mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
* Hero portrait serialization * Fix town spells serialization * Added support for float exponential part in Json * Added support for int64 in Json * Added basic Hero definitions serialization * Added rumors serialization * Advanced player info serialization. * Added Disposed heroes serialization, (!) not covered with tests yet * Added Local event serialization * Added Pandoras box serialization * Added Seer hut reward serialization * Added CQuest serialization * Added API for map object instance names serialization. * Added random dwelling options serialization * Advanced town options serialization * Advanced hero options serialization * More map format tests * A lot of fixes, cleanup and refactoring
1103 lines
29 KiB
1103 lines
29 KiB
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CMapEditManager.h"
#include "../JsonNode.h"
#include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h"
#include "../VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "CDrawRoadsOperation.h"
#include "../mapping/CMap.h"
MapRect::MapRect() : x(0), y(0), z(0), width(0), height(0)
MapRect::MapRect(int3 pos, si32 width, si32 height) : x(pos.x), y(pos.y), z(pos.z), width(width), height(height)
MapRect MapRect::operator&(const MapRect & rect) const
bool intersect = right() > rect.left() && rect.right() > left() &&
bottom() > rect.top() && rect.bottom() > top() &&
z == rect.z;
MapRect ret;
ret.x = std::max(left(), rect.left());
ret.y = std::max(top(), rect.top());
ret.z = rect.z;
ret.width = std::min(right(), rect.right()) - ret.x;
ret.height = std::min(bottom(), rect.bottom()) - ret.y;
return ret;
return MapRect();
si32 MapRect::left() const
return x;
si32 MapRect::right() const
return x + width;
si32 MapRect::top() const
return y;
si32 MapRect::bottom() const
return y + height;
int3 MapRect::topLeft() const
return int3(x, y, z);
int3 MapRect::topRight() const
return int3(right(), y, z);
int3 MapRect::bottomLeft() const
return int3(x, bottom(), z);
int3 MapRect::bottomRight() const
return int3(right(), bottom(), z);
CTerrainSelection::CTerrainSelection(CMap * map) : CMapSelection(map)
void CTerrainSelection::selectRange(const MapRect & rect)
rect.forEach([this](const int3 pos)
void CTerrainSelection::deselectRange(const MapRect & rect)
rect.forEach([this](const int3 pos)
void CTerrainSelection::setSelection(std::vector<int3> & vec)
for (auto pos : vec)
void CTerrainSelection::selectAll()
selectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 0), getMap()->width, getMap()->height));
selectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 1), getMap()->width, getMap()->height));
void CTerrainSelection::clearSelection()
deselectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 0), getMap()->width, getMap()->height));
deselectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 1), getMap()->width, getMap()->height));
CObjectSelection::CObjectSelection(CMap * map) : CMapSelection(map)
CMapOperation::CMapOperation(CMap * map) : map(map)
std::string CMapOperation::getLabel() const
return "";
MapRect CMapOperation::extendTileAround(const int3 & centerPos) const
return MapRect(int3(centerPos.x - 1, centerPos.y - 1, centerPos.z), 3, 3);
MapRect CMapOperation::extendTileAroundSafely(const int3 & centerPos) const
return extendTileAround(centerPos) & MapRect(int3(0, 0, centerPos.z), map->width, map->height);
CMapUndoManager::CMapUndoManager() : undoRedoLimit(10)
void CMapUndoManager::undo()
doOperation(undoStack, redoStack, true);
void CMapUndoManager::redo()
doOperation(redoStack, undoStack, false);
void CMapUndoManager::clearAll()
int CMapUndoManager::getUndoRedoLimit() const
return undoRedoLimit;
void CMapUndoManager::setUndoRedoLimit(int value)
assert(value >= 0);
undoStack.resize(std::min(undoStack.size(), static_cast<TStack::size_type>(value)));
redoStack.resize(std::min(redoStack.size(), static_cast<TStack::size_type>(value)));
const CMapOperation * CMapUndoManager::peekRedo() const
return peek(redoStack);
const CMapOperation * CMapUndoManager::peekUndo() const
return peek(undoStack);
void CMapUndoManager::addOperation(std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> && operation)
if(undoStack.size() > undoRedoLimit) undoStack.pop_back();
