mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-01-06 00:24:11 +02:00
John Bolton a05ae78e67 Fixed lots of warnings.
Disabled the following (for MSVC only) that couldn't (or shouldn't) be fixed.

4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'identifier'
4250: 'class1' : inherits 'class2::member' via dominance
4251: 'type' : class 'type1' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'type2'
4275: non dll-interface class 'type1' used as base for dll-interface class 'type2'
2020-10-04 02:20:18 -07:00

211 lines
5.7 KiB

* GatherArmy.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "Goals.h"
#include "../VCAI.h"
#include "../AIUtility.h"
#include "../AIhelper.h"
#include "../FuzzyHelper.h"
#include "../ResourceManager.h"
#include "../BuildingManager.h"
#include "../../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" //for victory conditions
#include "../../../lib/CPathfinder.h"
#include "../../../lib/StringConstants.h"
extern boost::thread_specific_ptr<CCallback> cb;
extern boost::thread_specific_ptr<VCAI> ai;
extern FuzzyHelper * fh;
using namespace Goals;
bool GatherArmy::operator==(const GatherArmy & other) const
return other.hero.h == hero.h || town == other.town;
std::string GatherArmy::completeMessage() const
return "Hero " + hero.get()->name + " gathered army of value " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(value);
TSubgoal GatherArmy::whatToDoToAchieve()
//TODO: find hero if none set
return fh->chooseSolution(getAllPossibleSubgoals()); //find dwelling. use current hero to prevent him from doing nothing.
TGoalVec GatherArmy::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
//get all possible towns, heroes and dwellings we may use
TGoalVec ret;
return ret;
//TODO: include evaluation of monsters gather in calculation
for(auto t : cb->getTownsInfo())
auto waysToVisit = ai->ah->howToVisitObj(hero, t);
//grab army from town
if(!t->visitingHero && ai->ah->howManyReinforcementsCanGet(hero.get(), t))
if(!vstd::contains(ai->townVisitsThisWeek[hero], t))
vstd::concatenate(ret, waysToVisit);
//buy army in town
if (!t->visitingHero || t->visitingHero == hero.get(true))
std::vector<int> values = {
(int)ai->ah->howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(t->getUpperArmy(), t),
(int)ai->ah->howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(hero.get(), t) };
int val = *std::min_element(values.begin(), values.end());
if (val)
auto goal = sptr(BuyArmy(t, val).sethero(hero));
if(!ai->ah->containsObjective(goal)) //avoid loops caused by reserving same objective twice
logAi->debug("Can not buy army, because of ai->ah->containsObjective");
//build dwelling
//TODO: plan building over multiple turns?
//auto bid = ah->canBuildAnyStructure(t, std::vector<BuildingID>(unitsSource, unitsSource + ARRAY_COUNT(unitsSource)), 8 - cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK));
//Do not use below code for now, rely on generic Build. Code below needs to know a lot of town/resource context to do more good than harm
/*auto bid = ai->ah->canBuildAnyStructure(t, std::vector<BuildingID>(unitsSource, unitsSource + ARRAY_COUNT(unitsSource)), 1);
if (bid.is_initialized())
auto goal = sptr(BuildThis(bid.get(), t).setpriority(priority));
if (!ai->ah->containsObjective(goal)) //avoid loops caused by reserving same objective twice
logAi->debug("Can not build a structure, because of ai->ah->containsObjective");
auto otherHeroes = cb->getHeroesInfo();
auto heroDummy = hero;
vstd::erase_if(otherHeroes, [heroDummy](const CGHeroInstance * h)
if(h == heroDummy.h)
return true;
else if(!ai->isAccessibleForHero(heroDummy->visitablePos(), h, true))
return true;
else if(!ai->ah->canGetArmy(heroDummy.h, h)) //TODO: return actual aiValue
return true;
else if(ai->getGoal(h)->goalType == GATHER_ARMY)
return true;
return false;
for(auto h : otherHeroes)
// Go to the other hero if we are faster
if(!vstd::contains(ai->visitedHeroes[hero], h))
vstd::concatenate(ret, ai->ah->howToVisitObj(hero, h, false));
// Go to the other hero if we are faster
if(!vstd::contains(ai->visitedHeroes[h], hero))
vstd::concatenate(ret, ai->ah->howToVisitObj(h, hero.get(), false));
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> objs;
for(auto obj : ai->visitableObjs)
auto relationToOwner = cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->getOwner(), ai->playerID);
//Use flagged dwellings only when there are available creatures that we can afford
if(relationToOwner == PlayerRelations::SAME_PLAYER)
auto dwelling = dynamic_cast<const CGDwelling *>(obj);
ui32 val = std::min((ui32)value, (ui32)ai->ah->howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(hero.get(), dwelling));
for(auto & creLevel : dwelling->creatures)
for(auto & creatureID : creLevel.second)
auto creature = VLC->creh->creatures[creatureID];
objs.push_back(obj); //TODO: reserve resources?
for(auto h : cb->getHeroesInfo())
for(auto obj : objs)
//find safe dwelling
if(ai->isGoodForVisit(obj, h))
vstd::concatenate(ret, ai->ah->howToVisitObj(h, obj));
if(ai->canRecruitAnyHero() && ai->ah->freeGold() > GameConstants::HERO_GOLD_COST) //this is not stupid in early phase of game
if(auto t = ai->findTownWithTavern())
for(auto h : cb->getAvailableHeroes(t)) //we assume that all towns have same set of heroes
if(h && h->getTotalStrength() > 500) //do not buy heroes with single creatures for GatherArmy
const bool allowGatherArmy = false;
if(hero == ai->primaryHero())
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No ways to gather army");
return ret;