mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-27 21:49:10 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 22f517686d Better handling of encoding detection for maps and campaigns
Now VCMI will use either preferred language or install language to load
maps and campaigns that are part of "core" mod, or, in other words -
placed in Maps directory of H3 data (like most of manually downloaded
maps and campaigns are)

If game data is in English, then game can safely use encoding of player-
selected language (such as Chinese) to load maps. After all, both GBK
and all Win-125X encoding are superset of ASCII, so English map will
always load up correctly.

Maps that are part of a mod still use mod language as before - it is up
to mod maker to correctly set up mod language.
2024-10-30 11:54:35 +00:00

306 lines
9.2 KiB

* CBitmapFont.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CBitmapFont.h"
#include "SDL_Extensions.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
#include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h"
#include "../render/Colors.h"
#include "../render/IScreenHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/Rect.h"
#include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "../../lib/modding/CModHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/texts/Languages.h"
#include "../../lib/texts/TextOperations.h"
#include "../../lib/vcmi_endian.h"
#include <SDL_surface.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
struct AtlasLayout
Point dimensions;
std::map<int, Rect> images;
/// Attempts to pack provided list of images into 2d box of specified size
/// Returns resulting layout on success and empty optional on failure
static std::optional<AtlasLayout> tryAtlasPacking(Point dimensions, const std::map<int, Point> & images)
// Simple atlas packing algorithm. Can be extended if needed, however optimal solution is NP-complete problem, so 'perfect' solution is too costly
AtlasLayout result;
result.dimensions = dimensions;
// a little interval to prevent potential 'bleeding' into adjacent symbols
// should be unnecessary for base game, but may be needed for upscaled filters
constexpr int interval = 1;
int currentHeight = 0;
int nextHeight = 0;
int currentWidth = 0;
for (auto const & image : images)
int nextWidth = currentWidth + image.second.x + interval;
if (nextWidth > dimensions.x)
currentHeight = nextHeight;
currentWidth = 0;
nextWidth = currentWidth + image.second.x + interval;
nextHeight = std::max(nextHeight, currentHeight + image.second.y + interval);
if (nextHeight > dimensions.y)
return std::nullopt; // failure - ran out of space
result.images[image.first] = Rect(Point(currentWidth, currentHeight), image.second);
currentWidth = nextWidth;
return result;
/// Arranges images to fit into texture atlas with automatic selection of image size
/// Returns images arranged into 2d box
static AtlasLayout doAtlasPacking(const std::map<int, Point> & images)
// initial size of an atlas. Smaller size won't even fit tiniest H3 font
Point dimensions(128, 128);
for (;;)
auto result = tryAtlasPacking(dimensions, images);
if (result)
return *result;
// else - packing failed. Increase atlas size and try again
// increase width and height in alternating form: (64,64) -> (128,64) -> (128,128) ...
if (dimensions.x > dimensions.y)
dimensions.y *= 2;
dimensions.x *= 2;
void CBitmapFont::loadFont(const ResourcePath & resource, std::unordered_map<CodePoint, EntryFNT> & loadedChars)
auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(resource)->readAll();
std::string modEncoding = VLC->modh->findResourceEncoding(resource);
height = data.first[5];
constexpr size_t symbolsInFile = 0x100;
constexpr size_t baseIndex = 32;
constexpr size_t offsetIndex = baseIndex + symbolsInFile*12;
constexpr size_t dataIndex = offsetIndex + symbolsInFile*4;
for (uint32_t charIndex = 0; charIndex < symbolsInFile; ++charIndex)
CodePoint codepoint = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(static_cast<char>(charIndex), modEncoding);
EntryFNT symbol;
symbol.leftOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + baseIndex + charIndex * 12 + 0);
symbol.width = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + baseIndex + charIndex * 12 + 4);
symbol.rightOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + baseIndex + charIndex * 12 + 8);
symbol.height = height;
uint32_t pixelDataOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + offsetIndex + charIndex * 4);
uint32_t pixelsCount = height * symbol.width;
uint8_t * pixelData = data.first.get() + dataIndex + pixelDataOffset;
std::copy_n(pixelData, pixelsCount, symbol.pixels.data() );
loadedChars[codepoint] = symbol;
// Try to use symbol 'L' to detect font 'ascent' - number of pixels above text baseline
const auto & symbolL = loadedChars['L'];
uint32_t lastNonEmptyRow = 0;
for (uint32_t row = 0; row < symbolL.height; ++row)
for (uint32_t col = 0; col < symbolL.width; ++col)
if (symbolL.pixels.at(row * symbolL.width + col) == 255)
