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synced 2025-01-04 00:15:53 +02:00
Windows should be shown using pushInt and closed with popInt or PopIntTotally (if interface needs to be also deleted). Some things are not working yet properly, I'll try to fix them ASAP.
179 lines
4.9 KiB
179 lines
4.9 KiB
#include <typeinfo>
#include "global.h"
#include "SDL.h"
#include "CPlayerInterface.h"
#include <map>
#include "AdventureMapButton.h"
class CDefHandler;
class CCallback;
struct CPath;
class CAdvMapInt;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CHeroWindow;
class CMinimap
: public ClickableL, public ClickableR, public Hoverable, public MotionInterested, public virtual CIntObject
SDL_Surface * radar;
SDL_Surface * temps;
std::map<int,SDL_Color> colors;
std::map<int,SDL_Color> colorsBlocked;
std::vector<SDL_Surface *> map, FoW, flObjs; //one bitmap for each level (terrain, Fog of War, flaggable objects)
std::string statusbarTxt, rcText;
CMinimap(bool draw=true);
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
void redraw(int level=-1);// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
void updateRadar();
void clickRight (tribool down);
void clickLeft (tribool down);
void hover (bool on);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
void activate(); // makes button active
void deactivate(); // makes button inactive (but don't deletes)
void hideTile(const int3 &pos); //puts FoW
void showTile(const int3 &pos); //removes FoW
class CTerrainRect
: public ClickableL, public ClickableR, public Hoverable, public MotionInterested
int tilesw, tilesh; //width and height of terrain to blit in tiles
int3 curHoveredTile;
int moveX, moveY; //shift between actual position of screen and the one we wil blit; ranges from -31 to 31 (in pixels)
CDefHandler * arrows;
CPath * currentPath;
void activate();
void deactivate();
void clickLeft(tribool down);
void clickRight(tribool down);
void hover(bool on);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void showPath(const SDL_Rect * extRect);
int3 whichTileIsIt(const int & x, const int & y); //x,y are cursor position
int3 whichTileIsIt(); //uses current cursor pos
class CResDataBar
:public ClickableR, public virtual CIntObject
SDL_Surface * bg;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > txtpos;
std::string datetext;
void clickRight (tribool down);
void activate();
void deactivate();
CResDataBar(const std::string &defname, int x, int y, int offx, int offy, int resdist, int datedist);
void draw(SDL_Surface * to);
class CInfoBar
:public virtual CIntObject, public TimeInterested
CDefHandler *day, *week1, *week2, *week3, *week4;
SComponent * current;
int mode;
int pom;
void newDay(int Day);
void showComp(SComponent * comp, int time=5000);
void tick();
void draw(SDL_Surface * to, const CGObjectInstance * specific=NULL); // if specific==0 function draws info about selected hero/town
void blitAnim(int mode);//0 - day, 1 - week
CDefHandler * getAnim(int mode);
class CAdvMapInt : public CMainInterface, public KeyInterested //adventure map interface
void hide(); //deactivates advmap interface
CAdvMapInt(int Player);
int3 position; //top left corner of visible map part
int player, active;
std::vector<CDefHandler *> gems;
enum{LEFT=1, RIGHT=2, UP=4, DOWN=8};
ui8 scrollingDir; //uses enum: LEFT RIGHT, UP, DOWN
bool updateScreen, updateMinimap ;
unsigned char anim, animValHitCount; //animation frame
unsigned char heroAnim, heroAnimValHitCount; //animation frame
CMinimap minimap;
SDL_Surface * bg;
CStatusBar statusbar;
AdventureMapButton kingOverview,//- kingdom overview
underground,//- underground switch
questlog,//- questlog
sleepWake, //- sleep/wake hero
moveHero, //- move hero
spellbook,//- spellbook
advOptions, //- adventure options
sysOptions,//- system options
nextHero, //- next hero
endTurn;//- end turn
//CHeroList herolist;
CTerrainRect terrain; //visible terrain
CResDataBar resdatabar;
CHeroList heroList;
CTownList townList;
CInfoBar infoBar;
CHeroWindow * heroWindow;
const CArmedInstance *selection;
//fuctions binded to buttons
void fshowOverview();
void fswitchLevel();
void fshowQuestlog();
void fsleepWake();
void fmoveHero();
void fshowSpellbok();
void fadventureOPtions();
void fsystemOptions();
void fnextHero();
void fendTurn();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to); //redraws terrain
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); //shows and activates adv. map interface
void select(const CArmedInstance *sel);
void selectionChanged();
void centerOn(int3 on);
int3 verifyPos(int3 ver);
void handleRightClick(std::string text, tribool down, CIntObject * client);
void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key);