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Ivan Savenko 10fc1892a8 Large refactoring of button classes:
- renamed CAdventureMapButton to more expectable CButton
- merged CButtonBase into CButton
- created more generic class for clickable elements
- created more generic class for selectable elements
- renamed CHighlightableButton to CToggleButton
- renamed CHighlightableButtonsGrous to CToggleGroup
- minimized differences between API of all these classes
- removed all but one contructors in buttons, with same parameters across all classes
2014-08-03 14:16:19 +03:00

344 lines
9.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include "ObjectLists.h"
#include "../../lib/FunctionList.h"
class CArmedInstance;
class CShowableAnim;
class CGGarrison;
class CGObjectInstance;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CGTownInstance;
class CButton;
struct Component;
struct InfoAboutArmy;
struct InfoAboutHero;
struct InfoAboutTown;
* CAdventureMapClasses.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
/// Base UI Element for hero\town lists
class CList : public CIntObject
class CListItem : public CIntObject
CList * parent;
CIntObject * selection;
CListItem(CList * parent);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover(bool on);
void onSelect(bool on);
/// create object with selection rectangle
virtual CIntObject * genSelection()=0;
/// reaction on item selection (e.g. enable selection border)
/// NOTE: item may be deleted in selected state
virtual void select(bool on)=0;
/// open item (town or hero screen)
virtual void open()=0;
/// show right-click tooltip
virtual void showTooltip()=0;
/// get hover text for status bar
virtual std::string getHoverText()=0;
CListBox * list;
const size_t size;
* @brief CList - protected constructor
* @param size - maximal amount of visible at once items
* @param position - cordinates
* @param btnUp - path to image to use as top button
* @param btnDown - path to image to use as bottom button
* @param listAmount - amount of items in the list
* @param helpUp - index in zelp.txt for button help tooltip
* @param helpDown - index in zelp.txt for button help tooltip
* @param create - function for creating items in listbox
* @param destroy - function for deleting items in listbox
CList(int size, Point position, std::string btnUp, std::string btnDown, size_t listAmount, int helpUp, int helpDown,
CListBox::CreateFunc create, CListBox::DestroyFunc destroy = CListBox::DestroyFunc());
//for selection\deselection
CListItem *selected;
void select(CListItem * which);
friend class CListItem;
/// should be called when list is invalidated
void update();
CButton * scrollUp;
CButton * scrollDown;
/// functions that will be called when selection changes
CFunctionList<void()> onSelect;
/// return index of currently selected element
int getSelectedIndex();
/// set of methods to switch selection
void selectIndex(int which);
void selectNext();
void selectPrev();
/// List of heroes which is shown at the right of the adventure map screen
class CHeroList : public CList
/// Empty hero item used as placeholder for unused entries in list
class CEmptyHeroItem : public CIntObject
class CHeroItem : public CListItem
CAnimImage * movement;
CAnimImage * mana;
CAnimImage * portrait;
const CGHeroInstance * const hero;
CHeroItem(CHeroList *parent, const CGHeroInstance * hero);
CIntObject * genSelection();
void update();
void select(bool on);
void open();
void showTooltip();
std::string getHoverText();
CIntObject * createHeroItem(size_t index);
* @brief CHeroList
* @param size, position, btnUp, btnDown @see CList::CList
CHeroList(int size, Point position, std::string btnUp, std::string btnDown);
/// Select specific hero and scroll if needed
void select(const CGHeroInstance * hero = nullptr);
/// Update hero. Will add or remove it from the list if needed
void update(const CGHeroInstance * hero = nullptr);
/// List of towns which is shown at the right of the adventure map screen or in the town screen
class CTownList : public CList
class CTownItem : public CListItem
CAnimImage * picture;
const CGTownInstance * const town;
CTownItem(CTownList *parent, const CGTownInstance * town);
CIntObject * genSelection();
void update();
void select(bool on);
void open();
void showTooltip();
std::string getHoverText();
CIntObject * createTownItem(size_t index);
* @brief CTownList
* @param size, position, btnUp, btnDown @see CList::CList
CTownList(int size, Point position, std::string btnUp, std::string btnDown);
/// Select specific town and scroll if needed
void select(const CGTownInstance * town = nullptr);
/// Update town. Will add or remove it from the list if needed
void update(const CGTownInstance * town = nullptr);
class CMinimap;
class CMinimapInstance : public CIntObject
CMinimap *parent;
SDL_Surface * minimap;
int level;
//get color of selected tile on minimap
const SDL_Color & getTileColor(const int3 & pos);
void blitTileWithColor(const SDL_Color & color, const int3 & pos, SDL_Surface *to, int x, int y);
//draw minimap already scaled.