void CMapUndoManager::doOperation(TStack & fromStack, TStack & toStack, bool doUndo)
if(fromStack.empty()) return;
auto & operation = fromStack.front();
const CMapOperation * CMapUndoManager::peek(const TStack & stack) const
if(stack.empty()) return nullptr;
return stack.front().get();
CMapEditManager::CMapEditManager(CMap * map)
: map(map), terrainSel(map), objectSel(map)
CMap * CMapEditManager::getMap()
return map;
void CMapEditManager::clearTerrain(CRandomGenerator * gen/* = nullptr*/)
execute(make_unique<CClearTerrainOperation>(map, gen ? gen : &(this->gen)));
void CMapEditManager::drawTerrain(ETerrainType terType, CRandomGenerator * gen/* = nullptr*/)
execute(make_unique<CDrawTerrainOperation>(map, terrainSel, terType, gen ? gen : &(this->gen)));
void CMapEditManager::drawRoad(ERoadType::ERoadType roadType, CRandomGenerator* gen)
execute(make_unique<CDrawRoadsOperation>(map, terrainSel, roadType, gen ? gen : &(this->gen)));
void CMapEditManager::insertObject(CGObjectInstance * obj)
execute(make_unique<CInsertObjectOperation>(map, obj));
void CMapEditManager::execute(std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> && operation)
CTerrainSelection & CMapEditManager::getTerrainSelection()
return terrainSel;
CObjectSelection & CMapEditManager::getObjectSelection()
return objectSel;
CMapUndoManager & CMapEditManager::getUndoManager()
return undoManager;
CComposedOperation::CComposedOperation(CMap * map) : CMapOperation(map)
void CComposedOperation::execute()
for(auto & operation : operations)
void CComposedOperation::undo()
for(auto & operation : operations)
void CComposedOperation::redo()
for(auto & operation : operations)
void CComposedOperation::addOperation(std::unique_ptr<CMapOperation> && operation)
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::FLIP_MODE_DIFF_IMAGES = "D";
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::RULE_DIRT = "D";
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::RULE_SAND = "S";
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::RULE_TRANSITION = "T";
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::RULE_NATIVE = "N";
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::RULE_NATIVE_STRONG = "N!";
const std::string TerrainViewPattern::RULE_ANY = "?";
TerrainViewPattern::TerrainViewPattern() : diffImages(false), rotationTypesCount(0), minPoints(0)
maxPoints = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
TerrainViewPattern::WeightedRule::WeightedRule(std::string &Name) : points(0), name(Name)
standardRule = (TerrainViewPattern::RULE_ANY == Name || TerrainViewPattern::RULE_DIRT == Name
|| TerrainViewPattern::RULE_NATIVE == Name || TerrainViewPattern::RULE_SAND == Name
|| TerrainViewPattern::RULE_TRANSITION == Name || TerrainViewPattern::RULE_NATIVE_STRONG == Name);
anyRule = (Name == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_ANY);
dirtRule = (Name == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_DIRT);
sandRule = (Name == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_SAND);
transitionRule = (Name == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_TRANSITION);
nativeStrongRule = (Name == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_NATIVE_STRONG);
nativeRule = (Name == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_NATIVE);
void TerrainViewPattern::WeightedRule::setNative()
nativeRule = true;
standardRule = true;
//TODO: would look better as a bitfield
dirtRule = sandRule = transitionRule = nativeStrongRule = anyRule = false; //no idea what they mean, but look mutually exclusive
const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/terrainViewPatterns.json"));
static const std::string patternTypes[] = { "terrainView", "terrainType" };
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(patternTypes); ++i)
const auto & patternsVec = config[patternTypes[i]].Vector();
for(const auto & ptrnNode : patternsVec)
TerrainViewPattern pattern;
// Read pattern data
const JsonVector & data = ptrnNode["data"].Vector();
assert(data.size() == 9);
for(int j = 0; j < data.size(); ++j)
std::string cell = data[j].String();
boost::algorithm::erase_all(cell, " ");
std::vector<std::string> rules;
boost::split(rules, cell, boost::is_any_of(","));
for(std::string ruleStr : rules)
std::vector<std::string> ruleParts;
