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* CArtHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include <vcmi/Artifact.h>
#include <vcmi/ArtifactService.h>
#include "bonuses/Bonus.h"
#include "bonuses/CBonusSystemNode.h"
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "IHandlerBase.h"
class CArtHandler;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CArtifactSet;
class CArtifactInstance;
class CRandomGenerator;
class CMap;
class JsonSerializeFormat;
namespace ArtBearer
enum ArtBearer
#define ART_BEARER(x) x,
class DLL_LINKAGE CCombinedArtifact
CCombinedArtifact() = default;
std::vector<CArtifact*> constituents; // Artifacts IDs a combined artifact consists of, or nullptr.
std::vector<CArtifact*> partOf; // Reverse map of constituents - combined arts that include this art
bool isCombined() const;
const std::vector<CArtifact*> & getConstituents() const;
const std::vector<CArtifact*> & getPartOf() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
h & constituents;
h & partOf;
class DLL_LINKAGE CScrollArtifact
CScrollArtifact() = default;
bool isScroll() const;
class DLL_LINKAGE CGrowingArtifact
CGrowingArtifact() = default;
std::vector <std::pair<ui16, Bonus>> bonusesPerLevel; // Bonus given each n levels
std::vector <std::pair<ui16, Bonus>> thresholdBonuses; // After certain level they will be added once
bool isGrowing() const;
std::vector <std::pair<ui16, Bonus>> & getBonusesPerLevel();
const std::vector <std::pair<ui16, Bonus>> & getBonusesPerLevel() const;
std::vector <std::pair<ui16, Bonus>> & getThresholdBonuses();
const std::vector <std::pair<ui16, Bonus>> & getThresholdBonuses() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
h & bonusesPerLevel;
h & thresholdBonuses;
// Container for artifacts. Not for instances.
class DLL_LINKAGE CArtifact
: public Artifact, public CBonusSystemNode, public CCombinedArtifact, public CScrollArtifact, public CGrowingArtifact
ArtifactID id;
std::string image;
std::string large; // big image for custom artifacts, used in drag & drop
std::string advMapDef; // used for adventure map object
std::string modScope;
std::string identifier;
int32_t iconIndex;
uint32_t price;
CreatureID warMachine;
// Bearer Type => ids of slots where artifact can be placed
std::map<ArtBearer::ArtBearer, std::vector<ArtifactPosition>> possibleSlots;
enum EartClass {ART_SPECIAL=1, ART_TREASURE=2, ART_MINOR=4, ART_MAJOR=8, ART_RELIC=16}; //artifact classes
EartClass aClass = ART_SPECIAL;
bool onlyOnWaterMap;
int32_t getIndex() const override;
int32_t getIconIndex() const override;
std::string getJsonKey() const override;
void registerIcons(const IconRegistar & cb) const override;
ArtifactID getId() const override;
virtual const IBonusBearer * getBonusBearer() const override;
std::string getDescriptionTranslated() const override;
std::string getEventTranslated() const override;
std::string getNameTranslated() const override;
std::string getDescriptionTextID() const override;
std::string getEventTextID() const override;
std::string getNameTextID() const override;
uint32_t getPrice() const override;
CreatureID getWarMachine() const override;
bool isBig() const override;
bool isTradable() const override;
int getArtClassSerial() const; //0 - treasure, 1 - minor, 2 - major, 3 - relic, 4 - spell scroll, 5 - other
std::string nodeName() const override;
void addNewBonus(const std::shared_ptr<Bonus>& b) override;
const std::map<ArtBearer::ArtBearer, std::vector<ArtifactPosition>> & getPossibleSlots() const;
virtual bool canBePutAt(const CArtifactSet * artSet, ArtifactPosition slot = ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE,
bool assumeDestRemoved = false) const;
void updateFrom(const JsonNode & data);
// Is used for testing purposes only
void setImage(int32_t iconIndex, std::string image, std::string large);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CBonusSystemNode&>(*this);
h & static_cast<CCombinedArtifact&>(*this);
h & static_cast<CGrowingArtifact&>(*this);
h & image;
h & large;
h & advMapDef;
h & iconIndex;
h & price;
h & possibleSlots;
h & aClass;
h & id;
h & modScope;
h & identifier;
h & warMachine;
h & onlyOnWaterMap;
friend class CArtHandler;
class DLL_LINKAGE CArtHandler : public CHandlerBase<ArtifactID, Artifact, CArtifact, ArtifactService>
std::vector<CArtifact*> treasures, minors, majors, relics; //tmp vectors!!! do not touch if you don't know what you are doing!!!
std::vector<CArtifact *> allowedArtifacts;
std::set<ArtifactID> growingArtifacts;
void addBonuses(CArtifact *art, const JsonNode &bonusList);
void fillList(std::vector<CArtifact*> &listToBeFilled, CArtifact::EartClass artifactClass); //fills given empty list with allowed artifacts of given class. No side effects
static CArtifact::EartClass stringToClass(const std::string & className); //TODO: rework EartClass to make this a constructor
/// Gets a artifact ID randomly and removes the selected artifact from this handler.
