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* CCastleInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../windows/CWindowObject.h"
#include "../widgets/Images.h"
class CBuilding;
class CGTownInstance;
class CSpell;
struct CStructure;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CCreature;
class CButton;
class CCastleBuildings;
class CCreaturePic;
class CGStatusBar;
class CLabel;
class CMinorResDataBar;
class CPicture;
class CResDataBar;
class CTextBox;
class CTownList;
class CGarrisonInt;
class CComponent;
class CComponentBox;
/// Building "button"
class CBuildingRect : public CShowableAnim
std::string getSubtitle();
enum EBuildingCreationAnimationPhases : uint32_t
BUILDING_APPEAR_TIMEPOINT = 500, //500 msec building appears: 0->100% transparency
BUILDING_WHITE_BORDER_TIMEPOINT = 900, //400 msec border glows from white to yellow
BUILDING_YELLOW_BORDER_TIMEPOINT = 1100, //200 msec border glows from yellow to normal (dark orange)
BUILD_ANIMATION_FINISHED_TIMEPOINT = 2100, // 1000msec once border is back to yellow nothing happens (this stage is basically removed by HD Mod)
BUILDING_FRAME_TIME = 150 // confirmed H3 timing: 150 ms for each building animation frame
/// returns building associated with this structure
const CBuilding * getBuilding();
CCastleBuildings * parent;
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CStructure* str;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> border;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> area;
ui32 stateTimeCounter;//For building construction - current stage in animation
CBuildingRect(CCastleBuildings * Par, const CGTownInstance *Town, const CStructure *Str);
bool operator<(const CBuildingRect & p2) const;
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void mouseMoved (const Point & cursorPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) override;
bool receiveEvent(const Point & position, int eventType) const override;
void tick(uint32_t msPassed) override;
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void showAll(Canvas & to) override;
/// Dwelling info box - right-click screen for dwellings
class CDwellingInfoBox : public CWindowObject
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CCreaturePic> animation;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> available;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> costPerTroop;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> resPicture;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> resAmount;
CDwellingInfoBox(int centerX, int centerY, const CGTownInstance * Town, int level);
class HeroSlots;
/// Hero icon slot
class CHeroGSlot : public CIntObject
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> portrait;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> flag;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> selection; //selection border. nullptr if not selected
HeroSlots * owner;
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
int upg; //0 - up garrison, 1 - down garrison
CHeroGSlot(int x, int y, int updown, const CGHeroInstance *h, HeroSlots * Owner);
bool isSelected() const;
void setHighlight(bool on);
void set(const CGHeroInstance * newHero);
void hover (bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void deactivate() override;
/// Two hero slots that can interact with each other
class HeroSlots : public CIntObject
bool showEmpty;
const CGTownInstance * town;
std::shared_ptr<CGarrisonInt> garr;
std::shared_ptr<CHeroGSlot> garrisonedHero;
std::shared_ptr<CHeroGSlot> visitingHero;
HeroSlots(const CGTownInstance * town, Point garrPos, Point visitPos, std::shared_ptr<CGarrisonInt> Garrison, bool ShowEmpty);
void splitClicked(); //for hero meeting only (splitting stacks is handled by garrison int)
void update();
void swapArmies(); //exchange garrisoned and visiting heroes or move hero to\from garrison
/// Class for town screen management (town background and structures)
class CCastleBuildings : public CIntObject
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
//List of buildings and structures that can represent them
std::map<BuildingID, std::vector<const CStructure *> > groups;
// actual IntObject's visible on screen
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CBuildingRect>> buildings;
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CGHeroInstance* getHero();//Select hero for buildings usage
void enterBlacksmith(ArtifactID artifactID);//support for blacksmith + ballista yard
void enterBuilding(BuildingID building);//for buildings with simple description + pic left-click messages
void enterCastleGate();
void enterFountain(const BuildingID & building, BuildingSubID::EBuildingSubID subID, BuildingID::EBuildingID upgrades);//Rampart's fountains
void enterMagesGuild();
void enterTownHall();
void openMagesGuild();
void openTownHall();
void recreate();
CBuildingRect * selectedBuilding;
CCastleBuildings(const CGTownInstance * town);
void enterDwelling(int level);
void enterToTheQuickRecruitmentWindow();
void buildingClicked(BuildingID building, BuildingSubID::EBuildingSubID subID = BuildingSubID::NONE, BuildingID::EBuildingID upgrades = BuildingID::NONE);
void addBuilding(BuildingID building);
void removeBuilding(BuildingID building);//FIXME: not tested!!!