boost::split(ruleParts, ruleStr, boost::is_any_of("-"));
TerrainViewPattern::WeightedRule rule(ruleParts[0]);
if(ruleParts.size() > 1)
rule.points = boost::lexical_cast<int>(ruleParts[1]);
// Read various properties
pattern.id = ptrnNode["id"].String();
pattern.minPoints = static_cast<int>(ptrnNode["minPoints"].Float());
pattern.maxPoints = static_cast<int>(ptrnNode["maxPoints"].Float());
if(pattern.maxPoints == 0) pattern.maxPoints = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// Read mapping
if(i == 0)
const auto & mappingStruct = ptrnNode["mapping"].Struct();
for(const auto & mappingPair : mappingStruct)
TerrainViewPattern terGroupPattern = pattern;
auto mappingStr = mappingPair.second.String();
boost::algorithm::erase_all(mappingStr, " ");
auto colonIndex = mappingStr.find_first_of(":");
const auto & flipMode = mappingStr.substr(0, colonIndex);
terGroupPattern.diffImages = TerrainViewPattern::FLIP_MODE_DIFF_IMAGES == &(flipMode[flipMode.length() - 1]);
terGroupPattern.rotationTypesCount = boost::lexical_cast<int>(flipMode.substr(0, flipMode.length() - 1));
assert(terGroupPattern.rotationTypesCount == 2 || terGroupPattern.rotationTypesCount == 4);
mappingStr = mappingStr.substr(colonIndex + 1);
std::vector<std::string> mappings;
boost::split(mappings, mappingStr, boost::is_any_of(","));
for(std::string mapping : mappings)
std::vector<std::string> range;
boost::split(range, mapping, boost::is_any_of("-"));
boost::lexical_cast<int>(range.size() > 1 ? range[1] : range[0])));
// Add pattern to the patterns map
const auto & terGroup = getTerrainGroup(mappingPair.first);
std::vector<TerrainViewPattern> terrainViewPatternFlips;
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
//auto p = terGroupPattern;
flipPattern(terGroupPattern, i); //FIXME: we flip in place - doesn't make much sense now, but used to work
else if(i == 1)
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
//auto p = pattern;
flipPattern(pattern, i); ///FIXME: we flip in place - doesn't make much sense now
ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup CTerrainViewPatternConfig::getTerrainGroup(const std::string & terGroup) const
static const std::map<std::string, ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup> terGroups =
{"normal", ETerrainGroup::NORMAL},
{"dirt", ETerrainGroup::DIRT},
{"sand", ETerrainGroup::SAND},
{"water", ETerrainGroup::WATER},
{"rock", ETerrainGroup::ROCK},
auto it = terGroups.find(terGroup);
if(it == terGroups.end()) throw std::runtime_error(boost::str(boost::format("Terrain group '%s' does not exist.") % terGroup));
return it->second;
const std::vector<CTerrainViewPatternConfig::TVPVector> & CTerrainViewPatternConfig::getTerrainViewPatternsForGroup(ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup terGroup) const
return terrainViewPatterns.find(terGroup)->second;
boost::optional<const TerrainViewPattern &> CTerrainViewPatternConfig::getTerrainViewPatternById(ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup terGroup, const std::string & id) const
const std::vector<TVPVector> & groupPatterns = getTerrainViewPatternsForGroup(terGroup);
for (const TVPVector & patternFlips : groupPatterns)
const TerrainViewPattern & pattern = patternFlips.front();
if(id == pattern.id)
return boost::optional<const TerrainViewPattern &>(pattern);
return boost::optional<const TerrainViewPattern &>();
boost::optional<const CTerrainViewPatternConfig::TVPVector &> CTerrainViewPatternConfig::getTerrainViewPatternsById(ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup terGroup, const std::string & id) const
const std::vector<TVPVector> & groupPatterns = getTerrainViewPatternsForGroup(terGroup);
for (const TVPVector & patternFlips : groupPatterns)
const TerrainViewPattern & pattern = patternFlips.front();
if (id == pattern.id)
return boost::optional<const TVPVector &>(patternFlips);
return boost::optional<const TVPVector &>();
const CTerrainViewPatternConfig::TVPVector * CTerrainViewPatternConfig::getTerrainTypePatternById(const std::string & id) const
auto it = terrainTypePatterns.find(id);
assert(it != terrainTypePatterns.end());
return &(it->second);
void CTerrainViewPatternConfig::flipPattern(TerrainViewPattern & pattern, int flip) const
//flip in place to avoid expensive constructor. Seriously.
