mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00
Michał W. Urbańczyk 9e7771272d * improved "Split" button behavior. It can be used for calling hero meeting screen in town screen.
*fixed problems with underground switch button in higher resolutions
* minor graphical fixes for Marketplace window
* minor fixes
2009-09-09 06:04:42 +00:00

255 lines
6.8 KiB

#include "../global.h"
#include <SDL.h>
#include "GUIBase.h"
#include "../hch/CMusicBase.h"
//#include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp"
class CGTownInstance;
class CTownHandler;
class CHallInterface;
struct Structure;
class CSpell;
class AdventureMapButton;
class CResDataBar;
class CStatusBar;
class CTownList;
class CRecruitmentWindow;
class CCreaturePic;
class CMinorResDataBar;
* CCastleInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CBuildingRect : public CIntObject
bool moi; //motion interested is active
int offset, max; //first and last animation frame
Structure* str;
CDefHandler* def;
SDL_Surface* border;
SDL_Surface* area;
CBuildingRect(Structure *Str); //c-tor
~CBuildingRect(); //d-tor
void activate();
void deactivate();
bool operator<(const CBuildingRect & p2) const;
void hover(bool on);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
class CHeroGSlot : public CIntObject
CCastleInterface *owner;
const CGHeroInstance *hero;
int upg; //0 - up garrison, 1 - down garrison
bool highlight; //indicates id the slot is highlighted
void setHighlight(bool on);
void hover (bool on);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CHeroGSlot(int x, int y, int updown, const CGHeroInstance *h,CCastleInterface * Owner); //c-tor
~CHeroGSlot(); //d-tor
class CCastleInterface : public CWindowWithGarrison
SDL_Rect pos; //why not inherit this member from CIntObject ?
bool showing; //indicates if interface is active
CBuildingRect * hBuild; //highlighted building
SDL_Surface * townInt;
SDL_Surface * cityBg;
const CGTownInstance * town;
CStatusBar * statusbar;
CResDataBar *resdatabar;
unsigned char animval, count;
CDefEssential *bars, //0 - yellow, 1 - green, 2 - red, 3 - gray
*status; //0 - already, 1 - can't, 2 - lack of resources
CDefHandler *hall,*fort;
CDefEssential* bicons; //150x70 buildings imgs
CTownList * townlist;
CHeroGSlot hslotup, hslotdown;
AdventureMapButton *exit;
AdventureMapButton *split;
musicBase::musicID musicID;
std::vector<CBuildingRect*> buildings; //building id, building def, structure struct, border, filling
CCastleInterface(const CGTownInstance * Town, int listPos = 1); //c-tor
~CCastleInterface(); //d-tor
void townChange();
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void buildingClicked(int building);
void enterTavern();
void enterMageGuild();
void splitClicked(); //for hero meeting (splitting stacks is handled by garrison int)
CRecruitmentWindow * showRecruitmentWindow(int building);
void enterHall();
void close();
void splitF();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void addBuilding(int bid);
void removeBuilding(int bid);
void recreateBuildings();
class CHallInterface : public IShowActivable
CMinorResDataBar * resdatabar;
SDL_Rect pos;
class CBuildingBox : public CIntObject
int BID;
int state;// 0 - no more than one capitol, 1 - lack of water, 2 - forbidden, 3 - Add another level to Mage Guild, 4 - already built, 5 - cannot build, 6 - cannot afford, 7 - build, 8 - lack of requirements
//(-1) - forbidden in this town, 0 - possible, 1 - lack of res, 2 - requirements/buildings per turn limit, (3) - already exists
void hover(bool on);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activate();
void deactivate();
CBuildingBox(int id); //c-tor
CBuildingBox(int id, int x, int y); //c-tor
~CBuildingBox(); //d-tor
class CBuildWindow: public CIntObject
int tid, bid, state; //town id, building id, state
bool mode; // 0 - normal (with buttons), 1 - r-click popup
SDL_Surface * bitmap; //main window bitmap, with blitted res/text, without buttons/subtitle in "statusbar"
AdventureMapButton *buy, *cancel;
void activate();
void deactivate();
std::string getTextForState(int state);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void Buy();
void close();
CBuildWindow(int Tid, int Bid, int State, bool Mode); //c-tor
~CBuildWindow(); //d-tor
std::vector< std::vector<CBuildingBox*> >boxes;
AdventureMapButton *exit;
SDL_Surface * bg; //background
CHallInterface(CCastleInterface * owner); //c-tor
~CHallInterface(); //d-tor
void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activate();
void deactivate();
class CFortScreen : public CIntObject
class RecArea : public CIntObject
int bid;
RecArea(int BID):bid(BID){}; //c-tor
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void activate();
void deactivate();
CMinorResDataBar * resdatabar;
AdventureMapButton *exit;
SDL_Surface * bg;
std::vector<Rect> positions;
std::vector<RecArea*> recAreas;
std::vector<CCreaturePic*> crePics;
CFortScreen(CCastleInterface * owner); //c-tor
void draw( CCastleInterface * owner, bool first);
~CFortScreen(); //d-tor
void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activate();
void deactivate();
class CMageGuildScreen : public CIntObject
class Scroll : public CIntObject
CSpell *spell;
Scroll(CSpell *Spell):spell(Spell){};
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover(bool on);
void activate();
void deactivate();
std::vector<std::vector<SDL_Rect> > positions;
SDL_Surface *bg;
CDefEssential *scrolls, *scrolls2;
AdventureMapButton *exit;
std::vector<Scroll> spells;
CMinorResDataBar * resdatabar;
CMageGuildScreen(CCastleInterface * owner); //c-tor
~CMageGuildScreen(); //d-tor
void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activate();
void deactivate();
class CBlacksmithDialog : public CIntObject
AdventureMapButton *buy, *cancel;
SDL_Surface *bmp; //background
CBlacksmithDialog(bool possible, int creMachineID, int aid, int hid); //c-tor
~CBlacksmithDialog(); //d-tor
void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void activate();
void deactivate();