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synced 2025-03-23 21:29:13 +02:00
Some of our custom assets were actually made in high resolution, and then - greatly downscaled for use in vcmi. This PR adds (some of) these assets using recently introduced HD assets loading support. None of these were upscaled, but rather downscaled from existing high-resolution version. Following assets were added: - vcmi icon for map format - based on our main logo, with no text - 'defend' icon for stack queue - now also based on our logo, with no text and sepia effect - 'wait' icon for stack queue - added only x2 version. Was actually already present in vcmi mod, but unused. - icons for creature window (attack/defense/hit points/etc) - it was based on existing CC0 asset - 'gear' icon for settings - made from scratch by me. Will also upload all of these assets in their original resolution to vcmi-assets repository.
294 lines
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294 lines
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* BattleInterfaceClasses.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "BattleConstants.h"
#include "../gui/CIntObject.h"
#include "../../lib/FunctionList.h"
#include "../../lib/battle/BattleHex.h"
#include "../../lib/texts/MetaString.h"
#include "../windows/CWindowObject.h"
class CGHeroInstance;
struct BattleResult;
struct InfoAboutHero;
class CStack;
class CPlayerBattleCallback;
namespace battle
class Unit;
class CAnimation;
class Canvas;
class BattleInterface;
class CPicture;
class CFilledTexture;
class CButton;
class CLabel;
class CMultiLineLabel;
class CTextBox;
class CAnimImage;
class TransparentFilledRectangle;
class CPlayerInterface;
class BattleRenderer;
class VideoWidget;
class QuickSpellPanel;
/// Class which shows the console at the bottom of the battle screen and manages the text of the console
class BattleConsole : public CIntObject, public IStatusBar
const BattleInterface & owner;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
/// List of all texts added during battle, essentially - log of entire battle
std::vector< std::string > logEntries;
/// Current scrolling position, to allow showing older entries via scroll buttons
int scrollPosition;
/// current hover text set on mouse move, takes priority over log entries
std::string hoverText;
/// current text entered via in-game console, takes priority over both log entries and hover text
std::string consoleText;
/// if true then we are currently entering console text
bool enteringText;
/// splits text into individual strings for battle log
std::vector<std::string> splitText(const std::string &text);
/// select line(s) that will be visible in UI
std::vector<std::string> getVisibleText() const;
BattleConsole(const BattleInterface & owner, std::shared_ptr<CPicture> backgroundSource, const Point & objectPos, const Point & imagePos, const Point &size);
void showAll(Canvas & to) override;
void deactivate() override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
bool addText(const std::string &text); //adds text at the last position; returns false if failed (e.g. text longer than 70 characters)
void scrollUp(ui32 by = 1); //scrolls console up by 'by' positions
void scrollDown(ui32 by = 1); //scrolls console up by 'by' positions
// IStatusBar interface
void write(const std::string & Text) override;
void clearIfMatching(const std::string & Text) override;
void clear() override;
void setEnteringMode(bool on) override;
void setEnteredText(const std::string & text) override;
class BattleConsoleWindow : public CWindowObject
std::shared_ptr<CFilledTexture> backgroundTexture;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> buttonOk;
std::shared_ptr<TransparentFilledRectangle> textBoxBackgroundBorder;
std::shared_ptr<CTextBox> textBox;
BattleConsoleWindow(const std::string & text);
/// Hero battle animation
class BattleHero : public CIntObject
bool defender;
CFunctionList<void()> phaseFinishedCallback;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> animation;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> flagAnimation;
const CGHeroInstance * hero; //this animation's hero instance
const BattleInterface & owner; //battle interface to which this animation is assigned
EHeroAnimType phase; //stage of animation
EHeroAnimType nextPhase; //stage of animation to be set after current phase is fully displayed
float currentSpeed;
float currentFrame; //frame of animation
float flagCurrentFrame;
void switchToNextPhase();
void render(Canvas & canvas); //prints next frame of animation to to
const CGHeroInstance * instance();
void setPhase(EHeroAnimType newPhase); //sets phase of hero animation
void collectRenderableObjects(BattleRenderer & renderer);
void tick(uint32_t msPassed) override;
float getFrame() const;
void onPhaseFinished(const std::function<void()> &);
void pause();
void play();
void heroLeftClicked();
void heroRightClicked();
BattleHero(const BattleInterface & owner, const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool defender);
class QuickSpellPanel : public CIntObject
std::shared_ptr<CFilledTexture> background;
std::shared_ptr<TransparentFilledRectangle> rect;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CButton>> buttons;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TransparentFilledRectangle>> buttonsIsAutoGenerated;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TransparentFilledRectangle>> buttonsDisabled;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> labels;
BattleInterface & owner;
bool isEnabled; // isActive() is not working on multiple conditions, because of this we need a seperate flag
QuickSpellPanel(BattleInterface & owner);
void create();
std::vector<std::tuple<SpellID, bool>> getSpells() const;
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void inputModeChanged(InputMode modi) override;
class HeroInfoBasicPanel : public CIntObject //extracted from InfoWindow to fit better as non-popup embed element
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> labels;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> icons;
HeroInfoBasicPanel(const InfoAboutHero & hero, Point * position, bool initializeBackground = true);
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void initializeData(const InfoAboutHero & hero);
void update(const InfoAboutHero & updatedInfo);
class StackInfoBasicPanel : public CIntObject
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background2;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> labels;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CMultiLineLabel>> labelsMultiline;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> icons;
StackInfoBasicPanel(const CStack * stack, bool initializeBackground = true);
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void initializeData(const CStack * stack);
void update(const CStack * updatedInfo);
class HeroInfoWindow : public CWindowObject
std::shared_ptr<HeroInfoBasicPanel> content;
HeroInfoWindow(const InfoAboutHero & hero, Point * position);
struct BattleResultResources
VideoPath prologueVideo;
VideoPath loopedVideo;
AudioPath musicName;
MetaString resultText;
/// Class which is responsible for showing the battle result window
class BattleResultWindow : public WindowBase
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> labels;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> repeat;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> icons;
std::shared_ptr<CTextBox> description;
std::shared_ptr<VideoWidget> videoPlayer;
CPlayerInterface & owner;
BattleResultResources getResources(const BattleResult & br);
void buttonPressed(int button); //internal function for button callbacks
BattleResultWindow(const BattleResult & br, CPlayerInterface & _owner, bool allowReplay = false);
void bExitf(); //exit button callback
void bRepeatf(); //repeat button callback
std::function<void(int result)> resultCallback; //callback receiving which button was pressed
void activate() override;
/// Shows the stack queue
class StackQueue : public CIntObject
class StackBox : public CIntObject
StackQueue * owner;
std::optional<uint32_t> boundUnitID;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> amount;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> waitIcon;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> defendIcon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> round;
std::shared_ptr<TransparentFilledRectangle> roundRect;
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void showAll(Canvas & to) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
bool isBoundUnitHighlighted() const;
StackBox(StackQueue * owner);
void setUnit(const battle::Unit * unit, size_t turn = 0, std::optional<ui32> currentTurn = std::nullopt);
std::optional<uint32_t> getBoundUnitID() const;
static const int QUEUE_SIZE_BIG = 10;
std::shared_ptr<CFilledTexture> background;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackBox>> stackBoxes;
BattleInterface & owner;
int32_t getSiegeShooterIconID();
const bool embedded;
StackQueue(bool Embedded, BattleInterface & owner);
void update();
std::optional<uint32_t> getHoveredUnitIdIfAny() const;
void show(Canvas & to) override;