if (flip == 0)
//always flip horizontal
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
int y = i * 3;
std::swap(pattern.data[y], pattern.data[y + 2]);
//flip vertical only at 2nd step
if (flip == CMapOperation::FLIP_PATTERN_VERTICAL)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
std::swap(pattern.data[i], pattern.data[6 + i]);
CDrawTerrainOperation::CDrawTerrainOperation(CMap * map, const CTerrainSelection & terrainSel, ETerrainType terType, CRandomGenerator * gen)
: CMapOperation(map), terrainSel(terrainSel), terType(terType), gen(gen)
void CDrawTerrainOperation::execute()
for(const auto & pos : terrainSel.getSelectedItems())
auto & tile = map->getTile(pos);
tile.terType = terType;
void CDrawTerrainOperation::undo()
void CDrawTerrainOperation::redo()
std::string CDrawTerrainOperation::getLabel() const
return "Draw Terrain";
void CDrawTerrainOperation::updateTerrainTypes()
auto positions = terrainSel.getSelectedItems();
const auto & centerPos = *(positions.begin());
auto centerTile = map->getTile(centerPos);
//logGlobal->debugStream() << boost::format("Set terrain tile at pos '%s' to type '%s'") % centerPos % centerTile.terType;
auto tiles = getInvalidTiles(centerPos);
auto updateTerrainType = [&](const int3 & pos)
map->getTile(pos).terType = centerTile.terType;
//logGlobal->debugStream() << boost::format("Set additional terrain tile at pos '%s' to type '%s'") % pos % centerTile.terType;
// Fill foreign invalid tiles
for(const auto & tile : tiles.foreignTiles)
tiles = getInvalidTiles(centerPos);
if(tiles.nativeTiles.find(centerPos) != tiles.nativeTiles.end())
// Blow up
auto rect = extendTileAroundSafely(centerPos);
std::set<int3> suitableTiles;
int invalidForeignTilesCnt = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), invalidNativeTilesCnt = 0;
bool centerPosValid = false;
rect.forEach([&](const int3 & posToTest)
auto & terrainTile = map->getTile(posToTest);
if(centerTile.terType != terrainTile.terType)
auto formerTerType = terrainTile.terType;
terrainTile.terType = centerTile.terType;
auto testTile = getInvalidTiles(posToTest);
int nativeTilesCntNorm = testTile.nativeTiles.empty() ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : testTile.nativeTiles.size();
bool putSuitableTile = false;
bool addToSuitableTiles = false;
if (!centerPosValid)
centerPosValid = true;
putSuitableTile = true;
if(testTile.foreignTiles.size() < invalidForeignTilesCnt)
putSuitableTile = true;
addToSuitableTiles = true;
else if (!centerPosValid)
if((nativeTilesCntNorm > invalidNativeTilesCnt) ||
(nativeTilesCntNorm == invalidNativeTilesCnt && testTile.foreignTiles.size() < invalidForeignTilesCnt))
putSuitableTile = true;
else if(nativeTilesCntNorm == invalidNativeTilesCnt && testTile.foreignTiles.size() == invalidForeignTilesCnt)
addToSuitableTiles = true;
if (putSuitableTile)
// logGlobal->debugStream() << "Clear suitables tiles.";
invalidNativeTilesCnt = nativeTilesCntNorm;
invalidForeignTilesCnt = testTile.foreignTiles.size();
addToSuitableTiles = true;
if (addToSuitableTiles)
//logGlobal->debugStream() << boost::format(std::string("Found suitable tile '%s' for main tile '%s': ") +
// "Invalid native tiles '%i', invalid foreign tiles '%i', centerPosValid '%i'") % posToTest % centerPos % testTile.nativeTiles.size() %
// testTile.foreignTiles.size() % testTile.centerPosValid;
terrainTile.terType = formerTerType;
