void close();
bool nextFrame(); // display next frame
void show(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true); //blit current frame
void redraw(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update = true); //reblits buffer
void update(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool forceRedraw, bool update = true); //moves to next frame if appropriate, and blits it or blits only if redraw parameter is set true
// Opens video, calls playVideo, closes video; returns playVideo result (if whole video has been played)
bool openAndPlayVideo(std::string name, int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey = false);
bool wait(){return false;};
int curFrame() const {return -1;};
int frameCount() const {return -1;};
const char *data; // video buffer
int length; // video size
unsigned int offset; // current data offset
#define VIDEO_TAVERN "tavern.mjpg"
#define VIDEO_WIN "win3.mjpg"
#define VIDEO_LOSE_BATTLE_START "lbstart.mjpg"
#define VIDEO_LOSE_BATTLE_LOOP "lbloop.mjpg"
#define VIDEO_RETREAT_START "rtstart.mjpg"
#define VIDEO_RETREAT_LOOP "rtloop.mjpg"
#define VIDEO_SURRENDER "surrender.mjpg"
#endif // __CVIDEOHANDLER_H__