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* CRmgTemplateZone.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../GameConstants.h"
#include "CMapGenerator.h"
#include "float3.h"
#include "../int3.h"
#include "../ResourceSet.h" //for TResource (?)
#include "../mapObjects/ObjectTemplate.h"
class CMapGenerator;
class CTileInfo;
class int3;
class CGObjectInstance;
class ObjectTemplate;
class CRmgTemplateZoneConnection;
namespace ETemplateZoneType
enum ETemplateZoneType
namespace EObjectPlacingResult
enum EObjectPlacingResult
class DLL_LINKAGE CTileInfo
float getNearestObjectDistance() const;
void setNearestObjectDistance(float value);
bool isBlocked() const;
bool shouldBeBlocked() const;
bool isPossible() const;
bool isFree() const;
bool isUsed() const;
bool isRoad() const;
void setOccupied(ETileType::ETileType value);
ETerrainType getTerrainType() const;
ETileType::ETileType getTileType() const;
void setTerrainType(ETerrainType value);
void setRoadType(ERoadType::ERoadType value);
float nearestObjectDistance;
ETileType::ETileType occupied;
ETerrainType terrain;
ERoadType::ERoadType roadType;
class DLL_LINKAGE CTreasureInfo
ui32 min;
ui32 max;
ui16 density;
struct DLL_LINKAGE ObjectInfo
ObjectTemplate templ;
ui32 value;
ui16 probability;
ui32 maxPerZone;
ui32 maxPerMap;
std::function<CGObjectInstance *()> generateObject;
void setTemplate (si32 type, si32 subtype, ETerrainType terrain);
bool operator==(const ObjectInfo& oi) const { return (templ == oi.templ); }
struct DLL_LINKAGE CTreasurePileInfo
std::set<int3> visitableFromBottomPositions; //can be visited only from bottom or side
std::set<int3> visitableFromTopPositions; //they can be visited from any direction
std::set<int3> blockedPositions;
std::set<int3> occupiedPositions; //blocked + visitable
int3 nextTreasurePos;
/// The CRmgTemplateZone describes a zone in a template.
class DLL_LINKAGE CRmgTemplateZone
class DLL_LINKAGE CTownInfo
int getTownCount() const; /// Default: 0
void setTownCount(int value);
int getCastleCount() const; /// Default: 0
void setCastleCount(int value);
int getTownDensity() const; /// Default: 0
void setTownDensity(int value);
int getCastleDensity() const; /// Default: 0
void setCastleDensity(int value);
int townCount, castleCount, townDensity, castleDensity;
TRmgTemplateZoneId getId() const; /// Default: 0
void setId(TRmgTemplateZoneId value);
ETemplateZoneType::ETemplateZoneType getType() const; /// Default: ETemplateZoneType::PLAYER_START
void setType(ETemplateZoneType::ETemplateZoneType value);
int getSize() const; /// Default: 1
void setSize(int value);
boost::optional<int> getOwner() const;
void setOwner(boost::optional<int> value);
const CTownInfo & getPlayerTowns() const;
void setPlayerTowns(const CTownInfo & value);
const CTownInfo & getNeutralTowns() const;
void setNeutralTowns(const CTownInfo & value);
bool getTownsAreSameType() const; /// Default: false
void setTownsAreSameType(bool value);
const std::set<TFaction> & getTownTypes() const; /// Default: all
void setTownTypes(const std::set<TFaction> & value);
void setMonsterTypes(const std::set<TFaction> & value);
std::set<TFaction> getDefaultTownTypes() const;
bool getMatchTerrainToTown() const; /// Default: true
void setMatchTerrainToTown(bool value);
const std::set<ETerrainType> & getTerrainTypes() const; /// Default: all
void setTerrainTypes(const std::set<ETerrainType> & value);
std::set<ETerrainType> getDefaultTerrainTypes() const;
void setMinesAmount (TResource res, ui16 amount);
std::map<TResource, ui16> getMinesInfo() const;
void setMonsterStrength (EMonsterStrength::EMonsterStrength val);
float3 getCenter() const;
void setCenter(const float3 &f);
int3 getPos() const;
void setPos(const int3 &pos);
bool isAccessibleFromAnywhere(CMapGenerator* gen, ObjectTemplate &appearance, int3 &tile) const;
int3 getAccessibleOffset(CMapGenerator* gen, ObjectTemplate &appearance, int3 &tile) const;
void addTile (const int3 &pos);
void initFreeTiles (CMapGenerator* gen);
std::set<int3> getTileInfo() const;
std::set<int3> getPossibleTiles() const;
void discardDistantTiles (CMapGenerator* gen, float distance);
void clearTiles();
void addRequiredObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, si32 guardStrength=0);
void addCloseObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, si32 guardStrength = 0);
void addToConnectLater(const int3& src);
bool addMonster(CMapGenerator* gen, int3 &pos, si32 strength, bool clearSurroundingTiles = true, bool zoneGuard = false);