if(suitableTiles.size() == 1)
static const int3 directions[] = { int3(0, -1, 0), int3(-1, 0, 0), int3(0, 1, 0), int3(1, 0, 0),
int3(-1, -1, 0), int3(-1, 1, 0), int3(1, 1, 0), int3(1, -1, 0)};
for(auto & direction : directions)
auto it = suitableTiles.find(centerPos + direction);
if(it != suitableTiles.end())
// add invalid native tiles which are not in the positions list
for(const auto & nativeTile : tiles.nativeTiles)
if(positions.find(nativeTile) == positions.end())
void CDrawTerrainOperation::updateTerrainViews()
for(const auto & pos : invalidatedTerViews)
const auto & patterns = VLC->terviewh->getTerrainViewPatternsForGroup(getTerrainGroup(map->getTile(pos).terType));
// Detect a pattern which fits best
int bestPattern = -1;
ValidationResult valRslt(false);
for(int k = 0; k < patterns.size(); ++k)
const auto & pattern = patterns[k];
//(ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup terGroup, const std::string & id)
valRslt = validateTerrainView(pos, &pattern);
/*logGlobal->debugStream() << boost::format("Pattern detected at pos '%s': Pattern '%s', Flip '%i', Repl. '%s'.") %
pos % pattern.id % valRslt.flip % valRslt.transitionReplacement;*/
bestPattern = k;
//assert(bestPattern != -1);
if(bestPattern == -1)
// This shouldn't be the case
logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("No pattern detected at pos '%s'.") % pos;
CTerrainViewPatternUtils::printDebuggingInfoAboutTile(map, pos);
// Get mapping
const TerrainViewPattern & pattern = patterns[bestPattern][valRslt.flip];
std::pair<int, int> mapping;
mapping = pattern.mapping[0];
mapping = valRslt.transitionReplacement == TerrainViewPattern::RULE_DIRT ? pattern.mapping[0] : pattern.mapping[1];
// Set terrain view
auto & tile = map->getTile(pos);
tile.terView = gen->nextInt(mapping.first, mapping.second);
tile.extTileFlags = valRslt.flip;
const int framesPerRot = (mapping.second - mapping.first + 1) / pattern.rotationTypesCount;
int flip = (pattern.rotationTypesCount == 2 && valRslt.flip == 2) ? 1 : valRslt.flip;
int firstFrame = mapping.first + flip * framesPerRot;
tile.terView = gen->nextInt(firstFrame, firstFrame + framesPerRot - 1);
tile.extTileFlags = 0;
ETerrainGroup::ETerrainGroup CDrawTerrainOperation::getTerrainGroup(ETerrainType terType) const
case ETerrainType::DIRT:
return ETerrainGroup::DIRT;
case ETerrainType::SAND:
return ETerrainGroup::SAND;
case ETerrainType::WATER:
return ETerrainGroup::WATER;
case ETerrainType::ROCK:
return ETerrainGroup::ROCK;
return ETerrainGroup::NORMAL;
CDrawTerrainOperation::ValidationResult CDrawTerrainOperation::validateTerrainView(const int3 & pos, const std::vector<TerrainViewPattern> * pattern, int recDepth /*= 0*/) const
for(int flip = 0; flip < 4; ++flip)
auto valRslt = validateTerrainViewInner(pos, pattern->at(flip), recDepth);
valRslt.flip = flip;
return valRslt;
return ValidationResult(false);
CDrawTerrainOperation::ValidationResult CDrawTerrainOperation::validateTerrainViewInner(const int3 & pos, const TerrainViewPattern & pattern, int recDepth /*= 0*/) const
auto centerTerType = map->getTile(pos).terType;
auto centerTerGroup = getTerrainGroup(centerTerType);
int totalPoints = 0;
std::string transitionReplacement;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
// The center, middle cell can be skipped
if(i == 4)
// Get terrain group of the current cell
int cx = pos.x + (i % 3) - 1;
int cy = pos.y + (i / 3) - 1;