/// Creature info window
class CCreaInfo : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CCreature * creature;
int level;
bool showAvailable;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> picture;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> label;
std::string genGrowthText();
CCreaInfo(Point position, const CGTownInstance * Town, int Level, bool compact=false, bool _showAvailable=false);
void update();
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
bool getShowAvailable();
/// Town hall and fort icons for town screen
class CTownInfo : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CBuilding * building;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> picture;
//if (townHall) hall-capital else fort - castle
CTownInfo(int posX, int posY, const CGTownInstance * town, bool townHall);
void hover(bool on) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
/// Class which manages the castle window
class CCastleInterface : public CStatusbarWindow, public IGarrisonHolder
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> income;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> panel;
std::shared_ptr<CResDataBar> resdatabar;
std::shared_ptr<CTownInfo> hall;
std::shared_ptr<CTownInfo> fort;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> split;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> fastArmyPurchase;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CCreaInfo>> creainfo;//small icons of creatures (bottom-left corner);
std::shared_ptr<CTownList> townlist;
//TODO: move to private
const CGTownInstance * town;
std::shared_ptr<HeroSlots> heroes;
std::shared_ptr<CCastleBuildings> builds;
std::shared_ptr<CGarrisonInt> garr;
//from - previously selected castle (if any)
CCastleInterface(const CGTownInstance * Town, const CGTownInstance * from = nullptr);
virtual void updateGarrisons() override;
void castleTeleport(int where);
void townChange();
void keyPressed(EShortcut key) override;
void close();
void addBuilding(BuildingID bid);
void removeBuilding(BuildingID bid);
void recreateIcons();
void creaturesChangedEventHandler();
/// Hall window where you can build things
class CHallInterface : public CStatusbarWindow
class CBuildingBox : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CBuilding * building;
ui32 state;//Buildings::EBuildStructure enum
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> header;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> mark;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> name;
CBuildingBox(int x, int y, const CGTownInstance * Town, const CBuilding * Building);
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
const CGTownInstance * town;
std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CBuildingBox>>> boxes;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CMinorResDataBar> resdatabar;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
CHallInterface(const CGTownInstance * Town);
/// Window where you can decide to buy a building or not
class CBuildWindow: public CStatusbarWindow
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CBuilding * building;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> name;
std::shared_ptr<CTextBox> description;
std::shared_ptr<CTextBox> stateText;
std::shared_ptr<CComponentBox> cost;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> buy;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> cancel;
std::string getTextForState(int state);
void buyFunc();
CBuildWindow(const CGTownInstance *Town, const CBuilding * building, int State, bool rightClick);
//Small class to display
class LabeledValue : public CIntObject
std::string hoverText;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> name;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> value;
void init(std::string name, std::string descr, int min, int max);
LabeledValue(Rect size, std::string name, std::string descr, int min, int max);
LabeledValue(Rect size, std::string name, std::string descr, int val);
void hover(bool on) override;
/// The fort screen where you can afford units
class CFortScreen : public CStatusbarWindow
class RecruitArea : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
int level;
std::string hoverText;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> availableCount;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LabeledValue>> values;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> icons;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> buildingIcon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> buildingName;
const CCreature * getMyCreature();
const CBuilding * getMyBuilding();
RecruitArea(int posX, int posY, const CGTownInstance *town, int level);
void creaturesChangedEventHandler();
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecruitArea>> recAreas;
std::shared_ptr<CMinorResDataBar> resdatabar;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
std::string getBgName(const CGTownInstance * town);
CFortScreen(const CGTownInstance * town);
void creaturesChangedEventHandler();
/// The mage guild screen where you can see which spells you have
class CMageGuildScreen : public CStatusbarWindow
class Scroll : public CIntObject
const CSpell * spell;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> image;
Scroll(Point position, const CSpell *Spell);
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void hover(bool on) override;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> window;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Scroll>> spells;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> emptyScrolls;
std::shared_ptr<CMinorResDataBar> resdatabar;
CMageGuildScreen(CCastleInterface * owner,std::string image);
/// The blacksmith window where you can buy available in town war machine
class CBlacksmithDialog : public CStatusbarWindow
std::shared_ptr<CButton> buy;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> cancel;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> animBG;
std::shared_ptr<CCreatureAnim> anim;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> costIcon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> costText;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> costValue;
CBlacksmithDialog(bool possible, CreatureID creMachineID, ArtifactID aid, ObjectInstanceID hid);