//result is not antialiased. Will result in "missing" pixels on huge maps (>144)
void drawScaled(int level);
CMinimapInstance(CMinimap * parent, int level);
void showAll(SDL_Surface *to);
void tileToPixels (const int3 &tile, int &x, int &y,int toX = 0, int toY = 0);
void refreshTile(const int3 &pos);
/// Minimap which is displayed at the right upper corner of adventure map
class CMinimap : public CIntObject
CPicture *aiShield; //the graphic displayed during AI turn
CMinimapInstance * minimap;
int level;
//to initialize colors
std::map<int, std::pair<SDL_Color, SDL_Color> > loadColors(std::string from);
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover (bool on);
void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent);
void moveAdvMapSelection();
// terrainID -> (normal color, blocked color)
const std::map<int, std::pair<SDL_Color, SDL_Color> > colors;
CMinimap(const Rect & position);
//should be called to invalidate whole map - different player or level
int3 translateMousePosition();
void update();
void setLevel(int level);
void setAIRadar(bool on);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void hideTile(const int3 &pos); //puts FoW
void showTile(const int3 &pos); //removes FoW
/// Info box which shows next week/day information, hold the current date
class CInfoBar : public CIntObject
//all visible information located in one object - for ease of replacing
class CVisibleInfo : public CIntObject
//list of objects that must be redrawed on each frame on a top of animation
std::list<CIntObject *> forceRefresh;
//the only part of gui we need to know about for updating - AI progress
CAnimImage *aiProgress;
std::string getNewDayName();
void playNewDaySound();
CVisibleInfo(Point position);
void show(SDL_Surface *to);
//functions that must be called only once
void loadHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero);
void loadTown(const CGTownInstance * town);
void loadDay();
void loadEnemyTurn(PlayerColor player);
void loadGameStatus();
void loadComponent(const Component &comp, std::string message);
//can be called multiple times
void updateEnemyTurn(double progress);
enum EState
CVisibleInfo * visibleInfo;
EState state;
//currently displayed object. May be null if state is not hero or town
const CGObjectInstance * currentObject;
//removes all information about current state, deactivates timer (if any)
void reset(EState newState);
void tick();
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void hover(bool on);
CInfoBar(const Rect & pos);
/// show new day/week animation
void showDate();
/// show component for 3 seconds. Used to display picked up resources
void showComponent(const Component & comp, std::string message);
/// print enemy turn progress
void startEnemyTurn(PlayerColor color);
/// updates enemy turn.
/// NOTE: currently DISABLED. Check comments in CInfoBar::CVisibleInfo::loadEnemyTurn()
void updateEnemyTurn(double progress);
/// reset to default view - selected object
void showSelection();
/// show hero\town information
void showHeroSelection(const CGHeroInstance * hero);
void showTownSelection(const CGTownInstance * town);
/// for 3 seconds shows amount of town halls and players status
void showGameStatus();
class CInGameConsole : public CIntObject
std::list< std::pair< std::string, int > > texts; //list<text to show, time of add>
boost::mutex texts_mx; // protects texts
std::vector< std::string > previouslyEntered; //previously entered texts, for up/down arrows to work
int prevEntDisp; //displayed entry from previouslyEntered - if none it's -1
int defaultTimeout; //timeout for new texts (in ms)
int maxDisplayedTexts; //hiw many texts can be displayed simultaneously
std::string enteredText;
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void print(const std::string &txt);
void keyPressed (const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in
#ifndef VCMI_SDL1
void textInputed(const SDL_TextInputEvent & event) override;
void textEdited(const SDL_TextEditingEvent & event) override;
#endif // VCMI_SDL1
void startEnteringText();
void endEnteringText(bool printEnteredText);
void refreshEnteredText();
CInGameConsole(); //c-tor