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Xilmi 765658ec83 Various Evaluation improvements
AI-heroes are reduce their confidence for attacks based on how many of the units they currently have stacks from exist somewhere else in their empire. So for example if an AI has 2 black-drakes while 3 more are waiting in their castle, they act as if their army was only 2/5th as strong as it is. This should make them more likely to first reinforce their army before attacking.

Changed the formula of scoring dwelling-upgrades in a way that doesn't overvalue upgrading vs. producing new units so much.

AI will no longer be so overconfident when fighting enemy heroes near their own castle. This lead to a lot of horrible trades, especially between different AI which made FFAs way easier in the long run.

AI should be better at preventing their enemies finding their towns undefended due to considering enemies that are not immediately in their castle's range too.

If only gold is missing but no special-resources the AI will no longer devalue what building it wants to build next and build something cheaper instead. This should lead to AI quicker reaching their tier 7 units and skipping some unnecessary lower tiers on the way to it.
2025-02-09 17:33:39 +00:00

154 lines
4.3 KiB

* PriorityEvaluator.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#if __has_include(<fuzzylite/Headers.h>)
# include <fuzzylite/Headers.h>
# include <fl/Headers.h>
#include "../Goals/CGoal.h"
#include "../Pathfinding/AIPathfinder.h"
namespace NKAI
class BuildingInfo;
class Nullkiller;
struct HitMapInfo;
class RewardEvaluator
const Nullkiller * ai;
RewardEvaluator(const Nullkiller * ai) : ai(ai) {}
uint64_t getArmyReward(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * army, bool checkGold) const;
uint64_t getArmyGrowth(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * army) const;
int getGoldCost(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * army) const;
float getEnemyHeroStrategicalValue(const CGHeroInstance * enemy) const;
float getResourceRequirementStrength(int resType) const;
float getResourceRequirementStrength(const TResources & res) const;
float getStrategicalValue(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero = nullptr) const;
float getConquestValue(const CGObjectInstance* target) const;
float getTotalResourceRequirementStrength(int resType) const;
float evaluateWitchHutSkillScore(const CGObjectInstance * hut, const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole role) const;
float getSkillReward(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole role) const;
int32_t getGoldReward(const CGObjectInstance * target, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const;
uint64_t getUpgradeArmyReward(const CGTownInstance * town, const BuildingInfo & bi) const;
const HitMapInfo & getEnemyHeroDanger(const int3 & tile, uint8_t turn) const;
uint64_t townArmyGrowth(const CGTownInstance * town) const;
float getManaRecoveryArmyReward(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const;
struct DLL_EXPORT EvaluationContext
float movementCost;
std::map<HeroRole, float> movementCostByRole;
int manaCost;
uint64_t danger;
float closestWayRatio;
float armyLossPersentage;
float armyReward;
uint64_t armyGrowth;
int32_t goldReward;
int32_t goldCost;
float skillReward;
float strategicalValue;
float conquestValue;
HeroRole heroRole;
uint8_t turn;
RewardEvaluator evaluator;
float enemyHeroDangerRatio;
float threat;
float armyInvolvement;
int defenseValue;
bool isDefend;
int threatTurns;
TResources buildingCost;
bool involvesSailing;
bool isTradeBuilding;
bool isExchange;
bool isArmyUpgrade;
bool isHero;
bool isEnemy;
int explorePriority;
float powerRatio;
EvaluationContext(const Nullkiller * ai);
void addNonCriticalStrategicalValue(float value);
class IEvaluationContextBuilder
virtual ~IEvaluationContextBuilder() = default;
virtual void buildEvaluationContext(EvaluationContext & evaluationContext, Goals::TSubgoal goal) const = 0;
class Nullkiller;
class PriorityEvaluator
PriorityEvaluator(const Nullkiller * ai);
void initVisitTile();
float evaluate(Goals::TSubgoal task, int priorityTier = BUILDINGS);
enum PriorityTier : int32_t
const Nullkiller * ai;
fl::Engine * engine;
fl::InputVariable * armyLossPersentageVariable;
fl::InputVariable * heroRoleVariable;
fl::InputVariable * mainTurnDistanceVariable;
fl::InputVariable * scoutTurnDistanceVariable;
fl::InputVariable * turnVariable;
fl::InputVariable * goldRewardVariable;
fl::InputVariable * armyRewardVariable;
fl::InputVariable * armyGrowthVariable;
fl::InputVariable * dangerVariable;
fl::InputVariable * skillRewardVariable;
fl::InputVariable * strategicalValueVariable;
fl::InputVariable * rewardTypeVariable;
fl::InputVariable * closestHeroRatioVariable;
fl::InputVariable * goldPressureVariable;
fl::InputVariable * goldCostVariable;
fl::InputVariable * fearVariable;
fl::OutputVariable * value;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IEvaluationContextBuilder>> evaluationContextBuilders;
EvaluationContext buildEvaluationContext(Goals::TSubgoal goal) const;