mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00
Michał W. Urbańczyk 9e7771272d * improved "Split" button behavior. It can be used for calling hero meeting screen in town screen.
*fixed problems with underground switch button in higher resolutions
* minor graphical fixes for Marketplace window
* minor fixes
2009-09-09 06:04:42 +00:00

205 lines
5.8 KiB

#include <typeinfo>
#include "../global.h"
#include "SDL.h"
#include <map>
#include "AdventureMapButton.h"
#include "GUIClasses.h"
class CDefHandler;
class CCallback;
struct CGPath;
class CAdvMapInt;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CHeroWindow;
* CAdcmapInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CAdventureOptions : public CIntObject
CPicture *bg;
AdventureMapButton *exit, *viewWorld, *puzzle, *dig, *scenInfo, *replay;
static void showScenarioInfo();
static void showPuzzleMap();
class CMinimap : public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * radar;
SDL_Surface * temps;
std::map<int,SDL_Color> colors;
std::map<int,SDL_Color> colorsBlocked;
std::vector<SDL_Surface *> map, FoW, flObjs; //one bitmap for each level (terrain, Fog of War, flaggable objects)
std::string statusbarTxt, rcText;
CMinimap(bool draw=true);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void redraw(int level=-1);// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
void initMap(int level=-1);// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
void initFoW(int level=-1);// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
void initFlaggableObjs(int level=-1);// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
void updateRadar();
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover (bool on);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
void activate(); // makes button active
void deactivate(); // makes button inactive (but don't deletes)
void hideTile(const int3 &pos); //puts FoW
void showTile(const int3 &pos); //removes FoW
void showVisibleTiles(int level=-1);// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
class CTerrainRect
: public CIntObject
int tilesw, tilesh; //width and height of terrain to blit in tiles
int3 curHoveredTile;
int moveX, moveY; //shift between actual position of screen and the one we wil blit; ranges from -31 to 31 (in pixels)
CDefHandler * arrows;
CGPath * currentPath;
void activate();
void deactivate();
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover(bool on);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showPath(const SDL_Rect * extRect);
int3 whichTileIsIt(const int & x, const int & y); //x,y are cursor position
int3 whichTileIsIt(); //uses current cursor pos
class CResDataBar
: public CIntObject
SDL_Surface * bg;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > txtpos;
std::string datetext;
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void activate();
void deactivate();
CResDataBar(const std::string &defname, int x, int y, int offx, int offy, int resdist, int datedist);
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
class CInfoBar : public CIntObject
CDefHandler *day, *week1, *week2, *week3, *week4;
SComponent * current;
int mode;
int pom;
void newDay(int Day); //start showing new day/week animation
void showComp(SComponent * comp, int time=5000);
void tick();
void draw(SDL_Surface * to, const CGObjectInstance * specific=NULL); // if specific==0 function draws info about selected hero/town
void blitAnim(int mode);//0 - day, 1 - week
CDefHandler * getAnim(int mode);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
class CAdvMapInt : public CIntObject //adventure map interface
CAdvMapInt(int Player);
int3 position; //top left corner of visible map part
int player, active;
enum{LEFT=1, RIGHT=2, UP=4, DOWN=8};
ui8 scrollingDir; //uses enum: LEFT RIGHT, UP, DOWN
bool updateScreen, updateMinimap ;
unsigned char anim, animValHitCount; //animation frame
unsigned char heroAnim, heroAnimValHitCount; //animation frame
SDL_Surface * bg;
std::vector<CDefHandler *> gems;
CMinimap minimap;
CStatusBar statusbar;
AdventureMapButton kingOverview,//- kingdom overview
underground,//- underground switch
questlog,//- questlog
sleepWake, //- sleep/wake hero
moveHero, //- move hero
spellbook,//- spellbook
advOptions, //- adventure options
sysOptions,//- system options
nextHero, //- next hero
endTurn;//- end turn
CTerrainRect terrain; //visible terrain
CResDataBar resdatabar;
CHeroList heroList;
CTownList townList;
CInfoBar infoBar;
CHeroWindow * heroWindow;
const CArmedInstance *selection; //currently selected town/hero
std::map<const CGHeroInstance *, CGPath> paths; //maps hero => selected path in adventure map
//functions bound to buttons
void fshowOverview();
void fswitchLevel();
void fshowQuestlog();
void fsleepWake();
void fmoveHero();
void fshowSpellbok();
void fadventureOPtions();
void fsystemOptions();
void fnextHero();
void fendTurn();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to); //redraws terrain
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); //shows and activates adv. map interface
void select(const CArmedInstance *sel);
void selectionChanged();
void centerOn(int3 on);
int3 verifyPos(int3 ver);
void handleRightClick(std::string text, tribool down, CIntObject * client);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);