int3 currentPos(cx, cy, pos.z);
bool isAlien = false;
ETerrainType terType;
// position is not in the map, so take the ter type from the neighbor tile
bool widthTooHigh = currentPos.x >= map->width;
bool widthTooLess = currentPos.x < 0;
bool heightTooHigh = currentPos.y >= map->height;
bool heightTooLess = currentPos.y < 0;
if ((widthTooHigh && heightTooHigh) || (widthTooHigh && heightTooLess) || (widthTooLess && heightTooHigh) || (widthTooLess && heightTooLess))
terType = centerTerType;
else if(widthTooHigh)
terType = map->getTile(int3(currentPos.x - 1, currentPos.y, currentPos.z)).terType;
else if(heightTooHigh)
terType = map->getTile(int3(currentPos.x, currentPos.y - 1, currentPos.z)).terType;
else if (widthTooLess)
terType = map->getTile(int3(currentPos.x + 1, currentPos.y, currentPos.z)).terType;
else if (heightTooLess)
terType = map->getTile(int3(currentPos.x, currentPos.y + 1, currentPos.z)).terType;
terType = map->getTile(currentPos).terType;
if(terType != centerTerType)
isAlien = true;
// Validate all rules per cell
int topPoints = -1;
for(auto & elem : pattern.data[i])
TerrainViewPattern::WeightedRule rule = elem;
if(recDepth == 0 && map->isInTheMap(currentPos))
if(terType == centerTerType)
const auto & group = getTerrainGroup(centerTerType);
const auto & patternForRule = VLC->terviewh->getTerrainViewPatternsById(group, rule.name);
if(auto p = patternForRule)
auto rslt = validateTerrainView(currentPos, &(*p), 1);
if(rslt.result) topPoints = std::max(topPoints, rule.points);
auto applyValidationRslt = [&](bool rslt)
topPoints = std::max(topPoints, rule.points);
// Validate cell with the ruleset of the pattern
bool nativeTestOk, nativeTestStrongOk;
nativeTestOk = nativeTestStrongOk = (rule.isNativeStrong() || rule.isNativeRule()) && !isAlien;
if(centerTerGroup == ETerrainGroup::NORMAL)
bool dirtTestOk = (rule.isDirtRule() || rule.isTransition())
&& isAlien && !isSandType(terType);
bool sandTestOk = (rule.isSandRule() || rule.isTransition())
&& isSandType(terType);
if (transitionReplacement.empty() && rule.isTransition()
&& (dirtTestOk || sandTestOk))
transitionReplacement = dirtTestOk ? TerrainViewPattern::RULE_DIRT : TerrainViewPattern::RULE_SAND;
if (rule.isTransition())
applyValidationRslt((dirtTestOk && transitionReplacement != TerrainViewPattern::RULE_SAND) ||
(sandTestOk && transitionReplacement != TerrainViewPattern::RULE_DIRT));
applyValidationRslt(rule.isAnyRule() || dirtTestOk || sandTestOk || nativeTestOk);
else if(centerTerGroup == ETerrainGroup::DIRT)
nativeTestOk = rule.isNativeRule() && !isSandType(terType);
bool sandTestOk = (rule.isSandRule() || rule.isTransition())
&& isSandType(terType);
applyValidationRslt(rule.isAnyRule() || sandTestOk || nativeTestOk || nativeTestStrongOk);
else if(centerTerGroup == ETerrainGroup::SAND)
else if(centerTerGroup == ETerrainGroup::WATER || centerTerGroup == ETerrainGroup::ROCK)
bool sandTestOk = (rule.isSandRule() || rule.isTransition())
&& isAlien;
applyValidationRslt(rule.isAnyRule() || sandTestOk || nativeTestOk);
if(topPoints == -1)
return ValidationResult(false);
totalPoints += topPoints;
if(totalPoints >= pattern.minPoints && totalPoints <= pattern.maxPoints)
return ValidationResult(true, transitionReplacement);
return ValidationResult(false);
bool CDrawTerrainOperation::isSandType(ETerrainType terType) const
case ETerrainType::WATER:
case ETerrainType::SAND:
