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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
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151 lines
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#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#define BINKNOTHREADEDIO 0x00800000
// protected
// FLib: HINST;
// FLibName: string;
// FFileHandle: HFile;
// function GetCurrentFrame: int; virtual; abstract;
// function GetFramesCount: int; virtual; abstract;
// procedure SetCurrentFrame(v: int); virtual; abstract;
// procedure DoOpen(FileHandle: hFile); virtual; abstract;
// function NormalizeFrame(i:int):int;
// procedure SetPause(v:Boolean); virtual; abstract;
// procedure LoadProc(var Proc:Pointer; const ProcName:string);
// public
// Width:pint;
// Height:pint;
// constructor Create(const LibName:string);
// destructor Destroy; override;
// procedure Open(FileHandle:hFile); overload;
// procedure Open(FileName:string); overload;
//// procedure Open(FileData:TRSByteArray); overload;
// procedure SetVolume(i: int); virtual;
// procedure Close; virtual;
// procedure NextFrame; virtual; abstract;
// procedure PreparePic(b:TBitmap); virtual;
// procedure GotoFrame(Index:int; b:TBitmap); virtual;
// function ExtractFrame(b:TBitmap = nil):TBitmap; virtual; abstract;
// function Wait:Boolean; virtual; abstract;
// // Workaround for Bink and Smack thread synchronization bug
// property Frame: int read GetCurrentFrame write SetCurrentFrame;
// property FramesCount: int read GetFramesCount;
// property LibInstance: HINST read FLib;
// property Pause: Boolean write SetPause;
//TRSSmkStruct = packed record
// Version: int;
// Width: int;
// Height: int;
// FrameCount: int;
// mspf: int;
// Unk1: array[0..87] of byte;
// Palette: array[0..775] of byte;
// CurrentFrame: int; // Starting with 0
// // 72 - Øèï
// // 1060 - interesting
// // 1100 - Mute:Bool
//TRSBinkStruct = packed record
// Width: int;
// Height: int;
// FrameCount: int;
// CurrentFrame: int; // Starting with 1
// LastFrame: int;
// FPSMul: int; // frames/second multiplier
// FPSDiv: int; // frames/second divisor
// Unk1: int;
// Flags: int;
// Unk2: array[0..259] of byte;
// CurrentPlane: int;
// Plane1: ptr;
// Plane2: ptr;
// Unk3: array[0..1] of int;
// YPlaneWidth: int;
// YPlaneHeight: int;
// UVPlaneWidth: int;
// UVPlaneHeight: int;
typedef struct
int width;
int height;
int frameCount;
int currentFrame;
int lastFrame;
int FPSMul;
int FPSDiv;
int unknown0;
unsigned char flags;
unsigned char unknown1[260];
int CurPlane; // current plane
void *plane0; // pointer to plane 0
void *plane1; // pointer to plane 1
int unknown2;
int unknown3;
int yWidth; // Y plane width
int yHeight; // Y plane height
int uvWidth; // U&V plane width
int uvHeight; // U&V plane height
int d,e,f,g,h,i;
struct SMKStruct
int version, width, height, frameCount, mspf, currentFrame;
unsigned char unk1[88], palette[776];
class DLLHandler
#if !defined(__amigaos4__) && !defined(__unix__)
void *dll;
void Instantiate(const char *filename);
const char *GetLibExtension();
void *FindAddress234(const char *symbol);
virtual ~DLLHandler();
class CBIKHandler
DLLHandler ourLib;
int newmode;
#if !defined(__amigaos4__) && !defined(__unix__)
HANDLE hBinkFile;
void *hBinkFile;
HBINK hBink;
unsigned char * buffer;
void * waveOutOpen, * BinkGetError, *BinkOpen, *BinkSetSoundSystem ;
int width, height;
void open(std::string name);
void close();
#endif // __CVIDEOHANDLER_H__