ArtifactID pickRandomArtifact(CRandomGenerator & rand, int flags);
ArtifactID pickRandomArtifact(CRandomGenerator & rand, std::function<bool(ArtifactID)> accepts);
ArtifactID pickRandomArtifact(CRandomGenerator & rand, int flags, std::function<bool(ArtifactID)> accepts);
bool legalArtifact(const ArtifactID & id);
void initAllowedArtifactsList(const std::vector<bool> &allowed); //allowed[art_id] -> 0 if not allowed, 1 if allowed
static void makeItCreatureArt(CArtifact * a, bool onlyCreature = true);
static void makeItCommanderArt(CArtifact * a, bool onlyCommander = true);
std::vector<JsonNode> loadLegacyData() override;
void loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data) override;
void loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data, size_t index) override;
void afterLoadFinalization() override;
std::vector<bool> getDefaultAllowed() const override;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & objects;
h & allowedArtifacts;
h & treasures;
h & minors;
h & majors;
h & relics;
h & growingArtifacts;
const std::vector<std::string> & getTypeNames() const override;
CArtifact * loadFromJson(const std::string & scope, const JsonNode & json, const std::string & identifier, size_t index) override;
void addSlot(CArtifact * art, const std::string & slotID) const;
void loadSlots(CArtifact * art, const JsonNode & node) const;
void loadClass(CArtifact * art, const JsonNode & node) const;
void loadType(CArtifact * art, const JsonNode & node) const;
void loadComponents(CArtifact * art, const JsonNode & node);
void erasePickedArt(const ArtifactID & id);
struct DLL_LINKAGE ArtSlotInfo
ConstTransitivePtr<CArtifactInstance> artifact;
ui8 locked; //if locked, then artifact points to the combined artifact
ArtSlotInfo() : locked(false) {}
const CArtifactInstance * getArt() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
h & artifact;
h & locked;
class DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactSet
using ArtPlacementMap = std::map<CArtifactInstance*, ArtifactPosition>;
std::vector<ArtSlotInfo> artifactsInBackpack; //hero's artifacts from bag
std::map<ArtifactPosition, ArtSlotInfo> artifactsWorn; //map<position,artifact_id>; positions: 0 - head; 1 - shoulders; 2 - neck; 3 - right hand; 4 - left hand; 5 - torso; 6 - right ring; 7 - left ring; 8 - feet; 9 - misc1; 10 - misc2; 11 - misc3; 12 - misc4; 13 - mach1; 14 - mach2; 15 - mach3; 16 - mach4; 17 - spellbook; 18 - misc5
std::vector<ArtSlotInfo> artifactsTransitionPos; // Used as transition position for dragAndDrop artifact exchange
void setNewArtSlot(const ArtifactPosition & slot, ConstTransitivePtr<CArtifactInstance> art, bool locked);
void eraseArtSlot(const ArtifactPosition & slot);
const ArtSlotInfo * getSlot(const ArtifactPosition & pos) const;
const CArtifactInstance * getArt(const ArtifactPosition & pos, bool excludeLocked = true) const; //nullptr - no artifact
CArtifactInstance * getArt(const ArtifactPosition & pos, bool excludeLocked = true); //nullptr - no artifact
/// Looks for equipped artifact with given ID and returns its slot ID or -1 if none
/// (if more than one such artifact lower ID is returned)
ArtifactPosition getArtPos(const ArtifactID & aid, bool onlyWorn = true, bool allowLocked = true) const;
ArtifactPosition getArtPos(const CArtifactInstance *art) const;
std::vector<ArtifactPosition> getAllArtPositions(const ArtifactID & aid, bool onlyWorn, bool allowLocked, bool getAll) const;
std::vector<ArtifactPosition> getBackpackArtPositions(const ArtifactID & aid) const;
const CArtifactInstance * getArtByInstanceId(const ArtifactInstanceID & artInstId) const;
const ArtifactPosition getSlotByInstance(const CArtifactInstance * artInst) const;
/// Search for constituents of assemblies in backpack which do not have an ArtifactPosition
const CArtifactInstance * getHiddenArt(const ArtifactID & aid) const;
const CArtifactInstance * getAssemblyByConstituent(const ArtifactID & aid) const;
/// Checks if hero possess artifact of given id (either in backack or worn)
bool hasArt(const ArtifactID & aid, bool onlyWorn = false, bool searchBackpackAssemblies = false, bool allowLocked = true) const;
bool hasArtBackpack(const ArtifactID & aid) const;
bool isPositionFree(const ArtifactPosition & pos, bool onlyLockCheck = false) const;
unsigned getArtPosCount(const ArtifactID & aid, bool onlyWorn = true, bool searchBackpackAssemblies = true, bool allowLocked = true) const;
virtual ArtBearer::ArtBearer bearerType() const = 0;
virtual ArtPlacementMap putArtifact(ArtifactPosition slot, CArtifactInstance * art);
virtual void removeArtifact(ArtifactPosition slot);
virtual ~CArtifactSet();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & artifactsInBackpack;
h & artifactsWorn;
void artDeserializationFix(CBonusSystemNode *node);
void serializeJsonArtifacts(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, const std::string & fieldName, CMap * map);
std::pair<const CArtifactInstance *, const CArtifactInstance *> searchForConstituent(const ArtifactID & aid) const;
void serializeJsonHero(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, CMap * map);
void serializeJsonCreature(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, CMap * map);
void serializeJsonCommander(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, CMap * map);
void serializeJsonSlot(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, const ArtifactPosition & slot, CMap * map);//normal slots
// Used to try on artifacts before the claimed changes have been applied
class DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactFittingSet : public CArtifactSet
CArtifactFittingSet(ArtBearer::ArtBearer Bearer);
ArtBearer::ArtBearer bearerType() const override;
ArtBearer::ArtBearer Bearer;