bool createTreasurePile(CMapGenerator* gen, int3 &pos, float minDistance, const CTreasureInfo& treasureInfo);
bool fill (CMapGenerator* gen);
bool placeMines (CMapGenerator* gen);
void initTownType (CMapGenerator* gen);
void paintZoneTerrain (CMapGenerator* gen, ETerrainType terrainType);
void randomizeTownType(CMapGenerator* gen); //helper function
void initTerrainType (CMapGenerator* gen);
void createBorder(CMapGenerator* gen);
void fractalize(CMapGenerator* gen);
void connectLater(CMapGenerator* gen);
EObjectPlacingResult::EObjectPlacingResult tryToPlaceObjectAndConnectToPath(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance *obj, int3 &pos); //return true if the position cna be connected
bool createRequiredObjects(CMapGenerator* gen);
void createTreasures(CMapGenerator* gen);
void createObstacles1(CMapGenerator* gen);
void createObstacles2(CMapGenerator* gen);
bool crunchPath(CMapGenerator* gen, const int3 &src, const int3 &dst, bool onlyStraight, std::set<int3>* clearedTiles = nullptr);
bool connectPath(CMapGenerator* gen, const int3& src, bool onlyStraight);
bool connectWithCenter(CMapGenerator* gen, const int3& src, bool onlyStraight);
std::vector<int3> getAccessibleOffsets (CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object);
bool areAllTilesAvailable(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* obj, int3& tile, std::set<int3>& tilesBlockedByObject) const;
void addConnection(TRmgTemplateZoneId otherZone);
void setQuestArtZone(CRmgTemplateZone * otherZone);
std::vector<TRmgTemplateZoneId> getConnections() const;
void addTreasureInfo(CTreasureInfo & info);
std::vector<CTreasureInfo> getTreasureInfo();
std::set<int3>* getFreePaths();
ObjectInfo getRandomObject (CMapGenerator* gen, CTreasurePileInfo &info, ui32 desiredValue, ui32 maxValue, ui32 currentValue);
void placeSubterraneanGate(CMapGenerator* gen, int3 pos, si32 guardStrength);
void placeObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, const int3 &pos, bool updateDistance = true);
bool guardObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, si32 str, bool zoneGuard = false, bool addToFreePaths = false);
void placeAndGuardObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, const int3 &pos, si32 str, bool zoneGuard = false);
void addRoadNode(const int3 & node);
void connectRoads(CMapGenerator * gen); //fills "roads" according to "roadNodes"
//template info
TRmgTemplateZoneId id;
ETemplateZoneType::ETemplateZoneType type;
int size;
boost::optional<int> owner;
CTownInfo playerTowns, neutralTowns;
bool townsAreSameType;
std::set<TFaction> townTypes;
std::set<TFaction> monsterTypes;
bool matchTerrainToTown;
std::set<ETerrainType> terrainTypes;
std::map<TResource, ui16> mines; //obligatory mines to spawn in this zone
si32 townType;
ETerrainType terrainType;
CRmgTemplateZone * questArtZone; //artifacts required for Seer Huts will be placed here - or not if null
EMonsterStrength::EMonsterStrength zoneMonsterStrength;
std::vector<CTreasureInfo> treasureInfo;
std::vector<ObjectInfo> possibleObjects;
int minGuardedValue;
//content info
std::vector<std::pair<CGObjectInstance*, ui32>> requiredObjects;
std::vector<std::pair<CGObjectInstance*, ui32>> closeObjects;
std::vector<CGObjectInstance*> objects;
//placement info
int3 pos;
float3 center;
std::set<int3> tileinfo; //irregular area assined to zone
std::set<int3> possibleTiles; //optimization purposes for treasure generation
std::vector<TRmgTemplateZoneId> connections; //list of adjacent zones
std::set<int3> freePaths; //core paths of free tiles that all other objects will be linked to
std::set<int3> roadNodes; //tiles to be connected with roads
std::set<int3> roads; //all tiles with roads
std::set<int3> tilesToConnectLater; //will be connected after paths are fractalized
bool createRoad(CMapGenerator* gen, const int3 &src, const int3 &dst);
void drawRoads(CMapGenerator * gen); //actually updates tiles
bool pointIsIn(int x, int y);
void addAllPossibleObjects (CMapGenerator* gen); //add objects, including zone-specific, to possibleObjects
bool findPlaceForObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* obj, si32 min_dist, int3 &pos);
bool findPlaceForTreasurePile(CMapGenerator* gen, float min_dist, int3 &pos, int value);
bool canObstacleBePlacedHere(CMapGenerator* gen, ObjectTemplate &temp, int3 &pos);
void setTemplateForObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* obj);
void checkAndPlaceObject(CMapGenerator* gen, CGObjectInstance* object, const int3 &pos);