case ETerrainType::ROCK:
return true;
return false;
void CDrawTerrainOperation::invalidateTerrainViews(const int3 & centerPos)
auto rect = extendTileAroundSafely(centerPos);
rect.forEach([&](const int3 & pos)
CDrawTerrainOperation::InvalidTiles CDrawTerrainOperation::getInvalidTiles(const int3 & centerPos) const
//TODO: this is very expensive function for RMG, needs optimization
InvalidTiles tiles;
auto centerTerType = map->getTile(centerPos).terType;
auto rect = extendTileAround(centerPos);
rect.forEach([&](const int3 & pos)
auto ptrConfig = VLC->terviewh;
auto terType = map->getTile(pos).terType;
auto valid = validateTerrainView(pos, ptrConfig->getTerrainTypePatternById("n1")).result;
// Special validity check for rock & water
if(valid && (terType == ETerrainType::WATER || terType == ETerrainType::ROCK))
static const std::string patternIds[] = { "s1", "s2" };
for(auto & patternId : patternIds)
valid = !validateTerrainView(pos, ptrConfig->getTerrainTypePatternById(patternId)).result;
if(!valid) break;
// Additional validity check for non rock OR water
else if(!valid && (terType != ETerrainType::WATER && terType != ETerrainType::ROCK))
static const std::string patternIds[] = { "n2", "n3" };
for(auto & patternId : patternIds)
valid = validateTerrainView(pos, ptrConfig->getTerrainTypePatternById(patternId)).result;
if(valid) break;
if(terType == centerTerType) tiles.nativeTiles.insert(pos);
else tiles.foreignTiles.insert(pos);
else if(centerPos == pos)
tiles.centerPosValid = true;
return tiles;
CDrawTerrainOperation::ValidationResult::ValidationResult(bool result, const std::string & transitionReplacement /*= ""*/)
: result(result), transitionReplacement(transitionReplacement), flip(0)
void CTerrainViewPatternUtils::printDebuggingInfoAboutTile(const CMap * map, int3 pos)
logGlobal->debugStream() << "Printing detailed info about nearby map tiles of pos '" << pos << "'";
for(int y = pos.y - 2; y <= pos.y + 2; ++y)
std::string line;
const int PADDED_LENGTH = 10;
for(int x = pos.x - 2; x <= pos.x + 2; ++x)
auto debugPos = int3(x, y, pos.z);
auto debugTile = map->getTile(debugPos);
std::string terType = debugTile.terType.toString().substr(0, 6);
line += terType;
line.insert(line.end(), PADDED_LENGTH - terType.size(), ' ');
line += "X";
line.insert(line.end(), PADDED_LENGTH - 1, ' ');
logGlobal->debugStream() << line;
CClearTerrainOperation::CClearTerrainOperation(CMap * map, CRandomGenerator * gen) : CComposedOperation(map)
CTerrainSelection terrainSel(map);
terrainSel.selectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 0), map->width, map->height));
addOperation(make_unique<CDrawTerrainOperation>(map, terrainSel, ETerrainType::WATER, gen));
terrainSel.selectRange(MapRect(int3(0, 0, 1), map->width, map->height));
addOperation(make_unique<CDrawTerrainOperation>(map, terrainSel, ETerrainType::ROCK, gen));
std::string CClearTerrainOperation::getLabel() const
return "Clear Terrain";
CInsertObjectOperation::CInsertObjectOperation(CMap * map, CGObjectInstance * obj)
: CMapOperation(map), obj(obj)
void CInsertObjectOperation::execute()
obj->id = ObjectInstanceID(map->objects.size());
boost::format fmt("%s_%d");
fmt % obj->typeName % obj->id.getNum();
obj->instanceName = fmt.str();
void CInsertObjectOperation::undo()
void CInsertObjectOperation::redo()
std::string CInsertObjectOperation::getLabel() const
return "Insert Object";