lastNonEmptyRow = std::max(lastNonEmptyRow, row);
ascent = lastNonEmptyRow + 1;
CBitmapFont::CBitmapFont(const std::string & filename):
ResourcePath resource("data/" + filename, EResType::BMP_FONT);
std::unordered_map<CodePoint, EntryFNT> loadedChars;
loadFont(resource, loadedChars);
std::map<int, Point> atlasSymbol;
for (auto const & symbol : loadedChars)
atlasSymbol[symbol.first] = Point(symbol.second.width, symbol.second.height);
auto atlas = doAtlasPacking(atlasSymbol);
atlasImage = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, atlas.dimensions.x, atlas.dimensions.y, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0);
assert(atlasImage->format->palette != nullptr);
assert(atlasImage->format->palette->ncolors == 256);
atlasImage->format->palette->colors[0] = { 0, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE }; // transparency
atlasImage->format->palette->colors[1] = { 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE }; // black shadow
CSDL_Ext::fillSurface(atlasImage, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Colors::CYAN));
CSDL_Ext::setColorKey(atlasImage, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Colors::CYAN));
for (size_t i = 2; i < atlasImage->format->palette->ncolors; ++i)
atlasImage->format->palette->colors[i] = { 255, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE };
for (auto const & symbol : loadedChars)
BitmapChar storedEntry;
storedEntry.leftOffset = symbol.second.leftOffset;
storedEntry.rightOffset = symbol.second.rightOffset;
storedEntry.positionInAtlas = atlas.images.at(symbol.first);
// Copy pixel data to atlas
uint8_t *dstPixels = static_cast<uint8_t*>(atlasImage->pixels);
uint8_t *dstLine = dstPixels + storedEntry.positionInAtlas.y * atlasImage->pitch;
uint8_t *dst = dstLine + storedEntry.positionInAtlas.x;
for (size_t i = 0; i < storedEntry.positionInAtlas.h; ++i)
const uint8_t *srcPtr = symbol.second.pixels.data() + i * storedEntry.positionInAtlas.w;
uint8_t * dstPtr = dst + i * atlasImage->pitch;
std::copy_n(srcPtr, storedEntry.positionInAtlas.w, dstPtr);
chars[symbol.first] = storedEntry;
if (GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor() != 1)
static const std::map<std::string, EScalingAlgorithm> filterNameToEnum = {
{ "nearest", EScalingAlgorithm::NEAREST},
{ "bilinear", EScalingAlgorithm::BILINEAR},
{ "xbrz", EScalingAlgorithm::XBRZ}
auto filterName = settings["video"]["fontUpscalingFilter"].String();
EScalingAlgorithm algorithm = filterNameToEnum.at(filterName);
auto scaledSurface = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceIntegerFactor(atlasImage, GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor(), algorithm);
atlasImage = scaledSurface;
logGlobal->debug("Loaded BMP font: '%s', height %d, ascent %d",
size_t CBitmapFont::getLineHeightScaled() const
return height * getScalingFactor();
size_t CBitmapFont::getGlyphWidthScaled(const char * data) const
CodePoint localChar = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(data, 4);
auto iter = chars.find(localChar);
if (iter == chars.end())
return 0;
return (iter->second.leftOffset + iter->second.positionInAtlas.w + iter->second.rightOffset) * getScalingFactor();
size_t CBitmapFont::getFontAscentScaled() const
return ascent * getScalingFactor();
bool CBitmapFont::canRepresentCharacter(const char *data) const
CodePoint localChar = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(data, 4);
auto iter = chars.find(localChar);
return iter != chars.end();
bool CBitmapFont::canRepresentString(const std::string & data) const
for(size_t i=0; i<data.size(); i += TextOperations::getUnicodeCharacterSize(data[i]))
if (!canRepresentCharacter(data.data() + i))
return false;
return true;
void CBitmapFont::renderCharacter(SDL_Surface * surface, const BitmapChar & character, const ColorRGBA & color, int &posX, int &posY) const
int scalingFactor = GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor();
posX += character.leftOffset * scalingFactor;
auto sdlColor = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(color);
if (atlasImage->format->palette)
SDL_SetPaletteColors(atlasImage->format->palette, &sdlColor, 255, 1);
SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod(atlasImage, color.r, color.g, color.b);
CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(atlasImage, character.positionInAtlas * scalingFactor, surface, Point(posX, posY));
posX += character.positionInAtlas.w * scalingFactor;
posX += character.rightOffset * scalingFactor;
void CBitmapFont::renderText(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const ColorRGBA & color, const Point & pos) const
if (data.empty())
int posX = pos.x;
int posY = pos.y;
for(size_t i=0; i<data.size(); i += TextOperations::getUnicodeCharacterSize(data[i]))
CodePoint codepoint = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(data.data() + i, data.size() - i);
auto iter = chars.find(codepoint);
if (iter != chars.end())
renderCharacter(surface, iter->second, color, posX, posY);